[00:10:32] 03simetrical * r36661 10/trunk/phase3/includes/specials/SpecialVersion.php: May as well add my name here. It might come in handy sometime. [00:10:44] To create a namespace you name page you create a page namespacetitle.newpage right? [00:11:45] r36661? [00:11:52] Oh noes! [00:12:38] are ya gonna say that for the next 8 commits, vvv? [00:12:39] can someone please help me out? [00:12:47] lars3: Namespace:Title (a colon, not a period) [00:13:28] Splarka: I'm not [00:13:39] Nushio, I think there's a maintenance script, but probably not that works easily with just FTP. You could try chopping the file up. [00:14:11] hmm, why didn't I think of chopping the file? [00:14:58] split them up by pages, right Simetrical? [00:15:37] Nushio, make sure the result is still a valid XML document, though. [00:15:51] You'll probably have to copy the bits at the front and end to each one. [00:15:55] yeah, I've toyed with XML a lot [00:15:58] yeah [00:22:16] when i create a page within the namespace I always have to type the namespace before the title? Is there a way I could have the namespace be implied by were its being created [00:25:18] lars3: That's exactly what is happening [00:25:37] When you create Project:Page, it is in the project namespace /by definition/ [00:25:56] it's location /is/ the namespace [00:26:25] if that page were then moved to Page (ie no prefix) then it would move out of the project namespace and into the main (article) namespace [00:26:54] lars3: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Namespaces [00:26:56] 03demon * r36662 10/trunk/phase3/ (10 files in 7 dirs): (bug 14647) Remove unused 'townBox' class from global CSS. [00:27:29] 03(FIXED) townBox CSS definitions - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14647 +comment (10innocentkiller) [00:28:16] <^demon> Shaved a few bytes off the CSS ;-) [00:29:25] Is there a way I can have a new page created based off a template depending on namespace [00:30:26] i understand kind of like boiler plate but for each namespace [00:30:42] mmmm.... [00:31:11] so you want every page in a particular namespace to follow a certain template style, and a different one for each namespace? [00:31:25] you can use templates for that, but it wouldn't be automatic [00:31:35] or if you use inputbox to create every page, I think you could do it [00:32:27] i would create a template that i load into inputbox? [00:32:54] but how would i do the namespace specification [00:33:23] 03danny_b * r36663 10/trunk/extensions/ (2 files in 2 dirs): * adding to proper group on Special:SpecialPages [00:37:00] ^_^ Whohoo... found a better way to create an instance of an object, with a variable number of parameters [00:54:47] Where do you put Common.css to make your mediawiki site pick it up. My 45 minutes of Googling have brought no answers. Neither has my attempt to put the stylesheet in various locations in my wiki. [00:55:19] Eh? [00:55:30] [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] [00:56:02] Oh, well that wasn't obvious to me. [00:56:52] 03(mod) Admins should be asked for confirmation when Antispoof applies - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13426 +comment (10tylerromeo) [00:59:48] 03(mod) Admins should be asked for confirmation when Antispoof applies - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13426 +comment (10tylerromeo) [01:00:49] 03(mod) Admins should be asked for confirmation when Antispoof applies - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13426 +comment (10tylerromeo) [01:02:01] 03(mod) Admins should be asked for confirmation when Antispoof applies - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13426 (10tylerromeo) [01:04:29] Hi! How can I edit a special page? http://fr.wikipedia.com/wiki/Special:Statistques [01:05:00] Felixggenest : you can't unless you're a dev [01:05:25] Pierroman, peux-tu me parler francais ;-) [01:05:51] Felixggenest : ouais mais on est sur un chan anglophone... :) [01:06:57] Felixggenest : en fait, les pages spéciales sont aussi modifiables par les administrateurs, via les pages MediaWiki [01:07:22] ok... mais j'ai fait une requête et ca fait deux jours que ca traine... [01:07:37] Felixggenest : ok on voit ça sur #wikipedia-fr [01:18:32] I'd like to know... is there any news about the category moving issue? [01:24:32] 03(NEW) Wrap user interface messages in tags with lang & xml: lang if site language != user language - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14649 normal; normal; MediaWiki: User interface; (danny.b) [01:24:33] 03(mod) Markup accessibility issues (tracking) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=367 (10danny.b) [01:38:35] Does anyone know the syntax to link an image from a gallery to an url? [01:45:03] nowimproved: [[Media:Image.png]] is a usual syntax for direct links [01:58:30] Hey all. I'm working on a Tag extension and have a question. It seems magic words are not processed before the input is sent to the function, and it is not processed when it leaves the function either. Is this correct behaviour? If so how can I get the passed data phrased? [02:00:05] Oh well I feel stupid. I think I found it I was searching for the wrong term. [02:12:01] hi i've installed my php version from 5.0.2 to 5.2.6 and now mediawiki returns a blank page. what seems to be the problem? [02:13:32] ajushi: bump the memory limit [02:21:10] Alexfusco5: i bumped it to 64mb but it still returns a blank page.. [02:22:27] ajushi: what version? [02:23:24] Alexfusco5: of mediawiki? 1.10.0 [02:24:14] ajushi: I think it might work if you update to 1.12 (or if you can keep up with it 1.13alpha) [02:25:12] Vasil? [02:26:23] Hi, I'm getting a "Failed opening required 'convertLinks.inc'" during install that's coming from maintenance/updaters.inc on line 13 [02:26:42] looks like it's trying to include from config/convertLinks.inc, when it should be including maintenance/convertLinks.inc [02:26:46] any pointers? [02:30:08] Alexfusco5: ok thanks man ill try :) [02:46:34] Anyone know a good site that recommends how to do google adsense within wikipedia [02:46:44] I don't want to break their rules with having ads on login pages, etc. [02:47:29] I want to put an ad in the sidebar but not to show up on non-content pages [02:49:34] like not show up on the login page [02:53:13] I have information that will be formated differently in several locations... is it posible to put the information into a template, and then have that automaticly fill in the data to the other templates? [02:53:47] basicly having one template that is a data set, and other templates that are the formatting for that data depending on location [02:59:28] Is this a channel where I can ask media-wiki customizing questions? [03:00:08] !ask [03:00:08] --mwbot-- Don't say "I have a question", or ask "Is anyone around?" or "Can anyone help?". Just ask the question, and someone will help you if they can. Also, please read < http://workaround.org/moin/GettingHelpOnIrc > for a good explanation of getting help on IRC. [03:00:47] (but simply asking the question doesn't assure you to get answers...) [03:01:04] Can I create a template for 3rd level categories to be formatted differently (other than alphabetically) -> details http://rafb.net/p/kkNzGa25.html [03:01:15] wow... i just ask my question, and its all crickets... someone asks if they can ask... and they get 3-4 responces in under a min [03:01:20] 03(FIXED) enhancement of languageConverter - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14604 +comment (10shinjiman) [03:01:33] lol...sorry :) [03:01:47] its fine, just ironic [03:02:01] neurotope : I still haven't got any answers for my question :) [03:02:12] neurotope: sadly, typing ¡ask takes less effort for some folks. :/ [03:02:14] asked about 2 hours ago [03:02:22] *Krimpet looks, sees if she can help [03:02:35] im trying to fill out the info in once template with another template :-) is there a way to do this? [03:02:40] neurotope: I would help if I knew the answer; please don't be so rude [03:02:41] *Shinjiman kicks CIA-53 for not reporting the changes [03:02:46] "Can I ask a question?" is the only question everyone here can answer [03:02:59] lol [03:03:00] XD [03:03:02] Sparka: lol [03:03:11] mike: sory [03:03:12] usually "!ask" or "you just did" [03:03:17] neurotope: hmm, lemme think [03:04:00] perhaps i can be one of the rare few that may get an answer..is it possible to change the format of a category page? so its not alphabettical [03:04:27] neurotope: the best I can think of is, make one parameter of the "data" template specify the name of the "formatting" template to use [03:05:06] what if i am going to use the same data in 5 different formats? [03:05:42] im trying to fake a psudo database where the data is in one place, but its in different charts based on need [03:06:15] e.g. you'd use it as {{data|format=format1|a|b}}; {{data}} would consist of {{{{{format}}}|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}; {{format1}} would display the data [03:06:28] kinda like a style sheet. [03:06:36] yeah [03:06:48] can i just post a link to my current attempts? [03:06:51] sure [03:07:13] http://mabinogiworld.com/wiki/index.php?title=Short_Bow [03:07:19] http://mabinogiworld.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:WeaponBox [03:07:32] http://mabinogiworld.com/wiki/index.php?title=Template:ShortBowInfo [03:07:43] there we go, the sum of my current attempts [03:07:46] andrew22: hmm, that might be a bit trickier [03:07:57] yeah [03:08:20] andrew22: i know there are things to change the way all of them are orginized, but i dont know about just that level [03:08:44] well let start simple...how can change the organization [03:08:58] andrew22: problem is, MediaWiki doesn't really store the "level" of a category :/ [03:09:40] perhaps if i tag a category as being level 1, 2, or 3? [03:10:03] so, any answers to my question? [03:10:05] :-) [03:10:29] or do I just need to modify all the files so that the requires point to the correct locations? ;-) [03:10:30] Krimpet...how can i change the organization of a simple category? [03:11:00] andrew22: I'm not sure :/ [03:11:08] poop [03:11:08] lol [03:11:11] ramsey: what version are you using? [03:11:27] give me a min andrew, im looking for the extention [03:11:33] andrew22: your best bet may be, instead of including the category directly, make a template that sets the sort key [03:11:48] Krimpet: latest version... trying to install... 1.12.0 [03:11:59] neurotope: I'm checking out your templates, what are you attempting to do with em exactly? [03:12:33] Krimpett: ...can i make a template that uses DPL to sort based on a portion of the word in the name of an article? [03:13:27] ramsey: are you running the upgrade from the shell, or from your browser? [03:13:33] Krimpet: browser [03:13:50] oh, yeah, that's the right way. :/ [03:13:54] Krimpet: I could do it from the shell, but I couldn't find instructions for it anywhere [03:14:09] Krimpet: point is, whether from browser or shell, the include_path is messed up [03:14:47] ramsey: what kind of configuration are you running? [03:15:03] LAMP, or something more exotic? [03:15:07] Krimpet: LAMP [03:16:17] from config/index.php, it's trying to include convertLinks.inc from line 13 of maintenance/updaters.inc, but it's trying to get it as if it were config/converLinks.inc because it's looking in the current working directory, but it should be including maintenance/convertLinks.inc [03:16:31] ramsey: I dunno. :/ might be worth changing the paths I suppose [03:16:48] *Krimpet uses the SVN version [03:16:53] I'd prefer not to modify the code if it's something that's supposed to work for everyone else [03:17:37] I've already had to change the Namespace class to MWNamespace because I'm using PHP 5.3-dev, and there's a T_NAMESPACE syntax error :-) [03:18:18] it might be worth trying out the SVN version if you can. Wikimedia runs on it without much trouble :) [03:18:30] Krimpet: had a chance to look at the links? [03:18:43] neurotope: yep, checking em out [03:18:49] I think I see what you mean [03:19:42] neurotope: actually, you're on the right track. :) try this: {{WeaponBox|{{ShortBowInfo}}}} [03:20:05] it _should_ transclude the parameters in {{ShortBowInfo}} as arguments to WeaponBox [03:20:17] i think i tried that, but i will again :-) [03:21:07] ok, tried, and the failure saved as a minor