[14:24:47] .restart [14:27:22] Reception123: can you ssh into ZppixBot and restart ZppixBot [14:30:40] Zppix: how do you restart again? :P [14:31:39] Reception123: kubectl delete pods * (if that doesnt work try kubectl delete pod * [14:32:23] ok thanks [14:32:26] that's all? [14:32:52] Reception123: *hopefully* [14:33:05] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/yeobWNLe/ [14:33:20] Reception123: try kubectl delete pods all [14:34:05] Reception123: did ^ work? [14:34:09] Error from server: pods "all" not found [14:34:19] Reception123: what does kubectl get pods list [14:34:29] lol [14:34:29] Error from server: pods "list" not found [14:34:45] Reception123: no type kubectl get pods [14:34:59] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/M5Ka110N/ [14:35:04] Zppix: oh, well it worked anyway [14:35:06] Title: [ Snippet | IRCCloud ] - www.irccloud.com [14:35:25] Reception123: type kubectl delete sopelbot-3395050203-mwrq1 [14:35:41] Reception123: sorry kubectl delete pods sopelbot-3395050203-mwrq1 [14:35:43] Zppix: should I still do that? (Since it joined) [14:35:45] Reception123: yes [14:36:00] done [14:36:04] Reception123: thanks mate [14:36:07] np [14:36:19] Reception123: i wish i had ssh access on my laptop :P [14:36:38] oh no [14:36:43] Reception123: no thats fine [14:36:51] Reception123: deleting the pod will kill the bot temp [14:36:57] Zppix: ok then [14:37:02] let's hope it stops leaving/joining all the time [17:46:26] kubectl delete pods all failed because it should have been —all