[02:37:03] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The request timed out last input was Firefly67 chan: #wikipedia-en-helpers which I cannot recall [08:52:48] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The remote server returned an error: (504) Gateway Time-out. last input was linky-zh chan: #wikipedia-zh-admin https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%AE%E5%BD%93%E6%A1%8C%E9%9D%A2%E5%8A%A9%E6%89%8B [10:07:51] DEBUG Exception in module #wikipedia-en-help: Cannot read from a closed StreamReader last input was DangSunM_away chan: ##Revi 이거 불펌해서 http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=bus&no=256817&page=1여기에 올림 [10:10:18] DEBUG Exception: Write failure last input was T13|sleeps chan: ##T13 !log 20130825 [10:14:03] DEBUG Exception in module : Connection refused last input was Accipiter_ chan: #wikipedia-bio hi olei [10:15:04] !ping [10:15:04] bleh [10:15:54] !ping [10:15:55] bleh [10:16:55] !ping [10:16:55] bleh [10:17:19] !ping [10:17:19] bleh [10:17:25] !ping [10:17:25] bleh [10:17:53] !petan [10:18:11] Ha.. I see that was removed.. [10:19:11] !T13 [10:22:30] !coffee is https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Latte_art.jpg [10:22:30] Key was added [10:26:36] and good morning T13|sleeps [10:27:07] ZZZzzZzzz [10:28:22] good night again [10:29:28] * T13|sleeps is sleep typing. [10:29:48] High tech! [11:10:37] Hi Revi [11:10:46] Wheres my coffee? [11:13:20] !coffee [11:13:20] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Latte_art.jpg [11:13:23] here [11:15:52] Meh.. that's too pretty to drink and doesn't help me.. [11:22:35] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Coffee [11:22:38] Then here [11:24:04] Find one you like [13:34:00] T13|needsCoffee: More coffee https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Latte_macchiato_with_coffee_beans.jpg [14:09:22] @seenrx T13 [14:09:23] T13: are you really looking for yourself? [14:10:01] petan: ^^^ that should show the 82 other nicks that start with T13 it has seen... [14:10:51] @seenrx Revi [14:10:52] Revi: are you really looking for yourself? [14:19:32] @trusted [14:19:33] I trust: .*@wikimedia/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/.* (2admin), .*@mediawiki/.* (2admin), test|test (2trusted), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2admin), .*@wikidata/.* (2admin), .*@wikispecies/.* (2admin), .*@wikiversity/.* (2admin), .*@/Wikimedia/.* (2admin), [14:21:42] T13: why? [14:22:03] @seenrx ^T13.* [14:22:03] petan: Last time I saw T13|sleeps they were changing the nickname to T13|needsCoffee, but T13|needsCoffee is no longer in channel #wikimedia-API at 8/26/2013 11:07:42 AM (3h14m20s ago) (multiple results were found: T13|supper, T13|android, T13, T13|away, T13|a-way and 76 more results) [14:22:09] this is what you need [14:23:01] I guess... seems like extra work for user... [14:23:41] Asking if they are looking for themself is good for @seen but not @seenrx in my mind. [14:28:42] @seen Revi [14:28:43] Revi: are you really looking for yourself? [15:14:26] petan: which module/plugin is @suppress-o* in? [15:14:39] core [15:14:58] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/FxKCwg [15:14:59] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 03b9818fe - Minor fix for wiki encoding... Shouldn't encode "#" section delimiter. [15:23:38] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/-cLKwQ [15:23:39] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 0331ee642 - Minor adjustments * `#` should only be returned in [[]] link results and not {{}} template results. * `default_link_wiki` changed to `default-link-wiki` to be more in sync with other @configure commands. * Incremented version counter to `` [15:23:39] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ [15:24:12] Hrmm [15:24:33] Linkie should ignore empty brackets.. [15:24:57] @ping [15:25:48] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/FkNokg [15:25:49] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 033412afc - added