[00:43:33] DEBUG Exception in plugin Feed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Not Available. last input was wmtbot-7 chan: #wmt-newpages 13hu.wiktionary.org : 日语 created 10Vita:連絡先14 - 14japán 6(+187) - 2http://hu.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?oldid=1675854&rcid=1682605 [02:07:02] DEBUG Exception in module Labs: Error getting response stream (Write: BeginWrite failure): SendFailure last input was wm-bot chan: #wm-bot DEBUG Exception in plugin Feed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Not Available. last input was wmtbot-7 chan: #wmt-newpages 13hu.wiktionary.org : 日语 created 10Vita:連絡先14 - 14japán 6(+187) - 2http://hu.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?oldid=1675854&rcid=1682605 [02:48:02] DEBUG Exception in plugin Feed: Error getting response stream (Write: EndWrite failure): SendFailure last input was wmtbot-7 chan: #wmt-newpages 13pa.wikipedia.org : Vigyani created 10ਫਰਮਾ:Tz/utc-dtg14 - 14"{{#switch:{{{1|}}} | UTC−01:00 = N | UTC−02:00 = O | UTC−03:00 = P | UTC−03:30 = P* | UTC−04:00 = Q | UTC−05:00 = R | UTC−06..." ਨਾਲ਼ ਸਫ਼ਾ ਬਣਾਇਆ 6(+723) - 2http://pa.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=169824&rcid=330283 [02:49:01] DEBUG Exception in module Labs: Error getting response stream (Write: BeginWrite failure): SendFailure last input was wm-bot chan: #wm-bot DEBUG Exception in plugin Feed: Error getting response stream (Write: EndWrite failure): SendFailure last input was wmtbot-7 chan: #wmt-newpages 13pa.wikipedia.org : Vigyani created 10ਫਰਮਾ:Tz/utc-dtg14 - 14"{{#switch:{{{1|}}} | UTC−01:00 = N | UTC−02:00 = O | UTC−03:00 = P | UTC−03:30 [03:38:48] DEBUG Exception in plugin Feed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable. last input was wmtbot-7 chan: #wmt-newpages 13pt.wikisource.org : 555 created 10Galeria:Brasões da Sala de Sintra, Livro 3.djvu14 - 14menos um upload órfão 6(+437) - 2http://pt.wikisource.org/w/index.php?oldid=261391&rcid=346693 [06:58:30] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13http://git.io/Ayk-rA [06:58:31] [02wikimedia-bot] 07danilomac 030bfe681 - add br.wikimedia [06:58:32] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 031af464a - Merge pull request #38 from danilomac/patch-2 add br.wikimedia [09:37:57] DEBUG Exception in plugin Feed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable. last input was wmtbot-7 chan: #wmt-newpages 13fo.wikipedia.org : EileenSanda created 1033614 - 14Stovnaði síðu við "{{Árstal|336|320-árini|330-árini|340-árini|4}} == Hendingar == * == Føðingar == * == Andlát == * [[Bólkur:330-árini]]" 6(+130) - 2http://fo.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=283531&rcid=474714 [11:22:28] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±4] 13http://git.io/sE13TA [11:22:29] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 033146f25 - Made it possible to change roles roles can be exported to xml file and imported as well now [11:36:29] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±4] 13http://git.io/SfrKTw [11:36:30] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03fed24af - made it possible to create more roles So that we can have user-defined roles in any channel, like half-admin etc [11:40:55] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/h11T_A [11:40:56] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03a6853c7 - forgot to prevent regular users from granting root [11:45:24] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/bs7zOA [11:45:25] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 034258aad - role dumping would work better with this :P [15:35:27] petan: there? [15:35:47] hm [15:36:33] @recentchanges-on [15:36:33] Permission denied [15:36:39] @whoami [15:36:39] You are admin identified by name .*@wikimedia/.* [15:36:46] petan: see above. [15:42:50] :o [15:43:22] how could this happen? :o [15:47:22] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/LoUqpQ [15:47:23] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03243fa07 - missing privileges [15:50:29] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13http://git.io/lU8C4Q [15:50:30] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 038605dc4 - inserted role operator [15:50:52] %whoami [15:50:58] %whoami [15:50:58] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Petrb [15:51:10] %trustadd .