[00:23:53] does LocalisationUpdate still run daily on fenari to update extension i18n message? [06:31:17] @externals [06:31:18] Krinkle: [operations/mediawiki-config.git] Checked out HEAD: 3fdac20c5610fa9892dcb5fa8f9e99c5f98bae5b - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=operations/mediawiki-config.git;a=commit;h=3fdac20c5610fa9892dcb5fa8f9e99c5f98bae5b [06:31:49] @info s4 [06:31:49] Krinkle: [s4] db31:, db22:, db33:, db51: [07:32:17] hello [07:33:22] hashar: bonjour [08:29:03] Time to go find some germans driving rather fast [08:31:38] road trip! [08:32:34] Take 2! [08:34:16] I wonder if I can make it to Berlin quicker than Ryan will be able to.. [08:35:35] * Reedy stops procrastinating [08:36:59] see ya...safe travels! [08:40:23] ohh [08:40:25] rob awake !! [08:40:26] ;-D [08:40:43] team in the same timezone !! [08:40:55] for some value of "awake". [08:41:25] took me like one week to recover from the 9 hours shift from west to east :-( [08:41:30] I've only had airplane sleep so far...not the real deal [08:42:20] anyway, going afk now [09:02:28] qchris: so you are writing tests for da old ActiveAbstract extension ? ;-]] [09:03:16] hashar: Well ... it is still used. Isn't it? [09:03:23] I have no idea [09:03:39] According to xmldumps-backup it is still used [09:03:50] So it needs tests :D [09:03:58] you definitely want to get Brion to have a look at it [09:04:05] or to give you a name ;) [09:04:12] Ok. Then I'll ping him again. [09:04:16] sorry :-( [09:04:20] Thanks [09:04:27] it seems to be feeding Yahoo some abstracts [09:04:32] No problem. I already thought to receive that answer ;) [09:04:34] so I am not really willing to mess with that [10:58:21] !ping [10:58:21] Pong. [15:48:24] thanks [15:48:32] I was just going to ask elsewhere for a channel op [15:48:53] question - i'm having troubles finding the interwiki shortcut prefix to link to wikimedia macedonia...i expected [[:wmmk:]] to do it [15:56:19] any user usurp process in deployment-prep ? [16:58:36] . [16:58:41] ; [16:59:02] liangent, what's your problem? [17:00:12] Fight! [17:00:13] Fight! [17:00:14] Fight! [17:00:32] wow Reedy [17:00:33] * Platonides takes out the sword and looks around for the ninjas [17:00:36] ;P [17:01:23] http://www.scribd.com/jamesyu/d/246005/7-THE-I-AM-NOT-A-NINJA-POLKA [17:13:06] I am new to mediawiki , I have seen some material about "How to become a mediawiki hacker" but I am stuck with the concept called hooks which I think important in developing mediawiki extensions.can anyone provide some resources regarding that [17:14:06] kaldari: did you ever get that change deployed? [17:14:20] no [17:14:26] I pushed the branch [17:14:46] you should be able to pull & fetch it in [17:15:04] then do the cherry pick and stuff [17:15:19] I'll try it again [17:15:32] don't try to recreate wmf4 [17:15:38] just pull it in [17:15:55] ok [17:16:08] you can do "git branch -a" to see it [17:16:21] when does wmf4 go out to the other wikis today? [17:16:55] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.20/Roadmap#Schedule_for_the_deployments [17:17:24] no enwiki yet :) [17:19:06] bharath, did you look at docs/hooks.txt in mediawiki repository? [17:19:50] Platonides: no ,I will check it out now [17:25:08] AaronSchulz: OK, I think I did it correctly. Here's the change to wmf4 to review: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/9413/ [17:30:31] AaronSchulz: Is it OK if I review/merge the change myself? [17:30:53] I just did [17:35:11] kaldari: when should we deploy? [17:36:23] I guess, now, almost no one is using it on wmf4 atm [17:36:52] yeah, now is fine... [17:37:44] there are a couple of other blocking bugs on wmf4, BTW... [17:37:53] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36974 [17:38:36] not sure what the status of the others is [17:38:59] OH [17:39:05] It's that time again [17:40:50] kaldari: done [17:41:09] btw, you aren't in the tech channel ;) [17:41:15] looks like https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/9210/ needs to be pulled into wmf4 as well [17:41:17] AaronSchulz: roblaAFK is at dinner [17:41:23] Perfect time to change stuff [17:41:35] like what? [17:42:01] Moar wikis onto wmf4 [17:42:25] what time is there? 