[00:05:36] (03CR) 10Mattflaschen: [C: 04-1] "Doesn't work, since mediawiki.mixins.rotation.less now depends on mediawiki.mixins.less, but doesn't import it." [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115377 (owner: 10Prtksxna) [00:05:53] (03CR) 10TTO: "I agree that this should be reverted." [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115206 (owner: 10Bartosz Dziewoński) [00:10:14] (03PS1) 10Gergő Tisza: Add JSDuck role to MediaWiki-Vagrant [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115534 [00:11:49] Withoutaname: hi [00:25:06] (03CR) 10Chad: [C: 031] "This is fine by me and sorts out basically all of the issues I see. Feel free to remove the WIP and self-merge when you're ready for this " [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115215 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [00:25:58] (03CR) 10Mattflaschen: "> What if we moved prefix handling Config, but make it agnostic about the actual prefix to use? Then GlobalVarConfig could do it's wg-ugli" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109850 (owner: 10Ori.livneh) [00:39:35] (03PS6) 10Manybubbles: WIP:1.0 updates [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115215 [00:45:06] (03PS2) 10Anomie: Remove STRAIGHT_JOIN from ApiQueryLogEvents [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115381 [00:49:09] (03CR) 10Springle: [C: 032] Remove STRAIGHT_JOIN from ApiQueryLogEvents [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115381 (owner: 10Anomie) [00:50:08] (03PS17) 10Bsitu: Add diff view of changes to board header [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109431 [00:50:38] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Add diff view of changes to board header [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109431 (owner: 10Bsitu) [00:51:46] springle: I wonder if the change tag table will need a timestamp field someday [00:52:35] (03PS4) 10MaxSem: WIP: Elasticsearch support [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 [00:52:39] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] WIP: Elasticsearch support [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 (owner: 10MaxSem) [00:53:03] ^d & manybubbles|away, how does ^^ look? (until // TODO: below) [00:53:34] if we programmatically made sure it equaled the revision/logging/whatever field and added a redundant equality to the WHERE (or ON clause) that could hint equality propagation and let mysql use change tag indexes to resolve the ORDER BYs right? (assume we had ct_tag,ct_timestamp indexed) [00:53:44] <^d> MaxSem: Looking [00:54:20] springle: does equality propagation help with ORDER BY? At least it could in theory. [00:54:35] (03PS18) 10Bsitu: Add diff view of changes to board header [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109431 [00:55:34] (03PS2) 10EBernhardson: [WIP] Combined board history [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115532 [00:55:37] (03PS2) 10EBernhardson: Sort the combined header+topic revisions after merging [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115531 [00:55:40] (03PS2) 10EBernhardson: Split reusable parts out of ContributionsQuery [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115530 [00:55:43] (03PS2) 10EBernhardson: No need to call same function three times [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115529 [00:55:46] (03PS2) 10EBernhardson: Add missing use statement and annotations [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115528 [00:57:58] AaronSchulz: yes, may be worth it, however may require a distinct switch to order by the ct field. EP won't cut it there (i think) [00:58:16] have to try that [00:59:31] let me know if you check...maybe make a bug :) [01:01:34] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 04-1] "Bool filter for the win. Reading material if you want it:" (037 comments) [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 (owner: 10MaxSem) [01:04:36] <^d> MaxSem: On the right track. manybubbles|away left comments. [01:05:56] (03PS4) 10Bsitu: Add new Hook 'SendWatchlistEmailNotification' [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114682 [01:06:58] (03Abandoned) 10Bsitu: Remove namespace restriction [extensions/Echo] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114627 (owner: 10Bsitu) [01:07:40] thanks! [01:08:12] (03CR) 10Chad: [C: 032] Add new Hook 'SendWatchlistEmailNotification' [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114682 (owner: 10Bsitu) [01:11:43] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Add new Hook 'SendWatchlistEmailNotification' [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114682 (owner: 10Bsitu) [01:14:55] (03PS3) 10Bsitu: Prevent double email notifications on talk page edit [extensions/Echo] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114683 [01:22:33] (03PS1) 10Wctaiwan: Allow extension of post interaction links [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115552 [01:45:08] (03PS1) 10Aaron Schulz: Removed pointless cache bypass in Swift backend [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115553 [01:46:45] (03PS1) 10Aaron Schulz: Removed pointless cache bypass in Swift backend [core] (wmf/1.23wmf15) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115554 [01:47:31] (03CR) 10Aaron Schulz: [C: 032] Removed pointless cache bypass in Swift backend [core] (wmf/1.23wmf15) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115554 (owner: 10Aaron Schulz) [01:50:53] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Removed pointless cache bypass in Swift backend [core] (wmf/1.23wmf15) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115554 (owner: 10Aaron Schulz) [01:54:34] (03PS1) 10Awjrichards: Set wgCookieDomain to host name [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115555 [01:55:27] (03CR) 10Legoktm: Allow extension of post interaction links (033 comments) [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115552 (owner: 10Wctaiwan) [01:57:54] bd808: BTW, re. deployments, there's a theoretically-entirely-not-hairy-but deployment on Monday afternoon that RoanKattouw_away will handle. [01:58:35] bd808: Per Greg's orders, notifying you. :-) [01:58:44] James_F: Thanks for the heads up. [01:59:01] Roan can probably handle things better than me :) [01:59:28] bd808: (Just enabling the PHP side of Parsoid for all public wikis; it's possible that it'll overload the Parsoid cluster, in which case we'll revert, but we're not expecting anything to be noticable). [01:59:36] * James_F grins. [02:05:38] ^d, manybubbles|away - ewww, looks like I'll need to use nested docs to retrieve only coordinates I need [02:06:10] MaxSem: we've been trying to avoid nested docs [02:06:37] we use highlighting to get what we need but I don't know if it'd work for you [02:06:48] might be stuck with nested docs [02:06:50] essentially, my problem is http://elasticsearch-users.115913.n3.nabble.com/Can-ES-return-only-the-part-of-an-array-that-match-the-query-td4026958.html [02:07:31] yeah [02:07:42] I know the issue [02:07:57] or search will result in hundreds of coordinates when only one is needed:( [02:10:24] (03PS5) 10MaxSem: WIP: Elasticsearch support [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 [02:10:54] hmmmmm....... I wonder if I can do something about that in ES - I'lll have a think [02:11:05] is ^^ better btw? [02:15:29] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: WIP: Elasticsearch support (031 comment) [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 (owner: 10MaxSem) [02:15:32] better [02:15:34] ! [02:15:34] There is no such key, you probably want to try: !?