[07:49:25] Hi all, I have a few questions regarding wikimedia xml/sql dumps. Is the right channel to pose my questions or is there a more specific channel to pose my questions to? [07:52:07] you're not gonna have much luck getting a response today [07:52:42] my questions are 1) do dumps for same wiki in different languages use the same document id across languages? and 2) are cat_id in the caterory sql dumps share the same cat_id and merely have different translations of cat_title, or does each language have it's own set of categories? [07:53:19] closedmouth: gotcha, but do think this is the right forum to ask my questions? [07:53:51] probably, there's not really a specific channel for it [07:56:29] closedmouth: thx, I'll ask another day if I don't get a response [08:38:35] ckot:: every language has its own set of categories [08:39:02] in fact each wiki, to be more specific [08:39:21] and this is a fine channel to ask questions in [08:39:37] I don't know what you mean about the document id, can you tell me what field you have in mind? [08:40:35] apergos: thx. I'll take a look at some data and get back to you regarding what I mean by document id [08:40:44] great! [08:46:44] Sorry, I guess I meant the page id, the field within in an xml dump. If I were to download a enwiki xml dump and a frwiki data dump, would pages representing the same content share the same id, or does each languages wiki have it's own ids for pages? [08:51:11] the page id is specific to a given wiki [08:51:28] perhaps this will help: each wiki is served form a separate database with its own set of tables [08:51:43] so things like the page id are the corresponding field in the page table for that wiki only [08:52:39] page ids are monotonically increasing, assigned when the page is created on the wiki [08:53:15] so even for e.g. simple en wiki and en wiki, the page ids will be different because people create pages in different orders on the two projecs [08:53:20] *projects [08:53:38] ckot: hope that helps [09:01:21] apergos: do you know if there are any efforts regarding creating mappings between page ids and their equivalent page ids in other translations of the same project and similarlly, mappings between the language-specfic category ids and how they relate to other languages categories? [09:02:53] I appreciate the mammoth task such an effort would be, just curios is something like that exists and if so, how i could contribute [09:03:20] I know of no such mappings or projects to create them. for mappings between categories generally, you have interwiki links, or you can see what's happening on wikidata; same for connecting pages on the same topic in different wikis [09:04:16] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q30525047 here is an example of a category mapping from wikidata [09:04:36] apergos: thx! [09:05:46] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7259 here is Ada Lovelace with mappings across projects listed in the bottom entries [09:05:53] enjoy! [09:41:15] Hi all, does a category which represents a sub-category of another category only have a single parent category, or can a category be a sub-category of multiple parent categories? [09:42:46] it can be subcategory of many categories [09:43:19] categories work the same on a category as they do on any other page (eg: articles) [09:46:47] p858snake: thx