6pm? [17:42:35] 19:40 [17:43:09] God I hate this laptop [17:44:19] and the fix for the final blocking bug is https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/7699/, but it hasn't been reviewed yet. [17:45:17] unfortunately, I don't know enough about the logging system to review that one [17:50:39] kaldari: that looks pretty hacky [17:54:30] AaronSchulz: How do you view extensions in gitweb? I can't find them anywhere? [17:55:09] on your local machine? [17:55:31] no, one the web [17:55:35] on the web [17:55:38] like from https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=mediawiki/core.git;a=summary [17:56:10] like https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage.git;a=tree ? [17:56:43] yes :) [17:56:49] how'd you get there? [17:57:32] I end up just typing gitweb into my browser, and then modifying the url... [17:58:10] nice [17:58:16] It's not very well "publicized" [18:47:58] This is confusing: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Article says "In MediaWiki terms, an article is a page in the main namespace, or a content namespace that is not a redirect", but it seems that redirects are also Article objects just like a regular article. Are any pages NOT article objects and just WikiPage objects? [18:51:09] other namespaces? [18:51:25] but they are still Articles aren't they? [18:51:28] kaldari: historically all pages regardless of namespace where Articles (except ImagePage and CategoryPage) [18:51:55] recently we have added WikiPage class as parent to those all, but some functionality is still in Article class [18:52:08] I think it even has alias Page [18:52:25] I think even Categories are Article objects [18:53:21] http://svn.wikimedia.org/doc/classArticle.html [18:53:44] I wasn't exactly correct [18:53:55] Page Class Reference [18:54:01] Abstract class for type hinting (accepts WikiPage, Article, ImagePage, CategoryPage). [18:54:05] Inherited by Article, and WikiPage. [18:56:28] WikiPage doesn't have any documentation on mediawiki.org, so I'm a bit unclear on it's purpose [19:00:31] Page should have been an interface, heh...it's there for b/c [19:01:10] kaldari: WikiPage is like Revision, a model object for some entity that has some functions to do stuff...Article and friends are for the presentation of pages [19:01:25] so UI stuff goes in Article et al [19:01:51] in theory anyway [19:02:20] OK, that makes sense. And do all pages have both Article and WikiPage objects associated with them? [19:02:21] Article is mess though and a lot of Title.php code belongs in WikiPage [19:02:35] * AaronSchulz wishes we had a TitlePermissions class [19:03:03] kaldari: WikiPage used to be mixed in with Article...which reeeally sucked [19:04:00] It's strange there is no documentation for WikiPage on MediaWiki, considering it is one of the most important classes [19:23:38] I created a documentation page for it on MediaWiki.org: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:WikiPage.php [19:23:46] hope it's semi-accurate [19:25:26] Does this sound correct: "In theory, WikiPage is supposed to be the model object for pages, while Article is the view and controller object."? [19:28:34] controller? heh...best to ignore that concept for these sorts of things [19:28:54] the only input is GET/POST requests with urls/fields [19:32:08] kaldari: most of the MW php tends to fall in the model,business,presentation division [19:32:28] though we often mix business with models...which is lame [20:25:38] AaronSchulze: How's this sound: "In theory, WikiPage is supposed to be the model object for pages, while the Article class handles the business and presentation functions." [20:56:02] kaldari: anyone reported http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:CentralNotice&method=listNoticeDetail¬ice=C12_0516_J_MVT_US yet? [20:56:35] no, but I think I know what happened [20:56:58] awesome :-) [20:57:00] there should be a backtrace logged [20:57:00] it's from the wmf4 deployment [20:57:12] I'll get it fixed [20:57:35] Platonides: where do the backtraces live? [20:59:11] we seem to have deployed wmf4 without fixing 2 of the deployment blockers: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36974 [20:59:19] no need to trace it [20:59:47] kaldari: I know, i was just wondering is there is any chance that I can see a backtrace if I encounter them in the future [21:00:15] if you try it on test wiki, you'll get the backtrace [21:00:39] yeah, reading the sample on b37170 [21:00:43] https://test.