[09:54:14] roots: wm-bot387 and wm-bot105 [10:17:27] * Jurgen|Cloud hides [14:11:04] wm-bot and wm-bot3 seem to have had a rough night. [14:13:16] Let's see how long it takes them to /nick... [14:17:28] There's one. [14:26:40] T13|detached: couldn't you help them along? [14:27:20] ;) [14:28:58] I clould, petan said it is suppose to do it by itself. [14:29:25] It's on like a one hour cycle that checks and renames. [15:21:40] Guess I'll do it manually, been over an hour. [15:28:28] Hrmmm how did i do that the other day? [15:28:46] * T13|mobile goes digging through logs.. [15:34:20] RENAME ME! [15:34:30] haha [15:34:36] I'm working on it! [15:45:02] ... [15:49:16] Think I'm closer. [15:50:14] Just wish telnet through PuTTY wasn't so slow. [15:51:17] Strange. I don't know what the issue is. :/ [16:05:19] . [16:05:27] Someone fix wm-bot387! [16:06:07] It's doing weird thing in my channel e.e [16:06:20] and it's not responding-ish [16:10:05] Yeah, that's me working on it. [16:15:47] Ah [16:17:18] wm-bot387 is refusing to /nick [16:17:36] I've tried ghost release release nick [16:18:25] I don't see error messages because petan doesn't have them relaying back. Makes it harder to figure out why. [16:21:32] I'm afraid if I have it QUIT it won't come back because it will lock up the bouncer. [16:21:58] So... i'll leave it as is until petan is around. :) [16:29:59] Permission denied [16:29:59] @restart [16:37:00] Agent_Isai: that shouldn't help [16:37:08] But... [16:37:13] System is shutting down, requested by T13|detached from #wm-bot [16:37:36] Idk [16:38:34] It's a bouncer / network problem, not a bot problem [16:39:09] Isn't there an @raw command in wm-bot387? [16:39:10] I'm actually digging through https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/blob/ae45b6069f977c4f84c974e5ab3ecd0a3ddd2b95/src/WMBot/Terminal.cs and https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/blob/ae45b6069f977c4f84c974e5ab3ecd0a3ddd2b95/src/WMBot/Configuration.cs [16:39:18] ah [16:39:44] I understand a lot more of it than I did previous times I've looked at it, but I still don't know c# very well... [16:40:31] I can see lots of room for improvement in them, but don't have the skills to make those improvements myself yet. I'll get there... [16:44:59] I've got to get back to my VisualBasic assignments... I'll be back later. Please ping me if petan shows up. :p [16:45:05] This user is now online in #huggle. I'll let you know when they show some activity (talk, etc.) [16:45:05] @notify petan [18:05:46] Hi Agent_Isai, how've you been? [18:06:36] petan, fix me please [18:45:22] wm-bot: you're not broken. [18:45:22] Hi T13|detached, there is some error, I am a stupid bot and I am not intelligent enough to hold a conversation with you :-) [18:46:03] wm-bot: that's exactly what I expected you to say, and I'll wager you'll say it again. [18:46:37] wm-bot387: you are the one not as you should be. [18:47:05] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [18:47:05] @drop #wikipedia-nl-vandalism [18:47:16] natuur12: ??? [18:47:50] I thought I forgot to do that a long time ago ;) [18:48:07] Please ignore me :p [18:48:39] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [18:48:39] @drop #wikipedia-nl-moderators [18:48:42] Good [18:48:45] Did that back than [18:49:20] :p [19:04:07] Hi T13|detached, there is some error, I am a stupid bot and I am not intelligent enough to hold a conversation with you :-) [19:08:34] ... [19:09:26] * T13|detached wants to write a VisualBasic interface to control wm-bot from a Windows machine like a client... [19:21:36] Hi T13|detached, there is some error, I am a stupid bot and I am not intelligent enough to hold a conversation with you :-) [19:24:37] wm-bot: a little laggy there? [19:24:37] Hi T13|detached, there