[02:57:20] petan: is [[:w:en:DFSG]] sufficient? [02:57:20] https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/:w:en:DFSG [02:57:28] nl??? [02:57:49] huh, that goes to the right place :) [15:13:48] This user is now online in #wikimedia-dev. I'll let you know when they show some activity (talk, etc.) [15:13:48] @notify jeremyb I totally lost the context, what it was all about and why wm-bot should be following debian standards? [15:14:24] why not? [15:14:57] because it has nothing to do with debian [15:15:03] it's an IRC bot [15:15:09] they are good guidelines regardless of whether you care about debian [15:15:11] so? [15:15:21] btw in regards of license, it's licensed under: [15:15:21] anyway, context [15:15:22] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [15:15:22] @help [15:15:27] GPL [15:15:33] grrrrrr [15:15:52] * jeremyb stabs petan [15:15:59] what's that for [15:16:05] anyway… [15:16:10] for @he [15:16:17] for @help [15:16:22] so… [15:16:23] I <3 it [15:16:42] there were some commits from reedy [15:16:54] that just changed binary bloba [15:17:00] blobs* [15:17:06] yes, binary blobs are cute [15:17:18] no indication of where he got them or where the source was [15:17:18] that was some external library [15:17:27] it is somewhere on github I think [15:17:35] I don't really care about source, wm-bot needs the blobs [15:19:28] ok, so as far as I'm concerned you are not free software [15:20:42] I am, just the blob is somewhat hard to read... otherwise I am 100% it's free [15:20:59] by my own definition of "free" eg. everyone can get it, use it, redistribute it or modify it [15:21:12] that is free enough for me :P [15:24:37] btw, jeremyb if you are interested in source code of that blob, it's at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/net/ [15:24:42] it uses apache license [15:25:20] I see no point in putting whole source to our git repository, which would just mess it up [15:26:09] right. so to be dfsg free you need to build that from source as part of your build process or build in a separate package for that lib and depend on that lib [15:26:34] in that case I am not dfsg free, fortunatelly I don't have to be :P [15:27:04] it would pretty much complicate my life if I had to be [15:27:46] for me: all commits that change blobs need to have commit mags that point to where the blob came from and where to get the source. ideally also would be some pointers in text files next to the blobs [15:44:53] petan [15:49:25] indeed, why you don't tell that to reedy? :P [15:55:54] because he's not here and it's your project