[00:36:10] 2013/07/19 00:35 WARN cassia s5 replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3498.000000 [00:38:11] 2013/07/19 00:37 OK cassia s5 replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 811.000000 [00:43:11] 2013/07/19 00:42 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 1894 [00:51:13] 2013/07/19 00:51 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 9492 [00:52:13] 2013/07/19 00:45 WARN rosemary /sql DISK WARNING - free space: /sql 32941 MB (10% inode=99%): [00:52:13] 2013/07/19 00:51 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2171 [00:53:13] 2013/07/19 00:52 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 9527 [00:54:13] 2013/07/19 00:53 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2257 [01:03:13] 2013/07/19 01:03 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 9070 [01:04:12] 2013/07/19 01:03 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2537 [01:09:12] 2013/07/19 01:09 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 8919 [01:11:13] 2013/07/19 01:11 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2720 [01:13:12] 2013/07/19 01:13 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 8791 [01:14:12] 2013/07/19 01:13 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2799 [01:18:13] 2013/07/19 01:18 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 8608 [01:19:13] 2013/07/19 01:18 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2915 [01:22:13] 2013/07/19 01:22 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 8506 [01:23:13] 2013/07/19 01:22 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 3034 [01:25:12] 2013/07/19 01:25 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 8469 [01:26:12] 2013/07/19 01:25 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 3146 [01:27:12] 2013/07/19 01:27 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 8482 [01:32:12] 2013/07/19 01:32 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 3314 [01:33:12] 2013/07/19 01:32 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 4504 [01:34:12] 2013/07/19 01:34 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 3491 [01:35:13] 2013/07/19 01:34 WARN z-dat-s5-b wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3348.000000 [01:38:13] 2013/07/19 01:38 OK z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave Uptime: 566008 Threads: 3 Questions: 716193346 Slow queries: 4916 Opens: 430630 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 256 Queries per second avg: 1265.341 Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 830 [01:38:13] 2013/07/19 01:37 OK z-dat-s5-b wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1658.000000 [01:40:53] [[Special:Log/newusers]] create 10 * Albertine19 * (New user account) [02:38:16] 2013/07/19 02:37 WARN cassia wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3384.000000 [02:45:17] 2013/07/19 02:44 OK cassia wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1642.000000 [02:56:18] 2013/07/19 02:55 WARN z-dat-s2-b wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3594.000000 [03:05:18] 2013/07/19 03:04 OK z-dat-s2-b wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1570.000000 [03:08:18] 2013/07/19 03:07 OK wolfsbane / DISK OK - free space: / 6365 MB (21% inode=93%): [03:08:19] 2013/07/19 03:07 OK wolfsbane /tmp DISK OK - free space: / 6369 MB (21% inode=93%): [03:32:20] 2013/07/19 03:25 WARN z-dat-s2-b wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 2005.000000 [03:39:22] 2013/07/19 03:38 OK z-dat-s2-b wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1791.000000 [04:40:27] 2013/07/19 04:40 OK rosemary /sql DISK OK - free space: /sql 41699 MB (13% inode=99%): [05:47:32] 2013/07/19 05:40 WARN wolfsbane / DISK WARNING - free space: / 6234 MB (20% inode=93%): [05:49:31] 2013/07/19 05:43 WARN wolfsbane /tmp DISK WARNING - free space: / 6275 MB (20% inode=93%): [06:05:32] 2013/07/19 06:05 WARN rosemary wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3571.000000 [06:35:34] 2013/07/19 06:35 OK rosemary wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1757.000000 [06:46:35] 2013/07/19 06:40 WARN z-dat-s2-b wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1940.000000 [07:22:37] 2013/07/19 07:22 OK z-dat-s2-b wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1751.000000 [09:52:48] 2013/07/19 09:48 CRIT z-dat-s3-a MySQL Can't connect to MySQL server on 'z-dat-s3-a' (110) [09:52:48] 2013/07/19 09:48 CRIT z-dat-s3-a MySQL slave Can't connect to MySQL server on 'z-dat-s3-a' (110) [09:54:48] 2013/07/19 09:53 OK z-dat-s3-a MySQL Uptime: 338785 Threads: 31 Questions: 593663939 Slow queries: 54012 Opens: 3173563 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 16384 Queries per second avg: 1752.332 [09:54:48] 2013/07/19 09:53 OK z-dat-s3-a MySQL slave Uptime: 338785 Threads: 29 Questions: 593663941 Slow queries: 54012 Opens: 3173563 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 16384 Queries per second avg: 1752.332 Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 293 [11:15:54] 2013/07/19 11:14 WARN z-dat-s7-a wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3485.000000 [11:27:54] 2013/07/19 11:26 OK z-dat-s7-a wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1647.000000 [12:17:58] 2013/07/19 12:16 WARN z-dat-s6-a wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3484.000000 [12:36:01] 2013/07/19 12:34 OK z-dat-s6-a wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1671.000000