[00:00:16] WebResponse/FauxResponse [00:09:22] awjr: why can't you assertThat(isset($_COOKIE['BLAH']), is(true)); [00:11:51] preilly: setcookie() seems to make phpunit barf [00:13:13] awjr: do you get a Cannot modify header information? [00:13:21] preilly: yeah [00:15:32] awjr: phpUnit prints output as the tests run thus causing headers_sent() to return true even in your first test. So, to overcome this issue for an entire test suite you simply need to use ob_start() in your setup script. [00:16:05] linSmith: whats the account that you use on mediawiki.org ? [00:17:55] awjr: in the setup try adding ob_start(); // <-- very important! [00:18:23] awjr: and in the tear down throw in a header_remove(); // <-- VERY important. [00:18:56] preilly: interesting - i tried adding ob_start() to the setUp() method in the test class, no dice. also tried adding it at the top of phpunit.php in phase3/tests/phpuni/phpunit.php, same problem [00:19:18] ah tear down makes sense [00:20:27] holy god that made more errors [00:20:31] awjr: you still get, "Cannot modify header information" even with a ob_start(); [00:20:37] yeah [00:21:32] preilly: http://pastie.org/3597553 [00:23:54] awjr: weird [00:26:25] * awjr grumbles [00:28:33] oh well, i can think of a few ways to test around what im trying to do [00:28:51] awjr: can you try running phpunit with --stderr or --process-isolation [00:29:41] preilly: interesting - with —stderr it seems to work [00:31:21] awjr: well, that directs phpunit's output to stderr, preventing it from interrupting HTTP header generation…. [00:31:55] however, doing setcookie() doesn't actually populate $_COOKIE [00:33:32] awjr: hmm [00:39:31] awjr: where does it say output started at… in that error? [00:39:53] preilly: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Util/Printer.php:173) [00:40:51] preilly: im not sure how worth it it is to dig too deep into this considering i can't seem to access cookie data set in the script being tested anyway, regardless of whether or not i can set cookie data from the test [00:43:52] awjr: but, you should be able to do that [00:44:52] preilly: you mean i should be able to because it would be dumb to not be able to do that or because it's actually something that is doable in phpunit? [00:44:54] awjr: also, look at: http://www.phpunit.de/manual/3.4/en/appendixes.annotations.html#appendixes.annotations.outputBuffering [00:45:04] awjr: actually doable in phpunit [00:45:21] awjr: I'm pretty sure the Facebook sdk has it [00:46:04] interesting [00:51:59] preilly: the output bufferin does indeed work nicely [00:52:08] with the descriptor i mean [00:52:24] e.g., @outputBuffering enabled [00:53:10] preiily: yeah, but still doesn solve the underlying problem :| [00:53:30] http://pastie.org/3597690 [00:55:23] no worky - both assertions fail as the actual values returned are null [01:11:05] i'm going to be chatting with this guy in the near future http://jonathanstark.com/ [01:11:12] let me know if you want me to pass on any questions [01:11:25] open ended but i'll certainly let him know were hiring :) [01:23:49] alright am out [01:23:53] gnite everyone! [01:23:58] night yuvipanda [01:24:06] yuvipanda: good morning? [01:24:07] though technically it is morning. [01:24:11] hehehe [01:24:13] and I have a hackathon to run on Saturday [01:24:20] go to bed! [01:24:33] which means i'll have to start on a 1.5hour bus journey at around 6 on saturday morning [01:24:48] * yuvipanda is tempted to stay on and reset his sleep cycle the 'other' way [01:24:55] yuvipanda: think yo can stay awake til then? [01:25:06] awjr: until saturday? nope! [01:25:21] awjr: but if I can stay up till, say, 1PM or so today (Thursday) [01:25:31] awjr: I can then stay up till 7PM or so on friday [01:25:31] ah [01:25:32] nope [01:25:36] 6 hour jumps aren't possible [01:25:40] lol [01:25:42] without completely killing any productivity [01:25:59] all right … I'm out as well .. lots of new project pages here https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Mobile_and_Special_Projects_engineering [01:26:07] i'm going to keep tinkering with them [01:26:16] they will likely supersede some of the bits on meta [01:26:22] tfinc: when are you submitting your wikimania talk? [01:26:44] ill likely write something tonight [01:26:51] just wright your and we'll compare [01:26:53] write* [01:27:11] alright [01:27:16] will do when awake [01:27:32] i will now go attempt to sleep [09:00:42] what happens if div id mp-tfa is specified twice? which one goes to the mobile page? [10:09:07] [WikipediaMobile] jdlrobson pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/2E5lCg [10:09:07] [WikipediaMobile/master] Stop rejecting all external links - YuviPanda [10:09:07] [WikipediaMobile/master] Merge pull request #176 from yuvipanda/fix-external-links - Jon Robson [10:09:35] Project WikipediaMobile - Nightly builds build #236: SUCCESS in 14 sec: https://integration.mediawiki.org/ci/job/WikipediaMobile%20-%20Nightly%20builds/236/ [10:09:36] yuvipanda: Stop rejecting all external links [10:51:35] [WikipediaMobile] jdlrobson pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/vqKQMg [10:51:35] [WikipediaMobile/master] Slightly cleaner attribution - YuviPanda [10:51:35] [WikipediaMobile/master] Made OSM and MapQuest attribution translateable - YuviPanda [10:51:35] [WikipediaMobile/master] Add a missing
- YuviPanda [10:51:51] Project WikipediaMobile - Nightly builds build #237: SUCCESS in 8.3 sec: https://integration.mediawiki.org/ci/job/WikipediaMobile%20-%20Nightly%20builds/237/ [10:51:52] * jdlrobson: Slightly cleaner attribution [10:51:52] * jdlrobson: Made OSM and MapQuest attribution translateable [10:51:53] * jdlrobson: Add a missing
