[15:26:20] Channel is now logged [15:26:27] Thanks wm-bot4 :) [15:26:28] Hey halfak, you are welcome! [15:26:50] halfak - Yes, I do. I think Jake and Siko think we are much more likely to have a favorable grant if we continue to allow mentors to choose their own approach. [15:27:28] Gotcha. So we're creating the school, not the classrooms? [15:27:58] halfak - Yes, I think that is a very apt way to put it! [15:29:01] Cool. OK. So, we're going to want to measure engagement with current mentors too since we'll need them to fill up course material. [15:29:25] How are we going to convince/invite/encourage them to work within our mini-lesson with no assessment format? [15:29:39] * halfak is all questions.  [15:29:41] Sorry :\ [15:30:50] Guys, do you mind if I spam this channel with all conversation that has happened so far, just so they're loggged? (It'll take just a min) [15:31:35] Fine with ,e [15:31:44] *me [15:32:07] Actually, tos [15:32:09] wait [15:32:14] just drop it on a wiki page. [15:32:23] No sense making a mess here. [15:32:32] It would be confusing for someone looking at the logs anyway. [15:33:03] halfak, I wanted to make sure all logs are at the same location. [15:33:16] I_Jethrobot, What do you think? [15:33:19] Hmmm... Where does wm-bot put 'em [15:33:21] ? [15:33:21] halfak - I have to leave shortly, but hang on... [15:33:29] * tos points to topic [15:34:07] tos, let's at least wait until conversation lulls [15:34:19] Alright. [15:34:58] halfak - Let me clarify-- it's probably fine if some mentors want to issue tests to their mentees. I think what Jake and Siko were concerned about... [15:35:57] ...is having the proposal about making a standard test for countless skills and forcing all mentors to use those tests as a way to assess skill proficiency. [15:36:35] Sounds reasonable. [15:36:35] I think we tend to trust a lot of mentors and their approach, even though their exact pedagogy differs. [15:36:46] And I think that's something we want to carry into this model of mentorship as well. [15:37:18] I_Jethrobot, Just a point- almost all mentors use some test format or the other. So I guess its reasonable to assume they all would have tests, if not a standard test [15:37:19] But I think giving mentors options is a great idea, and looking at modules from successful adopter programs is going to be really important there. [15:38:29] Thanks for helping me get a sense I_Jethrobot. For right now, I'll steer clear of the "The Solution" section. I'll ping Jake to see if he'll come in to hack on it with me. [15:38:48] I think I have an ideas though, so I'll post them on the talk page if I can't get ahold of Jake. [15:39:18] tos, this is an interesting point. [15:39:32] halfak - OK. [15:39:36] Why do you think that all mentors have tests? [15:39:47] I_Jethrobot, I'll have the measurement plan done for use by EOD. [15:40:14] halfak - Excellent. Thanks for your time. : ) [15:40:18] halfak, Because it's necessary to have some way to make sure the mentees understand the topic? [15:40:53] tos, I'm with you. Trying to wrap my head around it so that we can write about it. [15:41:18] halfak, No problem with that. [15:41:41] So, the goal of assessment: (1) figure out where mentees need more mentorship, (2) identify people who just want hats, but aren't learning the material. [15:41:44] Anything else? [15:43:44] halfak - Hm... [15:44:45] halfak - Related to #1, assessment can be used to see whether mentors are doing their job. : ) [15:45:01] I_Jethrobot, I disagree [15:45:06] Gotcha. So we might have some "standardized tests" [15:45:14] halfak, I think it's mostly 1. But I doubt there is anything more. (Personally, I think 2 is equivalent to 1) [15:45:52] (Even if a "hat-collector" doesnt learn the material, it eventually means they need more mentorship) [15:45:55] halfak - No, not necessarily, but obviously mentors