[00:47:18] some interesting conversation of hackernews about the move to Phab [00:54:14] wmat: they all seem to have missed the point and are talking about core review using phab, though. [01:00:14] MatmaRex: yeah, that seems to be the predominant use case in those comments [01:02:47] that immutable_history tip could be useful, if using arcanist [01:03:26] is there any workflow suggestins documented yet for MW? [01:03:40] * wmat looks [01:13:30] wmat, got link? [01:14:29] ah, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8654403 [08:19:34] Hi, I'm looking for an easy to install plugin so that my rawpedia installation can support articles in various languages, could someone recommend an actively developed plugin? [08:19:55] I'm also looking for a plugin which can dump all wiki pages into a single PDF. [08:22:17] DrSlony: any wiki can have articles in multiple languages. What do you want the plugin for? [08:22:28] For the second one, this might work: [08:22:31] !e Collection [08:22:31] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Collection [08:23:21] Yaron1 i want to have a list of languages on teh left like wikipedia does [08:23:31] our wiki already has some pages translateg into french [08:23:34] pagename/fr [08:24:15] Oh. If you want a list of languages in the sidebar, you would need to have a different wiki for each language - that's how Wikipedia does. [08:24:41] If you want to support stuff like "pagename/fr" (the better option), the Translate extension is the way to go. [08:24:44] !e Translate [08:24:44] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Translate [08:25:07] thanks [08:25:22] can i use this Translate extension with just one wiki installation? [08:25:56] Yes. [08:26:21] great [08:54:29] Hi there, got a Problem with my mediawiki installation. I just tried to edit a page, and whenever i hit save or preview, it opens a download dialogue for an index.php file. [09:10:04] Humm. It seems, that i can't put any references on the main page [09:36:18] I just installed Collections and am very happy to see it work. I would like to offer a 1-click solution to download a PDF of all the pages on my wiki (not so many of them) without having to add each page manually to the book. How do I do that? [09:38:12] Or let me rephrase that: I would like to get a PDF of all the pages which a given page links to, e.g. all the pages I link to from my "table of contents" page. Is that possible? [10:27:13] Hey, I've been tasked with selecting a wiki software for the place I'm studying in, any reason I should use anything else than mediawiki ? [10:27:51] I mean, is there any advantages or disadvantages I should know about before going either way ? [10:37:16] if youre fine with the SQL requirement and the size of it, i dont think theres anything better [10:42:10] Yeah, more or less what I was thinking [12:09:29] Using the Collections extension, I would like to get a PDF of all the pages which a given page links to, e.g. all the pages I link to from my "table of contents" page. Or maybe all pages which belong to some category. Is that possible? [12:13:04] DrSlony: You can do it more manually using Special:Book [12:14:10] Reedy how do I do it so users can click a link to generate a PDF of these pages? [12:15:59] DrSlony: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Books#Saving_and_sharing_your_book_with_others [12:19:11] thanks Reedy! [12:37:19] Reedy where do I find the save button? [12:38:34] http://i.imgur.com/TloSLj2.png [12:39:20] Interesting.. [12:39:49] "You have to be logged-in to save a collection" i am [12:39:54] "Go to the Collection special page" [12:40:17] title=Special:Collection redirects to Special:Book which is whats in the screenshot [12:42:32] DrSlony: Looks like there are 2 user rights [12:42:40] collectionsaveasuserpage [12:42:41] got it, i edited localsettings.php [12:42:44] yes :) [12:42:45] collectionsaveascommunitypage [12:43:52] strange that I, the admin, had to do that, no? [12:45:04] Hi everyone..I have just installed mediawiki on my localhost and have become familiar with mediawiki. I would like u to suggest me some beginner level bugs so as to contribute to mediawiki [12:51:31] gvaibhavraj2: hi! great that you want to contribute. you ask at a bad time though... our bug tracking moved from bugzilla to phabricator this weekend. it's all a big mess, i have no idea how to find the "easy" bugs now... [12:51:38] we used to have a keyword for that... [12:52:50] ya today only i made an account on phabricator ..although i dont need to migrate anything bcoz i hvnt yet started but still it would be a great help if anyone can suggest some bug [12:58:44] !easy [12:58:44] Bugzilla maintains a list of easy bugs for us, that are considered a good first step for new MediaWiki developers. See https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=keyword%3Aeasy for the list. [12:58:46] Sigh [12:58:51] One sec. [12:59:42] !easy is We keep a list of bugs that are easy to solve, in case new developers want a simple step to start out with. Check out https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/easy/ and let us know if you need any help fixing your first bug! [12:59:42] This key already exist - remove it, if you want to change it [12:59:47] !easy del [12:59:48] Successfully removed easy [12:59:49] !easy is We keep a list of bugs that are easy to solve, in case new developers want a simple step to start out with. Check out https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/easy/ and let us know if you need any help fixing your first bug! [12:59:49] Key was added [12:59:54] !easy | gvaibhavraj2 [12:59:54] gvaibhavraj2: We keep a list of bugs that are easy to solve, in case new developers want a simple step to start out with. Check out https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/easy/ and let us know if you need any help fixing your first bug! [13:00:00] * marktraceur breathes [13:00:30] * YuviPanda pats marktraceur [13:00:42] oh thanks a lot marktraceur.. [13:01:58] i will start with this and get back to u for further assistance..thanks a ton [13:04:27] Greetings [13:04:35] Im looking for help [13:04:39] Hi Guest55598, what's up? [13:05:35] Im trying to add a quick link "aka short cut" to my wiki on my left side bar and here is a link of what i am referring to, http://imgur.com/sNnnRvG [13:07:29] if its not clear on what i am trying to do i could try to explain more if you want. [13:10:32] ? [13:11:14] marktraceur, is this the right location for Guest55598 's query? [13:12:16] marktraceur..I will be very grateful if u suggest me a particular bug to fix because i m little zapped on how to start and what to start of the given bugs list..:) [13:12:46] I have a different question is it possible that the main page has a txt file that i could edit to make it possible ? [13:19:07] Mark ? [13:32:56] Guest55598: Sorry, was AFX [13:32:59] AFK even. [13:33:12] !quicklinks [13:33:16] That would be too easy. [13:33:18] !tools [13:33:18] The Wikimedia Toolserver is a cluster of servers that provide free Unix hosting for Wikimedia users and researchers and includes access to copies of the live wiki databases. Access is granted on request on a case-by-case basis. See https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Main_Page for more info and https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Category:Tools for a list of documented tools. [13:33:25] !sidebar [13:33:25] To edit the navigation menu on the left, edit page [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] on your wiki using its special syntax (see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/Sidebar for details). If you need more control, you can use the SkinBuildSidebar hook (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/SkinBuildSidebar). [13:33:27] Tada [13:33:43] Guest55598: edit page [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] on your wiki using its special syntax [13:34:10] oh ok give me a second i need to go to the washroom haha [13:34:15] brb [13:35:00] nonsenseferret: Thanks for being a referee :) [13:35:29] sounds like a dangerous occuptation marktraceur [13:37:32] And how. [14:01:39] So Mark i found out why i cant edit it My coworker didnt give me admin permissions :/ [14:02:02] i called him and when he gets in he will give meh the permissions ahah [14:02:25] Guest55598: Give him a participation ribbon for me :) [14:02:50] I got a question again though is there a theme maker for the wiki ? [14:03:05] sure will mark :) [14:03:29] Guest55598: Not really a "maker", no, but you can find out more about skins... [14:03:33] !skins [14:03:33] General skin help: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skins / List of available skins: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:All_skins / Creating a new skin: see !skinning [14:03:44] !skinning [14:03:45] From scratch: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Skinning/Tutorial / Based on another skin: http://blog.redwerks.org/2012/02/28/mediawiki-subskin-tutorial/ / See also !skins for general help and list of available skins [14:04:04] thankas [14:11:16] gvaibhavraj2: Hey. What do you want to work on? [15:40:46] Hi, I'm trying to add functionality to a mediawiki installation. I want to allow users to 'tag' a page in some way which will result in that page being displayed with a banner at the top and bottom. E.g. to state that the page has been peer checked. Anyone know a good route to achiveing this without developing a new extension? [15:41:52] barks http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Approved_Revs [15:42:01] (maybe it helps) [15:42:33] how's that any different from FR? [15:42:51] hmm, "lightweight" [15:45:00] barks: the standard way to do this is to use templates [15:45:21] grus: yes thats somewhat helpful thanks. [15:46:58] DanielK_WMDE_: I do know about templates although I don't think they achive what I want. At least with my understanding of how they work. I know you can substitute templates and bring them into a page. But what I am trying to do is allow users/bots to quickly tag a page in some way and automatically have some banner at the top and bottom. Can I do this with a template? [15:53:50] barks: that's how the warnign banners in wikipedia work, yes. [15:54:20] barks: to allow "quick tagging" by users, you'd need to write some javascript that adds the template [15:54:38] adding is a lot easier to removing, though [16:02:28] DanielK_WMDE_: Thanks I'll have a look into that. [17:43:55] qgil_: Hi! I was thinking