[09:54:01] I will let you know when I see Odisha1 and I will deliver that message to them [09:54:01] @notify Odisha1 bot was banned by channel ops, you have to ask them, not me [10:02:03] 10WM-Bot: Make wm-bot pm wmopbot when someone uses bangops - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160659#3106873 (10Petrb) Title of this sounds like some sort of a botporn, but I will have a look [11:00:25] 10WM-Bot: Make wm-bot pm wmopbot when someone uses bangops - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160659#3113915 (10Petrb) please keep in mind that wm-bot is also not present in every wikimedia channel, for a list of channels it is currently in, see http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/db/systemdata.htm [11:06:43] 10WM-Bot: Make wm-bot pm wmopbot when someone uses bangops - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160659#3113958 (10Petrb) so basically, you want a plugin that checks all channel messages for regex /\!ops.*/ and in case message is delivered forward it as a private message to "wmopbot" in a format $sender_nick: $or... [12:37:00] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [12:51:30] can someone with root do @drop at ##JohnFLewis ? [12:51:54] it is not maintained for years, and nobody is there (and I wanted to blank the channel before leaving it) [13:04:16] well I won't drop it, but I can make it part [13:04:51] using @drop is really bad idea in 90% of all cases [13:04:55] Successfully parted channel: ##JohnFLewis [13:04:55] @part ##JohnFLewis [13:55:20] Feed is enabled [13:55:20] @recentchanges-on [13:55:24] Change on 12en.wikipedia.org a page Akademicheskaya (Moscow Metro) was modified, changed by PlanespotterA320 link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=771254616 edit summary: expand lang [13:55:27] Feed disabled [13:55:27] @recentchanges-off [13:55:44] 10WM-Bot: wm-bot not reporting on recent changes (2) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160542#3114363 (10Petrb) 05Open>03Resolved a:03Petrb workstome [13:57:13] 10WM-Bot: @notify command should be able to take more than one argument - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160444#3114369 (10Petrb) 05Open>03declined yes that's how it works, first parameter is name of person, rest is a message to deliver. if you want more people and not spam in channel, you can use @notif... [13:58:49] 10WM-Bot, 06Labs: Move wm-bot instance to Trusty - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157838#3114371 (10Petrb) MariaDB is just as bad as MySQL, anyway I've decided to take the approach of live update, it's most easy atm [14:35:17] 10WM-Bot, 06Labs: Move wm-bot instance to Trusty - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157838#3114449 (10Petrb) 05Open>03Resolved I just nuked wm-bot instance, in project bots. There is one more instance "botbot" that I will look in, maybe there is something I would like to archive for future, and then we c... [14:35:30] 10WM-Bot, 06Labs: Move wm-bot instance to Trusty - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157838#3114453 (10Petrb) btw botbot is 14.04 so it doesn't block stuff [14:36:27] !ping [14:36:28] Pong. [14:38:00] !highfive act highfives $infobot_nick! [14:38:00] Key was added [14:38:03] !highfive [14:38:03] * wm-bot highfives petan! [15:14:38] 10WM-Bot: Make wm-bot pm wmopbot when someone uses bangops - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160659#3114533 (10Danilo) Yes, but the regex can be \^\!ops.*\ to catch the command only in the beginning of message. And if possible I prefer the pm in this format: OPS nick!ident@host message [18:03:59] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [18:04:12] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [19:27:17] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [19:28:08] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [20:19:14] Join error: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned channel: wm-bot250 ##Luke081515 reason: Banned [20:19:16] Join error: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned channel: wm-bot346 #tnb-dev reason: Banned [20:19:27] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot250 ##twinkleminions reason: InviteOnly [20:21:01] Join error: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned channel: wm-bot5153 #tnb-bots reason: Banned [20:21:02] Join error: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned channel: wm-bot5153 #tnb-bots reason: Banned [20:21:13] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot5153 ##TheMesquito reason: InviteOnly [20:21:14] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot5153 ##TheMesquito reason: InviteOnly [20:21:16] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot5153 #wikipedia-ja-admins reason: InviteOnly [20:23:02] This channel is already in the database [20:23:02] @join ##Luke081515 [20:23:08] Successfully parted channel: ##Luke081515 [20:23:08] @part ##Luke081515 [20:23:10] Attempting to join ##Luke081515 using wm-bot2 [20:23:10] @join ##Luke081515 [20:23:19] Successfully parted channel: #tnb-dev [20:23:19] @part #tnb-dev [20:23:25] Attempting to join #tnb-dev using wm-bot3 [20:23:25] @join #tnb-dev [20:23:34] Successfully parted channel: #tnb-bots [20:23:34] @part #tnb-bots [20:23:39] Attempting to join #tnb-bots using wm-bot5 [20:23:39] @join #tnb-bots [20:24:08] (y) [20:24:28] petan, Matthew_: do you plan to make wm-bot using SSL? [20:28:50] Who is wm-bot250? [20:29:37] … [20:29:43] -.