[00:01:27] 2013/07/11 00:00 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:06:27] 2013/07/11 00:05 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 19.643 second response time [00:07:28] 2013/07/11 00:06 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:08:28] 2013/07/11 00:07 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.379 second response time [00:09:28] 2013/07/11 00:08 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:10:28] 2013/07/11 00:09 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 17.928 second response time [00:17:27] 2013/07/11 00:16 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:18:27] 2013/07/11 00:17 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 17.834 second response time [00:20:28] 2013/07/11 00:19 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:22:27] 2013/07/11 00:21 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 17.946 second response time [00:23:28] 2013/07/11 00:22 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:24:28] 2013/07/11 00:23 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 17.957 second response time [00:25:28] 2013/07/11 00:24 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:25:35] 2013/07/11 00:19 WARN wolfsbane /tmp DISK WARNING - free space: / 5894 MB (19% inode=92%): [00:26:28] 2013/07/11 00:25 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 16.821 second response time [00:26:28] 2013/07/11 00:19 WARN wolfsbane / DISK WARNING - free space: / 5890 MB (19% inode=92%): [00:30:28] 2013/07/11 00:29 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 20.001 second response time [00:32:29] 2013/07/11 00:31 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.748 second response time [00:35:28] 2013/07/11 00:34 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:36:32] 2013/07/11 00:35 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 19.137 second response time [00:37:29] 2013/07/11 00:36 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:38:29] 2013/07/11 00:37 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.339 second response time [00:40:29] 2013/07/11 00:39 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 20.827 second response time [00:43:30] 2013/07/11 00:42 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 18.021 second response time [00:43:30] 2013/07/11 00:36 WARN willow / DISK WARNING - free space: / 19381 MB (18% inode=98%): [00:43:31] 2013/07/11 00:36 WARN willow /tmp DISK WARNING - free space: / 19381 MB (18% inode=98%): [00:44:30] 2013/07/11 00:43 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 20.818 second response time [00:46:31] 2013/07/11 00:45 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.782 second response time [00:50:32] 2013/07/11 00:49 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [00:51:32] 2013/07/11 00:50 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.956 second response time [01:00:32] 2013/07/11 00:59 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 20.820 second response time [01:02:31] 2013/07/11 01:01 CRIT willow / DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 11345 MB (10% inode=98%): [01:02:32] 2013/07/11 01:01 CRIT willow /tmp DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 11497 MB (10% inode=98%): [01:04:32] 2013/07/11 01:03 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 17.264 second response time [01:07:32] 2013/07/11 01:06 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 20.319 second response time [01:09:32] 2013/07/11 01:08 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.569 second response time [01:10:31] 2013/07/11 01:09 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:13:31] 2013/07/11 01:12 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.766 second response time [01:16:31] 2013/07/11 01:15 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:17:31] 2013/07/11 01:16 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.266 second response time [01:19:32] 2013/07/11 01:18 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 20.133 second response time [01:20:32] 2013/07/11 01:19 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.842 second response time [01:22:32] 2013/07/11 01:21 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:24:32] 2013/07/11 01:23 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 271 bytes in 19.296 second response time [01:27:32] 2013/07/11 01:26 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:27:32] 2013/07/11 01:26 WARN willow / DISK WARNING - free space: / 19341 MB (18% inode=98%): [01:27:32] 2013/07/11 01:26 WARN willow /tmp DISK WARNING - free space: / 12409 MB (11% inode=98%): [01:30:32] 2013/07/11 01:29 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 18.194 second response time [01:31:32] 2013/07/11 01:30 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:37:33] 2013/07/11 01:36 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 19.328 second response time [01:40:33] 2013/07/11 01:39 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:42:32] 2013/07/11 01:41 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 18.851 second response time [01:43:33] 2013/07/11 01:42 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:46:32] 2013/07/11 01:45 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.618 second response time [01:47:33] 2013/07/11 01:46 CRIT willow / DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 11181 MB (10% inode=98%): [01:47:33] 2013/07/11 01:46 CRIT willow /tmp DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 11274 MB (10% inode=98%): [01:49:33] 2013/07/11 01:48 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 20.354 second response time [01:50:33] 2013/07/11 01:49 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.268 second response time [01:51:33] 2013/07/11 01:50 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:52:33] 2013/07/11 01:51 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 19.197 second response time [01:53:34] 2013/07/11 01:52 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:54:34] 2013/07/11 01:53 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 17.868 second response time [01:55:33] 2013/07/11 01:54 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [01:58:33] 2013/07/11 01:57 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 19.143 second response time [01:59:34] 2013/07/11 01:58 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 20.918 second response time [02:00:34] 2013/07/11 01:59 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 18.742 second response time [02:01:35] 2013/07/11 02:00 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:02:35] 2013/07/11 02:01 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 19.767 second response time [02:03:38] 2013/07/11 02:02 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:04:35] 2013/07/11 02:03 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.170 second response time [02:05:35] 2013/07/11 02:04 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:05:35] 2013/07/11 02:04 WARN willow / DISK WARNING - free space: / 19326 MB (18% inode=98%): [02:05:35] 2013/07/11 02:04 WARN willow /tmp DISK WARNING - free space: / 19326 MB (18% inode=98%): [02:07:34] 2013/07/11 02:06 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.299 second response time [02:07:35] 2013/07/11 02:07 OK wolfsbane /tmp DISK OK - free space: / 6456 MB (21% inode=92%): [02:08:34] 2013/07/11 02:07 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:08:35] 2013/07/11 02:07 OK wolfsbane / DISK OK - free space: / 6446 MB (21% inode=92%): [02:09:35] 2013/07/11 02:08 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 17.893 second response time [02:10:35] 2013/07/11 02:09 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:14:36] 2013/07/11 02:13 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 16.060 second response time [02:20:36] 2013/07/11 02:19 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:21:36] 2013/07/11 02:20 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 17.444 second response time [02:24:36] 2013/07/11 02:23 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:25:36] 2013/07/11 02:24 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.199 second response time [02:31:36] 2013/07/11 02:30 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:34:36] 2013/07/11 02:33 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.422 second response time [02:36:36] 2013/07/11 02:35 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:37:36] 2013/07/11 02:36 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 17.792 second response time [02:40:36] 2013/07/11 02:39 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:42:37] 2013/07/11 02:41 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.693 second response time [02:43:37] 2013/07/11 02:42 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:45:37] 2013/07/11 02:44 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 17.681 second response time [02:46:37] 2013/07/11 02:45 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 20.940 second response time [02:49:37] 2013/07/11 02:48 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.681 second response time [02:51:37] 2013/07/11 02:50 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [02:55:38] 2013/07/11 02:54 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.554 second response time [02:57:38] 2013/07/11 02:56 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:02:38] 2013/07/11 03:01 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 17.516 second response time [03:03:38] 2013/07/11 03:02 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:05:38] 2013/07/11 03:04 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.346 second response time [03:07:38] 2013/07/11 03:06 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 20.424 second response time [03:08:41] 2013/07/11 03:07 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 19.669 second response time [03:09:38] 2013/07/11 03:08 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:10:39] 2013/07/11 03:09 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.889 second response time [03:12:39] 2013/07/11 03:11 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 20.506 second response time [03:14:38] 2013/07/11 03:13 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 17.522 second response time [03:15:39] 2013/07/11 03:14 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 20.318 second response time [03:18:38] 2013/07/11 03:17 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.208 second response time [03:22:39] 2013/07/11 03:21 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 20.625 second response time [03:24:39] 2013/07/11 03:23 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 19.380 second response time [03:26:38] 2013/07/11 03:25 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:27:39] 2013/07/11 03:26 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 17.310 second response time [03:28:39] 2013/07/11 03:27 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:29:39] 