[14:58:21] Does anyone know how to center the little arrow in this infobox on mobile? https://bs.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonstone [15:04:04] *arrows [15:11:41] srdjan_m: they are already centered, the table row for some reason is not full-width. [15:12:10] stjn: so, how do i fix that [15:18:18] I don’t know, really, adding width:100%!important to the table seems to fix it for tablets but not for mobile devices. [15:18:44] it seems sort of fine for tablets i think [15:23:11] actually, it seems to be fine here https://bs.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svjetski_kup_u_biatlonu_1978/1979. [15:23:32] https://bs.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svjetski_kup_u_biatlonu_1978/1979._ *