>, !@, !@param, !1.17, !1.18, !2.0, !3x, !42, !a, !abusefilter, !access, !ack, !actionpaths, !actions, !adminsettings, !allmessages, !allowoverride, !amend, !ampersand, !analytics, !ancient, !anglebrackets, !announce, !annoyinglittlebug, !anonnotice, !answer, !api, !audit, !auth, !authentication, !autoblock, !autoconfirmed, !autoload, !autothumb, !backup, !bestcase, !blacklist, !blame, !blank, !bleedingedge, !blocking, !boilerplate, !bom, !bot, !botbrain2, !botnoob, !branch, !branchpoints, !browser, !bugsearch, !bugzilla, !bunching, !bureaucracy, !bzapi, !bzsource, !cache, !captcha, !cat, !categories, !centralauth, !chansearch, !chanspam, !charinsert, !cheatsheet, !checkuser, !ci, !cia, !cite, !class, !cloak, !cms, !code, !codereview, !collapse, !colon, !commit, !commons, !compare, !compression, !config, !console, !cookies, !cooluris, !copyhelp, !copying, !copyinghelp, !copytemplates, !core, !corehack, !corn, 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!resourceloader, !rest, !revdelete, !revert, !reviewqueue, !rfc, !rights, !rightssql, !robots, !rollback, !rt, !rtam, !rtfm, !ruby, !safemode, !sandbox, !sarcasm, !sb, !scap, !scarytranscluding, !schema, !search, !secrets, !security, !selfmerge, !selinux, !semantichelp, !semanticmediawiki, !sequel, !serversuperglobal, !session, !sharedlogins, !shell, !shellrequest, !shorturls, !sitemap, !sitenotice, !siwae, !sm, !smtp, !smw, !sofixit, !songs, !sop, !sortkey, !sorttable, !sourceforge, !spam, !specialpages, !sqlite, !sqllog, !sqlsearch, !srv193, !start, !stfu, !stringfunctions, !stroopwafels, !subpages, !subst, !suggest, !sul, !sumanah, !supported, !svg, !svnauthor, !svnprops, !svn-rev, !svnsearch, !syntax, !syntaxhighlight, !sysadmin, !t_paamayim_nekudotayim, !tabcompletion, !table, !tables.sql, !tabs, !tag, !tautology, !telepathy, !temp, !templates, !test, !test2, !testing, !tests, !testswarm, !testwiki, !thankyou, !the_mask, !thisbotisnotstupid, !thisisalongkey, !threads, !thumb, !tias, !tidy, !tidyforidiots, !timezone, !toc, !toolserver, !tooquiet, !transclusion, !translatewiki, !true, !ts, !tso, !tss, !tunemysql, !twn, !ui, !umask, !undo, !unicode_test, !uninstall, !unreviewedcode, !update.php, !upgrade, !upload, !uploadbyurl, !useful, !useragent, !userapproval, !variables, !vector, !version, !versionlifecycle, !viewvc, !votes, !vulnerability, !wallofshame, !webinspector, !webrequest, !webscale, !welcome, !wf, !wiki, !wiki2pdf, !wiki2xml, !wikia, !wikiacode, !wikibugs, !wikidata, !wikieditor, !wikimania, !wikimedia, !wikipmediawiki, !wip, !wmf, !wmf-deployment, !wmo, !worstcase, !wtf, !wysiwyg, !xampp, !xkcd, !xml, !yoda, !sanitizer, !index.php, !wikipedia, !pastelocalsettings, !flow, !opsschool, !vagrant, !packages, !subversion, !1.20, !patrol, !wm-bot, !wp, !memoserv, !submodules, !cs, !5.4, !$wgServer, !visualeditor, !master, !unicorn, !rewriteproblems, !parsoid, !pong, !adsense, !github, !sourcecode, !technews, !reboot, !hook, !seen, !tryflow, !sidebar, !htmlform, !bzqs, !apiinternal, !apiclient, !pastebin, !dirtydiffs, !parsoid-web, !parsoid-test, !link, !smart, !autopromote, !vebug, !VE-table, !veq, !maintenance, !bugsong, !ext, !tea, !ask, !jobs, !farm, !newbug, !templateproblems, !mw, !blink, !logs, !jsduck, !packagessimple, !skins, !skinning, !job, !codesearch, !ie, !bribe, !gitblit, !ajax, !wg, !stash, !csv2wiki, !repos, !sleep, !jjb, !card, !ping2, !wm-bot-ping, !IE10, !jenkins, !log, !ulsfo, !lts, !python, !lmgtfy, !gci, !roadmap, !e_test, !htmllogs, !kiwix, !fileupload, !math, !stalemaintpages, !lst, !fishbowl, !sal, !wptemplates, !nyan, !speed, !xy, !support, !hss, !dontdothat, !1.21, !1.22, !rebase, !collapsible, !mleb, !technext, !workforus, !autowikibrowser, !flaggedrevs, !namespaceprotection, !, !!, !oauth, [02:15:44] thanks bot [02:15:56] I bet we could do something with source filtering [02:16:00] I could use it too [02:23:04] (03PS1) 10Wctaiwan: Flow Thanks [extensions/Thanks] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115557 [02:24:35] (03CR) 10MaxSem: WIP: Elasticsearch support (031 comment) [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 (owner: 10MaxSem) [02:38:47] (03CR) 10MaxSem: WIP: Elasticsearch support (031 comment) [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 (owner: 10MaxSem) [02:50:24] (03CR) 10Mwalker: [C: 032] Add test for ThrottledError exception [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115421 (owner: 10Addshore) [02:52:37] (03CR) 10Mwalker: [C: 032] Add test for BadTitleError exception [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115422 (owner: 10Addshore) [03:11:16] (03PS1) 10EBernhardson: Remove unnecessary branching in validation [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115564 [03:58:38] (03PS5) 10Greg Grossmeier: Dev and deploy flowchart using blockdiag [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115425 [05:00:49] TimStarling: Hi. [05:01:07] hi [05:01:29] TimStarling: Did you have any thoughts about people using Special page transclusion as an API in Scribunto/Lua modules? [05:01:40] It seems pretty rough. [05:02:05] sounds pretty ugly' [05:02:17] and prone to bitrot [05:02:20] I posted to wikitech-l about it. It'd be nice to nip it in the bud. [05:02:24] Yeah, but what's the alternative? [05:03:21] There was talk about a JSON Lua module, I think. [05:03:30] That might help. [05:04:37] Also, I keep meaning to remind you to update your English Wikipedia user page. It's slightly out of date. :-) [05:04:44] well, the alternative is to not do that thing [05:05:08] I think the history suggests that people will do what works. [05:05:21] For now, {{Special:ListFiles/}} is a decent enough API to get a user's uploads. [05:05:31] And {{Special:PrefixIndex/}} is a decent enough API to get pages by prefix. [05:05:41] I'm sure someone has hacked up {{#categorytree:}} to get category membership... [05:05:58] api.php ftw. [05:09:21] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2014-February/074589.html has the two examples I've come across. [05:31:18] (03PS19) 10Bsitu: Add diff view of changes to board header [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109431 [05:35:28] (03CR) 10Legoktm: [C: 04-1] "Good work so far!" (0310 comments) [extensions/Thanks] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115557 (owner: 10Wctaiwan) [05:40:40] (03CR) 10PleaseStand: "> I agree that this should be reverted." [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115206 (owner: 10Bartosz Dziewoński) [05:51:00] (03CR) 10Prtksxna: "@superm401 Alright, should I make a separate animations.mixins file and keep everything there? The transform-rotate mixin could be used at" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115377 (owner: 