[19:37:18] Anyone that knows if it's possible to limit query=action&list=embeddedin API requests to only list pages within a specific namespace? [19:47:16] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Embeddedin looks like no [19:47:53] uh, wait, actually looks like yes [20:03:42] yeryry: Thanks! [20:13:23] :) [20:28:50] I have an API question too... Is there some kind of situation where it wouldn't return things at the expected time, but they do appear later? [20:41:17] yeryry: it's not API-specific. some metadata updates are done through the job queue, which can result in some delay. e.g. adding a page to a category. but you should see the same results on the normal website, and through the API. [20:56:22] That's not really what I meant... I'm getting log entries, and some didn't appear in my query near the time they happened, but when I tried a similar query later to try to work out what had happened, they were there...