[17:02:58] anyone here any good with python? [17:04:50] my friend has a rattlesnake on his property [17:05:14] i’d assume that doesn’t help as you mean the language, not whether or not I’m good with snakes [17:05:58] * PinkAmpersand nods [17:17:24] PinkAmpersand: yes, what's up? [17:20:11] hi lego! been a while [17:20:26] as it happens, I literally just solved the bug [17:20:35] after like an hour of coding. for something super easy. i'm rusty af [17:20:59] nice :D [17:21:16] but i'm sure i'll fuck something else up in due time ;) [17:21:39] do you ever get so sick of the same error message that you become happy when you make a syntax error, just because it's a different message? [17:24:07] PinkAmpersand: try using http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/ it'll catch syntax errors (and other style errors) for you