[06:23:40] dangit, https://codesearch.wmflabs.org/ is down [16:59:26] https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2020-June/093479.html [17:00:04] can anyone think of a silly backronym for the new name for non-train deployments [17:01:57] AntiComposite: join us at -releng [18:51:07] WordLogic Corp, the company that claims that the autocomplete functionality of MediaWiki is theirs, served today with WMF lawsuit [18:51:26] what autocomplete functionality? [18:51:32] search [18:52:22] No results found for "autocomplete functionality mediawiki wordlogic". [18:53:04] https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200402/17061944228/predictive-text-patent-troll-tries-to-shakedown-wikipedia.shtml [18:54:12] And Wikimedia sued first [18:54:20] Declaratory judgement requested [18:54:48] given that they have never won a case, how are they paying the lawyers [18:55:22] I took a look at PACER, random searches, I didn't saw WordLogic winning a case actually [18:55:24] thanks btw anticomposite [18:55:33] there are some settlements [18:55:42] The WMF isn't exactly known for turning down a good legal fight either [18:56:00] kudos to US' lack of frivolous litigation laws [18:56:15] My opinion, WordLogic will maybe attempt a Motion to Dismiss and when that fails, it'll try to settle [18:56:15] Is there any way to see what WMF server corresponds to a certain internal IP address? A 172.16. IP shows up in CheckUser and we're trying to figure out why. [18:56:32] it's there in [[Special:Block]] @ST47 [18:56:40] oh you mean server [18:56:46] ST47: There's a couple of known tasks [18:56:49] Which IP? [18:56:54] ST47: what Reedy said [18:57:06] those usually were Wikibase background processes [18:57:08] Reedy: PMing you in case it's sensitive [18:57:22] I'm pretty sure it's not :) [18:57:59] AntiComposite / qedk - In case you're interested https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/16960149/wikimedia-foundation-inc-v-wordlogic-corporation/?order_by=desc [18:58:30] i was hoping to catch someone who knows Rust here 😛 [18:58:33] I also wrote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litigation_involving_the_Wikimedia_Foundation#Wikimedia_Foundation,_Inc._v._WordLogic_Corporation_et_al [18:59:38] what happened to the PRISM lawsuit [19:00:39] Dismissed I think [19:00:46] back to the Circuit Court last I heard [19:00:50] Yep [19:00:53] appealing the dismissal [19:01:19] Judge said WMF cannot prove damages or being a target to the espionage so they have no standing [19:01:20] IIRC [19:01:37] diner time [19:01:39] see you [23:08:05] 23:23:40 dangit, https://codesearch.wmflabs.org/ is down <-- did you file a bug? [23:08:23] well, it said it was starting back up [23:08:41] and it was 2:30 AM for me [23:08:44] so no [23:08:46] it does that occasionally [23:11:00] daily even :) [23:11:39] if someone wanted to send a PR to https://github.com/hound-search/hound/issues/287 that would be wonderful [23:39:20] hotreloading, that famously quick thing to implement