[00:17:08] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Temporarily Unavailable. last input was rschen7754 chan: #wikidata-admin it's public knowledge! [00:17:25] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Temporarily Unavailable. last input was rschen7754 chan: #wikidata-admin it's public knowledge! [00:17:41] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Temporarily Unavailable. last input was icinga-wm chan: #wikimedia-operations PROBLEM - DPKG on searchidx1001 is CRITICAL: CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout after 10 seconds. [09:27:21] Hmmmm [09:27:29] Kickban not work :( [09:27:44] optools are on [09:32:52] @kb not working.... [09:33:32] howcome [09:33:44] where? [09:36:17] Oh it was not troll [09:36:21] just similar nick [09:36:29] I thought it was troll.... [09:36:33] anyway not works [09:36:49] gimme example [09:36:53] I tried (@kb Username) and not done [09:36:56] no reply [09:36:57] where [09:37:03] #wikipedia-ko [09:37:17] is wm-bot op in chanserv access list? [09:37:37] I don't see it there [09:37:47] I don't know [09:37:53] it's not [09:37:59] you need to make it op first [09:38:04] otherwise it can't work [09:38:10] I'll ask chanop then [09:38:21] you need to ask channel contact or GC [09:38:29] after he is online [09:38:35] GC? [09:38:49] there is noone in access list who can modify flags [09:38:53] so you need a GC [09:39:07] in -ops [09:39:10] OoO [09:39:20] #wikimedia-ops? [09:39:23] yes [09:39:33] What to ask? make wm-bot op? [09:39:58] probably ;) but I don't think they will do that... [09:40:07] they are too bureaucratic [09:40:16] lol [09:40:36] I saw someone becomes chanop there and voice wm-bot [09:41:07] well, chanops can op the bot, but it won't be automatic they need to do that by hand you need to set optools-permanent [09:41:12] @optools-permanent-on [09:41:12] Operator tools were already in permanent mode on this channel [09:41:16] this ^ [09:41:23] Yep [09:41:33] I'll ask when he is online [09:41:37] everytime bot disconnect they will need to do that again [09:42:08] lol....... [09:42:25] Asking them to making op will be faster [09:42:34] but not sure if done [11:10:33] Is ASM on channel? [11:11:08] Revi: ? [11:11:35] ASM? [11:11:39] what's that? [11:46:32] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 032 commits to 03master [+1/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/uP8E9A [11:46:33] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Petr Bena 033d07d8d - bug 53600 [11:46:34] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Petr Bena 0360bd304 - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:benapetr/wikimedia-bot [12:27:37] Revi: AntiSpamMeta [12:27:50] Aha [12:27:59] no [12:28:18] !coffee T13 [12:28:18] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Latte_art.jpg is for T13 [12:30:43] T13|needsCoffee: What does it do? [12:31:32] #AntiSpamMeta [12:32:25] It's the bot that alerts ops if there is trouble or the !ops stalkword is used. [12:32:32] aha [12:32:44] but cannot add :( [12:33:48] No, but if ASM isn't in the channel, they might give wm-bot +o [12:35:16] hnmm [12:36:16] lol such a trivial task as informing ops when !ops is used can be implemented to wm-bot [12:39:04] petan: I just noticed that @configure -auto-complete & -case don't work together. [12:39:17] hmm [12:39:21] create a bug :p [12:39:27] Value true was stored into infobot-auto-complete to config [12:39:34] just !ops will be better [12:39:44] Value false was stored into infobot-case to config [12:39:52] but its problem is when ops are offline [12:40:02] !whiskey is yum [12:40:02] Key was added [12:40:05] !w [12:40:06] There are multiple keys, refine your input: wmbotbug, wm-bot2, whiskey, [12:40:18] !whiskey del [12:40:18] Successfully removed whiskey [12:40:30] !q [12:40:30] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !google, !pull, !pulls, [12:40:39] !quick is now [12:40:40] Key was added [12:40:43] !q [12:40:43] now [12:40:50] !QUICK [12:40:50] now [12:40:54] !Q [12:40:54] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !google, !pull, !pulls, !quick, [12:41:29] I'm thinking if it processed -case first, it would be fine. [12:42:09] I should be able to put in a fix for that myself. :) [12:46:59] !source [12:46:59] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !reboot, !todo, [12:47:11] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [15:44:10] T13: bump version of MODULE not core [15:44:18] infobot is just another module [15:45:31] Yeah [15:45:39] That's what I do [15:45:52] ?? [21:03:35] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway. last input was dwingp chan: #wikipedia-en-help And am I correct in understanding that I can still edit/add to it while it is awaiting review, or no? [21:04:46] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The remote server returned an error: (503) Service Unavailable. last input was Sven_Manguard chan: #wikidata-admin JohnLewis: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/185672/p-diddys-ditty [21:05:00] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway. last input was Huon chan: #wikipedia-en-help hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, hello, how may we help you?