2013/07/11 03:28 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 19.869 second response time [03:32:39] 2013/07/11 03:31 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:33:39] 2013/07/11 03:32 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.676 second response time [03:34:39] 2013/07/11 03:33 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:35:39] 2013/07/11 03:34 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.258 second response time [03:38:39] 2013/07/11 03:37 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:39:39] 2013/07/11 03:38 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 18.794 second response time [03:45:39] 2013/07/11 03:44 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:46:39] 2013/07/11 03:45 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.809 second response time [03:48:39] 2013/07/11 03:47 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:53:39] 2013/07/11 03:52 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.967 second response time [03:54:40] 2013/07/11 03:53 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [03:55:40] 2013/07/11 03:54 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 19.760 second response time [03:56:40] 2013/07/11 03:55 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 20.834 second response time [03:58:40] 2013/07/11 03:57 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.569 second response time [04:00:40] 2013/07/11 03:59 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 20.635 second response time [04:03:40] 2013/07/11 04:02 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.050 second response time [04:06:39] 2013/07/11 04:05 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 20.453 second response time [04:07:39] 2013/07/11 04:06 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 18.012 second response time [04:11:40] 2013/07/11 04:10 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [04:12:40] 2013/07/11 04:11 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 19.870 second response time [04:14:40] 2013/07/11 04:13 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [04:16:40] 2013/07/11 04:15 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 18.777 second response time [04:18:39] 2013/07/11 04:17 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 20.530 second response time [04:19:40] 2013/07/11 04:18 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.907 second response time [04:20:39] 2013/07/11 04:19 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [04:22:40] 2013/07/11 04:21 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 17.746 second response time [04:27:40] 2013/07/11 04:26 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [04:29:40] 2013/07/11 04:28 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 19.058 second response time [04:30:40] 2013/07/11 04:29 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [04:34:39] 2013/07/11 04:33 OK web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 8.734 second response time [04:34:40] 2013/07/11 04:33 OK willow / DISK OK - free space: / 23021 MB (22% inode=99%): [04:34:40] 2013/07/11 04:33 OK willow /tmp DISK OK - free space: / 23021 MB (22% inode=99%): [06:55:51] 2013/07/11 06:48 WARN z-dat-s2-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2077 [07:08:51] [[Special:Log/newusers]] create 10 * Karida * (New user account) [07:09:44] [[User talk:Karida]] !N 10https://wiki.toolserver.org/w/index.php?oldid=8069&rcid=22042 * Karida * (+286) (Created page with "Fastest and safest online service, would you like to enjoy? Come to our World of WarCraft gold store, [http://www.tobuywowgold.com/ buy wow gold] you are welcome! Here has cheape...") [07:15:53] 2013/07/11 07:14 OK z-dat-s2-b MySQL slave Uptime: 4575095 Threads: 7 Questions: 4241286742 Slow queries: 82672 Opens: 33346492 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 256 Queries per second avg: 927.37 Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 1735 [07:33:13] [[Special:Log/block]] block 10 * Legoktm * (blocked [[02User:Karida10]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spam) [07:33:28] [[Special:Log/delete]] delete 10 * Legoktm * (deleted "[[02User talk:Karida10]]": spam) [09:28:57] 2013/07/11 09:22 CRIT yarrow aliasd Connection refused [09:31:56] 2013/07/11 09:27 CRIT z-dat-s3-a MySQL Can't connect to MySQL server on 'z-dat-s3-a' (111) [09:31:57] 2013/07/11 09:27 CRIT z-dat-s3-a MySQL slave Can't connect to MySQL server on 'z-dat-s3-a' (111) [09:32:56] 2013/07/11 09:26 CRIT z-dat-s7-a wikidata replag QUERY CRITICAL: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'z-dat-s7-a' (111) [09:33:56] 2013/07/11 09:26 CRIT z-dat-s7-a MySQL Can't connect to MySQL server on 'z-dat-s7-a' (111) [09:33:57] 2013/07/11 09:26 CRIT z-dat-s7-a MySQL slave Can't connect to MySQL server on 'z-dat-s7-a' (111) [09:42:56] 2013/07/11 09:41 OK z-dat-s7-a MySQL Uptime: 889 Threads: 5 Questions: 3186 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 165 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 150 Queries per second avg: 3.583 [09:42:57] 2013/07/11 09:41 WARN z-dat-s7-a MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2137 [09:42:57] 2013/07/11 09:42 WARN z-dat-s7-a wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 2251.000000 [09:45:57] 2013/07/11 09:39 WARN z-dat-s6-a wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 2155.000000 [09:45:57] 2013/07/11 09:44 OK z-dat-s7-a MySQL slave Uptime: 1069 Threads: 1 Questions: 52357 Slow queries: 4 Opens: 459 