10Prtksxna) [06:06:18] (03PS1) 10TTO: Revert "DefaultSettings.php: Remove $wgPasswordSenderName" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115574 [06:06:30] (03PS2) 10TTO: Revert "DefaultSettings.php: Remove $wgPasswordSenderName" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115574 [06:15:40] (03Abandoned) 10Adamw: Example fix for implicitly declared globals [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/76208 (owner: 10Adamw) [06:18:26] (03PS3) 10Adamw: (bug 56849) Pass true oldid for atomic page save [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/94584 [06:21:46] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] (bug 56849) Pass true oldid for atomic page save [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/94584 (owner: 10Adamw) [06:38:42] (03PS1) 10EBernhardson: [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 [06:38:49] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [06:42:33] (03CR) 10Mattflaschen: [C: 04-1] "Works good overall. I tested with long messages at page load (requiring it to always be expanded), and with resizing." (036 comments) [extensions/GettingStarted] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115176 (owner: 10Phuedx) [06:45:43] (03CR) 10PleaseStand: Avoid showing crazy staleness times at ActiveUsers (031 comment) [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115522 (owner: 10Aaron Schulz) [06:45:47] hey ori [06:46:10] hello [06:46:35] ori: happy late February. there's old grey ice on the sidewalks here [06:48:01] i can imagine. happy late february to you too. [06:49:27] (03CR) 10Aaron Schulz: Avoid showing crazy staleness times at ActiveUsers (031 comment) [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115522 (owner: 10Aaron Schulz) [06:52:37] ori, you there? [06:53:15] superm401: half. is this about the vagrant box download thing? [06:54:15] ori, yep. [06:54:36] And the rest of my comment at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/115114/1 [06:55:04] I would also like if you review the XDebug one when you get a chance: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/113519/ [06:55:12] it was a bad, sloppy commit [06:55:23] mine, i mean; not the xdebug change [06:55:29] i should just revert it [06:55:51] ori, I haven't tested out the shared folders enough to know if that part is sound. [06:55:55] (03CR) 10Bencmq: Allow extension of post interaction links (031 comment) [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115552 (owner: 10Wctaiwan) [06:56:02] neither have i :) [06:56:09] :) [06:56:18] However, it would definitely be good to revert the other parts, especially the 2 GB. [06:56:23] nah, i kid. it's reasonably well-tested. but it should not have been accompanied by some unrelated detritus [06:56:31] Though if you want to just keep the box download part, that's okay. [06:56:43] 1.2.6 is reasonable, as long as it's documented (I did a followup for that). [06:57:28] After all the latest is 1.4.3. [06:58:15] ori, I'm off for tonight, but I can review any followup to that if you want. [06:59:36] superm401: I'll revert and submit changes separately. And yeah, reviews would be very helpful. Thanks! I'll take a look at the xdebug change again. [07:00:55] (03CR) 10Ori.livneh: "As I conceded on IRC, this was a bad, sloppy commit. I'll revert it for now and resubmit it as a series of discrete patches." [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115114 (owner: 10Ori.livneh) [07:01:01] (03PS1) 10Ori.livneh: Revert "Use NFS by default on non-Windows hosts" [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115579 [07:02:17] (03CR) 10Ori.livneh: [C: 032] Revert "Use NFS by default on non-Windows hosts" [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115579 (owner: 10Ori.livneh) [07:02:20] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Revert "Use NFS by default on non-Windows hosts" [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115579 (owner: 10Ori.livneh) [07:04:17] (03CR) 10Ori.livneh: [C: 032] Removed pointless cache bypass in Swift backend [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115553 (owner: 10Aaron Schulz) [07:06:29] (03PS11) 10Aaron Schulz: Moved job running via $wgJobRunRate to a special API [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/113038 [07:07:20] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Moved job running via $wgJobRunRate to a special API [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/113038 (owner: 10Aaron Schulz) [07:07:57] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Removed pointless cache bypass in Swift backend [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115553 (owner: 10Aaron Schulz) [07:11:33] (03PS12) 10Aaron Schulz: Moved job running via $wgJobRunRate to a special API [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/113038 [09:18:46] (03CR) 10Krinkle: "@AaronSchulz : "[[gerrit:65162]]" doesn't work in a commit message. Aside from it being preferred practice to use hashes instead of numeri" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/108188 (owner: 10Nullzero) [09:23:07] (03CR) 10Matthias Mullie: [C: 032] Add diff view of changes to board header [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109431 (owner: 10Bsitu) [09:23:20] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Add diff view of changes to board header [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109431 (owner: 10Bsitu) [09:37:09] (03CR) 10Parent5446: [C: 032] "Why the hell was a variable that was deprecated in *this version* removed in the first place?" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115574 (owner: 10TTO) [09:40:52] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Revert "DefaultSettings.php: Remove $wgPasswordSenderName" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115574 (owner: 10TTO) [09:44:19] good morning [09:45:37] thanks to Tim Landscheidt [09:45:46] does he have a nick here? [09:46:20] Withoutaname: yes :] [09:48:13] Withoutaname: his nickname is scfc_de , he is in #wikimedia-labs right now [09:48:20] (03CR) 10Phe: [C: 031] Increases size of the Special:IndexPages input [extensions/ProofreadPage] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115197 (owner: 10Tpt) [09:50:27] (03CR) 10Phe: [C: 031] Fix fatal error when usebetatoolbar option was activated and not showtoolbar [extensions/ProofreadPage] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115205 (owner: 10Tpt) [09:54:03] (03CR) 10Tpt: [C: 032] "Reviewed by Phe" [extensions/ProofreadPage] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115197 (owner: 10Tpt) [09:54:12] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Increases size of the Special:IndexPages input [extensions/ProofreadPage] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115197 (owner: 10Tpt) [09:57:49] (03CR) 10Mglaser: "I have tested it on IPv4 with various hostnames, IP-Adresses and non-standard ports. For IPv6, I checked the values of host and port, but " [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109634 (owner: 10Mglaser) [09:59:32] (03Abandoned) 10Hashar: Blockdiag integration example [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115408 (owner: 