[17:55:38] Do anyone know where the text table is for commonswiki_p? [17:55:59] There isnt one [17:56:09] I am trying to get all uploads that contains certain strings of a user on Commons [17:56:18] wikimedia uses external storage feature of mw [17:56:31] page text is not in the text table [17:56:37] So it's impossible to do on quarry? [17:57:16] yes. you'd have to scan the database dumps, or use the built-in wiki search (it's quite powerful after improvements in the last couple of years) [17:57:18] You can look at img_description which is the upload summary [17:57:36] XML dumps* [17:57:37] sometimes that is a copy of initial page contents [17:57:42] but not always [17:58:01] Cool, I got all his upload in a query. Will look into the built-in search [17:58:19] See the insource: operator with regexs [17:58:29] insource:/foo/ [17:58:30] I'm a little rusty about prod setup specifics, but I think there is the text table but it just contains pointers over to ExternalStore, which isn't replicated into labs? [17:59:04] Krenair: yep, you are technically right :) [17:59:25] so it's essentially useless to mys_721tx :) [18:00:09] I think the useless text table is also not replicated (not sure) [18:00:21] so its useless and unavailable [18:00:35] possibly, could also be replicated but without a view. don't remember.