we might want to archive https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Engineering_Community_Team#Planning since AFAIK you're now using Phabricator. Do you want me to remove the old planning pages? [20:28:44] Hi. I wanted to be able to create a PDF of my wiki using the Collection extension. I created a book full of pages, put them into chapters, saved the book, downloaded the PDF to make sure it works, and it did, but now when I open the saved book I just see the table of contents without being able to download the actual pages as PDF, i can only download this table of contents. Can anyone help? [20:28:47] [21:23:39] guillom, yes, please. I was actually thinking of "Cleaning ECT wiki pages" as a task for December. :) [21:26:55] creating teh {{saved_book}} template fixed it [21:27:18] though i strongly suggest including a working template with the extension [21:28:16] qgil_: ok :) [21:29:38] qgil_: Also, I know it's a bit late for you so we don't have to discuss this now, but I've been thinking about https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T24 and wondering which of Phabricator's apps could be used if we moved reporting there. At some point, I'd like to hear your ideas on the matter (not necessarily now though.) [21:31:11] DrSlony: That's not so easy to do.... But you should file a task in phabricator requesting it [21:31:22] At minimum, I guess it should be documented better [21:32:32] guillom, the funny thing is that I was thinking about this like 90 minutes ago! [21:32:51] qgil_: Great minds! [21:33:33] ... and the funny thing is that 120 minutes ago I was telling to Katja "Equally great minds..." (because we're humble ) :) [21:33:44] :D [21:33:49] Alright, since I'm not the owner of this I can think something like this. [21:34:51] Forget any addition tool. Just Maniphest tasks and a Engineering-Report project plus a $MM-YYYY tag (I want to create these at some point) [21:35:12] Create a task for the monthly/quarterly/whatever report. [21:35:24] Create subtasks for each section assigned to each project [21:35:47] hmm [21:35:49] I see [21:36:08] These subtasks write their report in the description, and they can do things like adding other projects involved, blockers, etc. [21:36:26] I was looking at the Blog prototype, and was thinking it might work for this, but your approach is interesting too. [21:36:42] the main task has a summary of the most relevant stuff, and links [21:37:11] these are real tasks, they appear in dashboards, might have owners, will have priorities [21:37:41] when they are done, they are resolved; the slackers (like me) are easy to spot. By everyone. [21:38:10] Once you're there, the easiest thing is to copy the content of the main description to a blog post. [21:38:45] qgil_: Do you mind if I post those thoughts in the ticket? [21:38:56] of course not, I was meant to do it :P [21:39:10] ... and do you know why I was thinking about this 90 minutes ago [21:39:15] hehe, ok, thanks. I'll add them now and continue to think about it [21:39:15] and earlier today, and yesterday.... [21:39:21] Do tell! [21:39:29] because... look what do I have at the top of my dashboard: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?statuses=open,stalled&assigned=PHID-USER-lluzkul4z7us4sxkayss#R [21:39:33] there is no way to avoid it [21:40:03] heh [21:40:09] so I thought: well, the next step is to write the report right there (or more precisely, in the corresponding subprojects [21:40:58] what's more, a reader could start in the blog post, and following links of links, they could end up in any of the sub-reports, or the tasks linking to it, [21:41:09] and there they would have a form to ask questions and post comments [21:41:19] they could subscribe, watch projects... all connected. [21:41:32] ok, that's it. Downloaded. Thank you. Phew! [21:41:41] I think I'd need to see it work in action to understand better, but that can wait. Thank you! [21:49:26] guillom, the goal is the reporting, not the report. :) [21:49:39] Oh, how I agree! [22:06:30] Mmmmm. [22:06:40] Oh qgil_ great that you are here. [22:06:48] Hallo world. [22:07:00] What's the right way to mark a bug as resolved in Phab? [22:07:40] status --> Resolved? :P [22:07:42] Edit task and set status to Resolved? Or is there anything better? [22:08:11] Actions in the comment form is quicker [22:08:29] Oh right. [22:09:31] So if I mark as resolved, it's also auto-assigned to me. Sometimes it's good, not always, but I'll handle it. [23:28:05] Where I request merge of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T28638 nzmoihue with my username? [23:28:42] ebraminio: add that email to your phabricator account, and wait a day (I think) and it should get reassigned [23:30:03] legoktm: I set a fake email unrecoverable email on it [23:30:10] uhh :/ [23:30:24] ebraminio: ask in #wikimedia-devtools then? [23:30:33] ebraminio: You want to recover an account you intentionally made unrecoverable? [23:30:40] Sounds like a wontfix to me! [23:32:10] Carmela: I can assure from conversation on that account that it is belongs to me [23:32:33] Right, just saying it's a silly request. [23:32:34] Carmela: even I am sure a WMF staff can agree that [23:33:10] Carmela: yeah, I just wanted to leave that account on that time