[08:16:16] I just saw that there was some technical advice meeting announced for 1 am Berlin time last night. That was just the bot going crazy, unfortunately. Sorry for the confusion! [22:56:38] Where is the Termsofuse link on the footer defined? The link on https://pt.wikinews.org is wrong, points to https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Condi%C3%A7%C3%B5es_de_Uso wich is a 404. It should be pointing to https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Termos e condições de uso [22:57:45] Hm? [22:58:10] oh, I see [22:58:30] Reedy, https://pt.wikinews.org/ on the footer, you have "condições de uso" -> term of use, with the wrong link [22:58:42] yeah, it's not there in en lang [22:58:49] waiting for translations on new foundation site? [23:00:07] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use/pt [23:00:10] the pt.wikipedia points to a diferent link: https://pt.wikipedia.org -> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Condi%C3%A7%C3%B5es_de_Uso [23:00:13] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use/pt-br [23:00:18] pt-br is there [23:00:20] pt is not [23:06:43] alchimista: i made a ticket https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T202104 [23:07:18] thanks mutante [23:07:27] I can't see where that link is coming from on that page though [23:08:23] Reedy, I think it's just https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyright no? Possibly that local ovveride needs deletion? [23:08:58] Oh, duh [23:09:01] Yeah, I was looking at https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyright/pt [23:09:48] alchimista: Delete that page that quiddity linked. Then it won't override what is in WikimediaMessages [23:10:09] "wikimedia-copyright": "Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 3.0 Não Adaptada (CC BY-SA 3.0) da Creative Commons;\npode estar sujeito a condições adicionais.\nPara mais detalhes, consulte as condições de utilização.", [23:10:49] Reedy, i think i'm no longer sysop there, but i'll find one, Thanks! [23:10:55] I can do it [23:11:05] There shouldn't be over-rides of MediaWiki:Copyright on any wiki. I thought there was a script that checked it wasn't over-ridden? :-( [23:11:50] WikimediaMessages does some weird stuff [23:13:01] alchimista: it's gone [23:14:39] https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyright [23:15:07] Reedy, should that one be deleted too? This i can delete. [23:15:08] Want that deleting too? [23:15:21] that one seems fine [23:15:34] There's still https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Coleta which is broken [23:16:26] i can fix the link, but if it should not be an over-ridden, i can delete [23:16:41] I don't think it should be overridden [23:16:49] It should be altered for all sites in WikimediaMessages extension [23:18:45] on wikipedia i can't see that message on footer, like on wikinews [23:28:15] Good? :P [23:30:01] alchimista: It's evident it's not used as it's not been edited in 2011 years [23:30:09] I can't believe it's been right for that long ;pP [23:30:33] * Reedy deletes it [23:31:49] Reedy, that page was created in 2004, you've deleted a piece of local history :P [23:32:05] * Reedy finds a steam roller to destroy more things [23:32:28] lol [23:32:37] * quiddity pictures Roget Rabbit [23:32:47] * alchimista cals UNESCO [23:32:48] puts terms of use on the steam roller [23:34:45] https://pt.wikibooks.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning/pt-br [23:34:58] Reedy, have fun ^ [23:35:15] gone [23:35:19] seems that some script has failed.. [23:35:53] https://pt.wikiversity.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning [23:36:11] no, that one no.. [23:37:21] https://pt.wikiversity.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyright [23:38:12] that doesn't exist [23:38:29] (as in, it's already using the default) [23:39:38] sorry, wrong project -> https://pt.wiktionary.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyright [23:41:20] I suggest you stop doing these piecemeal, and wait for Legal dept work it out (determine scope, plan resolution) in the task and email. [23:41:47] But deleting is fun! [23:41:54] ;-) [23:41:56] spanish wikipedia has it to https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyright [23:44:54] Reedy is deleting the Copyright :O And during the EU Copyright Reform protests [23:45:14] alchimista: It's ok, I'm British, we don't care about Europe anymore [23:46:03] Reedy, but you'll still have to pay to leave. [23:46:16] Make us! [23:46:20] Such stupid arguments [23:47:40] The Monty Python will now be considered european, rather that english, as part of the brexit [23:49:56] how? [23:52:28] (paladox, surrealism isn't meant to make sense ;-) [23:52:40] heh [23:52:50] paladox, we're joking [23:52:54] oh [23:53:22] but it could be done, if someone filled the proper requirement and deliver it to the vogons