[19:11:37] jdlrobson: hi :) Where is minerva.template located exactly? :/ [19:12:38] ah wait, minerva.mustache, that makes sense :P [19:56:50] FlorianSW: sorry for missing the question ! [19:57:34] no worries :P [19:59:37] im stuck in the Parser code today o_O [20:02:41] FlorianSW: btw i replied to your edit watchlist review [20:03:22] jdlrobson: ok, I'll look on it! :) [20:03:43] jdlrobson: yes, I know, that's why I said you could create an isEmpty method yourself :P [20:04:41] but why? :) [20:05:03] what is the benefit of an isEmpty method over the current way? [20:07:12] i know empty has less overhead (provided it's not implemented to use count) but it is more general (matches things other than arrays). [20:07:39] i can see the view of YAGNI that we may not ever need counting, but it seems possible that we would at some point [20:07:52] and if we reach that point we now have a more complicated task than necessary... [20:08:33] there's just something icky with $collection->isEmpty() returning a different result than empty( $collection )... but i guess this is php [20:22:36] you may be right, I'm also not sure, how much elements will be in MobileCollection. But, if there're a lot of elements in it, it just feels bad, that we really count them all, if we simply don't need to do that, as we never use the result. [20:23:26] You're right, that it feels wrong to have isEmpty() returning another value as empty(), however, that's always a correct result. It's like you can't expect to have two equal strings in Java when you do str1 == str2 :P