[00:22:02] Question, I noticed when I shrink down the browser horizontally, so that the "Read" "Edit Source", etc. buttons are forced to collapse, once the browser is re-expanded, the "View History" doesn't reappear. Didn't know if there's an open phab ticket for it or not. [00:34:29] Zackary: you probably need to talk to huggle developers [00:36:53] ok [00:36:54] thanks [04:53:58] legoktm: did you write a pywikibot to fix https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Linter/obsolete-tag yet? There are a bunch of them to cleanup on wikitech and I'm lazy [04:56:20] bd808: heh, no, I haven't [04:56:37] * bd808 puts [04:56:45] *pouts [04:56:48] we don't consider to be deprecated though [04:57:01] its mostly on wikitech [04:58:07] s@<\(/\)?tt>@<\1code>@g [04:58:40] if it was only all on my local filesystem :) [07:24:41] Hi I am a developer for this year's Google Summer of Code [07:24:41] I want to extend Wiktionary's audio widget. to add recording and pronunciation evaluation functionality to it. I am looking for some initial guidance as to how to go about it. Thanks for any pointers. [07:24:41] Here's a snapshot of what I need. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RAEco12SX0w/WVkR6HTfDaI/AAAAAAAANQU/CDcD3zRLkV4inVf7bKaS7GIGmpk1tSjlwCLcBGAs/s1600/volmeter.png [07:26:20] Kindly help me to setup the environment and start the development locally [07:45:35] brij_: take a look at our vagrant enviroments for local development tools [07:46:17] Yes I am setting that up right now [07:47:31] But I would like to know how to start developing this extension which I would eventually want to publish on Wiktionary [07:48:18] Right now I just used my common.js for writing all the custom code [07:49:00] brij_: Have you had a look at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Developing_extensions ? [07:49:17] Also, hello and welcome :-) [07:49:58] Thank you guys :) [07:50:36] Yes I am going through that tutorial [07:52:04] Wonderful :) there is a wealth of information available at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_hub which you may also find helpful [10:08:50] Question: [10:09:41] Is it still necessary to alter '''text''' to text or not? [10:10:24] I would think that this would not be needed anymore in a Wikipedia article [10:15:26] As with all pure styling elements, was deprecated in HTML 4 and XHTML 1, but was then re-introduced in HTML5 with other semantics. [10:15:43] In HTML5, this element represents a span of text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as labeling the text as being a proper name in Chinese text (a Chinese proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelled. [10:17:08] are there any folks good at css around? [10:17:41] RODEJONG: http://html5doctor.com/u-element/ [10:17:48] srdjan_m: what do you need ? [10:19:22] RODEJONG: so yes and no. when applied for purely styling reasons, then it's deprecated, but when used for semantic reasons (that most people don't understand), it's allowed. [10:20:12] For puting stress on a word to give it meaning, yes I understand [10:20:44] Okay, thanks for your input [10:21:02] srdjan_m: i'm out for lunch, just leave your questions, i'll get to it in time. [10:23:15] thedj: i'd like to decrapify the header of this main page https://bs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Po%C4%8Detna_strana . the top and bottom margins are huge and it just feels... ugly. i was thinking of having the header be like the english main page, but with sort of a box below it for the extra stuff - something like this http://i.imgur.com/Gd3kqWU.png [10:26:23] so it's more compact basically [10:28:52] or that the whole header is inside one box and the separator is slightly lighter than the border of the whole thing, but that the padding matches the en.wiki style sort of [10:36:17] so yeah, basically either http://i.imgur.com/Gd3kqWU.png or http://i.imgur.com/Nyk4GAK.png - hopefully they're doable [10:40:35] hello, how can i put more menus to the sidebar where the mainpage/recent changes etc etc are? [10:44:13] plshalp: Hi! You sure can :-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Customizing_toolbars should cover it well enough [10:44:27] but essentially it's through the use of `mw.util.addPortletLink` [10:46:45] but where do I set these? [10:47:16] I mean i want another clickable text under my Main page at the sidebar [10:47:33] You'd need, at the very least, to edit your common.js file (Special:MyPage/common.js) [10:52:48] i dont think u got me right [10:52:57] when i search for MediaWiki:Sidebar [10:54:01] i find the navigation bar [10:54:33] Perhaps I haven't, are you trying to change this for everyone or just yourself? [10:55:02] for everyone [10:55:18] on my wiki page [10:55:41] Right, apologies - is this for a Wikimedia wiki? [10:56:00] no its for my wikimedia wikisite [10:56:04] hosted on my own computer [10:56:37] aw i think i got it right [10:56:43] thanks TheresNoTime [10:56:47] I see, have you had a look at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/Sidebar ? [10:59:37] thx this has been helpful [11:00:40] No worries, best of luck :) [11:04:19] srdjan_m: sorry, that goes a little bit beyond how much time i can spend right now. The boss wouldn't be happy :) [11:18:07] thedj: when can i catch you 'off-duty' then? ;) [16:00:01] Is there any way to simulate writing api requests? This would be a realy useful futue for bot tests [16:00:33] MGC: as in a "what if" sorta way? [16:01:13] MGC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox [16:09:31] TheresNoTime: Exactly, give me the result, but don't do anything [16:10:11] guillom: I neither can use this to test bot scipts nor can I simulate write requests with it :/ [16:11:46] MGC: test.wikipedia.org then? [16:14:15] I could use that as a testing area indeed, but it isn't what I really want, my favorite would be a simple api param $simulate=1, although I'm quite sure by now something like that doesn't exist [16:59:45] MGC: could you give an example of a call where `&simulate=1` would be useful? I can sorta picture what you're getting at :) [17:04:01] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=edit&format=json&title=Talk%3AMain_Page§ion=new&text=Hello+everyone!&summary=Hello+World&watch=1&token=%2Bxgj%5C [17:04:45] For example. Many errors can occur that indicate I filed an invalid request an have to fix my code etc. [17:07:20] I think that's a really good idea - what would you expect the output to be? [17:09:41] Approximating I sent a valid token (I didn'T so I wouldn't do the actual edit), I would expect the result would be like I didn't specify the simulate param, (any error or success) but the edit isn't done even if there eren't any errors and the api tells me the error succeeded [17:10:29] This way I can check the behaivour of my code in a production environment with all it's weird edge cases [17:14:17] Seems doable, I'll have a little play around with the idea :) [17:16:56] That would be awesome! Should I create a phab task? I couldn't find any about this idea. [17:19:25] I'm writing one up for my own reference and subbing you, if that's sufficient? I've also added in `MediaWiki-API` [17:19:39] MGC: T170173, feel free to add to it [17:19:39] T170173: Simulate API calls - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T170173 [17:20:06] Yes, of course [17:21:28] :)