[00:17:21] RoanKattouw: I'm about ready to go home, but if the remaining issues you're referring to are small, I can sneak them in before I go. [00:17:48] I just submitted the comments, sorry about that [00:18:17] I was replying directly to comments on patchset 1, I guess that's why it behaved the way it did [00:18:22] It's all small stuff [00:18:26] cool [00:18:36] thanks [00:28:53] RoanKattouw: rather than fix the line in alter.sql, i added a change-column line at the bottom -- since various local environments and prototype have the enum already [00:29:31] OK that's fine [00:29:49] I will manually collapse those when applying alter.sql to the cluster on Thursday [00:32:32] thx [00:45:16] rsterbin: Thanks, all good now, approved and merged [00:45:26] thanks! [00:45:38] glad to have that done on wednesday :) [00:45:43] Yeah me too [01:09:34] <^demon|away> RoanKattouw: I didn't copy the REL branches for extensions. Other than l10n backports, they're almost always unmaintained. [01:10:19] Hmm OK [01:10:27] So how is Reedy supposed to build the 1.19 tarball then? [01:10:33] Oh wait no extensions [01:10:43] And I guess ExtDist hasn't been fixed for git anyway [01:10:47] <^demon|away> Magic. [01:10:59] Hmm well the 1.19 tarball has some extensions I guess [01:11:07] <^demon|away> To be perfectly honest, I have zero clue. I haven't figured it out. [01:11:14] OK [01:11:31] Re docs, I'm overhauling https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/view/How_to_deploy_code [01:11:45] It will have all the instructions for deploying extension changes, including all the submodule stuff [01:11:45] <^demon|away> I was thinking of using tags for this somehow. [01:11:53] <^demon|away> Like @ release, go through extensions and tag them. [01:12:00] <^demon|away> So you can at least pair extension -> master [01:12:04] <^demon|away> s/master/core/ [01:12:05] and for creating 1.NNwmfM branches for extensions as-needed [01:12:11] Right [01:15:11] <^demon|away> I responded to your e-mail, that should answer other questions. [01:16:50] Yeah I read it [01:57:47] RoanKattouw: Yeah, ExtensionDistributor on mw.org hasn't been fixed to work with git [01:58:10] !b 35574 [01:58:10] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35574 [01:59:07] Hm.. that could get quite complicated if not organized properly [01:59:14] extension repos can have their own branching now [01:59:29] We should have REL_ tags for extensions [01:59:49] so ExtDist would probably have to fetch a list of branches and/or tags after selecting the extension name [01:59:55] wmf/* branching is irrelevant, and REL_ branching for extensions ideally shouldn't happen [01:59:57] Yes [02:00:02] Hmm yeah [02:00:09] There is no global list of tags/branches anymore [02:00:25] No more generic branches that all extensions will have [02:00:31] but that's also a good thing, in a way. that way there will only be a branch if the extension maintainer choose to and will be aware of it [02:01:44] !b 36035 [02:01:44] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36035 [02:01:51] RoanKattouw: Do you have any clue what could cause bug 36035 [02:02:04] its in new pages and general search, but not in opensearch [02:02:14] Weird [02:02:17] Maybe it's a TitleKey issue [02:03:08] No idea what's going on there [02:03:17] * RoanKattouw is about to leave and doesn't wanna dive into that [04:26:49] Testing Windows -dev [15:05:05] Krinkle: you around? I'd like to get some clarification on bug 35939 [15:05:10] !b 35939 [15:05:10] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35939 [15:05:18] Good morning [15:05:38] mornin! [15:05:40] Oh that [15:05:42] Hi [15:05:46] I just got up [15:05:54] robla: what kind of clarification? [15:07:01] well, for starters, what's the exit condition for it? [15:08:09] I'm not sure what you mean by 'exit condition'. [15:08:50] RoanKattouw -- alas, there's one more commit to be reviewed for tomorrow [15:08:53] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/5229 [15:08:57] I just saw, yeah [15:08:59] Reviewing now [15:09:01] thanks [15:09:39] Krinkle: meaning "what needs to happen before this can be marked as fixed?" (and how is that different than bug 31173)? [15:10:05] robla: bug 31173 requests a certain piece of functionality to be added to mediawiki core [15:10:20] bug 35939 is a problem currently in the wmf-config [15:11:01] bug 31173 will auto-fix 31173, but 31173 could be fixed by other (temporary) means if it becomes a high priority problem. [15:11:18] which it currently isn't, depending on who you ask. [15:11:22] 31173 will auto-fix itself? [15:11:28] That must be a typo (although it is true :D ) [15:11:38] bug 31173 will auto-fix 35939, but 35939 * [15:12:44] The links in the opening comment on bug 35939 links to where it is explained best, especially `bug 31173 comment 6` [15:14:22] It comes down to the fact that `wgResourceBasePath` has nothing to do whatshowever with the 'resources' directory, it is a naming conflict with 'resource loader' and 'resources' (the only clue is that `wgResourceBasePath` has no plural "resources") [15:14:45] which is why the current hack exposes the entire mw-version root, and uses a double dir hack to get to it [15:14:53] https://www.mediawiki.org/w/resources-1.20wmf1/resources/jquery/jquery.suggestions.js [15:14:56] resources/resources [15:17:22] Krinkle: Hmm, I don't think we can change the variable now because it has a well-documented meaning [15:17:34] Instead, we should fix the symlink structure on the cluster as per your stuff-1.20 suggestion [15:18:12] resources-1.20wmf1 doesn't have to be a symlink to the docroot, it can also be a directory containing three symlinks (to skins, resources and extensions) [15:18:33] I didn't mean to suggest changing the variable. wgResourceBasePath != wgResourcesPath [15:18:51] Ah OK [15:18:56] wgResourcesPath is like wgExtensionsAssetsPath [15:19:02] So $wgResourceBasePath would default to "$wgResourcesPath/resources" [15:19:06] or rather, would be, if we implement it [15:19:19] Yes, probably [15:19:37] and wgExtensionsAssetsPath and wgSkinsPath (Or whatever it is called) should also use wgResourcesPath [15:19:54] $wgStylePath yeah [15:19:54] wgResourceBasePath* [15:20:11] which is backwards compatible since wgResourceBasePath itself is false by defaulting to wgScript [15:21:10] $wgScriptPath, yes [15:21:15] yeah [15:22:02] RoanKattouw: The implementation should probably not be to actually link mw-version-docroot to stuff-1.20 though, I think it's still better to create 3 separate aliases, as to not expose the entire docroot [15:22:11] Yes, of course [15:22:22] its not too critical since there are entry point