[19:47:37] Hi, just got a report of a problem at nnwiki and I can't figure out what and why… [19:48:32] hey [19:49:04] I was supposed to help them with a few gadgets, so they added me as an interface-admin. Then I tried to export a gadget at nowiki, which went fine, but then I could not import it at nnwiki so told them to add me as an importer [19:49:52] Ranveig tried, and then told me she could not add me to neither the import group or the transwiki group. [19:50:20] Based on https://nn.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spesial:Grupperettar those groups are not grantable locally [19:50:22] Ranveig is bureaucrat at nnwiki [19:50:47] even by a bureaucrat - they can only Add groups: Autopatrollers, Patrollers, Account creators, Administrators, Interface administrators, Bureaucrats, Bots and Confirmed users [19:50:51] Ooops, that seems wrong… [19:51:01] theoretically a steward can grant it? [19:51:34] Is there any reason why a local admin should not grant those groups? [19:51:55] They do at nowiki… I'm pretty sure they do… [19:52:20] well the ordinary importer group includes importupload, that would allow people to make up revisions, so... might not want that [19:53:09] * jeblad likes to make up things… He has a trumpcomplex [19:53:34] it looks like nowiki has no ordinary importers but has one transwiki importer [19:53:55] and admins there can grant it [19:55:00] Yeah, we have some users that hates imported histories and are very vocal about it. At the same time they complain about not knowing the source of imports. [19:56:19] Strange, … at nowiki bureucrats can remove trabswiki but not add it…' [19:56:26] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/mediawiki-config/browse/master/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php$11091 [19:56:55] nowiki has setup to allow admins to add [ 'patroller', 'autopatrolled', 'abusefilter', 'transwiki', 'confirmed' ] [19:57:03] nnwiki has setup to allow admins to add [ 'autopatrolled', 'patroller' ] [19:57:57] also relevant to this is that nowiki has import sources defined whereas nnwiki does not: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/mediawiki-config/browse/master/wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php$12442 [19:58:20] Ok, I'll post a task and ask at "Samfunnshuset" if we should do it the same way as nowiki. [19:59:10] Thanks!