[17:41:49] Hey, any idea why https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralNoticeBanners's CSS is..so faulty? Tried to fiddle a bit in devtools , but how can font-size cause that? [17:45:54] Urbanecm: it looks normal to me, check your user scripts? [17:46:25] rzl: faulty for me even with ?safemode=1 [17:46:37] my question was more along the lines of why the hell fontsize changes something [17:47:34] bugs [17:47:53] indeed Reedy [17:48:00] but I'm just ownderign where should i look to find it :D [18:47:30] wikis feeling slow to anyone else? [18:50:07] few arwiki users based on Hungary talked bout this >AntiComposite> [18:50:35] AntiComposite, noticed in #wikimedia-sre [18:52:14] yes, we had some latency spikes earlier as well, but the latest one is lasging longer and more severe