[23:30:37] Is there some kind of replication latency or something, that can cause API responses to be at differing levels of "up to date"? [23:31:57] yeryry: yes, but it should be a few seconds max [23:33:34] That's... unfortunate. [23:34:28] there's a maxlag parameter, if that help [23:34:49] I thought that was for delay in receiving responses? [23:37:05] it's more designed for not hammering the db too much, yes [23:37:08] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Maxlag_parameter [23:38:16] Yeah, looking at that... I don't see how that could help really. [23:43:33] if the lag goes over whatever you want, then it'll tell you to wait a bit [23:43:42] yeryry: what module are you seeing different results in due to lag? [23:49:59] Nevermind, looks like it just seemed that way because of an unusual coincidence.