protections, but up until mw-version het deploy, we always hid the docroot, so might as well keep doing that (in that w/ is not a real link to docroot either) [15:22:30] But $wgResourceBasePath would allow us to change the structure [15:22:34] Yep [15:22:40] Point resources-N to resources, skins-N to skins, etc [15:23:09] RoanKattouw: Hm.. do you mean wgResourceBasePath ? [15:23:15] * robla starts http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/bug35939 to hash out a coherent explanation of the proposed solution [15:23:22] Yeah w/ actually goes to a directory with multiversion wrappers (live-1.5), not the docroot [15:23:27] Krinkle: Sorry $wgResourcesPath [15:23:31] * RoanKattouw keeps confusing the old and the new name [15:23:44] I guess that is part of the confusion [15:23:55] neither is old or new name [15:24:05] Well one of them is definitely new [15:24:11] yes, [15:24:15] I agree the 'old' one isn't technically old [15:24:27] i mean, neither is going away, they have a different meaning [15:29:07] Yes [15:29:18] I mean "pre-existing" and new I gues [15:30:13] RoanKattouw: can you switch to a lighter color? [15:33:34] hi, has anyone tried watching only some directory of a repository in gerrit? i tried it using the file: operator, but it doesn't seem to work [15:33:50] Svick: Let me see [15:34:14] Svick: path:^includes/api/.* should work I believe [15:36:48] RoanKattouw: that says "Unsupported operator path:^includes/api/.*" to me [15:37:19] RoanKattouw: I like (1), what do you think? I've highlighted the difference a bit [15:37:26] I like (2) better [15:37:33] Bah [15:38:06] ? [15:38:22] Sorry, "Bah" was re Svick saying it didn't work [15:38:38] RoanKattouw: and file:^includes/api/,* doesn't cause any error, but it doesn't show anything in the list of watched changes [15:39:19] RoanKattouw: the stuff-1.20/resources is (1) [15:39:24] so, part of the reason why I'm trying to get to the bottom of this is that bug 35939 has a target milestone of 1.20wmf1. I'm assuming we can push to 1.20wmf2, right? [15:39:54] robla: 1.20 in general [15:40:04] Svick: Sorry, you're right, it is file. So file:^includes/api/.* (with a dot not a comma) should work I think, let me test that [15:40:05] either now or somewhere down the road, not blocking [15:40:11] robla: Yes we can [15:40:19] In fact we *should* [15:40:29] Because 1.20wmf1 has already been partially rolled out [15:40:43] but knowing people link a lot to wmf resources from all over the place, I'd rather not have it go to the background [15:40:59] I think it'll be fine [15:41:08] As long as we keep the nonversioned symlinks intact [15:41:20] The URLs with version numbers in them change all the time anyway, because the version numbers change [15:41:35] This is why we shouldn't make this change now in 1.20wmf1, but apply it to 1.20wmf2 right as we roll it out [15:41:35] yes, but I've never seen anyone use a non-version path in any gadget or tool [15:41:38] that'd be a first [15:42:02] Well it's not like people will magically start using the 1.20wmf2 paths as soon as we deploy [15:42:07] They would have to update those anyway [15:42:09] people copy what they see in the source code [15:42:12] I know, no problem :) [15:42:20] Update them every two weeks I might add :) [15:42:22] those break either way [15:42:49] RoanKattouw: right, i did mean dot; but even something like file:^.* doesn't show anything for me [15:44:54] Yeah I see the same behavior [15:44:54] RoanKattouw: So can you elaborate on your preferred solution? [15:45:22] Krinkle: It's Proposed solution (2) in the Etherpa [15:45:24] d [15:48:54] ok....I've copied the explanation to a comment in bug 35939, and moved it to 1.20wmf2 for now (looks like there might have been a purging of milestones from BZ) [15:49:36] robla: the wmf milestones are in the 'Wikimedia' product [15:50:26] bug 35939 is on 1.20wmf2 now [15:50:39] oh....that's right Wikimedia is different [15:50:49] however, Mediawiki should also have the wmf milestones [15:51:22] otherwise, we wont' be able to mark Mediawiki bugs as deployment blockers [15:51:36] Hm.. [15:51:37] right [15:52:04] I thought we used to have a generic wmf-deployment blocker [15:52:05] not versioned, since if it is blocking.. [15:52:22] I can't find it anymore though [15:52:46] [MediaWiki] The milestone 1.20wmf deployment has been created. [15:53:52] it totally needs to be versioned [15:53:58] yeah [15:54:08] OK [15:54:13] Shall I proceed to implement solution (2) ? [15:54:41] RoanKattouw: Can you maybe elaborate a little it on the choice? I don't have a strong preference, but (1) seemed like the logical choice to me [15:55:08] Krinkle: (1) requires a larger change in our symlink structure [15:55:21] Hmm but a smaller change in MW core [15:55:42] Aside from the advantage in mw core, you said yourself it would only have to apply to new symlinks [15:55:49] Yes [15:55:54] But that applies to both (1) and (2) [15:55:58] yeah [15:56:27] hmm [15:56:42] so the size of the change isn't all that important, it's either removing 1 line and adding 1 line in mm-version create, or changing 2, removing 1 and adding 1 [15:56:52] For (1) we need no MW changes at all [15:57:00] hm.. [15:57:02] ah, right [15:57:10] We don't need to phase out $wgStylePath / $wgExtensionAssetsPath either (and we shouldn't) [15:57:17] Just set them appropriately on the cluster [15:57:24] Yeah [15:57:49] Then I'd only have to hack the checkoutMediawiki script to set up the symlink structure correctly [15:58:04] maybe change mediawiki defaults though that skinsPath and extensionsPath do take resourceBasePath as part of them (I think right now Setup sets them to wgScriptPath), but that's optional, we can set it in wmf the way we want it [15:58:35] oh, and I assume we can let them point all to bits instead of local wiki? [15:58:43] They already do [15:58:48] Except for $wgLocalStylePath [15:58:52] the symlinks do, but the settings dont [15:58:56] Yes they do [15:59:02] * RoanKattouw checks [15:59:05] There is a wgLocalStylePath ? [15:59:14] Yes, for csshover.htc [15:59:18] .htc files can't be cross-domain [15:59:19] Oh.. [15:59:45] k [16:00:05] Hmm you're right that $wgResourceBasePath doesn't point to bits [16:00:16] in debug mode stuff comes from local domain [16:00:26] Yes, but only /resources stuff probably, right? [16:00:32] yes, skins do come from bits [16:00:34] Skin stuff and extension stuff should come from bits already [16:00:35] Yes [16:00:38] So that's a bug, well spotted [16:02:08] csshover.htc is the only thing so far that needed to be local? [16:02:10] Incredible [16:02:14] I thought there'd be more [16:02:30] No that's all [16:02:36] at least to the