need to be teaching and the result ought to be whether there is evidence the learner can do the skill. [15:46:12] Anyway, I actually have to get going. [15:46:20] No worries. Thanks I_Jethrobot. [15:46:24] Talk to you later :) [15:46:38] This question of standardization is going to come up again, but I do not think we can fully resolve it for the purposes of the proposal, and that's OK. [15:47:10] I agree. [15:47:13] I don't think we need to spell it out for the grant committee, but we will have to have a more full discussion of it with more of us here. [15:47:34] +1 [15:47:46] Anyway, thanks for the input Soni and Aaron. : ) [15:48:07] I_Jethrobot, If we're assessing mentors, it cannot be on the basis of the tests themselves. I personally like how Go Phigstins had trainee mentors, similar to how WP:SPI has clerks and "trainee clerks" [15:48:35] :P tos [15:48:41] He said he was leaving. [15:48:48] But i appreciate your comment. [15:48:52] tos - (the tests might just be one factor of many) [15:48:53] Trainee mentors. [15:48:54] Hmmm [15:48:56] halfak, I was typing so I just had to complete :) [15:49:02] tos - (but I am really going now. :P ) [15:49:03] gotcha [15:49:59] And I officially declare this particular conversation closed. For the purpose of logging, I'll copy paste all the conversation that has happened before wm-bot joined [15:50:10] ------------START PASTE-------------- [15:50:27] [18:01:16] * Now talking on #wpmentorship [15:50:27] [18:01:35] Hey I_Jethrobot, mind logging this channel? [15:50:27] [18:01:56] That way anyone who's not online now can catch up with whatever discussion happened [15:50:27] [20:01:24] tos - OK, I'm logging it. [15:50:27] [20:01:26] Thanks. [15:50:28] [20:01:53] I_Jethrobot, You're logging it through a bot? [15:50:30] [20:02:08] (Please ping me while replying) [15:50:31] [20:03:44] tos - Ah, I actually don't know how to do it through a bot. I've created a log to a local file on my computer. [15:50:34] [20:03:56] tos - Do you know how to do it? I don't have a lot of experience working with IRC. [15:50:37] [20:04:45] I_Jethrobot, I'll get someone to implement it :) [15:50:39] [20:04:55] tos - Thanks, I appreciate it. [15:50:43] [20:05:25] By the way, I thought typing out someone's username pings them. Am I missing something? [15:50:46] [20:05:46] I_Jethrobot, It does. What IRC Client are you using [15:50:48] [20:06:12] ChatZilla. [15:50:50] [20:06:18] I_Jethrobot, I know a couple coders who can get it done. Mostly I wanted some logs to be online so everyone who visits the channel can see the logs, even if you are not online [15:50:53] [20:06:47] I_Jethrobot, I don't have experience with chatzilla but I am using hexchat and I get pings every time you say "tos" [15:50:56] [20:07:12] I_Jethrobot, Maybe you could change the settings for alerts to see if you should be getting pings and you arent [15:50:59] [20:07:53] tos - Oh, it's no problem for me. I'm getting pinged in the same way. [15:51:01] [20:08:07] tos - And yes, I agree that it'd be better for the logs to be online. [15:51:03] [20:08:27] tos - Thanks for checking into that! [15:51:05] [20:09:12] I_Jethrobot, Right. With luck, we'll have a bot on this channel tonight itself :) [15:51:07] [20:14:15] * I_Jethrobot is now known as I_Jethrobot|away [15:51:09] [20:31:03] * halfak (~halfak@wikipedia/EpochFail) has joined [15:51:13] [20:06:18] I_Jethrobot, I know a couple coders who can get it done. Mostly I wanted some logs to be online so everyone who visits the channel can see the logs, even if you are not online [15:51:16] [20:06:47] I_Jethrobot, I don't have experience with chatzilla but I am using hexchat and I get pings every time you say "tos" [15:51:19] [20:07:12] I_Jethrobot, Maybe you could change the settings for alerts to see if you should be getting pings and you arent [15:51:22] [20:07:53] tos - Oh, it's no