[16:29:59] hello. can anyone here help with technical problem? it starts affect many articles in ruwiki. looks like some bug in mediawiki, but I'm not sure [16:31:46] Vort: Nobody knows if anyone can help because nobody else knows yet what the problem is. :) [16:31:59] thanks. problem with Lua call mw.ext.data.get [16:32:15] it should return something, not "false", right? [16:32:21] mw.logObject(mw.ext.data.get("Data.tab")) [16:32:23] false [16:32:37] if I'm correct, it is breaking articles on ruwiki [16:34:47] problem start arriving ~1-2 hours ago, not sure [16:40:17] andre__: should I make phab: issue, or someone can say something about the problem here? [16:45:34] Vort: Do you have a specific example page? [16:46:00] https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/��������,_������ [16:46:02] I don't know if someone can say anything here - IRC means patience :) [16:46:17] That shows as https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/��������,_������ here [16:46:27] Broken link [16:47:59] all letters in the article name got replaced by %uFFFD in the URL you pasted [16:48:05] https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%86%2C_%D0%96%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD [16:48:18] ������ Lua � ������:Wikidata/Medals �� ������ 66: attempt to index upvalue 'awardsOrder' (a boolean value). [16:48:34] local awardsOrder = mw.ext.data.get( "Wikidata/awards order.tab" ) [16:48:54] Your IRC client mangles cyrillic letters [16:49:52] If you have clear steps to reproduce and see the problem, feel free to file a task by following https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_report_a_bug , I'd say :) No idea myself [16:50:09] ok [22:31:41] hi [22:32:27] anyone that can help me with python & mwoauth?000 [22:32:51] ^ignore the zeros, my keyboard is bad…