edit [03:21:44] I may have found a solution to my issue, the following extension can organizae categories, sub categories, etc [03:21:45] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:NiceCategoryList2 [03:21:55] Thanks to everyone for all your help [03:22:04] I guess the question is the order of transclution, and how it is resolved [03:22:26] neurotope: I created an account there, so I'll fiddle around with it a bit [03:22:39] because {{WeaponBox|{{subst:ShortBowInfo}}}} works... but it transcludes on save... so if i change the source data no trickel down [03:22:48] Krimpet: nope... from SVN, still getting the same error on config/index.php: [03:22:49] Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'convertLinks.inc' (include_path='.:/path/to/pear') in /path/to/mediawiki/maintenance/updaters.inc on line 12 [03:23:49] the namespace issue does appear to be fixed in SVN, though :-) [03:24:22] ramsey: im glad there are people like you breaking the weak points so the rest of us have good software :-) [03:24:37] heh [03:24:58] neurotope: and I'm just trying to *use* the software like the rest of you... this is my first time installing it :-) [03:25:42] ramsey: I think it's getting the install path wrong, somehow [03:25:57] :-) [03:25:59] oh, this is an install issue?!? well then ill turn my brain back on and see if i can be helpful [03:27:01] neurotope: to be fair, I am installing it on a development version of PHP 5.3, which is why I mentioned the namespace issue ;-) [03:35:40] ok krimpet, it looks like it might just be you and me again :-/ [03:36:09] *Krimpet is trying to figure out how these parameters should work <_< [03:40:27] {{WeaponBox|{{subst:ShortBowInfo}}}} [03:40:55] will make it work temporaroly... but because it kills the link back to the data template its not a solution [03:41:18] yeah, I think the problem is it expands WeaponBox _before_ ShortBowInfo [03:43:49] I think you might have had the right idea before with the calling the formatting as part of the dataset... [03:43:52] let me try that [03:44:31] one sec, I'm editing {{shortbowinfo}} :) [03:45:05] well darn, i was getting ready too :-) [03:45:40] try {{ShortBowInfo|format=WeaponBox}} now. :) [03:46:25] yep that worked [03:47:24] that should work, then - just make your data templates in the same format. ;) [03:47:48] yeah, by the time you were doing that we were at the exact same point... [03:47:49] :-) [03:47:55] thats great! thankyou! [03:48:03] no problem, and good luck. :) [03:55:12] another common scenario here: "So how can I do *thingy*" "well, you can simply do *solution*" "But that is too complicated for my (target audience|user base|core fanbase|grandmother)" "Have you considered tinker toys instead of mediawiki?" [03:57:01] Does anyone know the syntax to link an image from a gallery to an url? [03:57:07] scenario #17: "how can I do *opposite of what mediawiki was designed for*" "have you considered not using mediawiki?" "I like the look of wikipedia" [03:57:21] !imagelink | nowimproved [03:57:21] --mwbot-- nowimproved: Image linking is intentionally not supported in MediaWiki, so access to the image's description page is always available. If you need image links, see for methods and information. One way to achieve this is . [03:57:37] (unless you mean from a tag) [03:59:07] Splarka, yes, I mean from a gallery tag [03:59:53] well, you could build your own gallery tag with table syntax I suppose [05:03:14] 03rotem * r36665 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesEn.php: Add new variants to the English file. [05:14:26] hi, i got mediawiki 1.12.0 installed. i previously have apache run php as cgi. i decided to run php as a module but it messed things up in mediawiki. the tables are collapsed and the url is changed from mywiki//index.php?title=Main_Page to mywiki/index.php/Main_Page..what seems to be the problem? [05:45:52] 03(mod) Enable FlaggedRevs custom configuration on he.wikisource - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14648 (10novartza) [06:14:58] i have a server with a 2.8 ghz P4 and two GB of RAM running freebsd 5, how much traffic could i get to a mediawiki site running on that without it choking? [06:15:32] Overlord_45: properly configured you should be able to serve millions of pages a month without any trouble. [06:15:51] fantastic [06:16:10] is "properly configured" very much beyond "installing it" [06:16:30] Overlord_45: caching is very important for performance. [06:17:13] Overlord_45: mysql configuration can also get you some additional 20%. [06:17:49] Overlord_45: I think MediaWiki.org has some documentation. Please google. [06:19:58] okay [06:22:25] i have setup mediawiki locally on my pc.. i am not a php guy...want to customize navigation bar...any front end tool or other ways to do ? [06:24:42] udinesh5: change [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] [06:27:25] hello everyone [06:30:30] got a question [06:30:40] how does mediawiki delete an image [06:30:59] and what is the distinction between image and old image [06:34:00] siebrand: but then i dont have an edit button there [06:34:22] siebrand: i am using mediawiki-1.12.0 [06:42:58] siebrand:i edited them using the page MediaWiki:Sidebar... thanks a lot ! [06:53:41] can someone tell me what oldimage is all about? [06:54:04] I have directories "wiki/index.php?title=California" but want it to belong to a namespace Location? [06:59:09] Hi all! I am using wgAutoloadClasses on multiple classes all being defined within one file, but this appears to be problematic/unstable in MW. [06:59:30] When I call Special:Specialpages, there is a PHP error since the one fuile was included multiple times. [06:59:43] (Redeclaration of existing class) [07:00:17] This is due to __autoload using include instead of include_once (which should normally work fine, but fails in my case) [07:00:43] Is this a known problem wth autoloading (no more than one class per file), or can I fix that somehow? [07:06:34] MarkusK: insufficient information error. [07:08:07] siebrand: this is meant to be a general question, but I can be more specific. What do you need? [07:08:33] MarkusK: see for example: extensions\Translate\_autoload.php [07:08:45] lines 14-15: [07:08:46] $wgAutoloadClasses['TranslateTasks'] = $dir . 'TranslateTasks.php'; [07:08:46] $wgAutoloadClasses['TaskOptions'] = $dir . 'TranslateTasks.php'; [07:09:34] siebrand: ok, so this should work in general [07:09:56] MarkusK: I would assume so. [07:10:55] siebrad: I have had some troubles of isolating the error. The file has many classes, but only the autoload on one of them caused troubles, even if the class decl was replaced by an empty stub [07:11:29] MarkusK: I like reduction as a tool for analysis :) [07:12:04] siebrand: I have a suspicion that some PHP include caching may be a problem here, since I cannot find a disintction between working and broken classes on my code level [07:12:23] ... I try to restart my webserver [07:12:27] MarkusK: are you using ini_set( 'display_errors', 1); [07:12:52] MarkusK: and error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT ); [07:13:46] yes, I report everything down to notice [07:14:05] but the "redeclaration of class" error is critical anyway [07:14:57] siebrand: the error is gone now [07:15:00] ... ! [07:15:15] ... I did not do any changes to the code [07:18:28] siebrand: since I have you here ... are you aware that message loading is extremely slow with the BetaWiki method? [07:18:55] ... I have profiled our setup times when we still used the old custom message files in SMW [07:19:20] ... and SMW at this time consumed only <0.2% of overall processing time on a normal server [07:19:45] ... since we have switched to the new single-file message management, SMW went up to 10% on the same site. [07:20:17] ... I identified "wfLoadExtensionMessages" as the source of this [07:22:07] puck: sorry, I had connection problems, and somehow I have missed your private message... though, now I see it in my logs. Thanks! I will have a look soon. [07:24:46] siebrand: I see that PHP caching could probably fix that, but a solution for vanilla LAMP sites would also be great. It seems that the message file just takes very long to be read, even though 95% of languages are not needed at all. [07:25:49] ... our old system had one file per language and loaded only the required languages at all [07:27:00] ... also, we often did not load any user messages (the extension init is called on every MW call, e.g. three times for one display of Special:Specialpages, but many of these calls need no messages at all) [07:27:51] MarkusK: I do not know what you think the "Betawiki method" of loading messages is. [07:28:15] MarkusK: I am more involved in localisation than I am in coding i18n. [07:28:16] siebrand: ah, sorry, it is the stnadrd MW method that SMW adopted to be BetaWiki compatible [07:28:34] MarkusK: Best talk to Nikerabbit is you think you have solutions. [07:28:51] is there someway I can have a form that simplifies page creation?That supports multiple page creation? [07:28:59] like an input box [07:29:08] but multiple [07:29:23] siebrand: ok, I will try to ask him; I think I have ideas how to fix the problem [07:29:39] jh57: SemanticForms is an extension that enables form-based page creation [07:30:28] jh57: see the "create" links (in the toolbar) on discoursedb.org [07:30:39] MarkusK: as for messages: you could do is split up (like for flagged revs) and lazy load further. [07:30:43] jh57: not "create" but "add" [07:31:35] siebrand: yes, sop�litting up would be useful, but how does work with the BetaWiki upload of new messages? Can BetaWiki also create split files? [07:32:02] MarkusK: sure, no problem. We just deal with message collections. However small or large. [07:32:09] thank you that should work [07:32:41] MarkusK: FYI: duplicates are not supported at the moment. [07:33:24] siebrand: ah, you mean one could split messages into groups. I was thinking about splitting by language (all messages of one language in a single file) [07:33:26] MarkusK: so if you need the same message, and cannot put them in a 'generic messages' collection, you should duplicate and give a different message ID. [07:33:45] MarkusK: indeed the former, not the latter. [07:36:00] siebrand: splitting by language seems to be more efficient; I may sometimes know that I need just half of the messages, but I always know with certanty that I need ony <5% of all languages! [07:36:48] siebrand: but maybe separatng special page labels into one group would be a start, since these are really the main thing to be loaded on all MW runs [07:37:16] siebrand: how can I make such a new message group and move over the existing messages easily? [07:37:30] MarkusK: great question :( [07:37:40] MarkusK: find a regex guru. [07:38:07] MarkusK: you could ask how aaron did it. [07:38:18] siebrand: assuming I have a guru, what do I need to do at the file level? [07:38:48] MarkusK: well, step one would be to indentify the variuous collections and the messages that belong to each of them. [07:38:48] siebrand: I guess BetaWiki has to consider the new message group as a separate "extension" [07:39:20] (yes, although we can create meta extensions, combining messages of multiple message collections) [07:39:34] (I think I did that for FlaggedRevs) [07:40:03] (ah, that might be useful, but in any case someone at BetaWiki needs to set up those groups first) [07:40:09] MarkusK: step 2: move all the translations to their proper collections and retain author info [07:40:26] MarkusK: step 3: adapt code [07:40:40] MarkusK: 3a. define new ExtensionMessagesFiles [07:41:06] MarkusK: 3b. update/add/granularise wfLoadExtensionMessages [07:41:16] MarkusK: 4. Test 5. Commit :) [07:41:51] siebrand: ok, sounds like a project for the next release ... [07:42:14] MarkusK: once you commit, I'll see that stuff changed and i'll update Translate. [07:43:36] MarkusK: please give me a heads up if you are planning on changing (many) message IDs in the process. Then I can rename BW pages to retain author history. [07:44:31] siebrand: ok, thanks, I will consider this change and let you know when I begin [07:45:06] 03(mod) Change autoconfirmed days limit in Chinese Wikipedia. - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14624 +comment (10shizhao) [07:48:23] MarkusK: FYI: we have 1685 messages related to SMW in BW (some 