[13:30:57] sumanah, I just got an e-mail on my personal address from a "Glass and Chemicals" company from Jaipur, India, that was starting by "Good morning Ms. Sumanah". I blame you. [13:31:23] guillom: OMG I got that email on my personal address too! Can I blame all of Jaipur? [13:31:47] Works for me. [13:31:48] guillom: I was going to fwd it into otrs [13:32:52] Not sure it's worth it. [13:33:08] Ah, I hadn't even seen the link with WP. [13:33:10] Oh, well. [13:33:26] <^demon|away> I wonder if this company can help us like those electronics companies in China who want to sell us crap. [13:34:04] <^demon|away> (Seriously: who buys misc. electronic equipment over anonymous e-mail from China?) [13:41:21] sumanah, so, if Claudia isn't joining, do we still use skype? SIP? [13:41:33] Pigeons? [13:41:36] guillom: I just emailed -- SIP, I think, is easiest [13:41:44] Ah, ok. [13:42:51] guillom: hm, my email to Siebrand bounced. That seems strange [13:43:52] And he doesn't seem to be on IRC. [13:45:13] *sumanah emails his other address [14:36:37] hexmode: we're gonna start without you in moments [15:05:49] hexmode: tell me whenever you want to talk about priorities for the week [15:06:53] sumanah: now? [15:07:09] hexmode: ok! [15:07:14] SIP, phone or IRC? [15:07:28] what's your extension again? [15:18:47] oh right, tomorrow's triage is IRC [15:18:53] so I won't actually "talk to you again tomorrow" [15:19:02] hexmode: so never mind that [15:47:28] hexmode: I have now contacted the "I'm interested in contributing to MediaWiki" folks on OpenHatch http://openhatch.org/+projects/MediaWiki to tell them about the bug triage tomorrow and ask them to come. [15:47:47] :) [17:43:34] http://i.imgur.com/HHbGW.png [17:48:14] You broke it. [17:49:45] I hadn't noticed ;-() [18:30:41] etherpad 500 Service Temporarily Unavailable [18:30:50] yeah [18:30:53] it was restarted [18:30:57] coming back up [18:31:04] (supposedly) [18:31:10] back up [18:46:28] Question about the parser tests: [18:47:38] I broke a parser test, and then updated the test to not be broken (since how I broke it doesn't actually have to do with parsing). I checked in the change (r91430), but the parser test still reports as filing in phpUnderControl. [18:47:59] Is there something else I need to do to get the change to the parser test to go into effect for phpUnderControl? [18:48:18] filing=failing [18:48:46] !r 91430 [18:48:46] --elephant-- http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/91430 [18:48:57] !cc [18:48:57] --elephant-- I don't know anything about "cc". [18:48:58] Did you mean CruiseControl? [18:49:09] that runs in phpUnderControl [18:49:12] Ah [18:49:14] oops, wrong rev [18:49:33] oh, actually right rev :) [18:49:43] yeah, cruisecontrol [18:50:18] kaldari: Did cruisecontrol finish it's run after that ? ie. is it failing after that rev or perhaps it's old data/status ? [18:50:32] The broken parser test is listed as #8 under citeparsertest on http://ci.tesla.usability.wikimedia.org/cruisecontrol/buildresults/mw?tab=testResults [18:50:34] *Krinkle would love for cruisecontrol to remember revision numbers.. [18:51:00] Krinkle: I'm not sure, how do I tell? [18:51:47] kaldari: Did you click the "Failure > " link to the right of it ? [18:51:59] it's easy to miss the link [18:52:11] yeah [18:52:18] that shows the diff for the failure [18:52:29] which isn't reflecting the rev [18:52:49] right, so it's still running the old version [18:53:01] --- Expected [18:53:01] +++ Actual [18:53:01] -
[18:53:02] +
[18:53:36] how do you get it to run the new version? [18:53:44] dunno [18:54:01] looks like there may be a coicendence tho [18:54:01] http://ci.tesla.usability.wikimedia.org/cruisecontrol/buildresults/mw?tab=buildResults [18:54:11] PHP errors from within cruise-control it seems [18:54:49] Trevor: I don't know what your survey is, but mine was three pages [18:55:25] kaldari: It's currently busy building/running a new run [18:55:25] http://ci.tesla.usability.wikimedia.org/cruisecontrol/ [18:55:29] ah, so it looks like it's been a day or 2 since the last successfu build [18:55:30] TrevorParscal: lots of essay questions on the first page, the next page is multiple-choice rate your skills, the last solicits ways the WMF could improve [18:56:02] I'll just be patient then :) [18:56:34] the build started around 30 minutes ago. Seems rather long [18:56:37] I was expecting something with more instant gratification! [18:56:41] (the local time is shown on the right) [18:56:53] http://ci.tesla.usability.wikimedia.org/cruisecontrol/ [18:57:20] neilk_: I suppose if someone's really pissed at the length of this thing, they could pull a Schwarzenegger :) [18:57:37] right, possible cause is the stack trace at http://ci.tesla.usability.wikimedia.org/cruisecontrol/buildresults/mw. RoanKattouw: Any clue from the strack trace on that link ? [18:57:44] PHP Notice: Unknown: Skipping numeric key 1 in Unknown on line 0 [18:58:05] That's the most useless error message ever [18:58:11] And I'm not at all familiar with PHPUnit [18:58:15] yeah [18:59:00] OMG Notice: Something I don't know did something I didn't expect in a place I don't know. Can I haz... ? [19:06:26] Krinkle: Since you were nice enough to OK r91323, could you mark r91320 (which it fixes) as resolved? [19:08:55] Krinkle: hey, thank you for your help with http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Unit_testing [19:09:16] you're welcome [19:09:22] !r r91320 [19:09:22] --elephant-- http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/r91320 [19:09:53] kaldari: Done! I missed it since it wasn't showing up in ?status=new [19:10:22] Krinkle: Thanks! [19:14:16] We're doing a small deploy of WikiLove updates this afternoon, so any other WikiLove code reviews would be appreciated: http://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?path=%2Ftrunk%2Fextensions%2FWikiLove&title=Special%3ACode%2FMediaWiki [19:24:57] kaldari: hey, want me to write a note to the cultural-partners list re uploader? [19:25:08] (per Liam's email of 3 July) [19:27:32] sumanah: That would be awesome! Thank you!! [19:27:43] kaldari: ok [19:27:57] sumanah: Did I copy you on my email to Liam? [19:28:35] kaldari: you did, I think (the 1 July one Re: Bulk uploading tool) [19:28:47] cool [23:03:59] Reedy: Wow, I just discovered something wonky. Took me 30 minutes to figure out. [23:04:01] Look at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Mdupont [23:04:08] js messages broken, right ? [23:04:11] [23:04:14] (Chrome) [23:04:30] heh [23:04:53] Turns out mw.messages.exists in 1.17 and 1.18 checks the wrong variable name, fixed in r80572. [23:05:06] However this didn't matter in most cases [23:05:22] in 1.17: mw.messages.exists: if ( typeof keys === 'object' ) { [23:05:28] ^ never turns true as there is no such variable [23:05:29] BUT [23:05:41] On http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Mdupont there is a heading ==keys== [23:05:51]

:-/ [23:06:26] ie. an object, thus returns true and the function fails [23:06:32] omg! [23:12:03] Already fixed tho http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/80572