wikitech and a few other insignifcants to list. Added: * ddo|http://ddowiki.com/page/$1 * widget|http://www.mediawikiwidgets.org/$1 * wikitext|https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/$1 [15:26:06] Doh.. [15:26:16] * T13 goes to fix wikitech [15:30:35] * Revi hopes someone commit typos.... [15:35:51] Typos? [15:37:44] Open pull requests, T13 [15:39:28] Oh.. I didn't see any pull requests... [15:39:36] * T13 goes to look.. [15:40:53] I opened 3 days ago [15:40:57] and anyone cares [15:41:02] *nobody [15:42:08] Done (your Korean better be right! :p) [15:43:00] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13http://git.io/0CjCRA [15:43:01] [02wikimedia-bot] 07YenaHong 031ebdcad - Typo sorry for typo...... [15:43:02] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 03dc8568e - Merge pull request #13 from YenaHong/patch-1 Typo [15:43:10] And I will get some feedback from korean users about translations [15:43:17] and will re pull it [15:43:24] not this week [15:45:32] Request #13 [15:45:37] :0 [15:46:11] petan: what does system-relog do exactly? [15:46:28] hmm [15:46:33] I have no idea [15:46:59] it reidentify to nickserv in case it was down when wm-bot connected [15:47:10] Request #14 will be opened next week :O [15:47:12] another command to fix freenode crashes [15:47:35] All that is in the if is "core.irc.Authenticate(); [15:48:11] So it is suppose to fix wm-bot_ back to wm-bot ? [15:49:13] I am in 119 channels in this moment [15:49:28] lots of [15:52:05] Revi: the limit per nick is 120. [15:52:19] Good thing petan made instances.. [15:52:42] then we need 6 [15:52:46] somedays [15:52:58] There are six. [15:52:59] lol [15:53:09] there are 5, but that is like 600 channels [15:53:17] I think it's enough for a long time [15:53:27] 0-1-2-3-4-5 = 6 [15:53:32] there is no 0 [15:53:42] wm-bota [15:53:45] :p [15:53:49] bota is not a part of this :P [15:54:25] So, I'm thinking of adding a new @configure option. [15:55:06] Not sure what to name it yet. [15:55:49] Some channels might want to reduce the level requirements on commands like suppress-o* [15:56:36] * T13 thinks he should make a table of current requirements for all commands first... [15:57:40] Also, I don't see it checking for trusted on any commands in core... [15:57:56] Which is named admin.cs oddly [15:58:16] * Revi thinks T13 should input default-link-wiki first [15:59:09] Huh? [15:59:17] What you mean? [16:00:25] * T13 still hasn't had time to get a compiler or WinSCP setup to upload patches yet but expects to this week. [16:00:31] into https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/wm-bot [16:00:52] Not updating doc until patch is live and tested. [16:01:08] ok [16:01:51] Not asking petan to compile and upload until done patching/adjusting things. [16:01:59] :p [17:37:47] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway. last input was Steinsplitter chan: #wikipedia-de-jungwikipedianer hmpf [20:37:41] petan: is the iwdb case sensitive or does it convert everything to lowercase? [22:57:56] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/H_4Rew [22:57:57] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 03fa7d644 - # is %23 and not %28... [23:02:19] [[위키미디어 대한민국]] [23:02:20] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/%ec%9c%84%ed%82%a4%eb%af%b8%eb%94%94%ec%96%b4_%eb%8c%80%ed%95%9c%eb%af%bc%ea%b5%ad [23:02:27] why commons?! [23:02:44] This value can't be stored [23:02:49] hey!!!!! [23:03:02] Value meta was stored into default_link_wiki to config [23:03:10] [[위키미디어 대한민국]] [23:03:10] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/%ec%9c%84%ed%82%a4%eb%af%b8%eb%94%94%ec%96%b4_%eb%8c%80%ed%95%9c%eb%af%bc%ea%b5%ad [23:03:12] now good [23:21:35] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/cj8zIA [23:21:36] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 033f26a84 - `#` stuff [23:21:37] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/5uC6zA [23:21:38] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 03252299d - fullurl shouldn'