[15:02:20] I need to take amaranth down in Tampa today to relocate to a different floor. I am planning on doing this around 1800GMT. [15:05:18] cmjohnson1: You should send an email to toolserver-l. Your change will take down the wiki, jira, svn and maybe more [15:05:57] multichill: thx i will send the email now [15:06:30] Looks like it runs a local mysql so the shutdown should be graceful I guess [15:06:47] (as opposed to just pulling the plugs and hoping it comes back in one piece) [15:06:59] i would think so...i don't think down time will be too long. it has to go to a different floor [15:07:24] since I don't have access to that I will be pinging someone here to do that [15:08:02] It's an oldtimer so pray it comes back. I'm not sure if any of the roots are online. It's a public holiday in most of Europe [15:08:58] I know....I may have to move all of the shutdowns to tomorrow morning (east coast) [15:09:12] that is the absolute latest unfortunately [15:10:22] scfc_de: Do you know who the roots are these days? [15:10:24] Doesn't it host the replication "distributor" as well? [15:10:38] multichill: AFAIK, nosy and amette. [15:11:08] (There are others with root rights, but I suspect most of them won't even remember they have an account on Toolserver.) [15:11:49] Hmm, maybe WMF root accounts still work on that old server? :P [15:11:56] I only know nosy to have root [15:12:06] wmf root doesn't work [15:12:42] scfc_de: I'm looking at https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Servers and I can't find which server is responsible for the db tunnel [15:12:53] So you might be right [15:13:59] cmjohnson1: Mark might be able to login [15:15:43] i will have to check, he is off today [15:17:51] Just contact nosy and amette, they'll see the email tomorrow morning when you're still sleeping [15:21:19] thx multichill