[02:18:03] Can I have help [02:18:31] what's up? [02:18:52] How do I have a comment with my quit [02:22:26] hm? [02:24:22] How do I have a comment with my quit ex: Krenair quit[quit:COMMENT] [02:24:27] L5tasty: /quit somemessage [02:24:35] but may depend on the client [02:24:51] heh [02:24:55] very effective [02:26:25] Sorry [02:26:33] no problem, i saw it worked :) [02:26:44] ...has quit [Quit: THX] [02:26:55] It did? [02:27:01] * HowDoIHaveAComme has quit (Quit: THX) [02:27:03] yep [02:27:05] i just restarted my tab [02:27:14] Hmm [02:27:23] Well bye