problem for me. I'm getting pinged in the same way. [15:51:24] [20:08:07] tos - And yes, I agree that it'd be better for the logs to be online. [15:51:26] [20:08:27] tos - Thanks for checking into that! [15:51:30] [20:09:12] I_Jethrobot, Right. With luck, we'll have a bot on this channel tonight itself :) [15:51:32] [20:14:15] * I_Jethrobot is now known as I_Jethrobot|away [15:51:35] [20:31:03] * halfak (~halfak@wikipedia/EpochFail) has joined [15:51:39] [20:31:09] hi-o [15:51:40] [20:31:26] :( no changes to "The Solution" [15:51:45] [20:31:39] * halfak is considering being bold [15:51:47] [20:32:02] I think I'd change too much though. I need some buy-in. [15:51:49] [20:32:11] I_Jethrobot|away, any chance you're not really away? [15:51:51] [20:32:20] halfak, I started off with addding the list of locations because that was the simple part [15:51:54] [20:32:23] * I_Jethrobot|away is now known as I_Jethrobot [15:51:56] [20:32:31] Hey I_Jethrobot [15:51:58] [20:32:32] halfak - here here. [15:52:00] [20:32:36] :) [15:52:01] [20:32:46] halfak - What did you have in mind? [15:52:04] [20:33:00] So, there's a point that I think I might have failed to make during the meeting yesterday. Soni helped me see that I didn't communicate so well. [15:52:07] [20:33:35] So the difference between know what exactly we're going to do and having a strategy for identifying and designing a good thing to do... [15:52:10] [20:33:46] Yes, I recall that point. [15:52:14] [20:34:08] So, I need to have a better sense for the structure of our project to make useful edits in that section. [15:52:17] [20:34:23] re. knowing what we are doing vs. having a strategy to identify a thing to do. [15:52:18] [20:36:07] Sure. Well, can I ask if there are any questions that come immediately to mind that would help clarify the structure? [15:52:22] [20:37:24] Yes. Do we already have a plan spec'd out for exactly what we are going to put together. E.g. are we designing a program that will still feature long-term mentor/mentee relationships? [15:52:24] [20:37:46] Or is that something that's still up for debate or needing design? [15:52:27] [20:38:56] I think the goal is to make those relationships more lightweight, because the thought is that many users, mentor or mentee, cannot commit to the long-term. [15:52:30] [20:39:29] +1. Do we know how we'll make them lightweight? [15:52:32] [20:40:09] e.g. We'll design lessons using GuidedTour on order to minimize the amount of investment necessary in order for a potential mentee to get involved in the program. [15:52:34] [20:41:38] I think the beauty is that editors who want want help learning a specific task may only require teaching of one or a handful of skills. [15:52:38] [20:42:16] And so the brevity is defined by what the learner wants to do. [15:52:40] [20:42:55] As for how we implement lesson design, I think that's something up for debate. [15:52:44] [20:43:24] Gotcha. I have a micro-proposal. [15:52:47] [20:43:45] 18<halfak> The reason we are trying to scale back lessons and make them more bite size is so that more newcomers will take them. [15:52:50] [20:44:16] 18<I_Jethrobot> (Jake brought up implementing a resources center for mentors to use, if you remember, for which the GuidedTour may be helpful.) [15:52:53] [20:44:16] 18<halfak> So, one of the variables we'll try to optimize is the proportion of eligible new editors who start/complete a lesson. [15:52:56] [20:46:35] 18<halfak> Do we have an example micro-lesson somewhere that I could reference? [15:52:58] [20:46:48] 18<I_Jethrobot> Yeah, I agree that minimizing attrition from our lessons will be helpful. [15:53:01] [20:47:07] 19<I_Jethrobot> tos can probably point you in the right direction there. [15:53:03] [20:47:57] 18<I_Jethrobot> But let me see if I can dig up something from Steve's adoption work... [15:53:06] [20:48:41] 20* tos 30points