[05:24:52] hello. where is a channel about wikimedia.org translation and how this website is works. I have some questions [05:27:30] cronolio: If its about how the software interface (Not the content of the wiki), then the channel is #mediawiki-i18n [05:27:45] if its for translation of wiki content, then I'm not sure, but regardless, its probably fine to ask here [05:32:30] ok. my first question is about why i should enter captcha when i do translation and there an external link from english text [05:33:26] translation on wikimedia.org website [05:49:55] my second question is about why trailer filter (filter by language) is lost in Special:RecentChanges https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CleanChanges#/media/File:CleanChanges.png [05:58:25] For captcha. Its meant as a spam prevention measure (Sometimes automated programs try and spam links to advertise random stuff) [05:58:45] Honestly, its not a very good spam preventation measure, but it seems to stop some, and there's a lot of resitence to changing it [05:59:17] For second, I'm not sure, but I think CleanChanges wasn't fully updated to support the new RC page, maybe [06:00:42] my last question. I'm don't understand about war bawolff: previously i'm do translation for https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges and there is old version of software is used [06:02:57] Yeah, I think the thing confuses everyone [06:04:09] So the {{ll|Phabricator}} syntax would in the translation, replace {{ll|Phabricator}} with just $phab, so translators don't touch it [06:04:51] {{ll|Phabricator}} expands to [[special:MyLanguage/Phabricator]], so when user clicks on it, they are brought back to whatever their language is [06:05:56] yes, but what about special:MyLanguage/Phabricator#second_section [06:05:58] So the point of is that translators are not supposed to translate the content between and [06:07:15] I'm not sure I understand [06:07:52] Also, I'm not really an expert with the translation stuff, the people at #mediawiki-i18n might know more about this than me [06:11:59] my example. [[Special:MyLanguage/How to become a MediaWiki hacker#Suggested reading|"Suggested reading" section]] with english "#Suggested reading" will be resolved to the right section. But if I have different language this can't work because "#Suggested reading" in fact will be translated [06:15:02] oh, i see [06:15:16] because the headline is translated on the target page [06:16:11] Ideally, translate would preserve english header targets. But I doubt it actually does that [06:17:07] I guess that'd be a feature request in translate [06:17:18] I'm not sure if there's some work around for that [06:17:22] sorry, don't know [06:17:59] cronolio: Nikerabbit would probably be a good person to ask. He's not in this channel, but is probably in #mediawiki-i18n [06:18:28] ok, thank you [07:40:29] cronolio: usually we use anchors which don't get translated [07:41:52] Translate is just an extension. MediaWiki core doesn't deal with sections. Otherwise a feature request like https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T30813 would have been fixed ages ago. [21:55:47] hi [21:56:03] How I could get the wikitext content of a section? [21:56:21] I want edit a section but before I need the content [21:56:42] I need the content to edit before to edit it [22:15:16] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=&action=raw§ion=<section number> [22:15:40] <AntiComposite> The_Photographer, Of course, substituting as required. [22:16:11] <The_Photographer> I'm using api [22:16:41] <The_Photographer> AntiComposite: let me try [22:50:39] <The_Photographer> AntiComposite: show error for action raq [22:50:41] <The_Photographer> raw [22:50:59] <AntiComposite> Link? [22:53:16] <The_Photographer> https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=raw&format=json&title=Commons%3AQuality_images_candidates&text=§iontitle=April%2015%2C%202018 [22:56:56] <The_Photographer> btw, i need the wikitext content not html content [23:01:55] <MatmaRex> The_Photographer: it's a lot easier to use the API sandbox for constructing queries: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox [23:02:06] <AntiComposite> Using the index.php one will get you that, you might be able to get wikitext with the REST API. I don't know if you can use the action API for that or not. [23:02:31] <AntiComposite> Someone else around here might have more information though [23:02:40] <MatmaRex> something like https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=query&format=json&prop=revisions&rvsection=1 [23:02:54] <MatmaRex> would work to get the wikitext of a section [23:03:15] <MatmaRex> sorry, i don't have time to help further, but this should get you on the right track [23:04:32] <The_Photographer> I know that tool [23:04:44] <The_Photographer> I allready use that