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:CentralNotice&method=listNoticeDetail¬ice=POTY+Test+Campaign+01 [21:01:24] kaldari: you know way more about CN than I do, but let me know if I can do anything [21:01:38] thanks [21:05:07] I just need to update the wmf4 branch with the fix and then get it deployed [21:13:01] pgehres, I know there's a file in the cluster where it's logged [21:13:17] I think it's aggregated from the apaches, on fenari probably [21:13:49] I thought we only got backtraces when wmerrors is enabled? [21:14:02] * Reedy shrugs [21:14:07] IT'S ALL CONFUSING [21:15:26] wmerrors shows it to the user and can also send them through udp [21:15:46] but I thought there was also another way [21:15:55] what's the problem with wmerrors, anyway? [21:16:54] it needed to be recompiled? [21:18:54] Memory leak? Maybe.... [21:21:00] robla: FYI, deployment went fine [21:21:29] ah, cool, thanks! (and sorry about forgetting....I blame jet lag) [21:24:45] Same as the last few deploys, nothing has cropped up at all [21:28:14] Reedy, I don't think wmerrors has any memory leak [21:33:54] Platonides: It causes some issue [21:34:54] hence why it's disabled [21:37:21] robla: is the hotel wifi sucking for you? [21:37:33] Reedy: yes, out loud [21:38:42] I think if the venue wifi is the same, I'll end up raging and going to buy a mifi spot from somewhere [21:39:02] Or invade the WMDE offices instead :D [21:41:24] Same may go for this laptop [21:41:27] oh, the venue wifi sucks? [21:41:40] Not sure yet [21:41:52] oh.."if" the venue is the same [21:42:14] so far what I've heard is that it's good, but it hasn't really been put to the test [21:42:54] hopefully the wikidata attendance should be enough to test it out [21:45:42] hi robla [21:45:57] hi ori-livneh [21:46:07] i don't think we've met -- i'm a new dev in the sf office [21:46:34] robla: wanted to say hello and, actually, bug you for something :) rumor has it you have gerrit repo creation powers [21:47:11] hi ... we've met. I helped you get your jacket :) [21:47:40] anyway, I only very technically have creation rights [21:47:53] oh, oops. i am apparently a goldfish. [21:48:03] hi! :) [21:49:05] anyway, ^demon is the right person to bug when he's around, but more importantly is to get your request into the queue... [21:49:42] * robla looks up the link [21:49:43] robla: yeah, it's been languishing there for a few days. i'm not impatient but wanted to be nice to my teammates and not block. but i'll ask ^demon -- sorry for the mix-up [21:51:13] robla: i think you mean this page: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Git/New_repositories/Requests [21:52:47] pgehres: should be fixed now [21:53:00] kaldari: i think it is. thanks! [21:53:07] thanks to arron mostly [21:53:11] er aaron [21:53:13] kaldari: do you need more deployment practive? [21:53:37] well, I did the deployment, but aaron walked me through it, to make sure I didn't break anything [21:53:46] ori-livneh: wow..that has been there a while [21:54:04] ah, well, if you want to do another easy one to practice again, i have something ready to go out [21:54:35] er....wait, friggin templates [21:54:37] btw, your utm_key stuff should be in there now [21:54:53] kaldari: yup, aw_jr deployed that last week [21:55:30] robla: since the 23rd [21:55:45] kaldari: i finally added chapter country support to FundraiserReidrector [21:56:01] cool [21:56:22] ori-livneh: okee doke, best thing to do now is to send mail to Chad, and cc Sumana and I. [21:56:34] kaldari: btw, K4_713 and I were wondering what happens when special page aliases collide [21:57:06] no idea, I imagine whichever is defined last? [21:57:40] yeah, that was my thought. i added aliases for Fundraiserredirector (FR) and FundraiserLandingPage (FLP) [21:57:48] to shorten the urls [22:02:33] roblaAFK: done [22:02:40] roblaAFK: thanks [22:27:41] marktraceur out of curiosity, you're the person working on UploadWizard, yes? [22:27:49] chrismcmahon, I am! [22:29:08] marktraceur_: I've spent a good part of today working on an automated browser test for UW, it might come in handy sometime. still needs a