[13:43:04] Guys, I have a problem with the image annotation extension. I'm trying to put six thumbnail images next to each other in https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Tudakoz%C3%B3 , which works until that extension loads, at which points it messes up the formatting and puts the second image (which has annotations) in its own line. [13:43:13] How do I fix this? I don't care about the annotations, I just want to show the image. [13:43:33] I can turn off the extension on my side, but I'm writing this for other people to view. [13:43:46] Also, is this the right channel? [13:44:08] Can I tell that stupid extension to get away from this image somehow? [13:50:37] wob_jonas, Try using : https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Images_and_other_uploaded_files#Gallery [13:51:06] AntiComposite [13:51:06] AntiComposite [13:51:06] AntiComposite: hmm yes, that would probably work [13:51:15] argh, sorry, client failure [13:59:57] I changed it to gallery [14:00:02] gallery tags that is