point where the config for it is not skins dir specific [16:02:40] We set it up so you /could/ have more [16:02:56] yeah, its not wgCssHoverHtcPath :P [16:03:00] hehe [16:03:12] OK let's dish out some RL2 tasks too [16:03:18] yep [16:03:18] Then I'll work on this then RL2 [16:03:26] Stuff I was planning to do today: [16:03:38] * Fix display bug on preferences page [16:03:39] * Add support for skin and position properties [16:03:41] * Instate ID length limit in backend [16:04:22] RoanKattouw: (so, wontfix 31173 ?) [16:04:46] Yeah I guess so [16:06:03] RoanKattouw: btw, I renamed /w/stuff-$version to /w-$version [16:06:16] I don't know if aliases higher than /w are a problem? [16:06:24] (well, siblins rather) [16:06:28] siblings* [16:06:35] No it needs to be inside /w [16:06:39] ah.. [16:07:45] well, then we need to come up with a stupid word to put in between : [16:07:46] :P [16:07:51] * RoanKattouw ponders directory names [16:08:06] We could just have /resources-1.20wmf2/skins [16:08:07] static ? [16:08:12] Ha! Yes [16:08:17] static-1.20wmf2 [16:08:19] or bits [16:08:49] except if the same name is used on bits.wm.o, then better not have bits.wm.o/w/bits-1.20 [16:09:34] RoanKattouw: hm.. on bits there is no /w/, right ? skins is aliases in the root there [16:09:43] /bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.20wmf1/vector/images/search-ltr.png [16:11:10] Yes, skins and resources are in the root, but extensions is in /w [16:11:13] Really confusing and evil [16:12:27] RoanKattouw: So bits aliases are set up separate, right? [16:14:31] No I don't think so [16:14:33] Well, maybe [16:14:40] Anyway the way I'm doing it should work [16:14:45] * RoanKattouw should probably test this [16:14:45] alrighty [16:17:30] RoanKattouw: so re: RL2 points you listed, looks good. I've listed mine in the features pad of this week [16:17:59] Nice [16:18:06] Re moving stuff out / pushing it back: yes and yes [16:18:39] I have backed out and branched off Salvatore's code [16:19:42] okay, I hadn't noticed [16:19:53] did that go through gerrit? [16:20:10] Only part of it did [16:20:13] I created the branch directly [16:20:26] Then I submitted a merge (merge RL2 into gadgetprefs) to Gerrit [16:20:33] That commit fails PHP lint, BTW, I should fix that [16:20:49] Or it explodes in some other way, I forget [16:21:17] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#change,4342 [16:21:22] You should be able to find it in Gerrit if you search for project:mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets branch:gadgetprefs [16:21:42] Oh, yes, and that [16:21:54] If you approve that, Salvatore's code will be out of the main RL2 branch for the time being [16:22:24] My broken merge attempt is https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#change,4385 [16:22:33] Thanks [16:23:11] okay, if you like you can take the time now to figure some stuff with the symlink/paths stuff, I'll take a quick food break (as I was planning to before robla pinged me :) ) [16:23:36] brb in 20 [16:24:53] OK [16:24:59] * RoanKattouw starts symlinking stuff [16:29:48] DarTar: how would you feel about closing the clicktracking bug and just keeping clicktracking requirements on the page you've created? keeping a highest-priority bug open continually isn't really optimal, and it just increases the number of things you have to update. [16:38:10] jpostlethwaite: Are you still working on the UnitTest extension? [16:38:21] yes [16:38:42] Any idea when it's likely to go into core? [16:38:48] i have been getting used to the git-gerrit process : [16:38:52] ahh [16:38:54] i have no idea on that [16:39:00] The WikiData guys are going to be using it (or are starting to) [16:39:03] i have a bunch of stuff to commit to it [16:39:17] okay, I have some important updates [16:39:19] fo rit [16:39:22] for it [16:39:32] i was wanting to get some commits this week [16:40:14] who in particular in WikiData is starting to use it [16:41:03] Tobias for one [16:41:34] ok, I will try to talk to him this week about it [16:41:40] Cool, cheers [16:41:42] thanks for the heads up :) [16:41:51] He just mentioned the core stuff was too old for their usage [16:42:06] i can understand that :) [16:56:54] rsterbin_away: I was in a meeting, catching up with AFT stuff in a moment [16:57:52] but I agree on that ticket, no need to keep it open, let alone give it highest priority [17:01:58] RoanKattouw: wow, it feels like a million years ago when I wrote gadget editor. diving into the code now to start working on todays points [17:08:54] Krinkle: mediawiki will soon(ish) have the ability to store arbitrary data types. so there will be no need to encode gadget definitions as pseudo-wikitext. [17:09:04] just a thought :) [17:09:23] Daniel_WMDE: RL2 is ahead of that [17:09:35] RL2? [17:09:40] oh, resource loader [17:09:44] MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition has been dismantled in the RL2 branch of Gadgets [17:09:58] in favor of JSON blobs on wiki pages in a dedicated namespace [17:11:13] But I'm convinced that our solution is probably not as clean as it would be with that new storage properties for data types, although the way we have it now in the RL2 branch is pretty clean within the boundaries we have [17:12:53] hola [17:13:18] Krinkle: i think it would be easy to transition your solution to the COntentHandler stuff [17:13:32] Krinkle: actually, per default, content models are bound to namespaces [17:14:20] mediawiki would just support content types natively, without any need of special cases like for the CSS/JS stuff, or using 10 different hooks toi handle every aspect [17:18:21] Daniel_WMDE: yeah, we wanted to use *.json but choose .js for now so that we don't have to add or register a gazillion hooks [17:18:38] and also Geshi syntax highlighter required it, it has the logic hardcoded [17:18:57] ...but even -js will only work in the mediawiki namespace currently [17:19:02] no [17:19:02] well, i guess you changed that [17:19:03] No, we hacked it [17:19:07] ic [17:19:10] :D [17:19:10] i hacked it too :) [17:19:15] yayy conflicts [17:19:18] well, we'll see [17:19:37] I think we just added a hook in mw-core where it says isJsCssPage() or something [17:19:45] Yeah [17:19:50] it defaulted to NS_MEDIAWIKI, NS_USER preg_match( js|css$ ) [17:20:03] we added one for gadgets through the added hook [17:20:03] Daniel_WMDE: When is the core support for Wikidata going to be done? [17:21:19] hexmode, robla: 20% checkin now? [17:21:21] RoanKattouw, Krinkle: i expect to submitt the first batch of changes next week. that will alreaqdy cover handiing of JS/CSS stuff [17:21:28] sure [17:21:30] OK, nice [17:21:41] it may