3000 more for drilldown, forms, calendar) [07:48:55] whoa [07:48:59] that's a lot of massages. [07:49:06] abusefilter has like 20 [07:49:18] siebrand: as always, I am impressed by the translation progress ... [07:49:22] Werdna: you may like http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Orphan_messages [07:49:44] Werdna: Nikerabbit compiled some stats with pages connected to message groups. [07:49:56] ext-centralauth: 7337 [07:50:10] siebrand: I note that even ParserFunctions take around 5% of processing time on my profiling site, again all in message loading [07:50:30] 03(mod) Change autoconfirmed days limit in Chinese Wikipedia. - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14624 (10shizhao) [07:50:34] siebrand: so my performance issue is not so SMW specific it seems [07:51:06] MarkusK: that sounds like inefficient loading to me. PF only needs messages on special pages and in error messages. [07:52:17] siebrand: yes, indeed; for the detailed setup times see http://semanticweb.org/profileinfo.php?filter=&sort=time&expand=Setup.php [07:53:03] siebrand: maybe I should try to upgrade PF, to see if the message loading is more efficient now [07:53:06] MarkusK: are you using the SVN version of PF? [07:53:34] MarkusK: I just checked that code, and message loading in PF is *very* specific. [07:53:53] MarkusK: only immediately before it needs an error message. [07:54:05] hmm? [07:54:17] siebrand: I try to update PF, maybe my version is out of date (the upgrade pull for PF is rather small, feature wise ;-) [07:54:29] damn, am I always afk at the wrong time? [07:54:45] Nikerabbit: dunno. Read scrollback and let us know :) [07:56:49] siebrand: I have upgraded PF from SVN now, we will see how the profile results change over time (a simple way to store and restart profiling would be nice, I do not want to loose the current data) [07:57:10] How would I best achieve setting up a discography like wikipedia? [07:57:57] MarkusK: you will probably not get the best results possible because your wiki does not have ParserFirstCallInit yet (uncertain abot that) [07:59:21] MarkusK: I checked the PF commit logs. It was updates to use wfLoadExtMessages 2008-01-13. That's a while ago (before 1.12 branch, I think) [07:59:45] MarkusK: I have not been able to spot efficiency updates in the commit log. [07:59:46] peleg: No worries [08:00:01] siebrand: Why would I not have ParserFirstCallInit, given that I run 1.13 from SVN? It is documented to be available sine 1.12. [08:00:06] I've had a suggestion for a better way to parse the HTML, but I haven't made the required changes yet. [08:00:39] MarkusK: Oh, you do. In my mind I had you on 1.12-RELEASE [08:02:07] nowimproved: install a wiki, get a community, grow it for 7 years. [08:02:24] siebrand: Re PF: SVN upgrade pulled in various PF changes, maybe my version was still very old and things are better now [08:03:27] *MarkusK goes afk [08:08:55] MarkusK: are you saying most of the time goes to parsing the message files? [08:23:55] siebrand, I meant like wikipedia has albums! I'm not that ambitious! [08:29:19] nowimproved: look at the template structure, consider copying it. [08:35:49] *MarkusK is back [08:36:04] Nikerabbit: yes, I assume so [08:36:59] Nikerabbit: it may also be that the internal processing takes time, but in any case I can reduce the 10% setup time to <0.1% if I remove the message loading [08:37:13] Nikerabbit: I also think that the time has inclreased with the size of the Message file [08:56:55] 03mkroetzsch * r36666 10/trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/ (39 files in 13 dirs): [08:56:55] Replaced includes by autoloads throughout the code, moved some global constants into related classes to prevent [08:56:55] includes being required for defining constants [09:10:57] MarkusK: and you are not using any php cache? [09:11:32] Nikerabbit: No, I assume this would fix the problem. But many sites have no PHP cache. [09:12:22] mediawiki isn't built for small sites [09:12:39] that doesn't mean it has to be slow for small sites [09:12:52] slakr: we try to serve our users, they have small sites too [09:13:18] anyway, I assume most of the time goes into parsing [09:13:26] if you're serving anything other than the occasional user, you're wasting money by not using caching [09:13:31] which anyway takes most of the time if there is no cache [09:13:54] literally the difference in even normal, insignificant scripts is the difference between 0.300 seconds and 0.001 second [09:14:07] Nikerabbit: we once had one file per language in earlier versions, and this worked very well even without caching [09:14:33] slakr: I agree that caching is good to have in general [09:14:39] it would be nice if we had a nice and efficient database for messages... but with caching we already have pretty good one... without complicating the code [09:15:11] some extensions that are regex-intensive (the anti-spam/blacklist ones come to mind) have very high regex compile times if the blacklist is long and the code isn't cached [09:15:43] Nikerabbit: ok, so the official solution is to use caching; I make a mental note to put that into the installation notes for SMW so that people actually do it [09:16:14] (including myself) [09:16:23] MarkusK: well, don't make it too official [09:16:54] Nikerabbit: are there problems with recommending caching in general? [09:17:01] but as it provides a good general speed up, it makes the need for alternative methods less interesting [09:17:12] yes, I agree [09:17:29] I will make it a suggestion, no requirement [09:17:34] MarkusK: it needs some knowledge to install one, and with shared hosting it may not be possible unless the administrator does it [09:18:05] Nikerabbit: that might be a problem for many sites [09:18:27] ... can you point me to a docu page to get started? [09:20:07] MarkusK: dunno if there is any good general one, robcurch seems to have something for apc: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Robchurch/Performance_tuning [09:20:07] I would also suggest that if you're not planning on using memcached that you choose an opcode cache that has variable caching as well [09:20:45] (e.g., xcache and eaccelerator) [09:21:27] ok, thanks for the hints, there seems to be indeed some entry barrier to read through the various docus first ... [09:21:44] slakr: what I have gathered, all of those which do opcode and session caching are about equal in the speed [09:22:03] ? [09:22:03] unless mediawiki is somehow special case, it really doesn't matter which one of those is used wrt speed [09:22:18] I would still like to have non-cached setup to be somewhat faster (10% -15% is really extremely slow as compared to all other functions of MW) [09:22:20] variable caching reduces database load [09:23:11] MarkusK: everyone would, but after hitting the low hanging fruits it's not that easy anymore :/ [09:23:30] MarkusK: anyway, I (we?) are using apc for betawiki [09:23:40] works nice.. after I figured out how to combine it with lighttpd [09:24:20] Nikerabbit > you should look into Xcache. [09:24:27] it's written by the same guys who develop lighttpd [09:24:48] I think one primarily focuses on lighttpd while the other primarily focuses on xcache or something [09:24:51] *slakr forgets [09:25:22] slakr: maybe, not high priority unless it is guaranteed to change the world :) [09:25:26] nah [09:25:31] they all pretty much do the same thing [09:25:32] Nikerabbit: would it be possible to have one message file per language? I can usually determine which language(s) I actually need. The only issue might be cascading fallback languages [09:26:19] oh that's right... I think xcache had some better handling of fcgi [09:26:23] Nikerabbit: but otherwise I could very simply specify in my code which language I wish to load, so that most of the messages were ignored completely [09:26:30] which was why I ended up using it instead of the other opcode caches [09:26:46] MarkusK: would need core changes.. and probably not work for older version again [09:26:46] because otherwise you have x different cache pools running instead of 1 [09:26:48] but w/e [09:26:57] they others have probably adjusted by now [09:27:29] they/the* [09:27:30] slakr: and MediaWiki has nice little extension for apc :) [09:27:49] it also has one for xcache [09:27:51] I wrote it ;) [09:28:14] though it's technically not an extension-- it's a patch [09:28:22] either way it's in trunk [09:28:48] slakr: mmm now news for xcache in this year... [09:29:17] slakr: well, I'm not talking about support, but nice administrating extension :o [09:29:34] oh gotcha [09:29:46] Nikerabbit: I see, yet I am sure that this would give a lot of speedup since it immediately disregards 99% of messages per run. Maybe one could keep it in mind in case there is opportunity for such changes once ... [09:30:06] Nikerabbit: for now I will try PHP caches [09:32:22] MarkusK: the problem is not about discarding.. it's about not having to do the slow parsing :o [09:33:48] Nikerabbit: sure, but slowly parsing only 2% or 3% of data is still much faster [09:36:33] *MarkusK needs to go afk [09:39:09] 03(mod) central-auth ALT message for browsers with images disabled - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14597 +comment (10Bryan.TongMinh) [09:57:48] Could anyone direct me to documentation on wiki syntax :p? [09:58:40] maybe google [09:59:31] Google tends to hate me, thanks for suggesting though ;) [09:59:52] !syntax [09:59:52] --mwbot-- For help with MediaWiki's Wikitext syntax, please see . For an (incomplete) formal specification, see . [10:00:08] str4nd, thanks :) [10:00:11] np [10:34:06] on special:wantedpages, in the box that says "exclude titles", what is the seperator for using multiple titles? [10:38:20] anyone? [10:46:02] also, is there a way to hide redirects on special:allpages [10:47:23] with css that but that isn't nice [11:34:21] is there an easy way to move the "Go" button on recent changes onto the line above? [11:49:16] yes and no [11:49:47] ok [11:50:06] yes: few lines of code need changing; no: it looks bad if there is more filters [11:50:46] to quote from the site ""On my screen setup the prefix information of "Recent changes" now takes up the entire screen and I have to scroll down to see any action."" [11:51:00] so it'd really be quite nice to shrink the box a little [11:51:51] but I don't have access to the php [11:51:54] is he using a phone or something as a screen? [11:52:01] 640x480 I think... [11:53:07] if you figure a way to make it always be nice... [11:53:17] when does it look bad? [11:53:25] What's the best way to copy an entire wiki (including user data) between servers? Source is using mysql, destination is using postgresql. [11:53:32] I'd have thought that putting it inline with the other form elements would work [11:53:52] cirwin: I just said when [11:54:08] yes, but I didn't understand you [11:54:12] what other filters are there? [11:55:19] extensions cat add more filters [11:55:33] hrm [11:55:39] http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Special:RecentChanges [11:55:52] ah [11:56:13] 03(mod) Move edits from one user to another - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14502 (10smihael) [11:56:34] would it be possible to put that box in a mediawiki message [11:56:35] ? [11:56:41] so that people can customize it [11:58:46] perhaps, but I don't like that solution [11:59:20] heh [11:59:40] *cirwin goes to write some javascript to hide the box completely [11:59:50] by the way there is a bug with &limit=50 [12:00:01] it returns the limit in preferences, not 50 [12:03:22] Werdna: how does your TorBlock extension check for readiness of the Tor checker? It returns an fatal error at the moment: https://check.torproject.org/cgi-bin/TorBulkExitList.py?ip= [12:05:28] cirwin: mm can you file a bug for that, if there isn't one? [12:05:35] I'm cooking right now... [12:05:39] sure :) [12:05:41] have fun [12:06:23] hello! i have problem :) i use mediawiki with ldap authentication and i also have an external login, so i get error in mediawiki then i login after i login in external login script. Problem because of cookies. how u think would be best to slove this? [12:06:56] xlq: Copy all the files, then dump the mysql database, run the postgres converter on it, then import it into postgresql database [12:07:12] ingw3: break it down a bit! [12:07:16] xlq: There