10Hashar) [10:31:25] (03CR) 10Tpt: [C: 032] "Reviewed by Phe" [extensions/ProofreadPage] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115205 (owner: 10Tpt) [10:31:33] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Fix fatal error when usebetatoolbar option was activated and not showtoolbar [extensions/ProofreadPage] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115205 (owner: 10Tpt) [10:40:29] (03CR) 10Matthias Mullie: Makefile command to run phpstorm inspections (033 comments) [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114701 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [10:40:35] (03PS4) 10Matthias Mullie: Makefile command to run phpstorm inspections [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114701 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [11:21:50] (03PS6) 10Hashar: Dev and deploy flowchart using blockdiag [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115425 (owner: 10Greg Grossmeier) [11:21:52] (03PS2) 10Hashar: Boilerplate to get blockdiag doc generated with sphinx [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115407 [11:21:54] (03PS1) 10Hashar: Tweak css for blockdiag so img can be larger [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115595 [11:24:17] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 031] "Greg, I have moved your files under /source/devdeployflow so the diag can be generated directly by sphinx when running 'tox'." [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115425 (owner: 10Greg Grossmeier) [11:34:27] (03PS1) 10Rillke: Add cc-IGO (internal governed organization) [extensions/WikimediaMessages] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115597 [11:37:45] (03PS2) 10Rillke: Add cc-IGO (international governed organization) [extensions/WikimediaMessages] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115597 [11:44:53] (03PS1) 10Hashar: mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115598 [11:45:16] (03PS1) 10Hashar: Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115599 [11:45:28] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115599 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:45:34] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 032] mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115598 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:45:38] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 032] Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115599 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:45:42] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115599 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:45:52] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115598 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:48:09] (03PS2) 10Hashar: Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115599 [11:48:28] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 032] Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115599 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:48:32] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115599 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:50:53] (03PS1) 10Hashar: Jenkins validation (DO NOT SUBMIT) [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115600 [11:51:54] (03PS1) 10Hashar: Revert "Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc" [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115601 [11:52:00] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 032] Revert "Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc" [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115601 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:52:04] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Revert "Trigger mw-tools-release-tox-doc" [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115601 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:53:03] (03PS1) 10Hashar: rename mediawiki/tools/{release,releng} [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115602 [11:53:59] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 032] rename mediawiki/tools/{release,releng} [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115602 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:54:17] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: rename mediawiki/tools/{release,releng} [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115602 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:56:05] (03PS1) 10Hashar: Triggers mw-tools-releng-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115604 [11:56:14] (03CR) 10Hashar: [C: 032] Triggers mw-tools-releng-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115604 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:56:27] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Triggers mw-tools-releng-tox-doc [integration/zuul-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115604 (owner: 10Hashar) [11:57:48] (03PS2) 10Hashar: Jenkins validation (DO NOT SUBMIT) [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115600 [11:58:12] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Jenkins validation (DO NOT SUBMIT) [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115600 (owner: 10Hashar) [12:30:50] (03PS1) 10Lekshmi: editintro given a css class of its own [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115607 [12:44:19] (03PS4) 10Matthias Mullie: Makefile command to check i18n for matching en and qqq keys [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114702 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [12:45:09] (03CR) 10Matthias Mullie: [C: 032] "Pushed anew, without dependant patch (which is was not really dependant on) so we can merge it now" [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114702 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [12:45:27] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Makefile command to check i18n for matching en and qqq keys [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114702 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [13:02:11] (03PS1) 10Addshore: Expand MWException tests [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115608 [13:04:47] (03PS6) 10Addshore: Remove unused stuff from tests [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109470 [14:05:32] (03PS1) 10Matthias Mullie: Fix tree_orig_create_time length [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115619 [14:05:36] (03PS1) 10Matthias Mullie: Prefix tables with /*_*/ [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115620 [14:05:38] (03PS1) 10Matthias Mullie: Add $tablesUsed for test [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115621 [14:51:17] (03CR) 10Matthias Mullie: No need to load workflow in formatters (033 comments) [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/112846 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [14:54:31] (03PS1) 10Manybubbles: Allow configuration of periodic task interval [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115630 [14:58:14] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: WIP: Elasticsearch support (031 comment) [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 (owner: 10MaxSem) [14:58:38] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: WIP: Elasticsearch support (031 comment) [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 (owner: 10MaxSem) [14:59:20] (03PS1) 10Ragesoss: Show the right username in the confirmation for removing articles [extensions/EducationProgram] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115632 [15:00:16] good morning manybubbles [15:00:29] good afternoon! [15:02:26] (03CR) 10Bartosz Dziewoński: [C: 032] Put callback function within class in SiteConfigurationTest [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109640 (owner: 10Addshore) [15:02:52] (03PS7) 10Manybubbles: WIP:1.0 updates [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115215 [15:06:07] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Put callback function within class in SiteConfigurationTest [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/109640 (owner: 10Addshore) [15:27:21] (03CR) 10Aklapper: "Lekshmi: Any context *why* this change is proposed? I admit I am confused why I was added as a potential reviewer." [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115607 (owner: 10Lekshmi) [15:31:16] (03CR) 10Bartosz Dziewoński: [C: 04-1] "This patch obviously doesn't work and causes a fatal. Please test the code before pushing it for review." [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115607 (owner: 10Lekshmi) [15:33:51] (03PS6) 10MaxSem: WIP: Elasticsearch support [extensions/GeoData] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115413 [15:37:51] (03PS2) 10Lekshmi: editintro given a css class of its own [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115607 [15:37:54] manybubbles, so what should I do with multiple coordinates? why you don't like nested docs [15:37:55] ? [15:38:14] MaxSem: I suppose nested docs is the thing [15:38:28] we've been avoiding them (for redirects) because each nested doc costs memory [15:38:41] the nesting relationship has to be kept in memory [15:38:56] and there are other funky restrictions like nested docs having to be on the same shard as the parent [15:39:15] but we don't have anything better for you [15:39:25] my nested docs aren't large [15:39:42] thought there can be a load of them [15:40:04] not on the same scale as redirects i ho[e [15:40:06] hope [15:40:12] I mean, some pages will have a ton [15:40:17] but, like how many are we talking about total? [15:41:09] manybubbles, ~1.5M geo tags on enwiki total, several pages come close to the limit of 2000 coords/page [15:41:30] should be ok [15:41:39] If I know Elasticsearch they keep the links pretty small [15:41:45] so we're talking only a couple of megs to maintain that [15:42:05] so probably ok [15:45:35] (03CR) 10Bartosz Dziewoński: [C: 04-1] editintro given a css class of its own [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115607 (owner: 10Lekshmi) [15:51:17] (03PS2) 10Addshore: Expand MWException tests [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115608 [16:02:43] (03PS2) 10Anomie: API: Make more continuations unique [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/103589 [16:05:22] (03CR) 10Krinkle: [C: 04-1] "Untested, glanced over code." (0331 comments) [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/104318 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [16:07:50] (03CR) 10Krinkle: [C: 04-1] Uninstall GetHumanTimestamp hook for testing core (031 comment) [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/99349 (owner: 10saper) [16:09:21] (03PS2) 10Krinkle: PathRouter: Fix documentation typo [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115403 [16:11:53] (03CR) 10Aklapper: [C: 04-1] "Please always test patches before committing them. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_become_a_MediaWiki_hacker#Set_up_your_environ" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115607 (owner: 10Lekshmi) [16:21:38] (03CR) 10Phuedx: "This works nicely. I've got one question about the use of single quotes, which'll probably boil to style." (031 comment) [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115429 (owner: 10Mattflaschen) [16:25:17] (03PS2) 10Phuedx: Make the toolbar respond to a content overflow [extensions/GettingStarted] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115176 [16:30:40] (03CR) 10Phuedx: Make the toolbar respond to a content overflow (035 comments) [extensions/GettingStarted] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115176 (owner: 10Phuedx) [16:52:53] ori: I just shaved off 4kb off of every commonswiki and wikidata page view :) [16:54:14] using proper unescaped unicode json for wpAvailableLanguages.js [16:54:19] https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Common.js&action=history [16:54:27] https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Common.js&action=history [16:59:38] Neat. [17:00:57] (03PS17) 10Daniel Kinzler: Introducing TitleValue [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/106517 [17:06:06] Even better would be making ULS work for anons, of course [17:08:37] (03PS1) 10Umherirrender: Add a 'revdelete-selected-file' message on Special:RevisionDelete [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115640 [17:13:24] (03PS2) 10Krinkle: [WIP] resourceloader: Fix broken 'skinStyles' loop in file module getModifiedTime [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/112837 [17:13:58] (03CR) 10Krinkle: "Need a fix for this soon. Since this code specific spot of the code is untestable right now, I'll create a follow-up draft for the test an" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/112837 (owner: 10Krinkle) [17:18:19] (03PS8) 10Manybubbles: 1.0 updates [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115215 [17:21:48] (03PS3) 10Umherirrender: Split revdelete-text on Special:RevisionDelete for each type [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115426 [17:23:00] (03CR) 10Umherirrender: "Patch Set 3: Changed type from image to file, both words are already mixed on that page, so new message keys can use file here." [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115426 (owner: 10Umherirrender) [17:23:52] (03PS1) 10Andrew Bogott: Add puppetcopy and puppetcopyregion args to createInstance. [extensions/OpenStackManager] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115644 [17:24:19] (03PS18) 10Daniel Kinzler: Introducing TitleValue [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/106517 [17:24:29] (03CR) 10Andrew Bogott: [C: 032 V: 032] Add puppetcopy and puppetcopyregion args to createInstance. [extensions/OpenStackManager] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115644 (owner: 10Andrew Bogott) [17:25:08] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 032] "Made some minor changes after Chad gave it his blessing so self merging so we get on Beta sooner rather than later." [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115215 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [17:25:25] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: 1.0 updates [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115215 