break the Geshi extension though. would need some adjusting [17:21:48] I guess we can just merge that into our branch and start using it [17:21:49] but nothing too horrible [17:22:00] RoanKattouw: yea, but wait until next week [17:22:10] For sure [17:22:12] the current wikidata branch is very messy [17:22:15] I'll wait until you submit it [17:22:22] ok. gtg now. [17:22:23] cu! [17:22:26] In fact, why don't you add me as a reviewer [17:22:29] when you submit it to Gerrit [17:22:41] will do, thanks! [17:22:47] Nikerabbit: I don't have any specific guidance on today, other than keeping an eye out for the deployment [17:22:52] hi 20% people [17:22:57] robla: just fyi I'm planning and working towards enabling translation memories and TranslationNotifications on the cluster [17:23:36] sumanah: any specific focus areas for 20% time? [17:23:39] Nikerabbit: hi there, sounds like you already have plans for today [17:24:12] robla: when raindrift comes in I'm going to talk with him about ShortURL [17:24:23] sumanah: this is scale of few weeks, not today [17:24:49] I need some help from the ops with those... if they happen to have time [17:25:28] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34938 <- Nikerabbit and RoanKattouw: if you have an idea of where the root cause might lie for this, I'd love to know [17:25:55] robla: Reedy - haven't caught up on mail yet this morning. Now that the IE/RTL bug is solved, how long till a 1.19 release? [17:25:56] I'm pinging Roan on this one because l10n cache has been a recent theme. Probably lots of unrelated problems, though [17:26:03] robla: I suspect a bug in localisation cache [17:26:19] o, hm [17:26:33] I've been trying to study that extension but haven't had time really [17:26:54] Yeah the pagetitle message is empty in sa [17:27:01] * RoanKattouw attempts to fix [17:28:10] raindrift: hi, ping [17:28:20] raindrift: (re 20% time) [17:28:52] raindrift: I have to head off in a moment, but I was wondering whether you need stuff to do today for your 20% day or whether you have something in mind [17:31:33] raindrift: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Review_queue - ShortURL could use some attention..... [17:31:36] raindrift: back in 30 min [17:33:39] can anyone help me setup git? I'm on windows following the instructions at https://labsconsole.wikimedia.org/wiki/Git#Windows [17:33:55] but I get an error "couldn't update submodule git INSTALLATION ABORTED." [17:34:02] when the installer has been running for a while [17:34:33] During which step? [17:37:21] it says "fatal: unable to connecto to repo.or.cz: [17:37:33] ^^ [17:37:50] Then that's a bug in some of the software you're installing or downloading I guess [17:38:02] We definitely didn't build anyone that lives on a random Czech web site somewhere [17:38:06] *build anything [17:38:16] not quite sure Roan, it says * [new tag] v --> v1.7.9.6 [17:38:26] it's going through all of these tags [17:38:33] on http://msysgit.github.com/ [17:38:47] I'm using the one on the right hand side [17:39:06] ^demon, Reedy - i just ran into an annoying problem that is solvable with late static bindings but we still have the php 5.2 requirement. per the last email on the "Bump of minimum required PHP version to 5.3 for MediaWiki 1.20", it sounds like someone just needs to… bump the php requirement in trunk [17:39:11] would hte one on the left work with me? [17:39:11] can we just… do it? [17:40:37] <^demon> awjr: If you had suggested 5.3 for any reason other than LSB, I'd say yes :( [17:40:44] <^demon> LSB sucksssssss [17:40:55] ^demon: PHP's handling of static methods and properties sucks [17:41:12] i think LSB sucks a little bit less :p [17:41:22] <^demon> No, people's assumptions of how static stuff should inherit sucks. [17:41:44] <^demon> I mean, even the PHP devs are regretting LSB, doesn't that tell you something? [17:41:46] ^demon: could you have a look at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Requests/User_rights/Thehelpfulone#User:Thehelpfulone please? [17:42:05] ^demon: then we should use static methods and properties a lot less in MediaWiki [17:42:13] <^demon> I agree. [17:42:41] <^demon> People write static methods because they're lazy and want to type less. So LSB was introduced to make static methods behave somewhat more like regular methods. [17:42:47] <^demon> When really, the solution is to write less static code :) [17:42:56] heh [17:43:04] i think there's a slight performance edge when using static stuff [17:43:28] <^demon> Calling a static function is slower than calling a non-static one. [17:43:37] <^demon> But you've got the object overhead. [17:43:38] oh i thought it was vice versa, at least for properties [17:43:42] <^demon> There's always a tradeoff :) [17:44:02] regardless using static everywhere makes extending classes a complete f'ing nightmare [17:44:45] <^demon> Right, which is why people shouldn't write stuff that's static if they want it to inherit like a normal method. [17:44:56] srsly. [17:44:58] <^demon> Like I said, LSB is a crutch for poor initial class design. [17:45:25] i think i need to do some HTMLForm rewriting on my 20% day. [17:45:28] <^demon> The *one* place I've seen LSB be actually useful for is stuff like factory() functions, but that's pretty much it. [17:45:43] that makes sense [17:46:20] <^demon> I've had this debate several times, if you can tell ;-) [17:46:25] hehehe [17:46:54] RoanKattouw_away: Am I correct that skins & position aren't in RL2 yet? I was just figuring out if it was being saved or not, but I guess not [17:47:02] <^demon> I think we should probably write something about LSB in the coding conventions. I know I'm not alone in my distaste for it. [17:47:39] ^demon i think that's not a bad idea - accompanied of course with admonition about poor usage of static methods/properties [17:48:34] <^demon> Static methods and such have their place, they're just wildly overused because people want to type "Foo::bar()" instead of "$f = new Foo; $f->bar();" [17:48:37] ah, okay, it's a 'TODO' [17:48:38] <^demon> Shorter isn't always more clever ;-) [17:48:49] exactly [17:49:12] Krinkle: They're not yet, I am going to do this today [17:49:17] sure, no [17:49:20] sure, np [17:51:41] hexmode: ping re 1.20 issues [17:51:53] hexmode: you heard about the "loss of session data" issue that is cropping up? [17:57:07] <^demon> Was geshi fixed? [17:57:17] No [17:57:23] <^demon> :( [17:57:23] Or if it was, it's not been synced [17:57:26] <^demon> awjr: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Coding_conventions/PHP#Static_methods_and_properties [18:03:49] Where do I complain about upload wizard? [18:03:56] vvv: what