is a converter lying about somewhere, one moment. [12:07:28] ingw3: what steps do you take, and what is the problem [12:08:11] hey Betacommand [12:08:11] xlq: Ahh, yes; there is a perl script called maintenance/postgres/mediawiki_mysql2postgres.pl - you can use that. [12:08:57] MinuteElectron: thanks, you're a lifesaver/websitesaver : [12:08:57] :) [12:09:07] Werdna: hay whats up? [12:09:22] cirwin: i have login script using ldap that is before all apps on my server. and after i login and surf to my wiki and i try to login in mediawiki also i get an error that i must enable cookies(but its shows that i loged in) i know problem is that cookies duplicates but how to slove this? :) is more clear now? [12:09:27] not much. Just trying to convince some people on an extension I'm working on. [12:09:42] ingw3: yes, that's clearer [12:09:59] but I don't know how to help, sorry :( [12:12:52] :( and in google where is no help also [12:15:02] 03jojo * r36667 10/trunk/extensions/Collection/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Updated pdfserver for the new mwlib API. Interface has changed slighty, extension code adjusted. [12:22:08] mmm [12:24:10] WikiError doesn't have a __tostring function? [12:24:13] why the hell not? [12:25:06] it does have toString() o_O [12:32:24] Duesentrieb: :o [12:32:54] Nikerabbit: should i just add it, or does that have some evil implications? [12:33:07] Duesentrieb: dunno [12:33:33] Duesentrieb: isn't it called only after 5.2 or something [12:33:41] so it wouldn't help... [12:34:01] hi ^demon [12:34:08] *Nikerabbit inserts a demon here [12:34:10] <^demon> Hello Nikerabbit :-) [12:34:27] Nikerabbit: since 5.2 (or something) using an object in a string context causes a fatal error if that object doesn't implement __toString [12:34:31] yo [12:34:36] so having that method does help [12:34:42] and shouldn't do no harm, [12:34:48] Duesentrieb: no it doesn't, we still support 5.x [12:34:56] huh? [12:35:15] Duesentrieb: we can't use that feature or we break support [12:35:16] *^demon missed part of this discussion [12:35:27] or did I miss something? [12:35:28] Nikerabbit: err? you mean we can't *rely* on that feature [12:35:33] but we can *support* it [12:35:48] --toString doesn't do anything before 5.l0 [12:35:52] err, before 5.0 [12:35:55] Duesentrieb: mm if it is that way.. then it's ok I guess [12:36:14] in 5.0 and 5.1, it's used if it's there. in 5.2, it's required for use in string context [12:36:35] Duesentrieb: mm finally something sensible [12:36:35] using an error object in a string context... well, maybe we want that to cause an error. [12:36:56] so it's not mistakingly processed further? [12:37:07] not sure about that [12:37:12] i'll leave it for now, i guess [12:37:21] well if it has toString it probably is meant not to throw error [12:37:43] actually [12:37:52] Nikerabbit: the problem is that a WikiError may be returned from a function instead of a string [12:37:53] I remember I fixed one case where it was throwing fatal error [12:37:56] to indicate an erro [12:38:14] Duesentrieb: could that break something? [12:38:17] if the code doesn't check properly if it's actually a string or an error object, what should happen? [12:38:32] well, it depends what happens with that string [12:38:48] if that string is saved to the db as article text, for example, that revision would get killed [12:38:56] silently [12:39:02] hm... [12:39:22] well, supporting silent to-string conversion is convenient, but contrary to the fail-fast paradigm. [12:39:28] so i guess i'll leave it :) [12:53:24] 03(mod) Remove query.php - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12881 (10maxsem.wiki) [13:08:04] 03daniel * r36668 10/trunk/phase3/includes/parser/ (4 files): added PPCustomFrame classes to restore ability to use replaceVariables with a custom map of values. This should unbreak some extensions that were broken by the new PP stuff, like the News extension. [13:08:41] 03daniel * r36669 10/trunk/extensions/ContactPage/SpecialContact.php: tweaks: fixing interaction with captcha extension, using wiki-text messages instead of HTML [13:08:58] 03daniel * r36670 10/trunk/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.php: added id for gadget sections on preferences page [13:09:45] 03daniel * r36671 10/trunk/extensions/News/NewsRenderer.php: factoring out variable replacement logic. tweaked output for some cases. [13:13:55] Duesentrieb: brave :o [13:18:51] tsearch2 will not work [13:19:08] Duesentrieb: does contactpage need to maintain bc? [13:19:19] bc?+ [13:19:27] backwards compatibility? [13:19:33] ah. [13:19:51] err. not really, we have per-release smapshots of the extensions [13:19:52] why? [13:20:00] just wondering if addWikiMsg would be appropriate [13:27:32] How do I *set* a PATH for mediawiki? ---- the R#EAwREADME in hmmm.... that's an idea. [13:27:58] SetEnv should solve this issue. Thanks guys. [13:28:03] Checking for tsearch2 in the schema "public"...FAILED. Make sure tsearch2 is installed. See this article for instructions. [13:28:17] ^ I *cannot* get rid of that message [13:28:34] I've followed the instructions on the article, and some other instructions. No matter what, that message still appears :'( [13:28:46] You're doing it wrong, obviously. [13:28:57] nothign like constructive criticism :) [13:29:01] lol [13:29:23] IIRC, you have to modify template1. [13:29:25] xlq: it's hard for us to help you if you think you've followed the instructions exactly [13:29:45] cirwin: maybe we should forward xlq to #PostgreSQL. [13:29:48] jMCg: what, execute tsearch2.sql on template1? [13:29:55] maybe [13:30:01] *cirwin is clueless about everything [13:30:04] Well, I'll try it [13:30:08] xlq: don't! [13:30:11] That's dangerous. [13:30:19] ... [13:30:28] IIRC is NOT a valid resource. [13:30:38] Eh? [13:30:46] s/IIRC/"&"/ [13:30:56] oh I see [13:30:56] Link me the documentation you followed. [13:31:10] http://www.devx.com/opensource/Article/21674/0/page/2 [13:31:14] http://pylab.blogspot.com/2007/01/howto-install-tsearch2-for-mediawiki-on.html [13:31:52] 03siebrand * r36672 10/trunk/extensions/Translate/groups/ (MediaWikiExtensions.php defines.txt mediawiki-defines.txt): Rename "defines.txt" to "mediawiki-defines.txt" [13:32:17] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installing_MediaWiki#Postgres << Official documentation. [13:33:09] xlq: why the create schema part? I don't quite understand that. [13:33:33] jMCg: I'm not sure either [13:34:32] I suggest you first try the default documentation and then we see. [13:38:29] 03(mod) #fi.wikinews disappeared from irc.wikimedia.org - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13646 +comment (10Platonides) [13:38:53] 03(mod) irc.wikimedia.org could accept connections from more ports - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11906 (10Platonides) [13:39:29] 03(FIXED) Add robot identification to the IRC channel RC bot - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2117 (10Platonides) [13:40:59] OK, I've followed the instructions on the mediawiki wiki, but tsearch2.sql spews out loads of "permission denied" errors [13:41:30] oh wait, I've just followed the Windows instructions :O [13:41:58] *cirwin teases xlq :p [13:42:08] lol [13:42:38] 03(NEW) Automatic account creations (SUL) are not reported on irc RC - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14650 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki extensions: CentralAuth; (Platonides) [13:47:59] pg_ts_cfg does not exist :( [13:49:38] How do I get that "From Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia" subsite message on my wiki? [13:49:45] That is, with my own text of course [13:49:55] edit [[Mediawiki:Tagline]] [13:50:09] Not Mediawiki:Sitesubtitle? [13:50:12] nope [13:50:15] and edit monobook.css to unhide it [13:50:17] I think the Mediawiki FAQ says so [13:50:26] Nikerabbit: what do I add to it? [13:50:59] Nikerabbit: is it hidden in monobook by default? [13:51:12] cirwin: yes [13:51:14] It seems. [13:51:16] It doesn't show up [13:51:19] bah, stupid skins [13:51:28] What do I add to Mediawiki:Monobook.css? [13:53:54] #siteSub {display: block;} at a guess.. [13:54:28] Worked. [13:54:29] Thanks. [13:54:33] np [13:54:41] oh, by the way [13:54:44] where's sitename stored? [13:54:52] localsettings.php [13:54:55] LocalSettings.php? Or DB? [13:54:55] LocalSettings.php [13:54:56] Ah, k. [13:55:37] 03(mod) Automatic account creations (SUL) are not reported on irc RC - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14650 +comment (10alex.emsenhuber) [13:56:25] Ah, another thing =P [13:56:43] How do I change the font size of that site sub title? [13:56:51] Monobook.css again [13:57:01] how much css do you know? [13:57:03] well, from inside the wiki [13:57:13] that is inside the wiki? [13:57:59] sure, but it's empty except for things i've added myself [13:58:11] yes [13:58:37] so, what class does the site subtitle use? [13:58:43] #siteSub [13:58:48] you just displayed it? [13:58:54] or is this somethign else [13:59:40] oh.. [13:59:51] didnt actually realize it was the same class [13:59:52] -_-" [13:59:55] :) [14:00:05] ah well [14:00:07] that should do [14:00:07] mediawiki skins are very badly organised imo [14:00:16] sort of, yes [14:00:27] but i guess the wiki core itself limits the skins, dont they? [14:00:43] well the skins all manage to be totally different despite the common core [14:00:46] so probably not [14:00:53] lol [14:01:01] mediawiki + smarty = win [14:01:09] 03ialex * r36673 10/trunk/phase3/includes/specials/SpecialUpload.php: Using WikiError seems to be useless here [14:02:03] 03(mod) Move edits from one user to another - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14502 (10roan.kattouw) [14:06:12] 03(NEW) apprefix non-canonical - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14651 normal; normal; MediaWiki: API; (azatoth) [14:14:16] I'm trying to install MediaWiki, and I get the following error when I load config/index.php to do the Web install: "Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'convertLinks.inc' (include_path='.:/Users/ramsey/local/php/5.3-dev/lib/php') in /Users/ramsey/Sites/mediawiki/maintenance/updaters.inc on line 12" [14:15:34] <^demon> Does ~/maintenance/ contain convertLinks.inc? [14:15:38] uh [14:15:57] it should [14:16:26] ^demon: yes [14:16:51] ^demon: but it appears to be looking for convertLinks.inc in the config directory [14:17:10] the Warning that occurs before the fatal error is: "Warning: require_once(/Users/ramsey/Sites/mediawiki/config/convertLinks.inc) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/ramsey/Sites/mediawiki/maintenance/updaters.inc on line 12" [14:17:49] <^demon> Well _thats_ fun. [14:18:15] weird [14:18:44] ^demon: maybe it should explicitly prefix the path [14:20:50] I'm using the latest SVN checkout, but I checked the file in 1.12 and 1.11, and it's the same require_once statement in each of them, so, it wouldn't matter which version I use... I'd still get the same error [14:22:07] <^demon> Nikerabbit: Would make sense. [14:22:34] ^demon: junior job for someone! [14:22:47] can dumpBackup.php and importDump.php work between different mediawiki versions? [14:24:15] maybe [14:24:16] Nikerabbit, ^demon: Note PHP 5.3. [14:24:21] Perhaps that is an issue. [14:24:41] MinuteElectron: why would it be... [14:24:51] MinuteElectron: how would the include path function differently in 5.3? [14:24:54] they managed to reintroduce the 64bit bug [14:24:55] Well, has MediaWiki been upgraded for PHP 5.3. [14:24:58] I don't know :P [14:25:22] I do know that the Namespace class has been changed in SVN, which was causing problems in 5.3 [14:25:36] ramsey: In PHP 5.3 "namespace" is a keyword. [14:25:44] MinuteElectron: umm... I know [14:25:52] oh, right [14:25:57] i read "don't" [14:26:00] sorry [14:26:00] MinuteElectron: I was saying that the mediawiki developers fixed their bug :-) [14:26:05] <^demon> MinuteElectron: It was changed from Namespace to MWNamespace, I believe. [14:26:05] yeah [14:26:09] i know [14:27:13] hm... i just upgraded my wiki to the revision running on wikipedia, and not it's *extremly* slow. like a minute to load a page. [14:27:27] but i see no http timeouts. everything arrives eventually. [14:27:31] Duesentrieb: profile1 [14:27:35] any clues what this could be? [14:28:05] Nikerabbit: hm... i forget how to use that :o) [14:29:05] MinuteElectron: so, I guess I'll build PHP 5.2.6 later today and see if that makes any difference [14:29:20] Duesentrieb: edit StartProfiler.php and enable $wgProfileToDatabase (check exact name) [14:33:39] uh... [14:33:58] Nikerabbit: i had the database locked. i unlocked it to allow the profiler to write there... and then it was no longer slow. [14:34:08] what gives? how can locking the db make the site slow? [14:34:20] it seems like it's trying to write and getting a timeout or something... [14:34:41] some kind of slave catchup wait thingy is triggered, i guess [14:35:21] Duesentrieb: or message cache... [14:35:34] the rss feed on my wiki doesn't show all of the major updates with hideminor=1 in the url [14:35:37] Duesentrieb: can you enable debug log and hack timestamps to it? [14:35:37] anyone seen this or know why it happens? [14:36:07] Nikerabbit: could, but not now :) [14:36:41] brimstone: feeds collapse changes in a way I'm not sure [14:37:29] herm [14:39:57] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14641 [14:40:49] <^demon> I figured benchmarking queries for the image table was best suited by using the WM commons image table dump. [14:46:13] 03ialex * r36674 10/trunk/phase3/languages/messages/ (MessagesZh_mo.php MessagesZh_my.php): svn:eol-style native [14:47:11] Nikerabbit: what's funny, is that they'll show up after a while [14:47:21] they're just not there initially [14:48:12] brimstone: well, feeds are cached for some periods [14:48:34] that makes sense, i wonder where it is to change that [14:48:42] drop it to only a few minutes, 5 or 10 or so [14:52:07] 03(NEW) Allow ZIP CAPAB on irc.wikimedia.org - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14652 15enhancement; normal; Wikimedia: General/Unknown; (Platonides) [14:52:23] brimstone: $wgFeedCacheTimeout = 60; [14:52:28] that's the default [14:52:32] i guess it's minutes [14:52:35] 60 minutes? [14:52:40] yeah, that's about right come to think about it [14:52:42] thanks Duesentrieb [14:52:47] err, actually [14:52:49] it's seconds [14:52:56] that can't be right [14:53:02] wait... [14:53:10] look in DefaultSettings.php :) [14:53:20] "_Minimum_ timeout for cached Recentchanges feed, in seconds" [14:57:03] herm, the atom feed has the changes all correct, but the rss feed is still wrong [15:01:57] 03(mod) Ipblocklist search doesn't find autoblocks - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3345 (10maxsem.wiki) [15:13:34] hi [15:13:43] only english? [15:14:40] vous: you can try other languages, but english is most likely to get you an answer [15:14:54] ok [15:15:06] i wanted to move my mediawiki [15:15:17] !move [15:15:17] --mwbot-- http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Moving_a_wiki [15:15:47] thx [15:16:10] i didn't find it at the homepage [15:16:55] the search feature sucks [15:17:29] vous: google works :) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Amediawiki.org%20move%20wiki&btnG=Google-Suche&meta= [15:17:50] actually, even like this: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=move+mediawiki&btnG=Search [15:20:22] 03(NEW) LocalSetting.php Encoding type (multi-language/ Hebrew support as site name) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14653 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki: Installation; (dov.wrk) [15:20:34] oh, i did searched it in german, right [15:21:23] 03(mod) LocalSetting.php Encoding type (multi-language/ Hebrew support as site name) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14653 15enhancement->normal (10dov.wrk) [15:21:44] i did all these things [15:22:18] there: http://wiki.vouswelt.de/mediawiki-1.11.2/index.php/Hauptseite [15:22:47] it doesn't work [15:23:05] first of all, check file permissions [15:23:18] ah [15:23:23] look at apache's error log if possible (if not, complain to your host) [15:23:41] if that doesn't help, enable debug info [15:23:47] !debug [15:23:47] --mwbot-- For information on debugging (including viewing errors), see . [15:23:56] well, basic error reporting should work [15:24:19] what permissions must the files have? [15:27:05] 03(NEW) Wrong user registered for changes made to Wikipedia page - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14654 normal; normal; Wikimedia: General/Unknown; (asavik) [15:31:28] 03(mod) LocalSetting.php Encoding type (multi-language/ Hebrew support as site name) - 10http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14653 +comment (10niklas.laxstrom) [15:31:49] vous: the files must be readable by the webserver and the php-user [15:32:00] this may or may not be the same thing [15:32:53] 03siebrand * r36675 10/trunk/extensions/Translate/groups/ (MediaWikiExtensions.php defines.txt mediawiki-defines.txt): Revert r36672. Broken things for some reason. [15:33:21] Duesentrieb: did you comment the addWikiMsg thing? [15:33:36] Nikerabbit: no because i donÄt know what that is :) [15:34:11] I'm pretty much out of the loop [15:34:14] 14(INVALID) Wrong user registered for changes made to Wikipedia page - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14654 +comment (10alex.emsenhuber) [15:34:21] didn't do any mw coding in the last 6 months or so [15:34:26] trying to get back up to speed now [15:34:39] Duesentrieb: well, it's the new yet-another-way for outputting messages, that does the right thing (tm) [15:35:05] oh, you mean, like wgOut->addWikiMsg? [15:35:10] with message parameters? [15:36:25] Duesentrieb, ich bekomm vom mediawiki kein php und kein mysql error [15:37:13] vous: nur 'ne leere seite? [15:37:17] !blankpage [15:37:17] --mwbot-- A blank page usually indicates a fatal PHP error. See !error [15:37:40] vous: dann sollte der fehler im apache log stehen. [15:37:47] !error [15:37:47] --mwbot-- For information on debugging (including viewing errors), see . [15:37:50] kann zB ein syntaxfehler in localsettings.php sein [15:37:59] hm [15:38:17] oder php kann überhaupt kleine dateien lesen [15:38:31] hilft es was, wenn ich dir mal zeig, wie meine localsettings.php ausschaut? [15:38:56] ja - bitte in 'ner pastebin, und ohne passwort [15:39:06] jo, schon klar ^^ [15:39:17] naja, das ist nicht jedem so klas. [15:39:19] *klar [15:41:02] http://rafb.net/p/Rf7nib82.html [15:41:04] 03siebrand * r36676 10/trunk/extensions/Translate/groups/ (MediaWikiExtensions.php defines.txt mediawiki-defines.txt): [15:41:04] Revert my revert. It wasn't me for a change. [15:41:04] Looks like there is an issue with r36673. [15:44:00] vous: the syntax is correct. did you enable full error reporting? [15:44:54] what's meant with full error reporting? [15:45:26] 03nikerabbit * r36677 10/trunk/extensions/Translate/groups/MediaWikiExtensions.php: * Be more tolerant for extra whitespace [15:45:42] vous: $wg stuff *after* require_once( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" ); [15:45:48] +put [15:47:10] i did it [15:48:57] 03catrope * r36678 10/trunk/phase3/ (RELEASE-NOTES includes/api/ApiQueryBase.php): Use the proper Title methods in ApiQueryBase::titleToKey() and keyToTitle(). This fixes bug 14651 for much more than just apprefix. [15:50:01] 03(FIXED) apprefix non-canonical - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14651 +comment (10roan.kattouw) [15:50:07] i get no errors [15:55:25] MinuteElectron: hey, so I have an older 5.2.3 installation I tried MW on, and it works there (the latest SVN checkout), so it must be either an issue MW has with 5.3, or it could be a problem with my php.ini on the 5.3 install [15:56:14] that's good [15:57:28] It'd be interesting to do some extensive testing with PHP 5.3, although its not going to come out for quite a while at the current rate of its development so I suspect that such effort would be wasted given the number of changes that could occur before release. [15:58:25] I'm not sure why we still use include_path though, its prone to breaking; it would be more sensible to just computer $IP and use a path based on that. [15:58:39] *compute [15:59:12] MinuteElectron: I wonder dows the installer set $IP or not? [15:59:31] in any case the plain old dirname( __FILE__) should work [15:59:42] $IP = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) IIRC [15:59:44] no, dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) would be necesery [16:00:07] Hmm, if that is the case then I wonder why it isn't using it already. [16:00:47] MinuteElectron: some extensions can still use require_once( 'Filename.php' ) [16:01:07] I wonder why those are not classes already :) [16:01:29] sure, but that doesn't stop us using $IP in core; and we can always maintain bc with include_path if needed. [16:01:48] Nikerabbit: have time to review something? [16:02:00] ialex: maybe, shoot [16:02:11] vous: i gotta go now. if you get no errors from php, but no output either, the error must happen before php gets a chance to ever run mediawiki. find out where internal php errors wre written and check the apache error log. [16:02:15] bbl [16:02:53] 03ashley * r36679 10/trunk/phase3/ (includes/DefaultSettings.php skins/monobook/main.css): Fix regression from 36662: broke the external link icon totally, external links weren't showing up as such... [16:03:01] Nikerabbit: http://rafb.net/p/ROPmmx63.html [16:04:34] ialex: mm let's see [16:05:23] ialex: should I nit-pick about everything I notice? :D [16:05:24] Nikerabbit: specifically the sql queries [16:05:36] ialex: gah, I'm not at my best at those [16:05:46] but let's see [16:07:05] Nikerabbit: sure :) [16:08:44] 03(mod) Parameters are not checked for plausibility before log entry is generated - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14423 (10maxsem.wiki) [16:09:47] 03(mod) Parameters are not checked for plausibility before log entry is generated - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14423 +need-review +patch (10maxsem.wiki) [16:12:06] ialex: yay comments [16:13:43] ialex: mm ice cream [16:13:54] O_o [16:14:50] ialex: hmm [16:15:10] ialex: did you check other users for those rc* functions? [16:16:05] for core yes, but not for extensions [16:16:13] ok [16:16:18] function FilterByCategories( &$rows, FormOptions $opts ) { [16:16:32] member function ususally start with lower case letter, not? [16:17:02] i just removed the rc, will put a lowercase too :) [16:17:23] changes to specialrecentchanges looks good to me [16:21:35] ialex: !$title looks suspicious [16:21:45] line 051 [16:22:05] it is text of the title? [16:22:46] Nikerabbit: Title [16:22:54] it checks for null [16:23:14] if the string given is an invalid title [16:24:02] ialex: is the !$target check then needed? [16:24:41] if you first check for title, then you don't need to check for it anymore [16:25:01] and you wont have problems when target = '0000' [16:25:41] Nikerabbit: it is here to not output an error if you called the page without a traget [16:26:42] ialex: well, in any case you should check for $target === '' [16:27:28] Nikerabbit: i took it from the current version [16:27:34] Nikerabbit: but you're right [16:28:06] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:RecentChangesLinked/0 [16:28:19] ialex: a bug fix then :) [16:28:20] 03(NEW) remove apostrophe - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki: Page rendering; (charlottethewebb) [16:28:40] Nikerabbit: done in my local copy [16:31:10] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 <- O_o [16:33:11] Nikerabbit: i hate PHP sometimes [16:33:35] 14(INVALID) remove apostrophe - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 +comment (10raimond.spekking) [16:34:05] ialex: hehe [16:34:12] ialex: how much have you tested this patch? [16:34:39] a bit [16:37:54] ialex: seems to produce same result, if one shows bots [16:39:50] ialex: have you compared the queries it makes before and after? [16:40:11] Nikerabbit: yes [16:40:20] 04(REOPENED) remove apostrophe - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 +comment (10charlottethewebb) [16:41:12] Nikerabbit: but both versions seems to use filesort on pagelinks [16:41:24] awww [16:41:53] ialex: did you add those indexes? [16:42:14] Nikerabbit: USE INDEX stuff? [16:42:23] 03(mod) remove apostrophe \' from $linkTrail (introduced in r36253) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 summary; +comment (10charlottethewebb) [16:43:33] ialex: yes? [16:43:40] Nikerabbit: but "show bots" works on my wiki [16:45:06] ialex: what's that group by thingie? [16:46:37] ialex: the new header looks a bit ugly [16:46:55] is there a way to move many pages at once e.g. by a find/replace command? [16:46:58] Nikerabbit: i dropped the GROUP BY [16:47:13] Nikerabbit: wich new header? [16:47:38] +h [16:49:31] ialex: http://translatewiki.net/sandwiki/index.php?title=Special:RecentChangesLinked&hidebots=0&limit=100&hideminor=0&target=Main_Page [16:49:48] especially after Raymond_ removed the
