[18:48:17] [13LocalSettings] 15UltrasonicNXT pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/d1lmFQ [18:48:17] 13LocalSettings/06master 141f8f417 15UltrasonicNXT: Group add/remove config [18:49:17] [13extensions] 15UltrasonicNXT pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/6MVvMw [18:49:17] 13extensions/06master 149e07435 15UltrasonicNXT: Update MediaWikiChat [18:55:27] [13LocalSettings] 15UltrasonicNXT pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/Szt8eA [18:55:27] 13LocalSettings/06master 1432fcb0b 15UltrasonicNXT: Add LocalSettings_gbc.php [21:00:33] UltrasonicNXT: you on Bricki chat? [21:01:22] not right now [21:01:28] georgebarnick: [21:01:34] ok [21:01:46] I am now [21:01:49] what's up? [21:02:15] just need cjc [21:02:27] if you can get him on here that'd be cool [21:02:41] I can't log into my account(s) and need him [21:11:54] UltrasonicNXT [21:12:13] okay [21:13:49] "give me half an hour or so" [21:16:08] "does he just want the pastebin?" [21:16:16] as in, do you want the pastebin? [21:19:31] i guess [21:19:47] UltrasonicNXT: if that's where he's got the info [21:20:38] http://pastebin.com/ztpPJXjy [21:24:12] thx [22:02:41] UltrasonicNXT: http://i.imgur.com/uSgogBo.png [22:02:51] $1 shouldn't be a variable in chat messages [22:03:11] because in this case $16 screws up