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [17:26:13] manybubbles, ^demon|away, brion, TimStarling, anomie: new version of TitleValue is up. [17:26:32] woot [17:26:40] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/106517 [17:26:50] * brion bookmarks for later reading [17:27:20] just give +2, no need for reading :P [17:27:28] xD [17:28:02] is anyone around that is in the Admin group for wikimedia on github? [17:28:19] brion maybe? [17:28:25] addshore: what can i do for ya [17:30:05] hmm actually I have just noticed an issue and now dont need anything :D [17:30:13] though I will probably be poking again in a few days ;p [17:30:13] heh :D [17:30:17] ok [17:31:00] ok i better get going to the office [17:31:02] (03CR) 10Greg Grossmeier: [C: 032 V: 032] "Thanks!" [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115425 (owner: 10Greg Grossmeier) [17:37:37] (03CR) 10Greg Grossmeier: [C: 032 V: 032] "Yep." [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115407 (owner: 10Hashar) [17:46:57] (03PS3) 10Daniel Kinzler: Refactor SpecialCategories [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/107842 [17:47:09] \o/ [17:50:22] (03PS1) 10Manybubbles: README updates [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115649 [17:50:57] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 032] ""Just" a readme update so pretty safe to self +2 with Chad on vacation." [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115649 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [17:51:15] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: README updates [extensions/CirrusSearch] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115649 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [17:51:32] (03CR) 10Hashar: "greg-g: that one is to make the image to overflow and take more space than the browser window :-]" [tools/releng] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115595 (owner: 10Hashar) [17:51:36] (03PS2) 10EBernhardson: [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 [17:51:43] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [17:52:04] (03PS3) 10Krinkle: qunit macro: Make log/ directory writable instead of just the file [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/95309 [17:53:36] legoktm: you here? [17:54:10] (03CR) 10Krinkle: "Needs rebase with conflict resolution. Depends on I8c892abc46ed57." [integration/jenkins] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/95311 (owner: 10Krinkle) [17:57:59] (03CR) 10Krinkle: "I disagree, since the readability goes both ways (some of the arrays re-use old variables, this way they're all together). But if you pref" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/111962 (owner: 10Krinkle) [17:58:41] (03CR) 10Anomie: [C: 032] Support interwiki searches in API [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/112913 (owner: 10Chad) [17:59:52] (03PS3) 10EBernhardson: [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 [17:59:58] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [18:03:01] (03PS20) 10Inchikutty: Embedding Static Map to UploadWizard [extensions/UploadWizard] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/107892 [18:04:00] (03Merged) 10jenkins-bot: Support interwiki searches in API [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/112913 (owner: 10Chad) [18:06:08] (03PS4) 10EBernhardson: [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 [18:06:20] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [18:07:00] (03CR) 10Inchikutty: "Sorry for being late.( Experiencing Internet connectivity issues.)" [extensions/UploadWizard] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/107892 (owner: 10Inchikutty) [18:07:11] thanks anomie [18:08:34] (03PS17) 10Jeroen De Dauw: Make it possible for extensions to specify which version of MediaWiki they support via Composer. [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/105092 [18:22:13] (03CR) 10EBernhardson: "hmm, we should be able to get this working on osx but i know nothing about it." [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/114701 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [18:27:21] (03CR) 10Bsitu: No need to load workflow in formatters (031 comment) [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/112846 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [18:31:04] (03PS1) 10Manybubbles: Remove Elastica submodule [extensions/Elastica] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115654 [18:31:06] (03PS1) 10Manybubbles: Squash master to REL1_22 [extensions/Elastica] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115655 [18:31:28] (03Abandoned) 10Manybubbles: Remove Elastica submodule [extensions/Elastica] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115654 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [18:31:32] (03Abandoned) 10Manybubbles: Squash master to REL1_22 [extensions/Elastica] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115655 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [18:32:56] (03PS1) 10Manybubbles: Remove Elastica submodule [extensions/Elastica] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115656 [18:32:58] (03PS1) 10Manybubbles: Squash master to REL1_22 [extensions/Elastica] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115657 [18:34:43] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 04-1] "-1 until I test with Cirrus REL1_22" [extensions/Elastica] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115656 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [18:34:47] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 04-1] "-1 until I test with Cirrus REL1_22" [extensions/Elastica] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115657 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [18:46:53] (03PS5) 10EBernhardson: [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 [18:47:03] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [18:50:46] greg-g: around? [18:50:55] yeah, for 10 minutes :) [18:51:17] we'd like to deploy small fix which affects display of references on wikidata [18:51:20] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/115590/ [18:51:38] looks like there is open time to do that? [18:52:11] (03PS6) 10EBernhardson: [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 [18:52:19] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [18:52:49] aude: lightning deploy? [18:52:54] :> [18:52:55] ugh, that's late for you [18:52:56] :/ [18:53:05] paravoid: Hi ! you around ? [18:53:20] I am but I'm a bit busy atm; what's up? [18:53:28] greg-g: it's a bit late but can work [18:53:32] k [18:53:38] let's do that if that's ok [18:53:43] ok [18:53:45] ya'll ok doing it yourselves? [18:53:56] i sorted out ssh / gerrit so can do it [18:54:05] cool [18:54:10] (03PS7) 10EBernhardson: [SCHEMA CHANGE] Drop the definition model [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115576 [18:54:14] as long as someone is around in case i have trouble with it still [18:54:18] nice thing about LD is that others will be around to help if need be [18:54:22] :) :) [18:54:24] perfect [18:54:35] (03PS1) 10Cmcmahon: Replace fragile checks with checks for spinner on save [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115659 [18:54:54] (03CR) 10Cmcmahon: [V: 032] Replace fragile checks with checks for spinner on save [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115659 (owner: 10Cmcmahon) [19:02:55] I'm trying to enable profiling on a vagrant instance, but it does not work. I was trying to follow http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug and http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Profileinfo.php [19:03:28] no matter where I put $wgEnableProfileInfo = true; gives me a 404 [19:03:54] (03PS1) 10Aude: Update Wikidata build, fix display of references [core] (wmf/1.23wmf15) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115662 [19:04:24] awjr, do you have any experience with profiling mw? [19:04:39] jgonera: a little but not in vagrant [19:04:55] awjr, should not be relevant, I just want to make the profiler work [19:05:18] let's see, i havent done it in a while [19:05:57] (03CR) 10Aude: "shall deploy this during lightning deploy" [core] (wmf/1.23wmf15) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115662 (owner: 10Aude) [19:07:16] wow some of that documentation is really outdated [19:08:19] yeah, it seems so... [19:08:40] jgonera: are you wanting to log profile info to the db? [19:09:04] awjr, I don't really care where it ends up, I just want to see it ;) [19:10:35] jgonera: ok, if you have $wgEnableProfileInfo = true and something set for $wgDebugLogFile, i think you'll see profile info show up in the debug log file [19:11:27] jgonera: i think htat's the most straightforward way to do it [19:11:44] where, by default, is that file? [19:11:53] oh wait [19:11:58] ok, that's not a bool [19:12:14] jgonera: correct, there is no default location [19:12:21] the default is an empty string [19:12:34] so you'll need to give it a fiel path [19:12:36] *file path [19:12:59] you may need to touch the file or otherwise make sure the file will be writable [19:14:25] I think I got it ;) [19:14:27] thanks awjr [19:14:32] \o/ [19:15:27] np jgonera [19:18:19] brion: let me know what you need [19:19:02] Nikerabbit: i'll whip up the config settings later today, i'll need you to review and merge them when you have a chance and make sure it works :D [19:21:39] brion: sure, like last time? Is tomorrow okay? [19:21:46] (03PS16) 10Bsitu: No need to load workflow in formatters [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/112846 (owner: 10EBernhardson) [19:21:47] Nikerabbit: tomorrow would be perfect yeah [19:28:10] jgonera: did you see my reply on json i18n? [19:28:41] Nemo_bis, I guess I haven't [19:29:50] (03PS2) 10Wctaiwan: Allow extension of post interaction links [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115552 [19:30:30] jgonera: see https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/102940 [19:31:35] (03CR) 10Wctaiwan: Allow extension of post interaction links (032 comments) [extensions/Flow] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115552 (owner: 10Wctaiwan) [19:32:00] Nemo_bis, thanks! [19:33:07] (03CR) 10Bartosz Dziewoński: "There are some non-code matches for the removed preference left:" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/94614 (owner: 1001tonythomas) [19:33:28] (03PS1) 10Manybubbles: Squash master to REL1_22 [extensions/CirrusSearch] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115667 [19:34:04] awjr, not sure how much I should trust the profiler as it shows negative values for some functions sometimes... [19:34:05] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 04-1] "-1 while testing but I wanted to get this up somewhere because it was a pain to make and I don't want to lose it." [extensions/CirrusSearch] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115667 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [19:34:33] jgonera: hmm it's possible the profiler invocation for those particular functions is messed up [19:34:51] like maybe wfProfileOut switched with wfProfileIn [19:34:54] or… things are totally f'd up :p [19:35:19] awjr, I just added wfProfileIn and Out myself in one place and it reported negative time ;) [19:35:27] lol [19:35:33] maybe it really did take negative time [19:36:00] I'd love to believe in that, I would just run this code in a loop until MW loads in 0ms [19:36:15] heehehehe [19:36:46] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Squash master to REL1_22 [extensions/CirrusSearch] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115667 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [19:37:01] jgonera: i think MaxSem has some experience with profiler stuff, he may have better insights than i [19:38:23] jgonera, I personally send profiling results to debug log [19:38:56] MaxSem: i think he's doing that but he's also getting negative values for some profiled functinos [19:39:18] mimatching in/out calls? [19:39:25] MaxSem, nope [19:39:39] also, VMs are terrible for performance engineering [19:40:02] that is true, any profile metrics taken on a vm should be taken with large grains of salt [19:40:19] yeah, but I want to know why MW on vagrant is so painfully slow [19:40:20] but they can still be useful depending on what you're lokoing for [19:40:25] I can't reproduce it without vagrant [19:40:32] ha [19:40:41] it's like 5 seconds per page load [19:40:57] hmm do you have memcached and apc set up? [19:40:59] same stuff for me [19:41:11] a 404 sent by Apache loads instantaneously so it must be MW [19:41:26] mw can be seriously slow out of the box [19:41:26] awjr, as far as I know vagrant instance of MW uses redis for cache [19:41:36] ah right [19:41:45] not sure about APC but I even tried hhvm and it didn't change a thing [19:41:57] hmm [19:42:02] awjr, it can be, but I think it shouldn't be [19:42:03] have you checked resource allocation for the vm? [19:42:26] awjr, it's the only web app I worked on in my life that would be that slow with just a handful of rows in the db [19:42:35] yeah :( [19:43:10] awjr, do you know how to check that in vagrant? [19:43:50] not off the top of my head [19:44:33] you might be able to do it through the virtualbox interface, but there's probably some vagrant config file that manages that stuff for headless [19:44:53] ahha [19:44:59] jgonera: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Vagrant#How_do_I....3F [19:45:08] awjr, it's set to 2GB memory and 2 cores, that should be more than enough [19:45:12] @_@ [19:45:13] yeah. [19:45:20] :( [19:45:37] i imagine ori has some insight into this [19:46:24] awjr, is it also something around 4-5s per page load for you when using vagrant? [19:46:39] (03CR) 10Jdlrobson: "Added some kind of test may be useful to this patchset." (031 comment) [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/102344 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [19:46:53] i havent added any pages besides the main page yet, i was just trying to get the mobile view switcher working properly yesterday [19:46:59] lemme see [19:48:22] jgonera: appears to be < 3s for me on average [19:48:44] im getting btwn 2.5 and 2.8s for really light pages [19:48:49] (note i am in desktop view) [19:49:09] that's... acceptable, but I'd say it would be nice if it was < 0.5s [19:49:10] (03PS19) 10Bartosz Dziewoński: Removed 'Remember my login' preference [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/94614 (owner: 1001tonythomas) [19:49:26] yeah it would, although we don't get that in production unless a page is cached [19:49:35] (03CR) 10Bartosz Dziewoński: [C: 031] Removed 'Remember my login' preference [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/94614 (owner: 1001tonythomas) [19:49:43] jgonera: next step: set up varnish in vagrant :) [19:50:00] (03PS1) 10Addshore: Split the rest of Action.php into /actions/ [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115672 [19:50:05] (03PS12) 10Dr0ptp4kt: Add support to get just the startup module URL with version. [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/102344 [19:50:25] jdlrobson, just updated the commit message to take out the dependency [19:50:28] ^^ [19:50:40] thx for adding the test [19:51:04] jgonera: getting production-like varnish configured in vagrant is one of the things we're discussing for the zurich hackathon [19:51:51] awjr, haha, that's not fixing the problem though, I want to have up to date pages when developing [19:52:14] jgonera: rewrite mediawiki in assembly [19:52:14] btw, those 4-5s are with browser cache disabled (which I also want when developing) [19:52:26] yeah, my timings were with browser cache disabled too [19:52:49] awjr, I don't think it's a matter of programming language choice ;) [19:52:58] hehehe i know i know [19:53:26] i just wanted to imagine what that would be like... [19:55:23] jdlrobson i misread...you're saying to add a test [19:55:30] ha! lemme look... [19:55:47] dr0ptp4kt: yup i figured that might be useful for explaining what you are fixing [19:56:00] hi [19:57:18] (03CR) 1001tonythomas: "@Bartosz: Thanks for the PS" [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/94614 (owner: 1001tonythomas) [20:01:10] Anyone here? [20:01:33] !ask [20:01:33] Hi, how can we help you? Just ask your question. [20:01:49] !netsplit [20:01:50] !split [20:01:57] oh well, that:) [20:04:49] !test [20:04:49] This is a nifty test of niftiness ... http://z0r.de/2650 << lookie, isn't that cool? :) [20:05:07] ... [20:05:49] nomadrolled? [20:05:49] thanks, nomad [20:07:04] (03PS2) 10Manybubbles: Squash master to REL1_22 [extensions/CirrusSearch] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115667 [20:08:31] (03CR) 10Multichill: [C: 031] "That's an odd license. Not sure if the addition of the qqq message will work. Siebrand, can you check?" [extensions/WikimediaMessages] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115597 (owner: 10Rillke) [20:10:07] (03PS3) 10Manybubbles: Squash master to REL1_22 [extensions/CirrusSearch] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115667 [20:10:34] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 032 V: 032] "Merging now that Cirrus' REL1_22 is ready as well." [extensions/Elastica] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115656 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [20:10:55] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 032 V: 032] "Merging now that Cirrus' REL1_22 is ready as well." [extensions/Elastica] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115657 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [20:11:54] (03CR) 10Bartosz Dziewoński: "I've tested this now and noticed that it splits the single link in two :/ That is pretty unintuitive. It might be better to just make the " [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/107360 (owner: 1001tonythomas) [20:12:05] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: [C: 032 V: 032] "Overriding Jenkins bot's opinion and merging anyway. His complaints are due to a missing jshintrc file but we can live without one in the" [extensions/CirrusSearch] (REL1_22) - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115667 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [20:12:37] (03PS1) 10Jforrester: Update OOjs UI to v0.1.0-pre (064484f9af) [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115676 [20:14:46] (03PS13) 10Dr0ptp4kt: Add support to get just the startup module URL with version. [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/102344 [20:15:03] (03PS2) 10Wctaiwan: [WIP] Add "Thanks" for comments on Flow boards [extensions/Thanks] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115557 [20:16:05] (03PS3) 10Wctaiwan: [WIP] Add "Thanks" for comments on Flow boards [extensions/Thanks] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115557 [20:18:12] (03PS4) 10Gerrit Patch Uploader: Add 'newonly' option to Special:Contributions and related i18n message [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115189 [20:18:14] (03CR) 10Gerrit Patch Uploader: "This commit was uploaded using the Gerrit Patch Uploader [1]." [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115189 (owner: 10Gerrit Patch Uploader) [20:21:11] (03CR) 10Krinkle: Add support to get just the startup module URL with version. (033 comments) [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/102344 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [20:21:18] (03PS1) 10Manybubbles: Get Cirrus's browser tests working [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115679 [20:21:22] (03CR) 10jenkins-bot: [V: 04-1] Get Cirrus's browser tests working [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115679 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [20:21:24] (03PS14) 10Krinkle: resourceloader: Add method to get the startup modules load url [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/102344 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [20:21:28] (03CR) 10Krinkle: [C: 031] resourceloader: Add method to get the startup modules load url [core] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/102344 (owner: 10Dr0ptp4kt) [20:21:42] Krinkle hey [20:21:57] huh: Hi [20:22:01] Is there going to be a mw.loader replacement for importScript? [20:22:12] and also importStylesheet [20:23:00] huh: A day or so ago a test bot of yours running on tool labs (under your local-pirsquared account) was continuously join/parting #cvn-commons, #cvn-meta and other channels. [20:23:00] (03PS2) 10Manybubbles: Get Cirrus's browser tests working [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115679 [20:23:21] Krinkle: and I fixed it [20:23:35] huh: There is a bug about that, the answer is no, because there is nothing to migrate. They work fine as they are, and have nothing to do with mw.loader (which is about ResourceLoader, and user scripts are not ResourceLoader modules) [20:23:45] (03CR) 10Manybubbles: "I'm sure I did everything wrong in this commit, but it does get Cirrus' browser test passing which is pretty cool." [vagrant] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/115679 (owner: 10Manybubbles) [20:23:47] But aren't they deprecated? [20:23:58] These select methods are explicitly not marked deprecated. [20:24:58] However user scripts in general, yes, are kind of deprecated. Or rather, I'd argue they were and never can be part of anything serious because of their nature. They are just pure HTML / JS / CSS, loaded using action=raw and bare