[16:27:54] Wargo, Fixed [16:28:06] Someone has given it a kick [16:38:54] i need help with my mediawiki installation, i wanted to re-import my DB and now it the wiki does not work anymore. Error occurs on php update.php (https://pastebin.com/mgDX3PSL) [17:52:11] This is weird… I have a pretty normal search to the API, I'm doing a replacement of non-working signatures with font-tags, and searches for a user name. The user has left the project, but was not very active. The search fails with "request has exceeded memory limit". [17:52:16] Any ideas? [17:53:42] I can't see any obvious mistakes, … uh, and yes, it is the pywikibot "replace" I'm running. [17:56:52] And I did a pull on the code, and running python3… [18:02:19] Tried the same search manually? [18:14:57] https://no.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Bricklayer&title=Spesial%3AS%C3%B8k&go=G%C3%A5&ns0=1 [18:15:04] Nothing weird [18:16:25] The pywikibot runs inside a virtualenv, but that should not do anything strange with the search [18:18:18] gsrsearch=Bricklayer&gsrwhat=text&prop=info%7Cimageinfo%7Ccategoryinfo&inprop=protection&iiprop=timestamp%7Cuser%7Ccomment%7Curl%7Csize%7Csha1%7Cmetadata&iilimit=max&generator=search&action=query&indexpageids=&continue=&gsrnamespace=0%7C1%7C2%7C3%7C4%7C5%7C6%7C7%7C8%7C9%7C10%7C11%7C12%7C13%7C14%7C15%7C100%7C101%7C828%7C829%7C2300%7C2301%7C2302%7C2303%7C2600&gsrlimit=5000&meta=userinfo&uiprop=blockinfo%7Chasmsg&maxlag=5&format=json [18:25:29] 13mb of JSON [18:29:19] But why? This is a quite normal search? [18:29:49] I can suddenly disapear, there is an incoming thunderstorm. [19:06:22] Is this just a bad 404 message? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/LcLmMQ14/CEF196D7-75E8-44CC-9489-7F83BB17545E.jpeg [19:26:37] Amir1: ^ [19:27:10] RhinosF1: which short url you are trying? [19:27:57] Amir1: https://w.wiki/32m%22 [19:28:33] RhinosF1: try without the trailing %22 (double quote) [19:28:37] w.wiki/32m [19:28:38] I was about to say [19:30:23] Amir1: Yeah, my point is that error message is extremely poor if it's a 404 although note that https://w.wiki/37mm displays a slightly better one that actually explains in human terms that the URL wasn't found. [19:31:12] in general, our error pages need an overhaul, there are some plans [19:31:38] I worked on it a little in the hackathon but it's a really big project [19:32:24] Amir1, Is there a tracking task for bad error messages, I know I had another somewhere with Bawolff (I think) [19:32:54] RhinosF1: this is the first step https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T113114 [19:41:11] Amir1, Commented there [19:44:51] Im tempted to take a look at bad error msgs and see if theres any easy ones to work on, i love doing the tedious stuff that is easy to do, so the people who actually have a clue (not me) can use their time working on something useful