* faggot [15:51:10] Unknown user level! [15:51:16] %trustadd .* operator [15:51:16] Successfuly added .* [15:51:21] %trusted [15:51:21] I trust: petan (2admin), .* (2operator), [15:51:42] Revi: type "%trustadd 1 admin" [15:51:49] Revi: type "%trustadd 2 trusted" [15:51:55] Revi: type "%trustadd 3 operator" [15:52:03] %trustadd 1 admin [15:52:04] You can't grant or revoke role that is higher than your own role [15:52:11] %trustadd 2 trusted [15:52:12] Successfuly added 2 [15:52:20] %trustadd 3 operator [15:52:20] Successfuly added 3 [15:52:25] %trustdel 2 [15:52:25] User was deleted from access list [15:52:26] good [15:52:28] it works [15:52:29] %trustdel 3 [15:52:29] User was deleted from access list [15:52:32] what's that? [15:52:41] new feature [15:52:45] :o [15:52:48] now %recentchanges-on [15:53:01] %recentchanges-on [15:53:01] Permission denied [15:53:05] damn [15:53:08] %whoami [15:53:08] You are operator identified by name .* [15:53:40] %trustadd ..* admin [15:53:41] Successfuly added ..* [15:53:46] Revi: try %whoami [15:54:17] operator should be able to turn on recentchanges [15:54:48] %whoami [15:54:49] You are admin identified by name ..* [15:54:59] %recentchanges-on [15:54:59] try %recentchanges-on [15:54:59] Feed is enabled [15:55:04] wtf [15:55:11] %recentchanges-off [15:55:11] Feed disabled [15:55:23] this makes no sense [15:55:36] :p [15:55:36] LOL [15:55:40] I am an idiot [15:56:15] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/1TAsfA [15:56:16] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03cfdd269 - stupid [15:56:37] %trustdel ..* [15:56:42] %trustdel ..* [15:56:46] .. [15:56:47] %trustdel ..* [15:56:49] User was deleted from access list [15:56:50] User not found, sorry [15:56:57] Revi: try now :P [15:57:13] %whoami [15:57:14] You are operator identified by name .* [15:57:15] %recentchanges-on [15:57:15] Feed is enabled [15:57:21] %trustadd jimbo admin [15:57:21] Successfuly added jimbo [15:57:25] %recentchanges-off [15:57:25] Feed disabled [15:57:27] Revi: last test before deply [15:57:34] deploy? [15:57:44] try this: %trusted jimbo if it let u there is bug :p [15:57:51] * trustdel [15:57:55] not trusted [15:57:57] %trustdel jimbo [15:57:57] You can't grant or revoke role that is higher than your own role [15:58:03] ok good [15:58:06] :) [15:58:28] so document it in wm-bot page and plz create translateable words :p [15:58:46] (and I realized my translation had serious error xD) [15:59:20] new version deployed [15:59:38] @help [15:59:39] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [15:59:41] wow so fast. [15:59:42] but is now loading up [16:00:20] every time I restart wm-bot freenode sends like 24253462 lines to it in incredible slow way [16:00:20] that's why it's so lagged [16:00:20] it's actually freenode that is lagged [16:00:21] it just takes a lot of time for freenode to deliver the messages to wm-bot [16:00:28] !ping [16:00:29] Pong! [16:00:29] pong [16:00:35] hmm. [16:00:36] @trustead [16:00:37] @trusted [16:00:37] I trust: .*@wikimedia/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/.* (2admin), .*@mediawiki/.* (2admin), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2admin), .*@wikidata/.* (2admin), .*@wikispecies/.* (2admin), .*@wikiversity/.* (2admin), .*@/Wikimedia/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikisource/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikibooks/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikinews/.* (2admin), .*@firefox/community/.* (2admin), [16:00:48] @trustdel .*@wikimedia/.* [16:00:49] User was deleted from access list [16:00:54] @trustadd .*@wikimedia/.* operator [16:00:54] Successfuly added .*@wikimedia/.* [16:01:02] @trustdel .*@wikipedia/.* [16:01:02] User was deleted from access list [16:01:04] :( no longer admin [16:01:06] @trustadd .*@wikipedia/.* operator [16:01:06] Successfuly added .*@wikipedia/.