[15:50:21] Hello, it appears there is some kind of malformed picture in wikimedia commons that is causing the query [15:50:24] https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&generator=allimages&prop=imageinfo&gailimit=40&gaisort=timestamp&gaistart=2019-11-01T00:00:00Z&gaiend=2019-12-01T00:00:00Z&iiprop=url|user|dimensions|extmetadata&iiurlwidth=300&format=json&gaicontinue=20191102113024|Saint-Lys_-_Place_Jean_Moulin_8.jpg to fail. [15:51:03] The error appears to occur when some function checks to see whether the parameters of one of the images returned could be normalized. [15:54:01] Here's a pastebin with the request and response: [15:54:04] https://pastebin.com/rZUBHqVd [15:54:46] Any ideas about how I should proceed? This problem results in losing the continuation token that would be necessary to continue (say, skipping the bad data) [15:57:14] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CADAL08011455_%E6%B8%85%E4%BB%A3%E5%AD%A6%E6%9C%AF%E4%B8%9B%E4%B9%A6%C2%B7%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E9%9B%86%C2%B7%E9%A2%9C%E6%B0%8F%E5%AD%A6%E8%AE%B0%EF%BC%9A%E5%8D%B7%E4%B8%83%E8%87%B3%E5%8D%B7%E5%85%AB.djvu [15:59:35] mathemancer: I think you'll want to file a task for it [15:59:50] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_report_a_bug [16:00:55] Thanks [16:01:47] More broadly, any ideas how I could 'skip over' a picture that gives a problem, e.g., get some gaicontinue token for a picture *after* the one that breaks things?