[02:36:33] *: Lots of talk about hanging out in IRC during the remote contractor discussion, but also lots of logout strings from remote people.... :P [21:33:08] expandAttributes in includes/Html.php is escaping attributes that contain URLs, which breaks them (for example '&' becomes '&') - known? proper fix? [21:36:24] maybe there should be a list of known URL attributes, much like there are lists for bool attributes and such [21:52:44] kflorence: that sounds like correct behavior to me [22:19:52] brion-away: I guess ResourceLoader doesn't know how to handle that case, then [22:20:06] example? [22:21:28] http://kflorence.wikia-dev.com/load.php?debug=true&lang=en&modules=wikia.ext.abtesting&only=scripts&skin=oasis&* [22:21:47] kflorence: that's a URL that's been HTML-escaped, yes [22:21:59] is something trying to load that? [22:22:03] how? from what? where? [22:22:14] yeah, it's generated via the Html library, Html::linkedScript( $url ); [22:22:22] again, so far that's normal [22:22:33] what's the whole link tag look like? [22:22:44] [22:22:50] that looks correct [22:22:53] what's wrong with it? [22:23:31] hm, i think you're right [22:23:39] it just doesn't load if you navigate to it directly [22:24:09] well sure if you copy an HTML-escaped URL into your URL bar it won't work, because it's not a plaintext URL [22:24:33] the browser understands HTML tags though, not text, so it understands to decode before loading the script [22:24:39] heh, that's what i get for opening it in source view :) [22:24:44] :D [22:25:11] i guess the browser is smarter than i am [22:25:58] hehe [22:26:19] battery's going out, back to charging