* [16:01:12] @help add [16:01:12] Info for add: Insert bot to a specified channel and give you admin rights for that -- See http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot#Getting_bot_to_the_channel for details [16:01:14] operator is enough for @add [16:01:17] or I hope so [16:01:26] * Revi always wants more hat xD [16:01:55] you will have it in your channel [16:01:59] when bot join it gives you admin [16:02:03] but not here :P [16:02:10] people are messing up with bot too much XD [16:02:14] I already disable @part here [16:02:16] @part [16:02:16] Cowardly refusing to part this channel, because I love it :3 [16:02:33] @drop [16:02:33] Cowardly refusing to part this channel, because I love it :3 [16:02:51] @trusted [16:02:51] I trust: .*@mediawiki/.* (2admin), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2admin), .*@wikidata/.* (2admin), .*@wikispecies/.* (2admin), .*@wikiversity/.* (2admin), .*@/Wikimedia/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikisource/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikibooks/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikinews/.* (2admin), .*@firefox/community/.* (2admin), .*@wikimedia/.* (2operator), .*@wikipedia/.* (2operator), [16:03:01] zjmmm. firefox needs fix [16:03:07] @trustdel .*@mediawiki/.* [16:03:07] User was deleted from access list [16:03:15] @trustadd .*@mediawiki/.* operator [16:03:15] Successfuly added .*@mediawiki/.* [16:03:26] @trustdel .*@wikivoyage/.* [16:03:26] User was deleted from access list [16:03:35] @trustadd .*@wikivoyage/.* operator [16:03:36] Successfuly added .*@wikivoyage/.* [16:03:50] @trustdel .*@wikidata/.* [16:03:51] User was deleted from access list [16:03:58] @trustadd .*@wikidata/.* operator [16:03:58] Successfuly added .*@wikidata/.* [16:04:06] omg this is so annoying :D [16:04:09] seriously [16:04:15] xD [16:04:18] I should just give operator to .* [16:04:23] how many trolls we ever had? [16:04:30] @trustadd .* operator [16:04:30] Successfuly added .* [16:04:30] That's your work, as I am not admin :p [16:04:34] we cannot count! [16:04:41] @trustead [16:04:43] @trusted [16:04:43] I trust: .*@wikispecies/.* (2admin), .*@wikiversity/.* (2admin), .*@/Wikimedia/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikisource/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikibooks/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikinews/.* (2admin), .*@firefox/community/.* (2admin), .*@wikimedia/.* (2operator), .*@wikipedia/.* (2operator), .*@mediawiki/.* (2operator), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2operator), .*@wikidata/.* (2operator), .* (2operator), [16:05:18] @trustdel .*@wikispecies/.* [16:05:18] User was deleted from access list [16:05:18] @trustdel *@wikiversity/.* [16:05:19] @trustdel .*@/Wikimedia/.* [16:05:19] User not found, sorry [16:05:20] User was deleted from access list [16:05:27] @trustdel .*@wikiversity/.* [16:05:28] User was deleted from access list [16:05:28] forgot . on wikiversity [16:05:30] yep [16:05:41] @trustdel .*@[Ww]ikisource/.* [16:05:41] User was deleted from access list [16:05:54] I know what [16:06:15] @trustadd .*@.*[Ww]iki.* operator [16:06:15] Successfuly added .*@.*[Ww]iki.* [16:06:20] this matches all our projects [16:06:22] but no trolls :D [16:06:35] @trusted [16:06:35] I trust: .*@[Ww]ikibooks/.* (2admin), .*@[Ww]ikinews/.* (2admin), .*@firefox/community/.* (2admin), .*@wikimedia/.* (2operator), .*@wikipedia/.* (2operator), .*@mediawiki/.* (2operator), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2operator), .*@wikidata/.* (2operator), .* (2operator), .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), [16:06:48] @trustdel .*@[Ww]ikibooks/.* [16:06:48] User was deleted from access list [16:07:01] @trustdel .*@[Ww]ikinews/.* [16:07:01] User was deleted from access list [16:07:20] @trusted [16:07:20] I trust: .*@firefox/community/.* (2admin), .*@wikimedia/.* (2operator), .*@wikipedia/.* (2operator), .*@mediawiki/.* (2operator), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2operator), .*@wikidata/.* (2operator), .* (2operator), .