[11:07:36] [WikipediaMobile] jdlrobson pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/DHSZbQ [11:07:36] [WikipediaMobile/master] Localize Saved Pages - YuviPanda [11:07:52] Project WikipediaMobile - Nightly builds build #238: SUCCESS in 8.7 sec: https://integration.mediawiki.org/ci/job/WikipediaMobile%20-%20Nightly%20builds/238/ [11:07:52] jdlrobson: Localize Saved Pages [11:21:06] hey yuvipanda [11:21:18] i'm hungry so was gonna pop out for some lunch [11:21:29] jdlrobson: heya [11:21:34] i'd like to merge https://github.com/wikimedia/WikipediaMobile/pull/174/files before I go though [11:22:06] jdlrobson: which one was showing index.html for you? [11:22:15] * yuvipanda pulls it out and checks [11:22:18] removing an article and saving an article [11:22:48] * yuvipanda checks [11:23:45] jdlrobson: I just tried it, it has gone away :) [11:23:48] wrong smiley [11:23:49] :| [11:23:57] i see no title for alerts [11:23:57] mm [11:24:02] what's going on with mine then [11:24:08] do i need to do some sort of clean? [11:24:29] iOS or android? [11:24:36] iOS [11:25:12] hmm, shouldn't be necessary [11:25:18] mm [11:25:23] jdlrobson: check git log, make sure you have the commit? [11:25:27] what iphone version are you deploying to? [11:25:37] 5.0 [11:26:05] you? [11:26:08] it's there - Merge remote-tracking branch 'yuvipanda/blank-title-dialogs' into tmp [11:26:12] hmmm [11:26:27] jdlrobson: xcode does have a 'clean' [11:26:31] try doing it and building again? [11:26:47] * jdlrobson cleans [11:27:44] and yuvipanda we need to get on to the api asap - i'm worried with all these changes to mfe we could bust something [11:27:59] k I'm now getting 'Confirm' as a title on deleting a page [11:28:02] jdlrobson: we definitely will. [11:28:07] jdlrobson: try alerts? [11:28:21] save page has no title [11:28:23] jdlrobson: post 1.1. I think 1.2 should *just* be the 'move to API' version [11:28:25] so looks good [11:28:33] jdlrobson: cool. [11:28:36] agreed we should definitely focus on api [11:28:40] i imagine it will be quite tricky [11:28:45] * jdlrobson begins a merge [11:28:50] true [11:28:53] API + code sharing [11:28:58] between MF and App [11:29:03] pushes [11:29:12] [WikipediaMobile] jdlrobson pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/3vmS7w [11:29:12] [WikipediaMobile/master] Show no titles in confirm and alert in iOS, match Android behavior - YuviPanda [11:29:13] jdlrobson: do you have an ETA on when your awesome-looking changes will hit production? [11:29:24] will i started pushing some of them today [11:29:26] but they are in the beta [11:29:27] Project WikipediaMobile - Nightly builds build #239: SUCCESS in 8.3 sec: https://integration.mediawiki.org/ci/job/WikipediaMobile%20-%20Nightly%20builds/239/ [11:29:27] jdlrobson: Show no titles in confirm and alert in iOS, match Android behavior [11:29:53] so the beta will go out then feedback will be gathered and then i assume we will switch it to the normal version which is when the phonegap app will pick it up [11:30:20] i'm hoping to have the stuff i've shown so far all into the beta by the end of the week [11:30:21] d [11:30:29] dependant on the email thread reaching some conclusions [11:30:40] jdlrobson: cool. [11:30:57] then i'll move on to reference revealing and contact form [11:31:04] i might even start poking at those today [11:31:18] but they don't effect the phonegap app hence why i've left them last :) [11:31:35] jdlrobson: do you have ideas on how we could move the new UI into PhoneGap? [11:31:39] I prefer it over whatever we hav [11:31:48] I'm *also* going to push for killing our 'Saved Pages' feature [11:32:00] and just integrate with one of the millions of 'read it later' type application [11:32:00] s [11:32:04] well the trick would be for the html in the phonegap app to start mimicking mfe [11:32:21] the saved pages feature is quite useful... [11:32:29] especially when you don't have mobile wifi [11:32:56] im using it now as a matter of fact [11:33:02] hmmm [11:33:06] but wouldn't having 'save page' [11:33:07] i'd like to see it on the actual mobile website as well [11:33:19] but having it go into 'Read it later', etc make as much sense? [11:34:12] 'read it later' ? [11:35:24] jdlrobson: instapaper type applications [11:36:13] i see [11:36:20] but not everyones aware of those programs [11:36:33] people like my dad would expect a wikipedia app to do offline stuff for him [11:36:45] but there's definitely a discussion to be had there [11:36:51] jdlrobson: +1 [11:36:58] jdlrobson: i'm super interested in doing 'offline stuff' [11:37:08] but more about *actually* having wikipedia content offline [11:37:11] rather than just a page or two [11:37:22] jdlrobson: zim based bundles are what i'd prefer [11:37:26] since you get the 'full deal' [11:37:35] images, sound, everything [11:38:20] yeh [11:38:40] do we cache images in the wikipedia app [11:38:42] jdlrobson: I think tfinc had a discussion about this with our offline folks y'day. Am eager to hop in once 1.1 is done. [11:38:43] (guessing not) [11:38:46] jdlrobson: for 'saved pages'? [11:38:50] yeh [11:38:51] yes we do. [11:39:34] cool [11:39:39] jdlrobson: in iOS, we convert them to data URIs [11:39:46] in android, we save them to the filesystem [11:39:58] why no data uris for android? [11:40:23] jdlrobson: android until 3.x doesn't support canvas -> data URIs [11:40:42] :( [11:41:22] anyway i really need to grab lunch [11:41:38] alright, i just woke up. Need to brush and stuff [11:41:41] cya in a bit! [15:20:03] Is there a reason common.css/applications.js are actually committed in the wiktionary app? [15:30:33] Just seems a bit silly to do make remotes and then have git complaining they've been changes [15:39:36] Reedy: shouldn't be. I'll talk to pfhayes [15:39:42] :) [16:58:10] Project WiktionaryMobile - Nightly builds build #29: SUCCESS in 11 sec: https://integration.mediawiki.org/ci/job/WiktionaryMobile%20-%20Nightly%20builds/29/ [16:58:10] pfhayes: Updating credits, removing leaflet [16:58:23] Project WiktionaryMobile - Nightly builds build #30: SUCCESS in 8 sec: https://integration.mediawiki.org/ci/job/WiktionaryMobile%20-%20Nightly%20builds/30/ [16:58:24] * hy.cheng: Listen Menu is now disabled when a page loads with no audio, removed old media function [16:58:24] * hy.cheng: fixing platform.js version number [16:58:25] * hy.cheng: reverting to upstream master as last commits caused crashes [16:58:25] * hy.cheng: fixed disabling listen in menu [16:58:26] * hy.cheng: fixed some redundant code in media [16:58:26] * hy.cheng: moved toggle to inside success handler [16:58:27] * pfhayes: Updating translation strings file for Wiktionary [16:58:27] * pfhayes: Removing nearby strings [16:58:28] * hy.cheng: added icon for listen-in [16:58:28] * hy.cheng: fixed images to be darker [16:58:29] * pfhayes: Updating version [17:01:41] Project WiktionaryMobile - Nightly builds build #31: SUCCESS in 7.4 sec: https://integration.mediawiki.org/ci/job/WiktionaryMobile%20-%20Nightly%20builds/31/ [17:01:41] pfhayes: Updating credits, removing leaflet [17:34:36] pfhayes, are you aware that WP app switches from screen-scraping to API? you will do the same, I suppose? [17:35:41] MaxSem: can you clarify? we use the same page rendering code that wikipedia does [17:35:47] when was this change made? [17:36:04] it _will_ be made after 1.1 release [17:36:12] which is... soon:) [17:37:03] okay. we have a feature freeze for our beta release, so right now we are preparing for a release with the existing code. if this is an important change though we can get it in [17:37:45] pfhayes: it won't happen for a few weeks, at the least [17:37:48] no, nothing urgent. I just need to know if you have API feature requests specific to your app [17:37:53] 1.1 is slated for next thursday, and after that [17:38:53] MaxSem: we do have some API requests that are just in wiktionary, related to getting audio files from pages. but that's it [17:40:06] well, you'll need to make more:) thus I wonder if action=mobileview is enough for you in its present state, for example [17:41:16] MaxSem: i don't know if i understand completely, but if it's good enough for wikipedia then it should be good enough for us [17:41:39] heh [18:01:17] greetings all [18:03:00] tfinc: hello [18:03:07] yuvipanda: how goes it? [18:03:26] pretty good. updating to latest js/styles, then only setting up API keys remains for beta. [18:03:32] woot [18:03:36] let me know if you need anything [18:03:42] will do! [18:07:27] jdlrobson: what is they are beta and not jquery http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/113942 [18:07:53] which bit preilly [18:08:31] jdlrobson: for references.min.js [18:08:43] jdlrobson: is that jQuery only? [18:08:58] yes references for the time being will require jquery [18:10:10] jdlrobson: okay, is there anyway around that? [18:10:22] yes with effort [18:10:36] at the moment i'm keen to get the stuff out in front of people for feedback purposes [18:10:49] and when we're happy with it we can spend time making it work on older target browsers [18:11:36] if their phone doesn't support jquery the site still works they just don't get the new shiny stuff for the time being [18:12:21] jdlrobson: okay [18:12:33] jdlrobson: also, I'm not super keen on this change http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/113466 [18:12:50] which one was that.. [18:13:02] why not? [18:13:10] jdlrobson: remove placeholder code in favour of placeholder attribute [18:13:41] jdlrobson: I mean besides the British English in the commit message [18:14:04] jdlrobson: well, a lot of browser still don't support the placeholder attribute [18:14:15] the placeholder attribute is supported by everything apart from nokia s40 and ie mobile http://www.quirksmode.org/html5/inputs_mobile.html#t13 [18:14:38] (in terms of mobile browsers) [18:15:25] and i felt for those that don't support it we'd be better off having generic code for them [18:15:50] jdlrobson: well, Chrome doesn't support it [18:16:39] jdlrobson: hmm [18:16:40] which version of chrome are we talking about? [18:16:46] jdlrobson: wait a minute [18:17:13] jdlrobson: okay, okay so we don't even have the placeholder on http://en.m.wikipedia.org/ right now do we? [18:18:57] linSmith: jdlrobson : fun new tool for mobile mockups https://www.fluidui.com/ [18:19:10] i sent it out to the team a couple of months ago and i wanted to make sure you guys know about it too [18:20:19] on the beta preilly or the standard version? [18:20:31] as the standard never had a placeholder [18:22:22] jdlrobson: hmm [18:23:26] im a bit confused the placeholder in beta seems messed up though [18:23:31] the styling rules don't seem to be there [18:24:34] jdlrobson: yeah [18:24:36] suggesting the css and javascript are different revisions [18:25:54] jdlrobson: ARGH [18:26:00] jdlrobson: that's what I figured [18:26:04] r13471 removed the placeholder css [18:27:04] * jdlrobson is confused [18:27:38] jdlrobson: so, am I [18:27:55] tfinc: are you using fluidui? [18:28:03] i've tinkered around with it [18:28:19] and was mentioning it to the rest of team so you have more resources for quick prototyping [18:28:37] tfinc is the meetings man, no time to tinker around with prototyping tools :P [18:28:50] meaning, we'd need some subscriptions to use it? it looks really useful [18:29:15] its free in beta now [18:29:20] so just sign up heatherw [18:30:07] signed up! just not sure what to do next [18:30:15] preilly any idea what revision was supposed to be deployed? [18:30:19] twiddle thumbs ? [18:30:29] heh [18:31:03] jdlrobson: I'm not sure [18:31:18] could this be resource loader related [18:31:31] its like resource loader is loading css from the future [18:31:40] oh sorry i see, waiting for an invite :P [18:31:49] which does not match the revision of the html/javascript [18:32:46] awjr: my name isn't prielly [18:33:03] awjr: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/113887 in commit message [18:33:03] only it's not using resource loader :/ [18:33:25] jdlrobson: ha ha [18:33:43] preilly: lolz - see the comment i left for that commit [18:33:52] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/113887#c32185 [18:34:54] awjr: yeah, still [18:42:26] so preilly i have no idea what could have happened. A quick fix would be to just add #placeholder { display: none; } for the time being or add the placeholder css removed in r113471 http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/113471 [18:44:44] preilly: nice job crushing the code review backlog for MF [18:46:53] awjr: np [18:47:23] awjr: also, the "Permanently disable mobile site" is broken on production... [18:47:51] awjr: you can't get past the "Are you sure?" page [18:48:30] prielly: when i tried the other day (yesterday?) i could not [18:48:35] damn it [18:48:38] preilly ^ [18:48:56] my fingers just want to spell your name wrong. [18:49:04] awjr: GOD DAMN IT [18:49:09] awjr: THAT'S NOT MY NAME! [18:49:16] awjr: jk [18:49:48] awjr: well, it looks like it's setting, "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&useformat=mobile&mobileaction=disable_mobile_site" as the "to" parameter [18:50:32] ah yeah [18:50:53] preilly: well, it shouldn't matter once the cookie changes go out [18:51:07] did you slay the code review backlog in the hopes of getting that stuff pushed out today? [18:51:10] preilly ^ [18:51:47] right i need to shoot and grab some food [18:52:27] awjr: no [18:52:35] awjr: today is just my 20% day [18:52:43] jdlrobson: enjoy [18:52:49] word [19:21:33] * MaxSem researches flights to Berlin [19:29:36] * yuvipanda wonders if he should [19:30:16] yuvipanda: do it. i went last year and it was one of the funnest WMF trips i've taken - and they've all been fun [19:30:49] awjr_lunch: i'm assuming you'd be coming this year too... [19:31:26] yuvipanda: afraid not, it's right before my wedding [19:31:31] ok now im really going to lunch [19:31:37] but i wish i was going :) [19:38:07] I also plan to stay on my own for a few days after the hackathon [19:38:24] bier gut! [19:38:46] * yuvipanda wonders the same [19:38:55] MaxSem: you happen to know passable german? [19:40:34] tfinc: as far as mockup tools go, http://support.balsamiq.com/customer/portal/articles/105924 [19:40:35] nope [19:40:40] balsamiq is free for non profits [19:41:10] hows balsamiq's android support these days? [19:41:14] last time i checked it .. it had none [19:41:33] not sure, I got it a while back on trial. Need to check it out [19:41:49] but IIRC, it was much more 'wireframe' than 'realistic mockup' [19:42:15] also headsup if you have any mobile related ideas, would love to pitch them at the saturday hackathon. [19:42:16] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Chennai_Hackathon_March_2012/Ideas [19:42:22] edit away, we need a lot :) [19:42:48] when i looked at it .. their mockups were clearly iOS centric [19:42:54] sliding bars .. select boxes [19:42:58] coverflow :D [19:43:26] but i agree that its trying to geer itself to wireframes .. iOS wireframes [19:43:26] aaah! [19:43:30] heck .. look at their phone layout [19:44:26] testing seems okay, filling in keys... [19:44:50] hmm, maybe I should just write a script that fills them in [19:44:52] but first, testing [19:45:12] also, license to kill idiots who burst crackers at 1:20AM for no apparent reasons. Idiots [19:53:27] that was some harsh feedback [19:53:33] seriously [19:54:02] preilly, tfinc: per binasher's comments on the 'First steps at making MobileFrontend usable beyond the WMF infrastructure' thread, I'm going to re-implement 'permanantly disable mobile site' functionality in MobileFrontend with some tweaks to integrate mobileRedirect.php stuff into the extension itself [19:54:08] its amazing how nasty people can get about free offerings [19:55:31] my house is filled with the glorious smell of bacon [19:55:40] * awjr is finding it hard to concentrate [19:55:49] awjr: whats the long term plan to get it working cleanly ? [19:56:56] tfinc: good question. i've gathered from comments that the long term goal is to move away from using the .m. domain at all, which requires migrating text to varnish, at which point we can kill the 'permanantly disable' functionality [19:57:04] awwwwwww, Berlin closes its old airports during the hackathon and opens a new one, it's gonna be CHAOS! :D [19:57:09] this sounds like it's a few months off [19:57:54] MaxSem: i was seeing that last night :) [19:57:58] it'll be oodles of fun [19:58:23] how will google index the mobile site then if there will be no separate mobile site? [19:58:26] MaxSem, tfinc: it's probably a good thing in the long run - the old berlin airport is crap [19:58:38] i rather liked TXL [19:58:45] really?! [19:58:46] it was one of the fastest airports i have ever used [19:58:49] totally [19:58:58] and I've been through it A LOT [19:58:58] maybe it was just because i was horrendously hung over last time i was there [19:59:11] like, i couldn't take my sunglasses off i hurt so bad [19:59:12] awjr: I've never gotten the point of why bacon is supposed to be awesome [19:59:21] yuvipanda: you're dead to me [19:59:31] i've never gotten on and off the plan as fast as