is some error, I am a stupid bot and I am not intelligent enough to hold a conversation with you :-) [19:25:10] lol, that was me on tcp [19:25:48] * T13|detached knows. [19:26:17] Hi T13|detached, there is some error, I am a stupid bot and I am not intelligent enough to hold a conversation with you :-) [19:27:04] L235: still haven't figured out why wm-bot387 won't NICK to wm-bot3 (or anything else for that matter) [19:27:21] try connecting to its bouncer and nick it yourself? [19:27:33] maybe it's banned on a channel somehow and can't NICK? [19:27:45] I don't know how to directly connect to the bouncer. [19:28:31] I can telnet into wm-bot from labs-dev and send commands from there, but that's as far as I can go. [19:28:35] use a couple of port forwards [19:28:51] Banned on a channel? [19:28:56] Hrrm [19:28:57] yeah, perhaps [19:29:39] !db [19:29:39] http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/db/systemdata.htm [19:30:06] what is "#wm-bot.L235"? [19:31:37] Looks like a specific role you created in this channel. [19:31:56] But assigned no permissions to. [19:32:06] how did I do that again? [19:32:46] @drop ##Isai [19:33:08] @drop ##marcosdias-bans [19:33:20] @drop ##marcosdias [19:33:49] @drop #koffieverslaafd [19:34:00] drop? not part? [19:34:36] Meh. [19:35:46] I don't think it is a ban issue. I've eliminated all new channels it's joined with that nick. [19:36:01] well, let it run its hourly thing [19:36:04] Attempting to join ##Isai using wm-bot3 [19:36:04] @join ##Isai [19:36:14] Attempting to join ##marcosdias-bans using wm-bot3 [19:36:14] @join ##marcosdias-bans [19:36:22] Attempting to join ##marcosdias using wm-bot3 [19:36:23] @join ##marcosdias [19:37:27] L235: the hourly thing won't work if I can't force it manually. [19:39:39] I am over it... L235, you still smell funny... [19:40:23] 0_0 [19:40:24] petan!!!! I'm being abused!!! I like it!!! [19:40:41] meh... [19:40:47] * Technical_13 goes back to VisualBasic... [19:40:58] 0_0 [19:41:09] @slap Technical_13 [19:41:12] hmm [19:42:19] 0_0 [19:42:50] aww: [19:42:50] 1:41:46 PM <+L235> @grant root root [19:42:50] 1:41:48 PM This permission can't be granted to anyone, sorry [19:53:43] . [19:53:54] Someone broke wm-bot for me [19:54:21] I can't use it anymore since Technical_13 DROPPED MY WM-BOT DATABASE [19:55:00] Agent_Isai: Yes, sorry about that. [19:55:44] On the bright side... [19:55:47] I fixed it. [19:56:15] Welp, Technical_13, give me my channel admin flags back. [19:56:30] Agent_Isai: You should have had a snapshot. :p j/k I really am sorry. :\ [19:56:40] Thanks ok [19:56:43] Technical_13: no, dropping removes snapshots et al [19:56:47] @drop ##Isai [19:56:57] Permission denied [19:56:57] @add ##Isai [19:56:58] There. You can readd it and should automattically do it. [19:57:03] <_< [19:57:04] why denied? [19:57:12] Technical_13: Agent_Isai isn't a wikipedia person [19:57:19] I forgot it doesn't trust anyone without a wikimedia cloak [19:57:36] Attempting to join ##Isai using wm-bot3 [19:57:36] @add ##Isai [20:03:39] Agent_Isai: you should make sure you can do admin stuff before I wander off. [20:03:45] try a @suppress-on [20:04:05] I'm not in there anymore, so you'll have to report back here. [20:05:15] I keep getting "Permission Denied" when I try to enable optools [20:08:57] lol Anyways.. back to VB [20:12:24] @kick L235 [20:12:33] see [20:12:36] :p [20:12:49] @optools-permenant-off [20:12:55] @q L235 [20:13:06] @unq L235 [20:13:18] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [20:13:18] @help [20:13:21] @kick Technical_13 no quieting! ;) [20:18:48] Operator tools are now not in permanent mode on this channel [20:18:48] @optools-permanent-off [20:19:00] @q L235 [20:19:08] @unq L235 [20:19:20] Just to unset the op flag on the bot.