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), [16:07:26] here we go [16:07:39] I think wikia/ can be operator ;p [16:07:42] Revi: try @whoami and @add #sometestblaglafd [16:07:44] and poor mediawiki/... [16:07:49] @whoami [16:07:49] You are operator identified by name .*@wikimedia/.* [16:08:00] @trustdel .*@wikimedia/.* [16:08:00] User was deleted from access list [16:08:03] Revi: try now [16:08:09] @add ##Revivivi [16:08:17] run @whoami [16:08:28] @whoami [16:08:28] You are operator identified by name .* [16:08:31] wtf [16:08:35] LOL [16:08:39] @trustdel .* [16:08:39] User was deleted from access list [16:08:41] ok try NOW [16:08:42] :D [16:08:51] @trusted [16:08:51] I trust: .*@firefox/community/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/.* (2operator), .*@mediawiki/.* (2operator), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2operator), .*@wikidata/.* (2operator), .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), [16:08:55] whoops [16:08:57] @whoami [16:08:57] no @whoami [16:08:57] You are operator identified by name .*@.*[Ww]iki.* [16:09:01] here we go [16:09:02] it works [16:09:05] :) [16:09:07] this matches wikia and mediawiki as well [16:09:14] it matches every wikimedia project [16:09:15] :D [16:09:16] and add works [16:09:21] *@add [16:09:27] yes it works because I wrote this :D [16:09:34] all my code works :3 [16:09:44] :3333 [16:09:47] @trusted .*@wikivoyage/.* [16:09:48] I trust: .*@firefox/community/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/.* (2operator), .*@mediawiki/.* (2operator), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2operator), .*@wikidata/.* (2operator), .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), [16:09:51] so time to update documentation [16:09:52] @trustdel .*@wikivoyage/.* [16:09:52] User was deleted from access list [16:09:58] firefox. [16:10:05] @trustdel .*@wikipedia/.* [16:10:05] User was deleted from access list [16:10:16] @trusted [16:10:17] I trust: .*@firefox/community/.* (2admin), .*@mediawiki/.* (2operator), .*@wikidata/.* (2operator), .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), [16:10:27] @trustdel .*@firefox/community/.* [16:10:27] User was deleted from access list [16:10:31] @trustadd .*@firefox/community/.* operator [16:10:31] Successfuly added .*@firefox/community/.* [16:10:43] @trustdel .*@mediawiki/.* [16:10:43] User was deleted from access list [16:10:50] @trustdel .*@wikidata/.* [16:10:50] User was deleted from access list [16:11:13] hmm, I thought about unaffiliated, and realized lots of trolls use that cloak. [16:11:14] @trustadd .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome admin [16:11:14] Successfuly added .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome [16:11:18] :P [16:11:19] lol [16:11:36] @trusted [16:11:37] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), .*@firefox/community/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), [16:11:38] @trustadd .*@freenode/Revi-is-awesome-too [16:11:39] Wrong number of parameters, go fix it - example @trustadd regex (admin|trusted) [16:11:46] xD [16:11:57] ^ fix it [16:12:09] fix what the bot is correct [16:12:15] you supplied only 1 parameter, it needs 2 [16:12:16] operator! [16:12:28] (admin|operator|trusted) [16:12:36] who cares, now it's dynamic [16:12:40] xD [16:12:40] new roles can be created on the fly [16:12:48] so there is no ultimate version of that string [16:13:04] @trustadd .* root [16:13:04] You can't grant this role because it's over the maximum grantable role level, sorry [16:13:10] @trusted [16:13:10] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.* (2operator), .*@firefox/community/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/petan-is-awesome (2admin), [16:13:37] :0 then how root is added? [16:13:39] on code? [16:13:51] by changing "admins" file on system [16:14:04] roots are dangerous [16:14:06] ah. [16:14:09] they grow into plants and that [16:14:15] yep, so few are granted [16:14:19] power plants [16:14:22] nuclear plants [16:14:25] evil... [16:14:27] and rm -rf [16:14:27] :P [16:14:46] nuke plants are evil....yep [16:15:52] see the Fukusima and everyone knows that's evil [17:36:10] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/uihdZQ [17:36:11] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03c7f93fc - new plugin [17:38:25] . [17:38:27] !ping [17:38:27] Pong! [17:38:27] pong [17:39:43] !ping [17:39:43] Pong! [17:39:43] pong [17:39:52] wtf my bouncer is fucked again :/ [17:41:47] %whoami [17:41:54] %whoami [17:41:55] %whoami [17:41:55] You are admin identified by name petan [17:41:56] You are admin identified by name petan [17:42:00] o.O [17:42:15] am I> [17:42:19] %trusted [17:42:19] I trust: petan (2admin), .