[16:50:09] 03(mod) remove apostrophe \' from $linkTrail (introduced in r36253) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 (10charlottethewebb) [16:52:36] oh [16:52:44] sorry Raymond_, it was rotem [16:53:00] this is the same for Special:Recenchanges [16:53:02] *Raymond_ is confused [16:53:11] *Nikerabbit complains [16:53:15] *Raymond_ reads backlog [16:53:29] r36523 [16:53:30] *Raymond_ is innocent [16:53:39] :) [16:53:40] always *hides* [16:54:05] rotem: will you now revert it back.. it's been with fieldset at english wikipedia for ages now [16:55:32] what do you guys think, which is better? [16:55:37] 03(mod) LocalSetting.php Encoding type (multi-language/ Hebrew support as site name) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14653 (10dov.wrk) [16:55:50] ialex: is the link back to the main page really necessary after the header? [16:55:53] *Raymond_ likes fieldsets [16:56:08] 03(mod) LocalSetting.php Encoding type (multi-language/ Hebrew support as site name) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14653 (10dov.wrk) [16:56:16] If we're going to go for fieldsets on special pages we should do it to all of them for consistency. [16:56:23] currently its mix and match [16:56:44] *^demon likes fieldsets too [16:56:46] MinuteElectron: I'd say go for it [16:56:57] Nikerabbit: dunno, i tried to keep the same thing that are in current version of that page [16:56:57] *MinuteElectron likes fieldsets too. [16:57:05] *ialex too [16:57:13] fieldsets can always be styled to not look like fieldsets if desired. [16:57:19] can someone explain to 14653 that files do not have magic encoding tag [16:57:45] see http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Modifications_r%C3%A9centes [16:58:09] looks good, except the (?) in the middle [16:58:32] no complains about the fieldset heard from de.wp [16:58:34] ialex: can you report that it does not show correctly without javascript [16:58:49] Nikerabbit: the (?) [16:58:50] ? [16:58:59] ialex: yep [16:59:17] Nikerabbit: yes [16:59:28] but maybe the submit button could be in one line with the namespace selector [16:59:40] Nikerabbit: actually it's hidden for me [16:59:47] Raymond_: one guy actually asked for that today :) [16:59:52] *ialex doesn't like it [16:59:55] ah :) [17:00:14] Raymond_: maybe if no extensions add anything with that hook, just shove it up in the same line... ugly but should work [17:00:27] <^demon> Nikerabbit: Re: 14653, Worksforme? [17:00:31] it would break my version of Special:Recentchangeslinked [17:00:39] Nikerabbit: ok, I haven't thought about extensions [17:00:43] good point [17:00:47] ^demon: yep, the poor guy just needs the thing explained very clearly [17:01:11] Installing SMW extension, but getting CREATE TABLE failures. hrmph [17:01:39] What is the error? [17:01:53] Raymond_: see http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&from=20090626170117 [17:02:28] Nikerabbit: nice timestamp :D [17:02:38] Nikerabbit: yes, I remember [17:03:05] ialex: yeah hacked it to not show any edits [17:03:19] <^demon> Nikerabbit: I've tried replying like 3 times now. All of my replies come off not as _nice_ as I'd like them :( [17:03:30] Nikerabbit: ?? [17:03:38] MinuteElectron: "CREATE command denied to user 'wikiuser'@'localhost' for table 'mw_smw_relations'" when I go to Special:SMWAdmin. [17:03:42] Raymond_: huh? [17:03:50] Nikerabbit: German interface. [17:03:51] Raymond_: which language? [17:04:08] Mookie: Try assigning the create permission to your wikis database. [17:04:17] Raymond_: let's see [17:04:20] yah. [17:04:32] Nikerabbit: maybe not translated now, but that shouldn't hurt [17:05:23] Raymond_: mm {{int:}} doesn't load from files [17:06:50] btw, is there way to style diff as fieldset? [17:06:53] you need to copy it in MediaWiki:translate-magic-pagename [17:07:57] 03(mod) remove apostrophe \' from $linkTrail (introduced in r36253) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 +comment (10wiki) [17:08:39] sooo the action points: [17:09:07] 1) ialex commits his patch 2) someone reverts the fieldset and hr back 3) someone hacks the button to stay on same line somehow [17:09:10] aggreed? [17:09:53] Does anyone know where to find the function fnPageSecurityUserCanHook? [17:10:20] google doesn't find it? [17:10:21] Nikerabbit: you can try to put the button on the last line [17:10:45] Cincy: maybe extension:PageSecurity [17:10:50] ialex: :/ [17:10:50] How do I disable showing "Disclaimers" and "About " in the footer? [17:11:22] Nikerabbit: i mean, on the same line as the last input [17:11:29] XTZGZoReX: edit the messages to - [17:11:40] ialex: would that look good in your opinion? [17:12:19] ialex : not the page, the code [17:12:25] Nikerabbit: doesnt do anything? [17:12:34] Cincy: look at the code of that extension [17:12:58] XTZGZoReX: no? want to hack the skin then? [17:13:33] I can't really... I blew up my wiki and I think I can fix it but I'm not sure where the code is [17:13:46] Nikerabbit: well, editing :General disclaimer doesn't hide "Disclaimers" from the footer. [17:13:52] Nikerabbit: editing it to "-" that is [17:13:56] I could just backup but I thought I would ask first [17:17:13] Anyone know how to get the SpecialUserScore extension to work with postgresql? [17:22:31] xlq: MediaWiki:General_disclaimer - not :General disclaimer [17:23:01] MinuteElectron: ... [17:23:18] i mean, XTZGZoReX [17:23:19] sorry [17:25:01] 03(NEW) Using Microformats for Categories - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14656 15enhancement; normal; MediaWiki: Page rendering; (martinfisch) [17:25:06] MinuteElectron: oh, thanks [17:27:07] Cincy: that function is here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PageSecurity/PageSecurity.php [17:27:27] ialex: I'll mail to wikitech about the fieldset thing, ok? [17:27:36] Nikerabbit: ok [17:28:00] Nikerabbit: it's better to talk that doing a revert war :P [17:28:08] *than [17:46:39] ialex: mmm [17:46:51] ialex: should it be X.i18n.alias.php instaed? [17:47:02] 03raymond * r36680 10/trunk/extensions/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Localisation updates German [17:47:44] Nikerabbit: maybe, but the file names will be horribly long [17:47:51] and with a lot of . [17:48:11] ialex: pf has ParserFunctions.i18n.magic.php already [17:49:14] ialex: I'm just wondering if I dare to publish my blog post already or not :o [17:49:15] that would be good for consistency then [17:49:48] too bad tim isn't here [17:50:20] and brion seems to be rarely here this week [17:50:58] ialex: so, which one you like more? [17:51:42] i18n.alias.php might be cool [17:52:07] ialex: I'll use it then in the blog... and update later if necessary [17:52:37] ialex: did you read it yet? [17:52:42] Nikerabbit: translate can export those files already? [17:52:51] ialex: manually [17:53:03] ialex: with the export button you have seen [17:53:17] Nikerabbit: ah [18:03:17] Just installed mediawiki 1.12.0 on CentOS 5.2 and the wizard completes. Trying to go to the wiki results in a blank page [18:03:24] [Thu Jun 26 11:02:29 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /home/www/wiki/mediawiki-1.12.0/includes/Preprocessor_DOM.php on line 566 [18:03:32] Thats the error it puts in the apache error log. Any ideas? [18:03:39] wizard? [18:03:51] The installation php website [18:04:00] oh [18:04:17] !DomDocument | SEJeff [18:04:17] --mwbot-- SEJeff: If the DOM_Document class is missing, install PHP's XML module (and restart Apache) or set $wgParserConf['preprocessorClass'] = 'Preprocessor_Hash' (see for details) [18:04:57] installing php-xml and restarting apache did it. Thanks guys [18:05:26] Is there a simple way to export from an older mediawiki, import into a newer one, and then run some sql to update the database properly? [18:06:34] 03(FIXED) Recursion inhibitor fails on canonical names - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7912 +comment (10maxsem.wiki) [18:07:56] SEJeff, just copy over the database, and either 1) run maintenance/update.php from a shell or 2) reinstall the software (copy files, run config/index.php). [18:07:59] !upgrading | SEJeff [18:07:59] --mwbot-- SEJeff: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading [18:08:19] Simetrical, ok thanks [18:08:42] Mbimmler: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Multichill#1_day_block [18:08:47] sorry [18:10:23] OH GOD [18:10:27] OH GOD I HATE WORDPRESS [18:10:43] Nikerabbit: use mediawki :) [18:10:45] Nikerabbit, So use something other than wordpress [18:10:47] now it somehow managed to make all text 100pt or something, messing all the tags in the code and no way to undo [18:15:49] 03(mod) remove apostrophe \' from $linkTrail (introduced in r36253) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 +comment (10Simetrical+wikibugs) [18:16:11] MediaWiki doesn't have that problem, because we don't have a WYSIWYG editor! \o/ [18:17:21] heh [18:31:34] http://nike.fixme.fi/blag/2008/06/26/the-special-special-pages-of-extensions/ any comments? [18:42:14] Nikerabbit: now you can tweak FlaggedRevs to use it instead of messages ;) [18:42:18] 03(mod) remove apostrophe \' from $linkTrail (introduced in r36253) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 (10wiki) [18:42:58] ialex: yeah [18:43:02] hmm [18:43:06] fieldset taking space... [18:43:17] really? it doesn't take that much more [18:45:27] Nikerabbit: comment on "special-special-pages-of-extensions": I like it very well!!!!! [18:47:18] grmpf, http://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Help:Administrators&action=history <- this is not in public domain >.< [18:47:52] ialex: I hate licenses :< [18:47:58] hi [18:48:30] Nikerabbit: like people copying docs files from MediaWiki to mw.org :( [18:48:59] 03aaron * r36681 10/trunk/extensions/FlaggedRevs/ (FlaggedRevs.class.php FlaggedRevs.php FlaggedRevsPage.php): [18:48:59] * Patrol mark consistency (bug 14637) [18:48:59] * Remove useless config var [18:49:01] 03(FIXED) Enhanced expanded watchlist shows irritating "unsighted" symbols - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14637 +comment (10JSchulz_4587) [18:49:46] 03(mod) Automatic account creations (SUL) are not reported on irc RC - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14650 (10Platonides) [18:56:46] Raymond_: if it sticks we can start converting extensions :) [18:57:57] Nikerabbit: yeah. I am waiting for brions review/scap :) [18:58:10] where is he? [18:58:47] I have heard about a conference somewhere. [18:59:07] isn't he traveling? [18:59:13] dunno [18:59:57] anyway, code review will be hard :P [19:00:52] ialex: how so? :o [19:01:15] Nikerabbit: if he has a complete week to review [19:04:07] ialex: well, you should commit that he has something to review :) [19:04:15] and please take part in the wikitech discussion [19:04:46] Nikerabbit: i think this commit fixes a lot of bugs :) [19:07:04] this has been a quite week [19:07:44] AaronSchulz: how so? [19:07:58] not too many commits [19:08:51] AaronSchulz: mm, not many for core, at least [19:08:58] AaronSchulz: did you read my latest blog? [19:09:08] skimmed it [19:10:55] AaronSchulz: good? bad? candidate-for-brions-revert? :D [19:13:02] Has anyone used the PageSecurity extension? I'm getting some erros and I'm not sure whay to do [19:13:07] 03ialex * r36682 10/trunk/phase3/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [19:13:07] Rewritten Special:Recentchangeslinked, now using a subclass of SpecialRecentchanges: [19:13:07] * (bugs 4832, 9481, 12890) Now has all options present in Special:Recentchanges (hide myself, bots, ...) [19:13:07] * Using "showlinkedto" on a template now uses the templatelinks table to fetch links instead of pagelinks [19:13:09] * [[Special:Recentchanges/0]] now works as expected, thanks to Nikerabbit for pointing this out [19:14:04] ialex: grr [19:14:23] ialex: i'll mention you on some of my next commits :) [19:14:25] well there we go [19:14:32] a big change [19:14:43] Hi, I