kind of complaint? [18:04:12] vvv: here, the Bugzilla component "UploadWizard," wikitech-l are reasonable choices [18:04:44] Well, I want an email where I can forward an issue complain [18:04:52] vvv do you have a particular issue? I've been finding some bugs in UploadWizard myself recently [18:04:54] vvv: although of course I prefer friendly notifications .... [18:09:44] csteipp: you may enjoy skimming https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Platform_Engineering to see the most recent updates from various activities that your teammates are doing [18:10:45] Thanks sumanah! [19:03:26] Joan, around? [19:05:26] Reedy: fix is in gerrit, brion had a minor complaint that I'll address today [19:05:31] (re geshi) [19:16:50] hexmode: ping re the "loss of session data" issue that is cropping up in 1.20 - have you heard about this? [19:17:45] sumanah, should be fixed [19:18:11] Eloquence: got it, yay, thanks. [19:22:05] !bug 35900 | Eloquence: sumanah : [19:22:05] Eloquence: sumanah :: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35900 [19:22:21] nicely botted, Krenair [19:22:23] Krinkle: [19:22:26] :) [19:22:42] :P [19:22:49] my apologies [19:23:03] ohwell, it keeps us (Krenair and me) both awake :P [19:23:14] when either of us is pinged, we're both pinged. [19:23:33] Krinkle, are you still getting this since roan's memcached fix a few minutes ago [19:23:51] I haven't been editing since yesterday [19:23:58] ok [19:24:02] It you started your session before the fix, you could still be affected [19:24:32] what kind of fix (is there a commit?) [19:24:35] It should have affected roughly 1 in every 79 sessions [19:24:43] There was a dead memcached server, I swapped it out with a spare [19:24:47] aha [19:25:09] could it also explain why the top of the skin would be in anonymous-mode but later parts in the parser as logged-in? [19:25:45] That... shouldn't happen [19:25:50] But it might explain that [19:25:53] (lunch) [19:26:03] look at the bug report later, it gets worse/better [20:17:05] RoanKattouw: one last fix for tomorrow's deployment -- https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/5249 [20:17:29] (sorry about the delay; double-checking requirements) [20:58:14] how do I get a list of all the projects in gerrit? [20:58:35] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#admin,projects [20:58:39] ( kaldari ) [20:58:52] thanks! [21:03:01] whenever I try to checkout PageTriage.git, it says "warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout." I can check out other extensions though. [21:03:49] kaldari: just so you know, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Git/Gerrit_project_ownership does link to that page in case you need to find it again [21:04:02] cool [21:05:44] <^demon> kaldari: I'm in progress of migrating it. [21:05:50] <^demon> There's no HEAD yet to clone :) [21:05:51] ah :) [21:06:29] kaldari: I'm on the 3rd floor; do you have time for a beverage break if I come up to say hi? [21:06:39] yes please [21:07:13] ok! I will be up in 5 min [21:14:06] ^demon: Thank you for that PHP bashing blog post, great read [21:14:24] <^demon> Thank alolita, I got it from her facebook yesterday :) [21:14:56] RoanKattouw: it was a good read :-) [21:17:28] kaldari: coming now! [21:17:31] :( [21:23:24] <^demon> kaldari: PageTriage and ArticleCreationWorkflow are both in git now. Give them a clone and tell me if the history looks alright. [21:24:17] * jorm hasn't been able to get git working yet.  [21:24:55] <^demon> As in git won't install and work, or you're having trouble with gerrit? [21:25:10] i don't think i have an account set up. [21:25:19] it's not a big deal. [21:26:10] <^demon> If you're in ldap you do, you just have to go through the process to setup a password if you haven't. [21:26:19] <^demon> And put your keys in for the first time you login to gerrit. [21:27:09] yeah. i get Permission denied (publickey). [21:27:40] are instructions for that anywhere? [21:28:39] jorm: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Git/Workflow#Troubleshooting [21:29:07] oh, jesus. [21:29:11] jorm: Also, you have to login to https://gerrit.wikimedia.org , go to your settings, and add your SSH key [21:29:12] i have no idea what this passphrase is. [21:29:24] Try that first because you work through the troubleshooting section [21:29:30] well, i can't log into that, 'cause i haven't set a password. [21:29:40] which is what i need to do, i guess. [21:29:44] Do you have an account on labsconsole? [21:29:50] jorm: House keys or car keys can also be accepted as a kind donation ;-) , although it won't help getting access to Git [21:30:01] <^demon> jorm: https://labsconsole.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:PasswordReset [21:30:03] no. [21:30:16] internal error: passwords cannot be reset. [21:30:29] <^demon> Bahhh, what? [21:30:31] Internal error [21:30:33] Passwords cannot be changed [21:30:35] WHAT THE F [21:30:55] is ryan lane the one i'd pester about this? [21:30:57] took me a while to get passphrase/LDAP/Labs straightened out as well. But with RoanKattouw and ^demon it should be fixed soon :) [21:31:02] i can do it tomorrow, when i'm in the office. [21:31:20] it's not a major deal; i don't code much. [21:31:21] Ryan is at a conference [21:31:21] Oh, right. Ryan did that for me [21:31:33] i need this really only to do code review. [21:31:36] <^demon> It's letting me reset passwords, but it claims bharris DNE. [21:31:37] And it looks like his brainchild labsconsole is pretty broken right now [21:31:58] i wonder if my account is "jorm" [21:32:53] <^demon> Tried that too. [21:33:01] <^demon> Neither exists, or so labsconsole claims. [21:34:13] ^demon: Are we seriously enforcing 80-char lines for commit summaries now? [21:34:22] <^demon> Yes. [21:34:40] That's so 1995 [21:34:43] <^demon> First line is the most important. Subsequent lines should be wrapped so I don't have to horizontal scroll to read them. [21:34:47] RoanKattouw: 72 even, according to Gerrit [21:34:53] So fix Gerrit's CSS so you don't need to scroll? [21:34:58] git-review even suggested that the first line be 50 max [21:35:09] <^demon> Pfft, or maybe people could just write their commit summaries better. [21:35:31] <^demon> I wish the pre-upload hooks worked so I could deny commits for bad summaries :p [21:35:33] not just web view, there is also cli view and gitweb [21:35:50] s/web view/gerrit [21:35:50] You mean they would have to /manually/ wrap them? [21:36:09] I mean I don't have to because when you install git in Ubuntu, it automatically sets up magic vim behavior for commit summaries [21:36:16] <^demon> Yeah, heaven forbid someone have