* (2operator), jimbo (2admin), [17:42:23] oh cool [17:42:29] %grant test root [17:44:10] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/u6_rzQ [17:44:11] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03aedbc5c - fix [17:44:27] %grant test root [17:44:30] %grant test root dfs [17:45:34] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/jK2kBg [17:45:35] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03da70264 - security hole [17:47:24] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13http://git.io/XLty1Q [17:47:25] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 035462cd6 - 2 fix [17:47:42] %grant test root dfs [17:47:45] %grant test root [17:47:46] This permission can't be granted to anyone, sorry [17:47:50] %grant test root dfs [17:47:50] Invalid number of parameters [17:48:10] %grant super-duper-petan infobot_manage [17:48:11] Successfuly granted infobot_manage to #wm-bot.super-duper-petan [17:48:33] @trustadd xx #wm-bot.super-duper-petan [17:48:33] You are not authorized to perform this, sorry [17:48:39] %trustadd xx #wm-bot.super-duper-petan [17:48:40] Successfuly added xx [17:48:44] %trusted [17:48:44] I trust: petan (2admin), .* (2operator), jimbo (2admin), xx (2#wm-bot.super-duper-petan), [17:48:47] LOL [17:48:48] :D [17:49:00] finally every channel can have own security roles :# [17:49:11] wm-bot is already more sophisticated than freenode lol [17:49:44] today's homework: find a security hole [17:51:33] %trustadd xx #wm-bot.super-duper-pet [17:51:33] Unknown user level! [17:51:39] :3 [17:52:24] %whoami [17:52:24] You are admin identified by name petan [17:55:20] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/LLFrjQ [17:55:21] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 0306355cd - security hole [17:55:52] %trusted [17:55:55] f [17:55:57] %trusted [17:55:57] I trust: petan (2admin), .* (2operator), jimbo (2admin), xx (2#wm-bot.super-duper-petan), [18:14:32] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±4] 13http://git.io/MbRHBA [18:14:33] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03ab3b3cd - some improvements [18:16:04] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±3] 13http://git.io/F9qmcw [18:16:05] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03e6d0429 - remove tabs [19:25:43] !ping [19:25:43] Pong! [19:25:43] pong [19:43:13] DEBUG Exception in plugin RssFeed: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. last input was Huon chan: #wikipedia-en-helpers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Feuerzangenbowle_%281944_film%29 [19:55:58] @channellist [19:55:58] I am in 204 channels in this moment [21:33:55] DEBUG Exception in plugin RssFeed: The request timed out last input was Vogone chan: #wikimedia-incubator ha. ha. ha. [21:35:55] DEBUG Exception in plugin RssFeed: The request timed out last input was CVNBot14 chan: #cvn-commons 14[[commons:User:Hedwig in Washington]] deleted article [[commons:Image:PRIVI + ROY.jpg]] "Copyright violation, see [[Commons:Licensing]] clearly not own work" 12http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image%3aPRIVI_%2b_ROY.jpg [21:37:53] DEBUG Exception in plugin RssFeed: The request timed out last input was CVNBot14 chan: #cvn-commons 13User14 [[commons:User:Hubertl]] 13Move from14 [[commons:Image:Tulln-Landesfeuerwerhschule 8092.JPG]] to [[commons:Image:Tulln-Landesfeuerwehrschule 8092.jpg]] 10URL:12 http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3aTulln-Landesfeuerwerhschule_8092.JPG14 "moved [[File:Tulln-Landesfeuerwerhschule 8092.JPG]] to [[File:Tulln-Landesfeuerwehrschule 8092.jpg]]"