to Jackson_Peebles' adoption program [15:53:08] [20:48:58] 20<tos>30 Of all programs I saw, it looked the most effective in terms of completion [15:53:11] [20:49:14] 18<halfak> Can you show me a lesson that you like? [15:53:17] [20:49:16] 19<halfak> tos: ^  [15:53:19] [20:49:26] 20<tos>30 (Just based on how much I remember though) [15:53:21] [20:50:17] 20<tos>30 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jackson_Peebles/Adoption His programme [15:53:24] [20:50:33] 19<I_Jethrobot> tos- Thanks. [15:53:26] [20:50:53] 18<I_Jethrobot> For what it's worth, this module from Steve on markup seems fairly accessible as well: [15:53:29] [20:51:01] 18<I_Jethrobot> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Steven_Zhang/Adoption/Wikimarkup [15:53:31] [20:51:38] 20<tos>30 Hmm, I really need to see Steve's program. It looks good :) [15:53:33] [20:52:12] 20<tos>30 halfak, ^^ [15:53:35] [20:52:27] 18<halfak> I_Jethrobot, do we know if we want to have the assignment/assessment pattern? [15:53:38] [20:52:48] 20<tos>30 What exactly is that pattern? [15:53:40] [20:53:31] 18<I_Jethrobot> halfak - I got the sense from Jake and Siko that we really should avoid rudimentary "tests" as a part of mentoring. [15:53:45] [20:53:49] 18<I_Jethrobot> halfak - In fact, Jake told me we should avoid using the word "tests" altogether in the proposal. [15:53:48] [20:55:29] 18<halfak> Gotcha. Seems like I might want to push Jake/Siko about some of this stuff. [15:53:51] [20:55:32] 18<I_Jethrobot> Let me clarify that though, what I gathered is that should avoid requiring all mentors to give a specific test for a specific skill. [15:53:53] [20:55:33] 23* wm-bot4 (~wm-bot@wikimedia/bot/wm-bot) has joined [15:53:55] [20:55:42] 19<I_Jethrobot> tos -Hooray! [15:53:57] [20:55:46] 19<I_Jethrobot> tos - Thanks. : ) [15:53:59] ----------------END PASTE------------- [15:54:06] Finally! [16:01:04] tossedaway, come here [16:01:45] halfak, Have you made some short notes of all the conversation we had so far? I recall there were a few points worth keeping track as the proposal carries on [16:02:57] Nope. But we should put them on the talk page. :) [16:03:07] I'll get a couple kicked off once I have the measurement plan finished. [16:04:18] +1 [16:05:06] Once you're done with the measurement plans and the convos, give me a ping, and I'll go through to the rest to see if there are any other major plans worth discussing [16:06:40] will do. [16:08:38] Gotcha. [16:14:29] I just posted the measurement plan in step 4 of the project plan. [16:14:29] Working on talk page discussions now. [16:14:29] I think we should use Snuggle to invite newcomers to the program, but I'm worried about that with regards to performing a controlled experiment. [16:14:29] I think that hostbot should be used to send invites for the experiment, but we would use both Snuggle & HostBot to send invites normally. [16:14:30] The nice thing about HostBot is that it can randomly sample and therefore not introduce a bias. [16:14:45] ^ posting this on talk page [16:14:51] +1 [16:19:21] Done [16:19:22] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants_talk:IEG/Reimagining_Wikipedia_Mentorship [16:19:45] Got topic on where lessons come from and how we'll do assessments too. [16:22:10] Added one more about describing the mentor-mentee matching software. [16:22:32] OK. Time for me to switch tasks. tossedaway, all is ready for your review. [16:23:10] zGotcha. Will go all out right when I return from dinner in an hour or so [20:19:05] I_Jethrobot, I've included matty in the group mail so he knows that we have an IRC chatroom and he doesnt miss any updates [20:19:11] Hope its fine by you [20:31:06] tos - Yes, thanks. I didn't know his e-mail [20:31:35] tos - I'll unfortunately be away for several hours. Leave me a message here if you need to. [20:31:44] I_Jethrobot|away, Got it