to actually take the time to format their commit summary rather than barfing in the file like it doesn't matter. [21:36:17] I have a shortcut for that in my editor. I write along and them wrap at 72 [21:36:19] But I use a real operating system, not everyone does [21:37:04] imho the other lines could be done automatically somehow. The only thing I should worry about is the first line, the rest doesn't matter and should be automated. [21:37:15] especially annoying when you edit it and then have to remove all line breaks and re-wrap [21:37:22] <^demon> You can do it with a simple pre-commit hook, but good luck getting everyone to download that. [21:38:18] <^demon> RoanKattouw: But yes, I'm going to be strict on it. It's *not a big deal* to take the time to write your commit summary so it shows up nicely. [21:38:41] <^demon> And putting it as some reccomendation that no one reads won't accomplish the goal. Hence: I'm being a jerk. [21:38:49] MaxSem: hi. [21:40:21] Joan, since you complained about voulnteer<->staff interaction, can you suggest things I could do as part of my 20% time? [21:40:46] ^demon: good strategy [21:43:50] I think it's important to recognize that people use git clients, and git clients do not format commit summaries as fixed column text [21:44:18] It's free text with paragraphs everywhere except on the command line. Yes the first line should be short, but the body is just free text [21:44:36] * RoanKattouw looks into fixing Gerrit's CSS to not let the commit summaries run off the screen [21:44:49] <^demon> Ugh, I guess I'll have to fix them all myself. [21:44:53] MaxSem: Reviewing patches. [21:44:55] so, if you keep this guideline, then anyone using a client will either not leave additional information in their commit message (we loose info) because they don't want to be hassled, or will at best forget occasionally and we have to constantly go through the patch set loop to correct it [21:44:55] <^demon> Since nobody else seems to care. [21:45:21] ^demon: please don't "fix" them [21:45:33] if I wanted a line break in the middle of my paragraph, I would have put one there [21:45:41] should we also enforce line breaks in bug comments? [21:46:04] this is a ridiculous rule and it should be abolished like slavery [21:46:10] <^demon> Oh, so because you can't be bothered to press enter we need to change the guideline discussed a couple of weeks ago? [21:46:14] <^demon> Fan-tastic. [21:46:34] who decided on this? where was this discussion? [21:46:52] I'm curious how this was not flagged as a serious problem earlier [21:47:08] <^demon> I'm curious why pressing enter is such a big deal. [21:47:09] <^demon> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Git/Commit_message_guidelines [21:47:18] And it's not just me, volunteers have enough friction, this is going to make it even worse [21:47:38] MaxSem: If you need more specificity, I can dig up patches. But that's the area that's probably worst off. [21:47:51] 72 chars? [21:47:53] WTF? [21:48:00] MaxSem: You have volunteers who not only file bugs, but also submit code, and then it sits around for years. [21:48:08] people who use github don't have to deal with this? [21:48:10] okay, I'll look tomorrow [21:48:16] MaxSem: And, to be clear, I mean more than just commenting "doesn't apply cleanly to trunk". ;-) [21:48:24] Cool. :-) [21:48:56] TrevorParscal: This is the one thing I absolutely hate github, it's handling of commit messages is absolutely horrible as I've ever seen [21:49:07] TrevorParscal: Only as of a few months however, they used to be sane [21:49:21] I haven't used them in the last few months [21:49:49] <^demon> Antoine linked to a couple of sources for his guidelines, they weren't pulled out of thin air. [21:49:51] <^demon> http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html [21:49:53] TrevorParscal: It shows the first line in a 150% size font, and after 50 characters it abruptly ends (forced, half-way words), then displays ... , then to
, shrink font to 87% and continue the word and the rest of the message [21:50:08] this is rediculous [21:50:15] indeed, that's what GitHub does [21:50:31] I have no clue who made that design decision, but in practice it looks foolish [21:50:32] "In some contexts, the first line is treated as the subject of an email and the rest of the text as the body." [21:50:36] might've looked better in theory :) [21:50:37] See that's what I mean by archaic [21:50:44] git was designed around ancient technology that no one uses [21:50:56] https://github.com/blog/926-shiny-new-commit-styles contains this "If you follow these rules, your commit messages are going to look great on GitHub. And if not, we'll try our best to make them look good anyway." [21:51:01] Like patches sent around by e-mail from the command line, and 80-column terminals [21:51:04] designed around // linus // [21:51:18] Yes, around ancient technology Linus used when he wrote git [21:52:15] since when is line wrap new technology? [21:52:20] lol [21:52:38] git log doesn't do line wrapping, that is true. But srsly I'd consider that a bug in git log [21:52:45] I'm sure there are git GUIs that do a better job [21:53:11] TrevorParscal: I remember you explaining it to me in the last year as a very new technology, in the context of VisualEditor (I know, unfair comparison), but that wasn't an easy thing either, it's still a new technology :P [21:53:26] <^demon> RoanKattouw: Well, until you manage to get git fixed or convince everyone to do a gui, formatting commit messages takes a couple of extra seconds. [21:53:34] still being reinvented anno 2012 [21:53:35] <^demon> s/do/use/ [21:54:14] TrevorParscal: Good example: https://github.com/jquery/testswarm/commit/adbaf22531592bb7834f34f0af77df7865ef0440 [21:54:26] > Add History.md; rename 0.3.0-alpha to 1.0.0-pre per our Versioning Gu… [21:54:27] > …idelines [21:54:49] wraps at 69 [21:54:56] ^demon: Do we have a pre-commit hook for this? If we're gonna make it a policy we should at least offer people the tools for it [21:55:04] Oh and like actually discuss it places, that didn't happen either [21:55:05] why 69? why 72? [21:55:18] I wrap at 80 for the body and 72 for the headline [21:55:20] I don't know why [21:55:22] <^demon> RoanKattouw: Google, there's dozens of examples. [21:55:23] xD [21:55:47] I've adjusted the headline in my editor to 69 now so that it's compatible with Githubbycup [21:57:26] <^demon> TrevorParscal: "On an 80 column terminal, if we subtract 4 columns for the indent on the left and 4 more for symmetry on the right, we’re left with 72 columns." [21:58:24] I flat out refuse to count the characters in my commit messages and wrap them