[10:09:28] Hi, I was experimenting a bit with WDQS and debugged my query (https://query.wikidata.org/sparql?query=SELECT%20?prop%20?type%20?uri%20WHERE%20%7B%20%3Chttp://www.wikidata.org/entity/P1921%3E%20%3Chttp://wikiba.se/ontology%23directClaim%3E%20?uriDirect%20.%20?prop%20%3Chttp://wikiba.se/ontology%23propertyType%3E%20?type%20.%20OPTIONAL%20%7B%20?prop%20?uriDirect%20?uri%20%7D%20%7D&format=json), and now I get [10:09:29] "HTTP/1.1 403 You have been banned until 2019-08-29T23:41:36.189Z, please respect throttling and retry-after headers. " although I only did maybe 3,4 queries? [10:10:24] is it normal that one gets banned so quickly? I didn't run any loops, just manually starting the program that does the query a few times [10:15:04] and can I find what I did wrong somewhere? my ip is [10:15:34] Is the IP shared hosting or something? [10:15:40] university [10:16:09] Did you note the retry-after headers of your previous requests? [10:17:29] unfortunately, I didn't log the previous requests. I just wrote a small java program that uses HttpURLConnection to the query I shown above, no other queries, and ran that a few times (to test it, I had misspelled the query service URL at the beginning as well) [10:19:33] It's possible you hit it when it was already busy, and the headers might have provided a clue [10:34:11] ah, maybe it was just because java uses a generic user agent: Java/11.0.4 [10:34:24] changing it to a more descriptive user agent solves the issue [10:38:39] Aha, yeah. That's definitely always appreciated :) [10:39:04] Glad you found out what might be wrong [10:44:59] oh that's interesting! noted [10:49:03] apergos: I mean we both knew that we like nice UA... but not necessarily it might present that way :) [10:49:24] right! [10:49:39] I know we've tightened that up recently