[10:49:11] hmm, I've just noticed Ladsgroup's / Amir1 Phab account has been disabled. Is there any problems? [10:51:10] TabbyCat: Yeah, there are. That's temporarily though [10:51:18] oh [10:51:19] I hope it gets resolved soon [10:51:43] Amir1: in the meanwhile a message I sent to pywikibot-announce is being held for moderation, could you approve it? [10:52:01] (I noticed the disabled flag after I mentioned you in a ticket) [10:52:41] TabbyCat: sure, let me check [10:53:46] TabbyCat: you can ping "AnotherLadsgroup" for now [10:54:07] okay, thanks ^2 :) [10:57:04] TabbyCat: pywikibot-announce says there is nothing held for moderation [10:57:20] Amir1: Merlijn has just approved it [10:57:27] Nice! [10:57:30] (I pinged him as well) [10:57:43] sorry for wasting your time and hope that the issues are resolved very soon [11:03:12] TabbyCat: no worries, Thanks for caring. :)