manually in my client [21:58:25] http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/972/screenshot20120418at256.png [21:59:02] <^demon> And I flat out refuse to let crap commit summaries get merged into the repo. [21:59:09] <^demon> So we're at an impasse. [21:59:25] Thermo-nuclear war! [21:59:35] (War Games, 1983) [21:59:35] gerrit-wm New patchset: Catrope; "Gerrit CSS tweak: word-wrap commit summaries" [operations/puppet] (production) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/5289 [22:02:12] ^demon: I'm sorry man, I think you are a smart person and a solid guy, but this guideline is a mistake [22:03:35] you can marginalize me all you want, say I'm "lazy" or somehow less legitimate than you because I don't use VI to type my commit messages, but that's exactly the kind of exclusionism that turns volunteers away and kills projects [22:04:02] Are you talking about enforcement of X characters line limit policy? [22:04:13] ^demon: Out of curiosity, what do you use for automatic line wrapping? [22:04:26] if you want to be on your high horse and act like some elite linux hax0r, have at it, but I'm not impressed [22:04:37] For me vim just automatically does it for me, I never set that up manually, but then Ubuntu's git-core package is full of that kind of magic [22:04:41] <^demon> RoanKattouw: My terminal is set to 80 characters ;-) [22:04:44] i'm capable of wrapping my own lines, i use bbedit [22:05:02] brion: to write commit messages? [22:05:06] yep [22:05:10] brion: At exactly 72 characters? [22:05:17] at somewhere around there [22:05:19] Or 69, if you use github [22:05:24] <^demon> There was a thread on wikitech-l about this on March 28. Not a single person said "oh wait, this sucks." [22:05:26] if anyone objects terribly to my wrapping i can always fix it [22:05:57] ^demon: just because you get something past people by posting it to a thread doesn't mean it's automatically acceptable forever [22:05:58] ^demon: is it possible to use git's magic commit editing facilities to insert an automatic word-wrapper there? [22:06:01] Krinkle: The only winning move is not to play at all. [22:06:07] tewwy: Right on! [22:06:10] Krinkle: How about a nice game of subversion [22:06:18] I love that movie :) [22:06:38] <^demon> TrevorParscal: It had nothing to do with "getting past" anyone. [22:06:42] <^demon> There was no deception here. [22:06:49] I think I skimmed that wiki page [22:07:00] <^demon> The guidelines were suggested, no one dissented, and we've been doing just fine with them since. [22:07:02] I may or may not have noticed that it tells you to wrap the body at 72 [22:07:02] Caused a lot of kids to join the BBS's back then so they could become an 3ee+ hacker [22:07:08] <^demon> It's only been *today* that it's suddenly a problem. [22:07:13] i'm just saying, you can't claim that just because it was discussed on list that it's speak now or forever hold your peace [22:07:35] I generally agree with the commit summary guidelines, but I'm kind of on the fence re 72-character wrapping [22:07:41] that is because today you marked my commit -1 over this [22:07:46] and that's the first time [22:09:03] I think it's ridiculous and archaic, but the back compat reasons for using it are mostly valid it seems [22:09:07] (apart from Gerrit's display) [22:09:42] -1 is not the end of the world. It just generally means that commit should have some improvements before it gets merged into master. I say that just because if we all start becoming upset with -1s and treat it as insult, we ain't getting anywhere good [22:09:49] tewwy: Yeah, there are these moments in time where it suddenly becomes cool to be 'one of those programmer kids' [22:09:58] Krinkle: Hmm, what should the skins property look like? I think you should be able to set multiple skins for a gadget, but how do we specify "everything's fine"? Empty array? True? Something else? [22:10:13] i'm attempting to resubmit trevor's patch with th elines wrapped, but it's doing that thing where 'git review' wants to submit a hojillion revs, not sure what happened. sigh [22:10:30] TrevorParscal: could you also clarify what 'HD' means there? [22:10:40] i just replied [22:10:42] RoanKattouw: @var skins bool|array: true means all (default, don't hardcode skins array unless specifically chosen) or an array with skin IDs [22:10:44] High Definition [22:10:45] ah i see thx [22:10:49] brion: git review -d 5205 && git commit --amend && git review -R , notice the -R [22:10:51] how about just 'large screen'? [22:10:59] large doesn't mean high res [22:11:10] you can have a 30" monitor running 800x600 [22:11:15] Krinkle: To think, it's 2012 and we're having a fight over how many characters per line in a commit message. [22:11:18] Krinkle: OK that's what I was thinking. Will have to do a bit of tweaking because every other property always has the same type, this is the first mixed-type property [22:11:35] Krinkle: I blame Github… and unix… and my crummy TTY terminals [22:11:52] well, HD doesn't necessarily mean large screen: iPad is greater than 1080p resolution in terms of pixels, but tops out at 1024 CSS pixels and wouldn't trigger that [22:12:03] tewwy: Yes, its akward, very much so. Last year I was watching a feed from Yahoo theaters by Douglas Crockford explaining where the 80 character limit comes from. It was about "punch cards". [22:12:26] ah punch cards :) [22:12:28] http://www.maximumpc.com/files/u69/IBM_Punch_Card.png [22:13:03] back in my day, high-def graphics looked like this! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Atari-gr2-sl.png [22:13:05] Which was the revolutionary new way, invented initially to better control the bi-anual nation wide civilian count [22:13:29] krinkle: THat's where the 72 lines also comes from, The first 8 columns were reserved on them for line numbering [22:13:46] Sounds logical [22:13:59] Although I didn't know that, so thanks for that piece of information :) [22:14:45] Krinkle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punched_card My mom had boxes and boxes of these in her office [22:15:21] brion: If you got some time left I can highly recommend the 8-part series at YUI Theatres with incredible nostalgic value and a lot of fun and good parts about javascript and related stuff about scheme, but also a lot of more or less philosophical thinking in general. LInked here https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/JSPERF "Crockford on JavaScript (8-part series at YUI Theater) Douglas Crockford 2011-09" [22:15:48] its not that much javascript actually [22:16:00] nom nom [22:16:02] Ahh apparently the sequence number was put on the rear 8, not the front. :-) [22:16:06] Learn