i have done at TXL [19:59:34] maybe save for Burbank [19:59:59] tfinc: if you want a fast airport, come visit tucson [19:59:59] nothing beats Chennai Airport [20:00:04] flight at 0710 [20:00:21] they change the display at 0715 to say flight's delayed to 0730 [20:00:37] at 0740 the gate crew arrive and tell us it is delayed again, then disappear [20:00:54] 0750, display still says plane's at 0730, gate crew turn up and let is go through [20:00:56] thank them they haven't changed it to show an early departure [20:01:18] MaxSem: earlier departure at a different gate? :D [20:01:32] in a different terminal [20:01:40] in a different airport? :D [20:01:46] awjr: plus i don't know of any other airpot who gives you your package right outside the plane [20:01:59] awjr: but then i'd have to be in tucson [20:01:59] PlaneMad (ArunGanesh) once turned up in Chennai for his train [20:02:05] all was well except that it was wrong city [20:02:08] his train was from Bangalore [20:02:14] and he found out when searching for it on the platform [20:02:25] supposedly 10 mins before his train was scheduled to leave [20:03:39] what's delaying the switchover to Varnish? [20:04:38] MaxSem: according to binasher "This is blocked on migrating text from squid to varnish which is likely at least a few months off." [20:04:55] so I'm asking why so long;) [20:05:03] haha ask binasher :p [20:08:51] way to go, read it later [20:08:52] way to go [20:14:39] tfinc, so it's OK if I stay in Berlin on my own for a few days after the hackathon? [20:14:50] MaxSem: totally [20:14:59] great [20:15:08] MaxSem: you're going to have a blast [20:15:13] do you want to take a day off or work from there? [20:15:18] i suggest the former [20:16:16] I will possibly be available for a couple hours a day, need to think about it [20:16:58] cause I'll not be able to either walk or drink bier all the time I'm awake:) [20:18:46] haha [20:18:49] just take the day off [20:18:53] make it easy on yourself [20:18:57] okay [20:22:27] sharekit is being a complete pain [20:22:28] sigh [20:31:30] * tfinc is not liking his mobile qa interiews [20:31:45] binasher: thinking more about the 'permanantly disable mobile view' - shouldn't using vary: cookie sufficient to prevent cache pollution/fragmentation? if not, then it sounds like providing a cookie-based way of seeing a desktop view is fundamentally incompatible with our infrastructure (unless we use the 'permantly disable mobile site' functionality) [20:36:34] binasher: if that's not suitable, would it be possible to configure the squids to respond to the desktop view cookie in the same way as the 'stopMobileRedirect' cookie? i think that would be preferable (at least from my developer POV) as it would reduce code complexity and keep the MF codebase more suitable for non-WMF uses [20:36:42] tfinc: poke [20:36:50] tfinc: the account you created on fb i think just got suspended [20:36:56] yuvipanda: haha [20:37:00] as in [20:37:01] *just* now [20:37:05] as I tried to create an app :) [20:37:16] also, sharekit is *super* unstable [20:37:19] and incredibly crashy [20:37:32] let me try it out [20:38:15] yuvipanda: its asking for a security verification. doing that now [20:38:21] tfinc: facebook? [20:38:21] okay [20:38:26] yes [20:38:49] done [20:38:59] and i'm logged in [20:40:13] let me try again [20:42:39] tfinc: also, I'm considering ditching sharekit and just doing it ourselves. Crashes *way* more than I expectd [20:42:42] *expected [20:42:50] thedj: --^ [20:43:08] thedj: around? [20:44:13] tfinc: no dice http://pastebin.com/jiMdSerH [20:44:31] and i've been logged out again [20:44:55] and logging in again asks me to verify [20:45:12] and the captcha looks cyrillic? o_O [20:45:46] i bets its also freaking out as were logging into this account from vastly different ips [20:46:00] that too [20:46:04] and I just tried creating an App [20:46:25] and same deal [20:47:45] meh since binasher's ignoring me i asked the same questions on the wikitech-l thread [20:47:58] preilly do you have any thoughts about this stuff? [20:58:00] * yuvipanda pokes thedj some more [21:01:41] awjr: yeah, we can change the squid rule to disable redirect on the new cookie. but you won't have the mobile view bit at the bottom to switch back [21:02:52] re: cache varying, we already have around 9 varies based on x-device - that plus a vary on version makes that up to 18 potential versions of every page to cache, not counting things like accept format differences [21:03:42] binasher: interest - why won't the 'Mobile view' link at the bottom be displayed to switch back? as for cache varying, that makes sense [21:03:54] s/interest/interesting [21:04:13] tfinc: okay, release today's beta without Sharing, then rip out ShareKit + replace with Twitter+Facebook only. [21:04:21] tfinc: thoughts? [21:04:38] * tfinc wishes iOS had intents [21:05:13] did you submit the crashes up stream? [21:05:18] interview time .. [21:05:20] awjr: do you plan on having a mobile / desktop view link in the footer of every wikipedia page regardless of if mobilefrontend is engaged for a request? it won't be used on requests coming through the squids once the redirect is disabled [21:06:11] binasher, preilly: correct me if im wrong, but as long as the MobileFrontend extension is enabled on a site, the 'Mobile view' link will appear in the footer of desktop view pages [21:07:00] tfinc: do you know a 'iPhone app store id' for the app? [21:07:23] yuvipanda: you mean the identifier ? [21:07:32] yes? [21:07:59] org.wikimedia.wikipedia [21:08:08] that just adds a useformat=mobile currently but yeah, if that also clears the cookie which disables mobile redirects, it will get people back to the mobile site so that should