- [20:29:48] freenode's on fire!!!! [20:30:43] I just noticed [20:32:18] why were 5 of 4 bots connected to one server?? [20:32:43] petan: can you reauth? [20:33:26] kpfc: that's because you are only able to login into one account 5 times [20:33:34] so it was not possible for wmbot to grab that nick, and login [20:34:03] Ok [20:34:09] so that's basically the bot, but unauthed. a operator with sufficient privs needs to execute @reauth wmbot... and all is fine [21:08:14] @reauth wm-bot2 [21:08:27] @reauth wm-bot3 [21:08:37] @reauth wm-bot4 [21:08:49] @reauth wm-bot5 [21:36:11] Successfully parted channel: #thesimswiki [21:36:11] @part #thesimswiki [21:36:17] Attempting to join #thesimswiki using wm-bot2 [21:36:17] @add #thesimswiki [21:36:35] Permission denied [21:36:35] @part ##twinkleminions [21:36:38] >:( [21:49:15] GitHub [8benapetr/wikimedia-bot] benapetr pushed 1 commits into branch master: https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/compare/fcf5c3f4a093...75d64a2ece3a [21:49:15] GitHub [8benapetr/wikimedia-bot] commit by benapetr (Petr Bena) https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/commit/75d64a2ece3ac462d9eb6c4ffdf38361ec510046 implemented new extension for WMF ops [21:50:23] 10WM-Bot: Make wm-bot pm wmopbot when someone uses bangops - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160659#3116248 (10Petrb) https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/blob/75d64a2ece3ac462d9eb6c4ffdf38361ec510046/src/WMBot.WMFPlugins/OpsTools/OpsTools.cs [21:52:23] GitHub [8benapetr/wikimedia-bot] benapetr pushed 1 commits into branch master: https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/compare/75d64a2ece3a...e14c6b63e2ee [21:52:23] GitHub [8benapetr/wikimedia-bot] commit by benapetr (Petr Bena) https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/commit/e14c6b63e2ee6f063bb3f648a5f5bc1ebd135d5e insert a channel name [21:53:28] 10WM-Bot: Make wm-bot pm wmopbot when someone uses bangops - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160659#3116267 (10Petrb) I changed the format of message to OPS nick!ident@host message in $channel_name: $message So that you can also see a name of channel from which it goes [22:02:59] ^help [22:03:00] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.3] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [22:03:07] ^whoami [22:03:07] You are unknown to me :) [22:03:53] !ops test - ignore this [22:04:37] ^help [22:04:37] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.3] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [22:04:40] !ops test - ignore this [22:06:14] GitHub [8benapetr/wikimedia-bot] benapetr pushed 1 commits into branch master: https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/compare/e14c6b63e2ee...8d041e9dd4f7 [22:06:14] GitHub [8benapetr/wikimedia-bot] commit by benapetr (Petr Bena) https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/commit/8d041e9dd4f7c2e157a863bd73679e2164d8c87a inserted #wm-bot to list [22:07:39] !ops test - ignore this [22:08:44] 10WM-Bot: Make wm-bot pm wmopbot when someone uses bangops - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160659#3116309 (10Petrb) and it works... so now it's on your side to finish this [22:34:55] 10WM-Bot: Make wm-bot pm wmopbot when someone uses bangops - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160659#3116396 (10Danilo) Oh, yes, I forgot the channel, the most important, thanks. But the code linked above is without the channel: `"OPS " + invoker.ToString() + " " + message` In the script I see that it only wo... [22:34:55] Hey wikibugs_, you are welcome! [22:37:03] petan: and I tryed to test the command in #wikipedia-pt-bots, wm-bot5 is there, but wmopbot didn't receive the pm, can manually make wm-bot send a pm to wmopbot to test? [22:40:11] I temporary made wmopbot log all PMs, but it didn't receive from wm-bot :/ [22:41:51] oh, nvm, my fault, I will fix [22:47:56] no, I fixed my code, but it still does receive wm-bot PMs... I will continue to make tests... [23:05:18] Attempting to join #wm-bot-test using wm-bot2 [23:05:18] @add #wm-bot-test [23:24:21] hi danilo [23:24:36] well, it's because it's not deployed to production bot yet [23:24:41] so is that format OK? [23:26:12] oh, so was that :) [23:26:21] yes the format is ok [23:26:28] !ops this is test [23:26:45] now it should be sent [23:27:23] worked? [23:28:18] no [23:28:41] ok what is name of that bot [23:28:50] wmopbot [23:30:14] !ops this is test [23:30:30] it's not sent from wm-bot [23:31:07] 3/20/2017 11:30:14 PM: wm-test << :card.freenode.net 486 wm-test wmopbot :You must log in with services to message this user [23:31:08] aha [23:31:12] so here is the problem [23:31:17] freenode doesn't let it send PM [23:31:53] hmm [23:32:19] it's +G isn't it? [23:32:23] usermode [23:32:37] +R I mean [23:32:38] +R - Prevents non accept unidentified users from messaging you. [23:32:55] I will remove +R [23:33:13] wm-bot will be identified but this testing isn't [23:34:25] done, set mode -R [23:34:31] !ops this is test [23:35:28] (I need some seconds to flush the log) [23:36:15] wm-test!~wm-bot@ OPS petan!@wikimedia/Petrb in #wm-bot: !ops this is test [23:36:19] \o/ [23:36:36] ok so I will deploy this to live version [23:38:37] petan: did you see what I said in the phab task about the channels? [23:38:59] no [23:39:16] well the linked code was a commit [23:39:16] to add other channels like #mediawiki, #wikibooks, #wikinews, etc [23:39:24] aha [23:39:34] you can do that yourself it's on github you can edit it like wikipedia [23:39:53] ok I will do that [23:40:03] be bold: https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/blob/master/src/WMBot.WMFPlugins/OpsTools/OpsTools.cs [23:40:23] anyway [23:40:27] wm-bot updated [23:40:30] !ops test [23:40:33] worked? [23:40:48] !highfive [23:40:48] * wm-bot highfives petan! [23:41:28] yes, worked, thank you! [23:50:28] Successfully parted channel: #wm-bot-test [23:50:28] @part #wm-bot-test