[12:46:01] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [12:46:47] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [17:34:43] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [17:39:05] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [17:53:41] Hm, petan isn't here either :/ [17:58:51] @op [17:58:59] * valhallasw`cloud looks annoyedly at wm-bot [17:59:05] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.3] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [17:59:05] @help [17:59:43] ok, well, no 'wm-bot will go down in a month if no action is taken' message in the topic then [18:12:48] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [18:13:16] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [18:13:40] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [18:24:59] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [18:31:34] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [19:30:12] valhallasw`cloud: I'll poke Petan this evening, worst comes to worst I'll attempt to migrate it myself though I'm not farmiliar with the internals of wm-bot's instancing. [19:45:53] Matthew_: thanks! [19:46:09] No problem :)