something new every day. [22:16:44] tewwy: http://www.crummy.com/2012/03/19/1 [22:18:19] lol @ AT&T demanded that ASCII start with Null and end with Delete. That's why Delete is on the other side of ASCII from other control chars (212) [22:19:04] You know, I think if I were to create a GitHub, I'd put a hard limit of 132 characters for the entire commit message [22:19:23] Here's my reasoning. It fits into a single tweet, but I need to leave 8 caracters for a Retweet. :-) [22:19:38] sumanah: :-) [22:20:23] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#change,5205 [22:21:10] ^demon: we need to solve this problem still [22:22:14] <^demon> I'm not talking about this anymore today. I'm ticked and I'm afraid I'm going to say something I regret. [22:22:31] <^demon> Can we discuss this on-list? [22:22:34] I don't think i'm going to solve this by talking to you anyways [22:22:47] No, I will talk to RobLa tomorrow [22:22:52] ^demon: Now you know why Facebook doesn't have a "dislike" button [22:23:12] whu? [22:23:16] * robla reads backlog [22:24:44] I suppose we shouldn't tease either ^demon or Trevor by breaking our irc [22:24:45] messages after every 72 characters? [22:25:15] tsk tsk :) [22:25:37] * sumanah laughs aloud [22:25:38] Krinkle: there are people around who use irssi [22:25:53] I remember when most IRC clients were monospace (IRCII FTW). [22:25:54] So you should consider extra space for timestamps and nicknames [22:26:06] <^demon> You know, that's not [22:26:07] <^demon> a bad idea [22:26:07] Let's bring back those days when people would spam ascii art to the #channel [22:26:08] <^demon> :) [22:26:29] ^demon: in fact, it may be good [22:26:30] not to mention the 5 character limit to filter out unwanted emotional additions [22:26:34] I often speak like that [22:26:42] Writing message in short portions [22:26:44] 5 character minimum* [22:26:48] * tewwy has an unwanted emotional addition [22:26:50] all commit messages must be a haiku [22:26:52] There's, however, a disadvantage [22:27:03] come to think of it, we haven't had a flamewar about gerrit's diff colors yet [22:27:05] Is that you cannot always figure out whether there will be a continuation [22:27:05] <^demon> robla: Nobody's ever done that but me :) [22:27:14] <^demon> Eloquence: sssshhhh [22:27:18] I guess there's enough other stuff that's broken about it :P [22:27:32] The business of hacking [22:27:32] is struggle with constraint [22:27:32] So keep your length lacking [22:27:32] Cause _War and Peace_ this ain't [22:27:32] Burma Shave [22:27:36] eloquence: All commit messages must be in ansii colors, not ascii? [22:27:36] StackOverflow requires a 6 character change at the least, initially created to block spam bots adding curse words [22:27:37] Eloquence: well, I actually like them [22:27:41] And that's weird [22:27:55] quite effective, although annoying when you want to make a 1-2 character edit for a spelling mistake [22:27:58] Since everything about gerrit's UI is supposed to be broken and flawed [22:29:44] <^demon> You know, re-skinning everything else to look like gerrit is probably easier than fixing gerrit ;-) [22:30:08] When's gerrit's MediaWiki theme coming out? [22:30:43] ^demon: http://fromthemindofj.wordpress.com/2008/04/11/wow-just-wow-guess-the-company/ it's Stockholm Syndrome! watch ouuuut [22:31:00] ok, back to GSoC [22:31:05] Krinkle: I recommend you do that as your Berlin Hackathon hack project ;-) [22:31:28] here: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#change,5205 - it's fully compliant with the *current* rules [22:31:38] <^demon> Krinkle: If you can come up with some user css to reskin MediaWiki like gerrit I would totally use it :) [22:31:43] Krinkle: Did you get any RL2 stuff done today? [22:32:04] * Krinkle goes back to work , because http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_wikipedias_serious.jpg [22:32:04] RoanKattouw: Yes [22:32:08] <^demon> TrevorParscal: Looks good. And I'm sorry if I was a little rude earlier. [22:32:18] I might not get it into a committable state, but I've certainly refreshed everything in my mind and fixed some bugs here and there [22:32:24] Sweet [22:32:37] RoanKattouw: you? [22:32:52] URL schema stuff, then the memcached breakage, now working on skins&position [22:33:01] coola [22:33:01] Will aim to commit the latter todafy [22:34:16] ^demon: i'm not pissed about you being rude, I'm pissed about you being an elitist - but yeah, I knew what to expect when I realized I disagreed with you I guess [22:36:55] but yeah, no worries re: rudeness [22:53:22] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [22:53:31] GERRIT Y U NO SPEAK UTF8 [22:54:41] <^demon|away> The official answer from Gerrit devs: "Use a real database like PG or the embedded H2 one, MySQL can't do utf-8" [22:54:44] <^demon|away> To which I say "BOGUS" [22:55:04] well, mysql 6 can [22:55:14] but i'd rather have 'almost utf8' than '8-bit charset' [22:55:45] <^demon|away> brion: I've started testing some collation and connection string changes to see if that'll fix it. [22:55:50] <^demon|away> I think it at least partially does. [22:55:56] whee [22:56:09] <^demon|away> I'll try to have a better answer on that by Friday. [22:58:33] thx dude [23:06:42] brion: in CodeEditor, is it possible to link to and/or highlight an individual line of code? [23:07:01] not that i know of offhand [23:07:09] though thzt would be handy [23:07:59] when you save a module in scribunto, if there's a syntax error, it will throw you back to the edit page telling you the line number of the problem [23:08:05] it would be nice to be able to scroll to it [23:08:42] meeting now [23:10:21] *nod* [23:10:25] an excellent feature [23:11:12] RoanKattouw: Hm.. somebody changed [[mw:RL]], apparently you are now the only team member [23:11:17] RoanKattouw: Managed by terry and me? [23:11:29] what's going on here [23:12:22] tewwy: https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=ResourceLoader&diff=524049&oldid=517679 [23:12:27] can you explain ? :D [23:15:31] Wait, I am managed by you? :D [23:28:09] RoanKattouw: I... guess ?! [23:28:30] RoanKattouw: Pretty cool, uh? From such a distance [23:28:32] hehe [23:28:42] I have some local fixes that make that skinandtop commit actually work [23:28:46] But I'm about to go home [23:28:47] <^demon|away> It's a wiki, anyone can change the managers ;-) [23:29:33] ^demon|away: even the managers themselves (check diff) [23:29:46] <^demon|away> I did :) [23:30:04] * Krinkle undoes [23:59:22] If I want to keep my git repository in sync with the other developers in my team, should I add their repos as additional fetch remotes for my repo?