[17:23:18] Did something change in the way VE uses Parsoid without RestBase in the last month? (latest git version) Locally I've had a working setup for both Parsoid/PHP and Parsoid/JS a few months ago. Now VE tries to get html from RestBase with the same config (URL logging added by myself): https://gyazo.com/15f2df4dd87eac650d4fe440957b214f [17:23:19] VE's action=parse seems to use RestBase, regardless of anything and the code didn't change, only moved around in the past 9+ months. https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-VisualEditor/blob/master/includes/ApiVisualEditor.php#L176 [18:11:26] Hi, does anyone know about a vim plugin for wiki markup?