[07:55:36] [[Tech]]; ArchiverBot; Bot: Archiving 2 threads (older than 30 days) to [[Tech/Archives/2016]].; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=16169288&oldid=16166153&rcid=8702370 [13:38:53] [[Tech]]; Ganímedes; /* Problem back */ new section; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=16169897&oldid=16169288&rcid=8703308 [15:31:44] The uppermost map in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Jeblad/maptest should have a boundrary, but it does not show up. I can't see why. [15:32:45] This is a simplified version of https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Kartographer#Combining_multiple_data_types [19:18:01] anybody out there? [19:28:49] !ask | DiamondCanary63 [19:29:03] Meh. Okay, manually: [19:29:06] DiamondCanary63: Please feel free to ask your question: if anybody who knows the answer is around, they will surely reply. Don't ask for help or for attention before actually asking your question, that's just a waste of time – both yours and everybody else's. :)