[11:02:36] Hey all, what's wrong with https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Logo_Malt%C3%A9zsk%C3%A9_pomoci.png/800px-Logo_Malt%C3%A9zsk%C3%A9_pomoci.png ? [11:29:33] cp1050 cp1050, Varnish XID 329518981 [11:29:33] Error: 429, Too Many Requests at Sun, 18 Mar 2018 11:29:09 GMT [11:30:57] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Logo_Maltézské_pomoci.png <-- 404 [11:41:15] ema bblack ^^ [11:44:48] the technical term for this, dear Urbanecm, is the Wikipedia went tits up. [11:45:06] Do allow it to roll over in its self-regenerative manner. [11:45:49] Something something thumbnailer something something MediaWiki is not a file host [21:58:35] Hello [22:01:10] someone? [22:01:26] Hello Wiki-1776, how can we help you? [22:04:33] I would like to know. In Wikipedia, the Special: PáginasLargas managed to make the namespace "Annex" appear listed along with the articles. How they did it? https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Especial:P%C3%A1ginasLargas example: Anexo: Entidades geográficas por superficie [22:06:28] I want to add that functionality to a personal wiki [22:06:45] Would you help me? [22:09:20] I don't know, someone else here might though. You can also try asking in #mediawiki [22:10:04] ok [22:28:56] It is no longer necessary to respond, I believe that I have found the solution. [23:13:03] Is there a javascript script that would remove links from article body and put them to the end instead?