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 443 Queries per second avg: 48.977 Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 1562 [09:46:56] 2013/07/11 09:40 WARN z-dat-s6-a MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2155 [09:48:57] 2013/07/11 09:42 WARN willow /tmp DISK WARNING - free space: / 17347 MB (16% inode=98%): [09:49:57] 2013/07/11 09:42 WARN willow / DISK WARNING - free space: / 17098 MB (16% inode=98%): [09:52:57] 2013/07/11 09:51 OK z-dat-s3-a MySQL Uptime: 1479 Threads: 26 Questions: 8285 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 207 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 182 Queries per second avg: 5.601 [09:52:57] 2013/07/11 09:51 WARN z-dat-s3-a MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 2703 [09:56:56] 2013/07/11 09:56 CRIT willow /tmp DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 11134 MB (10% inode=98%): [09:57:56] 2013/07/11 09:56 CRIT willow / DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 11076 MB (10% inode=98%): [09:59:57] 2013/07/11 09:59 OK z-dat-s6-a MySQL slave Uptime: 262146 Threads: 13 Questions: 242697534 Slow queries: 15303 Opens: 20375 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 3138 Queries per second avg: 925.810 Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 1714 [10:19:57] 2013/07/11 10:19 OK willow /tmp DISK OK - free space: / 46388 MB (44% inode=99%): [10:20:57] 2013/07/11 10:19 OK willow / DISK OK - free space: / 46383 MB (44% inode=99%): [10:30:57] 2013/07/11 10:29 OK z-dat-s3-a MySQL slave Uptime: 3753 Threads: 22 Questions: 3513546 Slow queries: 197 Opens: 22090 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 13381 Queries per second avg: 936.196 Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 1798 [10:51:58] 2013/07/11 10:51 OK z-dat-s6-a wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1788.000000 [11:14:59] 2013/07/11 11:14 OK z-dat-s7-a wikidata replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1795.000000 [11:32:00] 2013/07/11 11:25 WARN willow /tmp DISK WARNING - free space: / 17142 MB (16% inode=98%): [11:33:00] 2013/07/11 11:25 WARN willow / DISK WARNING - free space: / 16913 MB (16% inode=98%): [11:40:02] 2013/07/11 11:39 CRIT willow /tmp DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 11129 MB (10% inode=98%): [11:41:07] 2013/07/11 11:39 CRIT willow / DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 10958 MB (10% inode=97%): [12:04:02] 2013/07/11 12:03 OK willow /tmp DISK OK - free space: / 27514 MB (26% inode=99%): [12:05:02] 2013/07/11 12:03 OK willow / DISK OK - free space: / 27515 MB (26% inode=99%): [12:32:02] 2013/07/11 12:28 WARN z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE WARNING: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 1999 [12:36:01] 2013/07/11 12:28 WARN z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 2221.000000 [12:36:02] 2013/07/11 12:28 WARN z-dat-s5-b wikidata replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 2259.000000 [13:01:04] 2013/07/11 13:00 CRIT z-dat-s5-b wikidata replag QUERY CRITICAL: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3601.000000 [13:02:04] 2013/07/11 13:01 CRIT z-dat-s5-b MySQL slave SLOW_SLAVE CRITICAL: Slave IO: Yes Slave SQL: Yes Seconds Behind Master: 3630 [13:19:04] 2013/07/11 13:18 CRIT z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY CRITICAL: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3620.000000 [13:24:05] 2013/07/11 13:23 WARN z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 3453.000000 [13:44:05] 2013/07/11 13:43 OK z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1704.000000 [14:08:08] 2013/07/11 14:01 WARN z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 2218.000000 [14:35:10] 2013/07/11 14:34 OK z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1798.000000 [14:45:10] 2013/07/11 14:38 WARN z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 2074.000000 [14:50:10] 2013/07/11 14:43 WARN ptolemy Load avg. WARNING - load average: 18.86, 18.44, 13.52 [14:55:11] 2013/07/11 14:54 OK ptolemy Load avg. OK - load average: 9.12, 14.05, 13.13 [15:00:11] 2013/07/11 14:59 OK z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1797.000000 [15:00:51] hello all [15:02:11] 2013/07/11 15:00 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 274 bytes in 20.277 second response time [15:10:12] 2013/07/11 15:03 WARN z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1804.000000 [15:11:12] 2013/07/11 15:10 OK z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY OK: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1788.000000 [15:33:12] 2013/07/11 15:32 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 18.386 second response time [15:46:12] 2013/07/11 15:39 WARN z-dat-s5-b s4 replag QUERY WARNING: 'SELECT ts_rc_age()' returned 1979.000000 [15:51:13] 2013/07/11 15:50 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 272 bytes in 20.193 second response time [15:53:12] 2013/07/11 15:52 WARN web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 273 bytes in 19.846 second response time [15:54:13] 2013/07/11 15:53 CRIT web.amaranth fisheye.toolserver.org CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 21 seconds [22:34:36] Krinkle: I was pointed to https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51016 and I’m confused of Reedy’s answer: If you have wmf-shell-access, why do you not change the mail-address yourself? [22:37:30] replied [22:38:56] Krinkle: you answered to Marc AFAIS [22:40:14] there's 2 [22:40:43] ah ok. Now I see. :-) [23:15:37] nacht ts