[06:53:14] DEBUG Exception in module Labs: Error getting response stream (Write: BeginWrite failure): SendFailure last input was wmtbot-7 chan: #wmt-newpages 13ml.wikisource.org : Manuspanicker created 13large page 10ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ സംവാദം:35009govtmohghss14 - 14'{{ബദൽ:സ്വാഗതം}}' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു 4(+5042) - 2http://ml.wikisource.org/w/index.php?oldid=101615&rcid=92853 [06:53:17] DEBUG Exception in plugin LOGS: Timeout in IO operation last input was wmtbot-7 chan: #wmt-newpages 13ml.wikisource.org : Manuspanicker created 13large page 10ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ സംവാദം:35009govtmohghss14 - 14'{{ബദൽ:സ്വാഗതം}}' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു 4(+5042) - 2http://ml.wikisource.org/w/index.php?oldid=101615&rcid=92853 [14:15:53] !pingpetan wm-bot2 is missing [17:54:28] @meh [17:54:28] :D [17:54:29] !ping [17:54:29] Pong. [17:54:29] Pong! [17:54:54] @k Helpmebot [17:55:22] @kick Helpmebot [17:55:24] oh wait :D [17:55:25] lol [17:56:03] lol [17:56:03] !part [17:56:03] ^ works too.. [17:56:04] lol [17:56:04] LOL [17:56:04] who gave it +o here [17:56:04] everybody is admin in here [17:56:23] Not I. [17:56:48] Did the being unable to unban someone ever get fixed? [17:57:25] IIRC once someone was kickbanned, they couldn't be unbanned with wm-bot because they weren't in channel and it had to be done manually. [17:57:33] I think the ticket on bz is still open... [18:00:06] aha [18:00:15] maybe :P [18:09:38] Let's see if... [18:09:49] @RC+ ddo_wiki Foo [18:09:49] Channel doesn't have enabled recent changes [18:09:57] @recent-changes+ [18:10:04] @recent-changes on [18:10:11] @recent-changes-on [18:10:24] crap... I'm old... can't member... [18:10:37] @help recent-changes [18:10:37] Unknown command type @commands for a list of all commands I know [18:10:45] @help [18:10:45] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [18:10:56] @recentchanges-on [18:10:57] Feed is enabled [18:11:02] @RC+ ddo_wiki Foo [18:11:02] Unable to insert the string to the list because there is no such wiki site known by a bot, contact some developer with svn access in order to insert it [18:11:12] @recentchanges+ ddo_wiki [18:11:12] There is no such a wiki in list of wikis [18:11:19] Yes there is... :( [18:12:02] https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/blob/master/sites#L149 [18:12:09] petan ^^ [19:43:26] I guess the workaround to labs broke... [19:43:27] !ping [19:43:28] Pong! [19:43:40] wm-bot2 isn't responding. [22:32:21] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The request timed out last input was icinga-wm chan: #wikimedia-operations PROBLEM - Host mw105 is DOWN: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [22:32:44] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was paravoid chan: #wikimedia-operations greg-g: we won't do ulsfo next week after all