just added new languages to my wiki today, and my links type " " dont work with the other languages... instead of having the article creation page, i reach the edit of an article called Create_article [19:14:55] any idea why? [19:15:07] does that make sense? :p [19:15:07] 03(FIXED) Hide own edits from Special:Recentchangeslinked - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4832 +comment (10alex.emsenhuber) [19:15:21] ialex: no [19:15:33] Nikerabbit: hmm? [19:15:34] ups [19:15:35] ierpe: no [19:15:39] ahhh :) [19:15:42] ierpe: html links should not work [19:16:01] I'll check r36631 sometime [19:16:13] *AaronSchulz looks at FlaggedRevsAliases.i18n.php [19:16:39] 03(FIXED) Special:Recentchangeslinked should allow namespace selection - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9481 +comment (10alex.emsenhuber) [19:16:53] AaronSchulz: mm, don't forget the three or so bugfixes after it :) [19:16:56] i mean, there auto-generated links, i didnt write that in the code [19:17:02] they are sry [19:17:14] ierpe: where? wen searching? [19:17:17] 03(FIXED) Special:Relatedchanges doesn't allow to filter bots - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12890 +comment (10alex.emsenhuber) [19:17:38] no when you want to create an article [19:17:38] ierpe: did you mix language files from different version? [19:17:43] no [19:17:49] i dont think so [19:17:57] i got everything for the 1.10 [19:18:12] what do you mean with "added a new language" then? [19:18:36] hmm the message files had been removed, i re-added them [19:19:12] ugga [19:19:32] well if they are for the correct version... that may just be bad [19:19:37] hehe [19:20:23] ok, its probably another developer who did that, i wanted to ask here, cause it could have been a common mistake [19:20:35] thx for nothing! ;) [19:20:59] ierpe: I'm waiting for they day when you can finally upgrade [19:29:21] 03(mod) remove apostrophe \' from $linkTrail (introduced in r36253) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 (10charlottethewebb) [19:31:24] lol [19:32:48] Nikerrabbit: sooner or later I will have to merge it... ^^ but you shouldnt look forward to it, because this day I will probably need your help! ;) [19:34:28] *Nikerabbit laughs at 14655 [19:36:04] <^demon> Nikerabbit: Linktrails are fun, no? [19:37:29] strange for example, the german was installed before, and the "Create_article" link is Artikel_erstellen, and its working... :s [19:39:20] okey I made my own tpl template and everything. I want to use a special mediawiki page or a template or whatever to create the lateral menus for my template [19:39:45] so that I can edit that mediawiki special page to modify the lateral menus of my template, instead of hard coding them [19:39:51] is that possible? how [19:40:16] 03(NEW) Error uploading images, viewing images, deleting images. - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14657 04CRIT; normal; MediaWiki: Images; (bluegoblin) [19:40:57] 03(mod) remove apostrophe \' from $linkTrail (introduced in r36253) - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14655 +comment (10JSchulz_4587) [19:44:17] When using mod_rewrite in Apache for MediaWiki, is it common that there are issues with & in article names? [19:44:23] For instance: http://theinfosphere.org/Image:Smitty_%26_Url.jpg [19:45:25] Bluegoblin7: fix permissions... [19:45:43] on a new installation of mediawiki-1.12.0 after configuration, the main wiki page comes up blank [19:45:58] is this something II've screwed up? [19:46:29] svip: may be [19:46:54] Hm. [19:46:58] If so, is there a common fix? [19:47:21] svip: try rewriting it to use subpage syntax instead of ?title= [19:47:30] hi [19:47:32] Ah. [19:47:34] sorry for the delay [19:48:10] svip: you can use alias, if you have access to httpd.conf [19:48:19] and you should really have the wiki in a subdirectory [19:48:48] I don't have, ialex. [19:49:04] is there a way to debug an installation? [19:50:14] 03mkroetzsch * r36683 10/trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/INSTALL: [19:50:14] Clarify that enableSemantics() must be called only once in LocalSettings (making multiple calls creates [19:50:14] confusing bugs by setting the init hook more than once). [19:50:22] mohr: what do you want to debug? [19:50:42] Hm, Nikerabbit, how do I get it to write the correct URI to the Monobook.css? [19:50:57] svip: how is monobook.css related to this? [19:51:12] Ugh. [19:51:16] This doesn't work at all. [19:51:34] Nikerabbit: I'm not sure. I downloaded clean, unmodified mediawiki 1.12.0 sources [19:51:51] Nikerabbit: http://theinfosphere.org/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit [19:51:55] See what happens. [19:52:37] arf [19:53:23] svip: well yeah... what I said... I recommend using subdirectory for the wiki or you will get all kinds of problems like that [19:53:37] Too late. [19:53:53] Nikerabbit: I completed the configuration, adding tables to the database was successful [19:54:13] Nikerabbit: LocalSettings.php was created and I moved it into the base directory as instructed [19:54:36] Nikerabbit: then I followed the link on the bottom of the "Success" page to the new wiki [19:54:56] Nikerabbit: it loads a completely empty page; there is even no HTML source [19:55:06] svip: too bad then, you may need to find someone else to help you then, I'm not interested in helping to fix things that are broken by design [19:55:19] mohr: can you check the html response code? [19:56:38] Nikerabbit: I forget the syntax.. is ther an easy way with wget? [19:56:47] Bluegoblin7: please talk in the channel [19:57:02] wget address should tell you [19:57:03] ok sorry [19:57:11] yes u were saying [19:57:52] fix permissions... [19:57:54] Bluegoblin7: the bug you reported looks like your php does not have right to create directories [19:58:08] can you help me? [19:58:11] 12:57:54 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error. [19:59:06] Nikerabbit: the setup pages work, so I don't think its an apache misconfiguration... this is a vanilla unmodified apache install on Fedora 8 [19:59:09] mohr: sound bad [19:59:21] mohr: do you have access to server logs? [19:59:27] yeah, its my laptop [19:59:44] mohr: check if there is anything interesting in error.log [20:00:03] under /var/logs/apache2/ [20:00:14] [Thu Jun 26 12:58:25 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /var/www/html/tech/includes/Preprocessor_DOM.php on line 566 [20:00:23] ok [20:00:41] hmm 1.12? [20:00:44] yup [20:00:50] ok two alternatives [20:01:17] install/recompile/whatever php with dom support or change the preprocessor... wait a second [20:01:36] can u help me please? [20:01:38] this is a vanilla php install fromm yum... [20:02:03] mohr: try adding this to localsettings.php: [20:02:04] $wgParserConf = array( 'class' => 'Parser', 'preprocessorClass' => 'Preprocessor_Hash', [20:02:07] ); [20:02:16] okey anyone knows where can I see how to develop a .tpl skin? please please tell me [20:02:41] because I see a lot of variables that just "exist" but I can't see were they come and how to create new ones if wanted [20:02:44] with the final comman or without? [20:02:47] <^demon> mohr: Try yum install php-xml [20:02:50] Edulix: hmm? as far as I know we don't use those anymore [20:03:04] mohr: both lines, indent as you wish [20:03:46] Nikerabbit: well but it still works ? [20:03:47] :P [20:04:13] Edulix: good for you, I don't know about it :) [20:04:19] <^demon> mohr: If you're _wanting_ the XML/DOM classes, that php-xml package is what you want :-) [20:04:32] Nikerabbit: anyway it works here, and I want to know how to develop it [20:04:34] I'd rather use a stock configuration [20:04:41] mohr: the default preprocessor has been switched to hash anyway [20:04:45] if that means installing another dependency, thats fine [20:04:48] it's just not released yet as bugfix [20:07:48] I'm using mediawiki 1.7 [20:08:00] ooold [20:08:01] O_o [20:08:08] HELOO! PLEASE! CAN YOU HELP ME!!! [20:08:09] Why are you using such an old version? [20:08:26] The requirements for 1.12 are not different than 1.7...I think. [20:08:45] Bluegoblin7: What do you need help with? [20:09:33] i submitted a bug (number 14657) and Nikerabbit said they would help me then disappeared [20:09:40] FunPika: because of hard coded code [20:09:55] ? [20:10:10] Edulix, what do you mean hard coded code? [20:10:45] FunPika: custom code to use a different loging system [20:11:01] you mean a live hack or an extension patch? [20:11:15] can you help with it? [20:11:42] FunPika: I don't even remember how I did it. We will fix it but not exactly now [20:11:54] now the priority for me is developing the tpl [20:14:32] Nikerabbit: thanks for your help, it is appreciated. I'm going to go with ^demon's solution, as that works perfectly for me [20:14:45] ^demon: thank you [20:14:48] Bluegoblin7: What version of MediaWiki are you running? The development version? [20:15:00] 1.13alpha [20:15:02] Aka 1.13alpha [20:15:07] yep [20:15:15] Do you always keep it up-to-date? [20:15:18] as its a test wiki, we felt we should run the latest [20:15:19] yep [20:15:33] its only been online ~1 week, but we've been updating it [20:15:48] in fact only about 4-5~days have been on 1.13alpha [20:15:53] before was 1.13 [20:15:56] 1.12* [20:18:10] so yes it is always up to date [20:18:49] I just had no problem uploading an image to the site listed in that bug. [20:20:32] <^demon> mohr: No problem. [20:20:37] <^demon> VasilievVV: Ping :-) [20:20:57] night all! [20:21:10] its intermittent [20:21:10] ^demon: yes. May I wonder wtf do you need, please? :) [20:21:31] i tried it with a gif and got an erro [20:21:34] error* [20:21:40] and svgs wont display [20:21:54] i can give you sop access if you want to see deletion [20:21:55] <^demon> Of course. I was looking at your patch on bug 13438. I rewrote it to use the generic index updaters. I tried it on my local install, but I'm not seeing a big enough speed improvement to make MIMESearch not expensive. [20:22:04] Bluegoblin7: your best bet is probably to use the revisions that go live on wikipedia [20:22:19] Bluegoblin7: running random snapshots is bond to break something [20:22:27] how do you mean? [20:22:45] he is using 1.13 alpha [20:22:48] Bluegoblin7: well, if you just update to current trunk, it often happens that the result doesn't work. [20:22:59] FunPika: "alpha" can mean many things. [20:23:18] its basically the latest one from svn that WMF are using [20:23:18] I always update to the current trunk on my Test Wiki [20:23:21] svn needs a flagged revisions system ^_^ [20:23:28] Bluegoblin7: it may even be broken in a way that corrupts your database. [20:23:48] ok [20:23:51] Bluegoblin7: what do you mean by "that wmf are using"? you mean the latest in svn, or the latest used by live sites? [20:23:57] "latest stable branch" "latest stable alpha to go live" "latest brion-reverted" "latest commit" heh [20:24:09] erm... not sure... hold on [20:24:16] "latest stable branch" would be 1.12 [20:24:23] *FunPika just goes with latest commit and never has problems, ever [20:24:25] "latest stable alpha to go live" would be what I'd use [20:24:43] "latest commit" is... not recommended. [20:24:53] "latest brion-reverted" depends on luck :) [20:25:00] 1.13alpha, off svn about 5 days ago [20:25:06] <^demon> VasilievVV: Thoughts? [20:25:20] depends on how drunk brion is? [20:25:21] Bluegoblin7: that may or may not be broken. there's no way to tell. [20:25:36] ok [20:25:39] *FunPika has better things to do then wait a week for Brion to svn up WMF wikis before getting a new feature I want to test [20:25:39] ^demon: it should [20:25:39] Splarka: heh [20:25:40] Bluegoblin7: go to Special:Version on wikipedia. note the revision number given after 1.13alpha. use that revision. [20:25:50] well, it was working until we got a GRAWP attack [20:26:03] Bluegoblin7: when updating, check that numner again. once a day, once a week, as you like it [20:26:04] but when we reverted to just after our upgrade it wasnt [20:26:16] Well that's a rough guide though [20:26:19] Bluegoblin7: those revisions are usually at least not completely borked [20:26:29] <^demon> VasilievVV: Yes, it _should_. Granted, my tests are on a smaller scale. Do you have a large enough image table that can test with and without the index? I've got about 1500 rows, but that's not really enough to compare how it deals on a WMF