[07:51:59] Hello! Can anyone give me a hint where to read(!) something about the PHP language construct $p->{'foo'} some online manual or something [08:33:39] it's just property access [08:33:45] https://secure.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.properties.php doesn't explain the {} part though [08:34:36] Wurgl: see example #1 on http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.variable.php [08:47:57] legoktm: I was already searching in php.net, just found some examples. [08:49:24] I am programming in C++ since years, so classes and objects are no problem. It is just that syntax. And I would like to read a little bit what are the pro's and what are the contras [18:25:01] Lucas_WMDE: you still on? [18:25:10] Volker_E: yeah :) [18:25:25] Lucas_WMDE: I'd remove the +2 and rebase… [18:25:46] but would also like to see this settled today :) [18:26:06] Lucas_WMDE: how does this sound to you? [18:26:22] sounds good to me [18:26:30] removed +2 and left a comment [18:27:22] nice [18:27:25] heh, Gerrit says we both removed my code review… race condition? :D [18:29:52] Volker_E: are you doing the rebase? [18:30:07] Lucas_WMDE: on it [18:30:11] ok [18:39:29] Lucas_WMDE: ok, let's try this again. Fingers crossed on Jenkins [18:39:46] merge failed already :( [18:40:03] why though [18:40:05] it’s based on master [18:40:09] as far as I ca ntell [18:40:27] ah, no! the icon path thing got merged in the meantime :D [18:40:36] [18:39:15] why though [18:40:38] Computers suck [18:41:22] Volker_E: and as luck would have it, that change touched a line (@icon-path) right adjacent to one of the blank lines you’re deleting [18:41:24] wow [18:41:44] you’ll need to pull and rebase again [18:41:54] haha, sure [18:42:00] (but hopefully no changes to package-lock.json this time) [19:06:13] Volker_E: the patch went through, do you need me for anything else? [19:10:07] Lucas_WMDE: nope, that's it for now :) [19:10:33] alright, then have a nice evening :) [23:15:12] Hi, I've made some changes to an article using Visual Editor. I think I already started to edit the page two or three days ago, and in the meantime other users have made (small) changes to other sections. However, I can now neither save my edit nor switch to Wikitext. If I try the latter, I get an "apierror-visualeditor-docserver-http." error. What can I do to prevent losing my additions? [23:18:28] pajz, maybe you can open a new tab with VE on the same page, and copy from one to the other? [23:20:33] Just me getting a lot of 502 on tools on labs today? [23:21:04] Josve05a: #wikimedia-cloud would be the better channel for that question [23:21:30] thanks! (...there's too many damn channels, and I'm already in like 15...) [23:31:57] Krenair, thanks, seems to have worked. I didn't expect it to work given all the references that I added, but interesting to know you can copy & paste them too. [23:32:19] yeah VE support for that sort of thing should be pretty good at this point [23:32:54] keep an eye on the diff it generates [23:35:19] It did change some ref names (":0" became ":02"), which I don't understand but hopefully don't have to ... https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=186495268 [23:35:59] Well, the result seems to be correct, as far as I can see.