[03:06:08] Channel is now logged [03:06:08] Permission denied [03:06:42] Going to mobile and to bed... [03:25:37] @add #wikimedia-aar [03:25:37] Permission denied [03:25:40] tsk [03:25:46] then not [03:25:48] pöh [08:06:05] @trustadd .*@/Wikimedia/.* admin [08:06:05] Successfuly added .*@/Wikimedia/.* [08:06:30] @add #wikimedia-aar [08:21:45] !ping [08:21:47] !ping [08:21:51] !ping is pong [08:22:18] Channel had already quiet mode disabled [08:22:25] @infobot-on [08:22:25] Infobot enabled [08:22:27] !ping is pong [08:22:27] This key already exist - remove it, if you want to change it [08:23:08] Changed default instance of #wikipedia-en-helpers to wm-bot3 [08:24:26] Changed default instance of ##iworld to wm-bot3 [08:24:27] Changed default instance of #mwbot to wm-bot3 [08:25:42] I am in 99 channels in this moment [11:04:27] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was Denny_WMDE chan: #wikimedia-wikidata but i am havent completely thought it through [11:10:14] hi wm-bot! [11:11:26] @trusted [11:11:26] I trust: .*@wikimedia/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/.* (2admin), .*@mediawiki/.* (2admin), test|test (2trusted), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2admin), .*@wikidata/.* (2admin), .*@wikispecies/.* (2admin), .*@wikiversity/.* (2admin), .*@/Wikimedia/.* (2admin), [11:11:35] !help [11:11:35] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot [11:16:47] Change on 12meta_wiki a page Wm-bot was modified, changed by RickyB98 link https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=5695530 edit summary: /* Setting */ typos [11:50:08] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±5] 13http://git.io/sCxeQw [11:50:10] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 033bfa640 - bot will now autojoin debug channel on all instances [11:50:11] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 035a47b95 - bump [11:51:54] System is shutting down, requested by petan from #wm-bot [11:51:54] DEBUG Exception in module #wm-bot: Missing or incorrect header for method  last input was petan chan: #wm-bot @restart [11:53:17] why did you restart wm-bot? [11:53:30] :o [11:53:30] patch [11:53:35] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [11:54:14] oh, actually, i wanted to ask something.. could i bring wm-bot in #mediawiki-it ? [11:54:14] sure [11:54:14] just type @add #blabla [11:54:14] @add #mediawiki-it [11:54:30] wm-bot4? [11:54:38] yes, freenode has limits :( [11:54:44] max channels per user [11:54:52] oh.. [11:54:53] so we had to spawn multi-instance version of wm-bot [11:54:53] got it.. [11:54:57] but it's a same bot [11:55:05] just running many connections to freenode [11:55:24] btw this is what I am now fixing, I need to get all instances in here [11:55:30] !ping [11:55:30] bleh [11:55:35] good [11:55:48] how about Pong ? [11:55:49] xD [11:56:01] lol [11:56:03] !pong [11:56:08] !pong is don't play with me [11:56:08] Key was added [11:56:13] !pong [11:56:14] don't play with me [11:56:17] lool [11:56:58] finally I can see which instance DC :D [11:57:02] this is the wm-bot team! [11:57:18] heh [11:57:29] @search sys [11:57:29] No results were found, remember, the bot is searching through content of keys and their names [11:57:50] !db is http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/db/systemdata.htm [11:57:51] Key was added [11:57:55] see that page ;) [11:58:27] omg o.O [11:58:34] it's trying to balance the bots, so new channels will get only 3 and 4 [11:59:02] but if you want I can switch the channel to different instance [11:59:15] so I can make wm-bot be in your mediawiki channel [11:59:33] however, more channels the instance is in, slower it is ;) [11:59:43] so actually 4 is fastest one [11:59:51] don't worry :) [11:59:55] thanks anyway :) [11:59:58] yw [12:02:06] how do i add common keys to the bot in that channel? [12:04:14] petan? [12:04:44] Common keys? [12:05:31] Such as rickyb98? [12:05:45] nono.. [12:05:46] like !help, !wm-bot... [12:05:49] !db [12:05:50] http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/db/systemdata.htm [12:05:53] !help is blah [12:05:54] This key already exist - remove it, if you want to change it [12:05:59] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [12:06:05] rickyb98 this page contains manual [12:06:09] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot [12:06:09] petan: can you voice/op me in here? [12:06:15] no [12:06:22] T13|needsCoffee I need to talk with you [12:06:24] private msg [12:06:38] Waiting... [12:08:13] * rickyb98 is curious.. xD just kidding.. [12:13:58] Need any other wm-bot help rickyb98 or just hanging out? [12:14:13] hanging out.. :) [12:44:40] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [12:44:53] why don't other bots answer? [12:57:24] because it's 1 bot only [12:57:45] they are all part of 1 bot [12:58:30] sitting here just so that I can see they are all online [12:58:38] oh.. cool! [12:58:39] in case freenode netsplit or crashes I need to fix missing instances [12:58:58] wm-bot is far more stable than freenode [12:59:07] wow! [12:59:20] which makes it necessary to restart the missing instances when freenode servers die [12:59:49] gotcha.. [15:17:29] !hi [15:17:31] eh [20:23:23] petan: Let me know when you are here. I "think" I got logged in, but PuTTY closes out when I do, I had to make it log to see what was happening because it was so quick and no error message. [21:17:30] @leave #dusti [21:17:40] @del #dusti [21:17:50] grrr [21:26:47] dusti? [21:26:56] Troubles? [21:26:58] Hello [21:26:59] Yes [21:32:51] !db [21:32:51] http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/db/systemdata.htm [21:42:57] @add #dusti [22:50:03] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/dRc8-g [22:50:04] [02wikimedia-bot] 07Technical-13 03d501369 - new page fullurl fix and try to clean up [23:16:23] @add #wikipedia-en-accounts-devs [23:18:40] ...