site. [20:26:30] since individual files can get svn'd [20:26:37] problem is, Version on wikipedia doesn't always reflect the revision of every individual file [20:26:49] ^demon: let's consult domas [20:26:54] Where is domas? [20:27:11] 03simetrical * r36684 10/trunk/phase3/includes/Title.php: Consistent whitespace [20:27:12] ^demon: move to #wikimedia-tech [20:27:19] OverlordQ: sure it's rough. and live hacks exist. but the revisions used on live sites do tend to be reviewed. they should be a lot better than grabbing some random commit [20:27:47] none of the files that link from WP's version on svn have changed since weve added 1.13alpha... so i assume that means were on the latest rev? [20:28:07] Duesentrieb: Bah, works fine for me . . then again I think I have maybe 3 total articles [20:28:15] just wondering bluegoblin, you always run update.php right? [20:28:41] Bluegoblin7: uh? links fro... what? [20:28:53] yeh [20:29:04] Bluegoblin7: use svnversion to find yout what revision you are using [20:29:13] compare that to the revision number given on wikipedia [20:29:16] or at least our technical guy does - i just run the FOH and hosting ;) [20:29:19] ok [20:34:04] <^demon> VasilievVV: Domas logged off. I'll put the new patch on the bug and mark yours obsolete at the very least. If it gets applied, who knows. At least we'll have a correct patch :-P [20:34:37] ^demon, VasilievVV: That patch will definitely make the query acceptable, if I'm reading right and there's no sorting or anything involved. [20:35:21] SELECT ... FROM $image WHERE img_major_mime = $major AND img_minor_mime = $minor; [20:35:25] That's the query [20:35:44] Yes, an index on (img_major_mime, img_minor_mime) will certainly be fine for that query. [20:37:25] 03(mod) Allow Special:MIMESearch to work under miser mode - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13438 (10Simetrical+wikibugs) [20:38:40] 03demon * r36685 10/trunk/phase3/maintenance/ (archives/patch-index-img_mime.sql tables.sql updaters.inc): (bug 13438) Make Special:MIMESearch less expensive. Needs some benchmarking to see if it's enough saving to remove it from the "is expensive special page" list. [20:39:08] No it doesn't. [20:39:16] It's not going to cause problems. [20:39:26] However, you shouldn't commit schema updates without talking with Brion first. [20:39:46] Because they have to be manually applied on Wikimedia servers in a complicated and apparently unautomated process. [20:40:53] how do i erase this 'MediaWiki has been successfully installed. [20:40:53] Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki softw [20:41:02] ds5, edit the page. [20:41:05] i did [20:41:12] http://www.mmorpgwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page [20:41:17] it didnt let me delete that [20:41:51] and its gone! [20:41:52] 03demon * r36686 10/trunk/phase3/maintenance/ (archives/patch-index-img_mime.sql tables.sql updaters.inc): Undo previous commit. Schema changes are a no-no without permission first :-) [20:41:56] <^demon> ^ Simetrical, reverted. I'll post my updated patch on the bug. [20:42:45] 03(mod) Allow Special:MIMESearch to work under miser mode - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13438 +comment (10innocentkiller) [20:42:52] huh funpika? [20:43:18] oh wow [20:43:19] wtf [20:43:25] it was just there? 0.o [20:43:28] weirdness [20:43:37] I edited it :P [20:43:40] ds5, this is a wiki. [20:43:42] Anyone can edit any page. [20:43:44] That's the point. [20:43:51] ahhhh [20:44:02] but i did edit it.. lol it wouldnt let me delete it [20:44:05] oh well [20:44:06] its gone [20:44:07] =] [20:44:19] so... how do i keep users from erasing pages? is there a way to restore? [20:44:23] you probably forgot to delete it :P [20:44:30] also, only sysops can erase pages by default [20:44:42] i mean like erase all the stuff on one page [20:44:44] like that one [20:44:50] simply, revert [20:45:05] how do i do that? [20:45:08] sysops can use a rollback button on the history to revert such a change [20:45:21] lol [20:45:24] also, if you want to restrict most users from editing your wiki [20:45:46] how do i make myself a sysop..... [20:45:51] and do the other [20:45:55] sorry... total n00b here [20:46:02] !editing | ds5 [20:46:02] --mwbot-- ds5: For assistance with editing, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Contents/Editing_Wikipedia [20:46:07] Erg. [20:46:10] That's a lousy link. [20:46:15] But the same should apply to your wiki, mostly. [20:46:27] What would the best way to output / use wiki markup within a template (MonoBook.php)? I tried using $this->msgWiki but it adds < and > around the markup ie $this->msgWiki("[[monkey]]") returns [20:46:43] ds5, http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Editing is better. [20:46:51] when you installed your wiki a sysop account should have been promoted automatically [20:47:08] not that im aware of funpika [20:47:19] tekmosis, hardcoded wiki markup or taken from a message or what? [20:47:22] do you have shell access to your wiki? [20:47:27] no [20:47:33] ds5, you should have specified a username and password when you created the wiki. [20:47:49] Simetrical, I wanted to take advantage and display some of the magic words for stats; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words#Statistics [20:47:50] Mmowikiop has sysop and bureaucrat flags [20:47:59] hmmm [20:48:03] k [20:48:10] i dotn remember that. lol [20:48:45] if you can run CreateAndPromote.php [20:48:51] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:CreateAndPromote.php [20:48:59] 03(mod) Allow Special:MIMESearch to work under miser mode - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13438 (10Simetrical+wikibugs) [20:49:06] tekmosis, you can use the SiteStats class to do that a lot more efficiently. [20:49:20] oh, even better :D [20:50:08] basically if you have shell/ssh access to your wiki, you may run php CreateAndPromote.php user pass --bureaucrat to promote a new sysop/bureaucrat for yourself [20:50:52] i dont have shell [20:50:55] its at host gator.. [20:50:57] :( [20:51:10] hmm...do you have phpmyadmin? [20:51:13] yes [20:51:30] then set an email address for your original account [20:51:34] I know there is a way to promote using that...but I can't remember it right now... [20:51:39] then tell mediawiki to mail you a new password [20:51:46] that's the easiest way [20:51:58] Um...he can't set an email without logging in :| [20:52:01] phpmyadmin can also be used to manually promote, or to manually reset passwords [20:52:06] From MMORPG Wiki [20:52:06] Jump to: navigation, search [20:52:06] Login error: [20:52:06] Error sending mail: There is no e-mail address recorded for user "Mmowikiop". [20:52:12] if that was possible it would be too easy to compromise an account [20:52:12] but just setting the email and asking for a new pw is the simplest way [20:52:13] so is there a way on a wiki to have a random picture of the day? [20:52:26] ds5: yes, that's why you should set one in the database. [20:52:48] ryugaka: i don't thinks so. random picture, yes. of the day, no. [20:52:53] hmm [20:52:56] k got it [20:52:59] well i guess not of the day [20:53:08] but like wikipedia has "news of the now" or whatever [20:53:19] ryugaka: that's all done by hand [20:53:19] could you do that with images only random? [20:53:24] very little magin on wikipedia [20:53:27] just lots of people [20:53:30] is it php work? [20:53:35] no. [20:53:40] editing the wiki by hand [20:53:46] well i guess i could research that [20:54:18] i just installed my first wiki, so i'm kinda green :D [20:54:42] same here ryugaka [20:55:23] but it's exciting [20:55:25] so yeah [20:55:52] ryugaka: if you have some technical experience, you can implement a random pic of the day by modifying/extending skins [20:57:12] I'm not sure about using mediawiki's mechanism for images, but I'm thinking of having a separate directory/database for the images [20:57:45] *blue_asterisk does not understand the way mediawiki stores images [20:57:46] whew. i think i got the main page protected... did i? [20:57:52] http://www.mmorpgwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page [20:58:58] nope [20:59:24] *blue_asterisk back to work [20:59:58] yep that is edit=sysop move=sysop [20:59:58] hmm i see the 'unprotect' tag [21:00:04] its fine :) [21:00:08] thanks pika [21:00:45] what is the community portal page used for? [21:01:15] you could use it to show the community news or as a discussion page [21:01:26] how do i set it as a discussion page? [21:04:27] hi [21:04:37] i need some help can someone help me pls? [21:04:57] ds5: Put __NEWSECTIONLINK__ at the top then a line saying it is a discussion page. [21:05:18] Alister85: What do you need help with? [21:05:38] funPika i need to put and embed you tube video in a wiki page [21:05:41] how can i do? [21:05:49] like this: http://www.mmorpgwiki.org/wiki/MMORPG_Wiki:Community_Portal [21:06:00] !youtube [21:06:00] --mwbot-- I don't know anything about "youtube". [21:06:03] !video [21:06:03] --mwbot-- I don't know anything about "video". [21:06:54] !google mediawiki youtube [21:06:54] --mwbot-- You have't googled it yet. < http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com > [21:07:20] *blue_asterisk thinks mwbot could use some updates [21:07:30] so you don't know any method to put an embed in wiki? [21:07:41] Alister85, http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_Matrix do a search on that page for YouTube there's like 3-4+ [21:07:52] 03(mod) Activate SubPageList3 extension on English Wikiversity - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13163 +comment (10cbass) [21:08:04] ok ty very much [21:17:18] ok folks. i guess im pretty much ready (just need a logo). so lets start getting this wiki going. =] [21:17:22] www.mmorpgwiki.org [21:35:15] 03(NEW) Feature Request - Check boxen instead of drop down for watch list - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14658 15enhancement; normal; Wikimedia: General/Unknown; (blaxthos) [21:42:45] *Splarka wonders if blaxthos knows about invert [21:46:32] 03river * r36687 10/trunk/tools/ts-specs/TSphp.spec: --enable-pcntl [21:48:22] 03(mod) Check boxen instead of drop down for watchlist - 10https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14658 summary (10raimond.spekking) [22:10:11] hmm... is reading a serialized php object from a request parameter acceptable, or is that too dangerous? [22:10:29] php serializer has had many, many serious security issues in the past [22:14:01] :( [22:15:34] If it tries to initialize an object and that class has a wakeup function things can go wrong [22:51:01] 03dale * r36688 10/branches/MetavidWiki-exp/skins/mvpcf/style.css: skin updates [22:51:34] 03dale * r36689 10/branches/MetavidWiki-exp/skins/mvpcf.php: skin updates [23:19:12] How do preferences get set for guests (not logged in)? When a user is logged in their links are the red+underline format, however, logging out it's black with the red question mark. Is there a way to set it for guests to have red underlines as well? [23:22:09] !wg DefaultUserOptions | tekmosis [23:22:09] --mwbot-- tekmosis: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:%24wgDefaultUserOptions [23:22:29] great, thanks [23:23:21] $wgDefaultUserOptions['highlightbroken'] = true; i think [23:31:37] Hi. So I am using Mediawiki as a CMS for my personal website where I want just me i.e. admin to edit/create page.....now whenever I create a page there is a protection setting that I can set to "Block unregistred user". Is there anyway that I can set it globally for all pages.... [23:31:55] !preventaccess | psykidellic [23:31:55] --mwbot-- psykidellic: For information on preventing access to your wiki, please see . [23:33:07] Skizzerz: thanks.... [23:33:26] can you understand what it's saying, or do you still need some help with that? [23:34:33] Yes. I am reading the docs now.... [23:34:47] basically, you'll need the following in LocalSettings.php: $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edit'] = true; [23:35:00] (each one on a different line) [23:35:09] that will prevent non-admins from editing and creating pages [23:35:15] I was trying to find this page but could not....prolly my Google skills re bad....but now I will read the docs to understand it :) [23:36:50] mediawiki search < google serch < asking someone who has it bookmarked [23:38:07] :D