be ok [21:08:18] binasher: but i think i see your point - the 'Mobile view' link will not redirect a user to the .m. domain [21:08:18] tfinc: that's for android, no? [21:08:19] yeah [21:08:26] binasher: yeah [21:08:26] apparently this is an integer that App store gives you... [21:08:31] yuvipanda: for android we have - org.wikipedia [21:10:19] binasher: i think the first request for a user using a mobile device when they click 'Mobile view' would take them to the mobile view but not the .m. domain. subsequent requests, however, would get them redirected to .m. [21:11:13] that sounds right [21:11:26] 6 [21:11:29] binasher: alternatively i could probably make the 'Mobile view' link point to .m. [21:11:35] yuvipanda: Bundle IDorg.wikimedia.wikipedia [21:11:44] hmm [21:11:47] yuvipanda: apple id 324715238 [21:12:00] yuvipanda SKU01982 [21:12:01] binasher: nevermind that wouldn't work for that first request because they'd still have the cookie set [21:12:20] tfinc: that was it [21:12:33] or not [21:12:36] there are a few cases (or were) where searches or some links tended to lose the .m. and only work thanks to the squid redirect (but fall through on non-standard or desktop user agents) [21:12:53] binasher: other alternative would be to have some javascript to change to the cookie before redirecting the user to mobile view [21:13:03] so maybe having a config option that makes mediawiki aware of a mobile subdomain would help in a few cases [21:13:18] binasher: i added that a coupla weeks ago [21:14:52] binasher: i think the most elegant thing to do would be to use javascript to change the cookie when a user clicks the 'Mobile view' link, then redirect them to the mobile version. with the no javascript enabled fallback being having that first request handled by the regular site and subsequent requests handled by .m. [21:15:55] does that sound acceptable to you? [21:16:27] yep, sounds good [21:16:51] binasher sweet should i file an RT ticket for modifying the cookie handling in the squids? [21:17:08] yes please [21:17:15] thanks dude :) [21:18:05] preilly: stop by R31 when you get back [21:19:04] * yuvipanda prepares beta without sharing [21:30:52] since my QA candidate could make it .. i've been moving forward on http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mobile_QA [21:30:56] new project page for mobile qa [21:31:16] i've been breaking down my current set of thoughts on http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mobile_QA/Spec [21:31:48] too bad i can't color code what we have vs don't have as easily as i have on the whiteboard in front me me [21:34:03] awjr: preilly YuviPanda|afk MaxSem feel free to add your thoughts. right now I'm trying to capture what we currently have and what new pieces we need [21:34:11] i'll mail out about it later [21:35:08] * MaxSem looks [21:37:39] tfinc: let me know if you want any review or help for any of that QA stuff [21:37:51] chrismcmahon: will do [21:38:07] chrismcmahon: i'm chatting with jonathon later today [21:38:42] tfinc: nice! tell him 'hi' for me, it's been maybe 5 years since we've met f2f [21:39:10] will do [21:59:28] back [22:21:13] [WikipediaMobile] yuvipanda pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/nMV6jw [22:21:13] [WikipediaMobile/master] Add upscaled sharePage icon - YuviPanda [22:21:13] [WikipediaMobile/master] Bumped version and added CHANGELOG - YuviPanda [22:21:39] Project WikipediaMobile - Nightly builds build #240: SUCCESS in 13 sec: https://integration.mediawiki.org/ci/job/WikipediaMobile%20-%20Nightly%20builds/240/ [22:21:40] * yuvipanda: Add upscaled sharePage icon [22:21:40] * yuvipanda: Bumped version and added CHANGELOG [22:22:27] tfinc: http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/app-1-1beta4-3-1beta3-release-notes [22:22:38] * YuviPanda goes to build apk [22:25:46] YuviPanda: nice. on a call right now [22:25:57] tfinc: poke when you're off it :) [22:25:58] YuviPanda: you rock! [22:26:12] that'll be around 5 [22:26:51] [22:27:56] preilly: thanks! [22:28:00] YuviPanda: np [22:28:29] Evening all. I'm having some issues with en.m.wikipedia.org - I'm using an HTC Wizard with WM5 & IE onboard, trying to disable the mobile site permanently. The page I land on to disable the mobile site though has issues - the link to disable the mobile site is not clickable, and nor is the back link below it [22:29:54] BarkingFish: this is a known issue and we are working on a fix [22:30:57] awjr: when is that fix going to go out? [22:31:07] there's a bug in bugzilla about it lemme see if i can dig it up [22:31:57] well it needs to get fixed sort of asap, I prefer the full version of WP and can't get to it without clicking the link to view each page in the normal site :) [22:32:11] What is the problem, where in the code, and can someone point me at it please? :) [22:32:31] *where is the code [22:32:51] preilly, BarkingFish: the fix will go out as soon as we deploy the changed cookie handling stuff which will hopefully be next week, depending on when ops makes the change to squid configurations [22:33:41] can you reuse the current cookie name? [22:33:50] this shouldn't be left broken for long [22:34:17] awjr: is there anyway around it for now, rather than having to click the normal view link on every single page? [22:34:31] well the code in trunk has changed substantially that a fix is not trivial. [22:34:44] however i might be able to figure out a quick a fix in production [22:34:48] so that's a no then, is it? [22:34:50] ah [22:34:51] nvm [22:35:06] wait.. is mobilefrontend deployed to the cluster from trunk? [22:35:24] production branch, i should say [22:35:35] ah ok [22:35:52] * awjr takes a look [22:36:20] awjr: can't we just fix the "to" variable to point to the right page? [22:36:37] preilly: i dont know, i need to look at the code [22:36:40] give me a sec [22:38:53] did you find the bug, btw, awjr? [22:39:14] BarkingFish: ah no sorry got distracted by code onse c [22:39:15] *one sec [22:39:27] ok, i'll go look for it, no worries [22:39:46] should be something about 'permanently disable' [22:40:03] BarkingFish: so, what happens when you try to click the back link? [22:40:16] nothing, it's not clickable [22:40:32] BarkingFish: okay, well this sounds like another issue [22:40:35] i just get my phone's copy/paste/edit/fullscreen thingy [22:40:52] awjr: this appears to be another issue altogether [22:41:15] oh [22:41:18] i see [22:41:18] BarkingFish: it doesn't see it as a button? [22:41:27] no [22:41:43] all the other links are clickable, those two are not [22:41:57] BarkingFish: hmm, it should see that as a button [22:42:13] i know it should :) [22:42:13] we should take a look at a Windows Phone in Perfecto [22:42:28] awjr: have you used Perfecto much yet? [22:42:37] preilly: haven't used it at all [22:42:38] Yeah, the issue is that my phone is so old, there are no roms for my specific operator (O2 UK) above WM5 [22:42:56] it would mean me putting a generic ROM on it and losing the O2 customized options [22:43:19] BarkingFish: wait this is NOT Windows Phone this is Windows Mobile? [22:44:14] yes [22:44:18] Windows Mobile 5 [22:44:34] it's an HTC Wizard which comes armed with WM5 built in as OS [22:46:38] System data: OS 5.1.195 build 14847.2.0.0, 2005 [22:50:19] operator phones suck [22:50:23] BarkingFish: I can't find a Windows Mobile 6.5 device in Perfecto for testing [22:51:09] preilly: he's using Windows Mobile 5 [22:51:27] awjr: I know [22:51:47] awjr: I typed 6. by mistake [22:52:14] no worries [22:52:19] What is this perfecto you speak of, and where may I find it please? [22:56:08] BarkingFish: it's the remote device access service that we use [22:56:34] BarkingFish: I found a HTC with Windows Mobile 5, but it's not connected to the Internet [22:57:04] hm [22:57:46] which one did you find? [22:58:20] do you mean you can access the phone, or you found the details of one which you could use if you get it on the internet? [22:59:22] BarkingFish: HTC Fuze [22:59:42] BarkingFish: I can access the phone it just doesn't have an active Internet connection [23:00:02] Hm. Can you activate one over this service? [23:00:26] They're usually capable on WM5 of Wifi, GPRS, Edge or CSD [23:01:46] BarkingFish: I'm trying [23:01:57] preilly, BarkingFish: i think i've got a fix that resolves the redirect issue [23:02:07] excellent :) [23:02:21] but won't do anything for the weird button problem... [23:03:02] it's a shame the mobile device can't do View Source, or I would copypaste the source into Word Mobile and bluetooth it to my pc [23:03:34] and give you the text of what I'm seeing here, which might have given you some clues as to the issue [23:03:43] actually, hold on a moment [23:05:05] BarkingFish: also found the bug in bugzilla i was thinking of but it's actually also unrelated - it was about permanently disable functionality giving a 404 on non-wmf uses of MobileFrontend. i'll go ahead and open one for this issue and then get this fix out [23:05:16] ok, cheers [23:06:56] BarkingFish: will you open a bug about the back button issue you're seeing? [23:07:06] [WikipediaMobile] yuvipanda pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ogVRtQ [23:07:06] [WikipediaMobile/master] Actually commit CHANGELOG - YuviPanda [23:07:09] sure [23:07:32] BarkingFish: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35249 [23:07:35] i'm trying to pull the page source off at the moment, think i've figured out hoq [23:07:37] *how [23:08:50] preilly, if you've got a sec: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/113971 [23:10:22] awjr: looks ok [23:10:34] preilly cool i'll go ahead and push this out now. [23:11:19] awjr: sweet [23:12:26] preilly: does this require a varnish cache flush? [23:14:51] awjr: it might not [23:15:07] awjr: try to push it and see [23:15:13] oh i already pushed it [23:15:26] awjr: does it look right or wrong now? [23:15:42] preilly looks fine with useformat=mobile, checking on my phone [23:15:56] awjr: seems fine to me as well [23:16:38] preilly: yeah works fine on my phone [23:21:29] I've tried to pull the source off, unfortunately it's not allowing me to do so and I don't know whether I can access the mobile site through a pc based browser... [23:23:41] I can see what it's supposed to do now from the source, if you click on it (as a button) it should knock the redirect out for 10 years :P [23:26:35] BarkingFish: can you try using the disable mobile view feature again? [23:26:48] sure, give me a sec [23:27:17] BarkingFish: you can access the mobile site in a browser - either with en.m.wikipedia.org or add "useformat=mobile" to the URL's query string [23:27:24] *desktop browser, that is [23:28:15] right, it's still failing [23:28:29] i'll give you the URL I'm on, in case that's partly at fault [23:28:52] what's the behavior when it fails for you? it might just be a caching problem [23:29:43] BarkingFish: can you add some garbage to the query string in the request for the disable confirmatoin page? like "&x=alsdfkjaljf" [23:29:52] and see if you still get the same behavior [23:32:14] * awjr is eager to move MF actions to special pages to avoid cache issues [23:33:00] * aude asks dumb question.... for working on mobile app development, do you get special prices for development, test devices? [23:37:16] tfinc: have dumped ShareKit and now have twitter working directly :) [23:37:20] should've done this to begin with. [23:37:26] * tfinc knods [23:38:40] http://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=Main+Page&returntoquery=mobileaction=view_normal_site&mobileaction=disable_mobile_site < right, letme catch up [23:38:55] I was gonna ask what y'all thought of sharekit and why you chose it [23:39:48] devgeeks: IIRC at the time we picked it up (feb?) it sounded pretty great! so thedj worked on integrating it into our code, and left it in, pending fuller fledged testing after figuring out a secure way to handle keys [23:40:08] * devgeeks nods [23:40:15] devgeeks: that 'after secure way to handle keys' happened now, and turns out ShareKit crashes at everything. [23:40:20] almost everything [23:40:25] and when it doesn't, it doesn't work [23:40:26] ow [23:40:33] examples of the former include twitter and read it later [23:40:36] yeah, I had heaps of problems with it [23:40:39] and the latter is facebook [23:41:06] devgeeks: spent the day trying to get it to work, looked at sharekit issues/pull requests [23:41:07] awjr: re the garbage in the query string, yup, nothing changes. those buttons ain't clickable [23:41:19] BarkinFish: :( [23:41:19] cancel buttons not responding, etc etc [23:41:22] maybe you should change the format from buttons to direct hyperlinks [23:41:22] and figured out it hasn't exactly been 'active' [23:42:09] BarkingFish: did you file the bug? [23:42:12] devgeeks: https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/iPhone/Twitter worked like a charm for twitter [23:42:12] * devgeeks nods [23:42:20] there is a workaround that you can try [23:42:35] Isn't that iOS 5 only though cause it uses the built in twitter stuff ? [23:42:50] devgeeks: yes [23:42:52] sure, go for it awjr [23:43:04] The guy that wrote that is super nice ;) [23:43:17] not yet, i'm fiddling with stuff :P [23:43:19] BarkingFish: try going to: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/mobileRedirect.php [23:43:37] in might throw a weird error but it should set the cookie anyway [23:43:44] then try going to an article [23:44:13] devgeeks: I think that is an acceptable tradeoff. [23:44:25] invalid target [23:44:35] devgeeks: know of anything similar for facebook? [23:44:39] i'd have to write one otherwise... [23:44:44] BarkingFish: yup that should be ok [23:44:46] ah BarkingFish, that will actually only make the cookie last for the duration of your session [23:45:00] devgeeks: sad part is that read-it-later, which would've been a nice addon to wikipediamobile, might possibly miss out [23:45:02] it works though [23:45:08] try: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/mobileRedirect.php?expires_in_days=365 [23:45:11] i'm going to see if there is a way I can make it work, however [23:45:12] that will set the cookie for a year [23:45:13] if you could make that permanent, that would be a help [23:45:25] i'll set it for 10 years to be on the safe side :) [23:45:29] YuviPanda: https://github.com/davejohnson/phonegap-plugin-facebook-connect [23:45:31] sure thing [23:45:36] Closest I know of [23:45:56] Does Read it Later have an iOS api or anything? [23:46:24] ooh.. http://readitlaterlist.com/api/libraries-iphone [23:46:37] awjr, done and dusted. Cookie now set for 3653 days [23:46:41] devgeeks: it does have one [23:46:43] http://readitlaterlist.com/api/libraries/ [23:46:47] phew [23:46:50] so i'll probably be able to write a simple plugin :) [23:46:50] yeah, just looking at it [23:46:56] BarkingFish :) [23:47:14] devgeeks: they suggest sharekit :P [23:47:19] hahaha [23:47:22] that's perfect. i'll disconnect and shut my session on gprs, and try it again on a new connection [23:47:36] devgeeks: hmm, that API looks very wrappable. [23:47:45] I was thinking the same [23:47:53] I like that they have a lite one too [23:47:59] where you handle the UI [23:48:35] devgeeks: true! [23:48:41] readItLaterSaveFinished [23:48:42] etc [23:48:54] just begging for js callbacks ;) [23:49:01] devgeeks: but I guess in our case, letting it handle the UI is good enough [23:49:07] true [23:49:15] yup, awjr, the cookie has set properly. I disconnected GPRS, shut IE and went back in, clicked on en.wikipedia.org in my history and it's not redirected me to en.m, so I'd say that's sorted. Do you still want me to file the bug and add that URL as a solution for people with the same issue? [23:49:17] devgeeks: though I was mulling the idea of killing our 'saved pages' concept and just hooking into read it later (or similar services) [23:49:29] Instapaper, etc [23:49:33] pretty much [23:49:35] Evernote [23:49:37] if only iOS had intents.... [23:49:41] yeah [23:49:52] it needs a SHARE system like Android SO badly [23:50:41] BarkingFish: go ahead and file the bug so we have it, feel free to record the work around [23:50:46] devgeeks: true! [23:50:51] What a great API... that's like a 10 minute plugin [23:50:52] lol [23:51:05] devgeeks: want to have a go at it? :D [23:51:09] Sure [23:51:23] devgeeks: coool! :) [23:51:40] * YuviPanda puts finishing touches on twitter share before moving to facebook [23:52:19] if you use the facebook connect one I linked above, Steve Gill did a screencast the other day with really clear instructions [23:52:59] YuviPanda: I assume you guys aren't using Cordova 1.5.0 yet? [23:53:14] devgeeks: nope, didn't want to migrate this late in the cycle [23:53:23] app's going out on thursday [23:53:31] though this sharekit issue is a new wrench [23:53:36] yeah, you guys have too many plugins ... 1.5.0 is a mess IMHO [23:54:18] devgeeks: yes, and I'm not a fan of how they do changelogs [23:54:28] hehe [23:54:34] ie: barely at all [23:54:40] git log dumps are fine when commit messages are *sane* [23:54:46] yeah [23:59:23] devgeeks: do keep me updated about progress with the RIL api