[03:48:12] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 ##Stef990015 reason: InviteOnly [03:48:13] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 ##Stef990015 reason: InviteOnly [03:48:19] Join error: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned channel: wm-bot351 #cafe-racer reason: Banned [03:48:20] Join error: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned channel: wm-bot351 #cafe-racer reason: Banned [03:48:20] Join error: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned channel: wm-bot351 #cafe-racer reason: Banned [03:48:29] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 ##aruru reason: InviteOnly [03:48:30] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 ##aruru reason: InviteOnly [03:48:31] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 ##aruru reason: InviteOnly [03:48:35] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 #wikimedia-ve-et reason: InviteOnly [03:48:36] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 #wikimedia-ve-et reason: InviteOnly [03:48:37] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 ##ARURU reason: InviteOnly [03:48:38] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 ##ARURU reason: InviteOnly [03:48:38] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 ##ARURU reason: InviteOnly [03:48:39] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 #wp3 reason: InviteOnly [03:48:40] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 #wp3 reason: InviteOnly [03:48:41] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot351 #wp3 reason: InviteOnly [09:06:48] Attempting to join #cvn-zh-scan using wm-bot [09:06:48] @add #cvn-zh-scan [13:06:11] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [13:09:01] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [13:09:21] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [13:10:01] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [18:03:46] @part ##cafeteria [18:03:49] Attempting to join ##cafeteria using wm-bot4 [18:03:49] @add ##cafeteria [18:03:55] @part #baj0 [18:03:57] Attempting to join #baj0 using wm-bot2 [18:03:57] @add #baj0 [18:03:58] Join error: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned channel: wm-bot2 #baj0 reason: Banned [18:04:24] This channel is already in db [18:04:24] @add #baj0 [18:04:28] @part #baj0 [18:04:33] Attempting to join #baj0 using wm-bot2 [18:04:33] @add #baj0 [18:04:33] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot2 #baj0 reason: InviteOnly [18:04:53] @part #baj0 [18:04:55] Attempting to join #Baj0 using wm-bot [18:04:55] @add #Baj0 [18:05:41] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@wikimedia-commons/JurgenNL (2admin), .*@countervandalism/.* (2operator), .*@unaffiliated\/petirrojo (2operator), [18:05:41] @trusted [18:12:11] You are operator identified by name .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* [18:12:11] @whoami [18:22:57] Permission denied [18:22:57] @add #wikipedia-en [18:23:36] Attempting to join #wikipedia-en using wm-bot4 [18:23:36] @add #wikipedia-en [18:25:16] You are operator identified by name .*@unaffiliated\/petirrojo [18:25:16] @whoami [18:26:26] why wm-bot3 is not voiced? [18:26:43] Because is not logged in. [18:26:45] 23* 28[18wm-bot328] 30(24wm-bot@ 18wm-bot [18:26:47] 23* 28[18wm-bot328] #wm-bot [18:26:49] 23* 28[18wm-bot328] 29cameron.freenode.net :Vilnius, Lithuania, EU [18:26:51] 23* 28[18wm-bot328] inactividad 2301:18:29, entró el: 23Wed Apr 6 22:45:33 [18:26:53] 23* 28[18wm-bot328] Fin de la lista WHOIS. [18:27:18] oh [18:27:42] @ping petan [18:27:52] @ping L235 [18:41:56] http://bots.wmflabs.org/dump/%23wm-bot.htm [18:41:56] @info [18:44:08] !sayhi [18:44:08] * wm-bot says hi to Qinyongr-Cloud. [19:17:23] Hi Tintle [19:17:26] may I help you? [23:43:13] @dump [23:43:15] http://bots.wmflabs.org/dump/%23wm-bot.htm [23:43:15] @info