little refactoring, but it's working nicely. [22:29:35] Oh, absolutely! I could polish it up for you if you'd like, is it in a git repo somewhere? [22:30:46] I haven't checked it in yet, it's more of a proof of concept using watir-webdriver and the Ruby page-object gem (and RSpec and rake) [22:31:09] Oh dear, Ruby? Sounds interesting....how shall I fetch it from you? [22:31:32] marktraceur_ wait a bit while I make it a little prettier than it is now. :) [22:31:37] Ha, fair enough [22:34:50] marktraceur_ once we hire our QA Engineer position this browser test automation stuff will start moving a lot faster. Until then I'm just doing spikes and proof-of-concept stuff, and UW is a good target for that sort of thing. [22:35:36] Righto, well, even proof-of-concept is really helpful, so thanks much [22:57:11] hmm, can't access gerrit for some reason: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=mediawiki/core.git [22:59:18] It's not just you! http://gerrit.wikimedia.org looks down from here. [22:59:30] (courtesy downforeveryoneorjustme.com) [23:34:33] anybody seen issues with resource loader loading old styles unless you ?debug=true? [23:35:15] kaldari, rmoen, Reedy, AaronSchulz ^ [23:36:09] i deployed a bunch of MobileFrontend changes about 45 minutes ago and am still getting old CSS from RL unless i add ?debug=true [23:36:10] awjr: I haven't noticed anything [23:36:30] and am very unsure what to do about it [23:36:31] awjr: I've seen it load no styles before [23:36:35] lol [23:36:40] i guess old styles is better than none [23:38:59] after I update InitializeSettings.php, do I need to run some syncing script like sync-dir or sync-file? [23:39:08] sync-file [23:39:14] kaldari [23:39:20] actually first you need to git commit and git push [23:39:21] then sync-file [23:39:56] kaldari before you git commit i suggest you git diff and make sure you're not about to push out someone else's changes [23:40:35] kaldari are you doing a deployment right now? [23:40:55] sort of, I was going to turn PageTriage on for test2 [23:41:07] but I'm not doing a real deployment [23:41:14] just a config change [23:41:31] groovy [23:41:35] lemme know when you're done cuz i need to scap [23:41:43] but I'm supposed to do an extension deployment on Thursday [23:42:01] how do I get to the config file in gerrit? [23:42:09] kaldari you don't [23:42:14] just do it all on fenari [23:42:17] ah [23:42:25] there's no 'git review' for the config files [23:42:31] just git push after you've committed [23:42:34] ok [23:46:08] hmm, someone else made some other changes to Initializesettings in the meantime [23:46:36] kaldari: you can do git add -p [23:46:47] which will let you add only chunks of the diff to the staging area [23:47:11] so: git add -p wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [23:47:23] then select the chunk you want [23:47:27] whoa [23:47:31] that's fancy [23:47:31] then git commit wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php [23:47:33] :) [23:48:15] it calls them 'hunks'! [23:48:33] hahaha sexy hunks [23:48:38] I'm glad it thinks my changes are sexy :) [23:49:33] \o/ [23:49:59] OK, it's committed [23:50:02] now what? [23:50:11] git push [23:50:46] well in general, good to do a 'git status' first to make sure you're not about to push someone else's changes [23:50:52] then git push [23:51:09] hmm, does it need any arguments? [23:52:01] git status says there's only 1 commit, so that's good [23:52:11] but git push gives me the ! [remote rejected] master -> master (can not update the reference as a fast forward) [23:52:12] error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/operations/mediawiki-config.git' [23:53:58] hmm [23:56:03] kaldari: what does "git remote -v" say about origin? [23:56:33] origin ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/operations/mediawiki-config.git (fetch) [23:56:33] origin ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/operations/mediawiki-config.git (push) [23:56:55] seems ok [23:57:40] i dont think that's a real error since there are no google hits for it. [23:57:47] hehe [23:58:02] If it's not in Google it doesn't exist (tm) [23:58:07] hahaha [23:58:48] that's the error I always get :( [23:59:05] why not clone it and git review it? [23:59:30] OK, I'll try that