[00:02:19] er not trunk, I mean 1.17wmf1. [09:07:12] JeroenDeDauw: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:UploadCampaign doesn't work! [09:07:19] from within function "DatabaseBase::selectRow". Database returned error "1146: Table 'commonswiki.uw_campaigns' doesn't exist (" [09:08:49] multichill: apparently someone installed the extension without running the update script... [09:09:08] multichill: better poke neilk or RoanKattouw about it, I don't have access to this [09:09:25] Wait, what [09:09:29] Who installed this code on Commons [09:09:49] RoanKattouw: Eh, I thought you did [09:10:01] Didn't intend to at least [09:10:06] Maybe it was never rolled back from test [09:10:53] Anyway, table is missing [09:11:19] No, bad code is on Commons [09:11:21] I'm fixing it now [09:11:35] I just get this [09:11:37] PHP fatal error in /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.17/includes/SpecialPage.php line 1050: [09:11:38] Class 'PermissionsError' not found [09:11:45] When I visit that page [09:13:30] I'm an admin at commons, maybe that changes things [09:15:10] I wasn't even logged in [10:30:37] RoanKattouw: Al gevonden? [10:31:07] ? [10:40:41] Oh, je hebt het hele campaigns gedeelte eraf gehaald? [10:40:52] De bedoeling was dat dat gisteren in produktie ging [10:41:28] (de upload wizard) [10:41:31] Ja, maar met fatal errors wil dat niet [10:41:38] Waarschijnlijk proberen we het woensdag weer [10:47:33] RoanKattouw: Hmm, ok, zal straks wel even mailtje naar Neil sturen [10:47:45] Neil weet dit al BTW [10:47:50] Ik Fwd jou zijn e-mail wel [10:57:45] dank je [22:06:52] alolita: do we have a meeting of some description? [22:07:37] jorm seems to think so at least [22:07:43] And he said it was with "some Australians" [22:08:05] Timo isn't Australian! [22:08:14] Wait, Timo is in this meeting? [22:08:20] I though today was his last vacation day [22:08:47] andrew: let's log in at 2002 [22:08:55] *werdna shrugs [22:09:10] jorm: hmm, let me see if my SIP works [22:51:27] alolita: ping, by the way? [23:47:31] alolita: prod? [23:48:13] werdna: do you have a SIP account such that it's easy for you to phone her desk? [23:48:28] I don't have a SIP client