[04:59:12] uh, there is [04:59:17] spamassasin [04:59:23] you just need to configure the rules [05:00:36] where docs? I need to block "best watches" on a few lists... [05:01:01] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailman#Fighting_spam_in_mailman [05:01:06] quiddity: ^ [05:01:16] ty :) [05:01:28] SA rocks [05:21:41] * quiddity pounds head against regex and google search for examples of rules [05:21:57] Oh no, regex? [05:21:59] Why wouldn't they include examples, when the defaults are empty?! [05:22:27] I have a psychiatrist that specializes in cases of insanity by regex, in case you need someone to talk to. [05:25:09] * quiddity closes 10 tabs, and twitches [05:26:16] The best i can find is http://blog.mailgun.com/tips-tricks-guide-to-using-regular-expressions-to-filter-incoming-email/ which lists this: b. Match several defined keywords in the subject: [05:26:16] match_header('subject', '(.*)(urgent|help|asap)(.*)') [05:26:33] now how do i convert that example, to match "best watches" used within a subject line? [05:28:26] and secondly, can SA match against contents in the body? there doesn't seem to be a header for "Body:" within emails... and I can't find an example discussing it [05:30:49] [they're not even nice watches -.- *mutter grumble*] [08:48:23] "Nemo_bis set this project's color to Red." no I did not https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/manage/338/#21051 [10:22:02] Nemo_bis: it does it when ever you edit a archived project for some reason [10:26:32] I see [10:30:50] Nemo_bis: just wait till it breaks links because it randomly changes camelcasing on projects, that was fun ;p [10:31:03] it hasn't done it in this case, it lists it in the changelog [10:38:59] p858snake: oh, the lowercasing is something Phabricator does? I did wonder about some camelcase changes I saw in some projects' histories [10:39:44] I assume so, I only touched the project description and it did that colour thing, name and something else [19:05:15] not sure if i'm in the right place.. i'm getting a 502 when trying to access the stream at http://stream.wikimedia.org/rc [19:05:24] is this service still available? [19:07:35] wladek: I think they were restarting it? I pinged a few people [19:09:48] wladek: checking! possibly related, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T130143 [19:13:22] godog: dunno anything about that. i'm new here. when i connect with my socketio lib i get an error saying "Error while handshaking".. when i plug it into my browser i get the 502 [19:19:31] wladek: does it work now? [19:19:41] that's probably it https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T130147 [19:20:24] godog: yup. back in business. thanks. [19:20:56] wladek: you're welcome, also thanks legoktm ! [19:21:06] :) [19:28:45] re: SpamAssassin discussion 12 hours ago, can anyone give me/point me to an example, that I can put in the docs, and use in our mailman? [19:29:00] Or for example: Do I just need to paste this into the "Spam Filter Rule 1" box? and how do i fix it to be caps-insensitive?: match_header('subject', '(.*)(best watches)(.*)') [19:56:34] hey all, Research Showcase (“Evolution of privacy loss in Wikipedia”) is starting in 5 - streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xle0oOFCNnk - discussion in #wikimedia-research [20:46:58] anomie: bd808: is http://authmanager.wmflabs.org/w/api.php all set for us to test against for the upcoming API changes with AuthManager? [20:47:12] mdholloway: it should be, yes [20:47:21] I was supposed to ping you about that :) [20:47:30] bd808: excellent, thanks. [20:47:41] bd808: no worries! [20:47:48] mdholloway: The only thing not working is action=resetpassword [20:47:56] bd808: we've been sufficiently paranoid about it that it hasn't slipped our minds :) [20:48:12] anomie: got it [20:49:55] thanks, guys [22:17:53] is anyone familiar with wikibase extention [22:18:55] Hi gwicke. Doesn't api.php use spaces instead of underscores for page titles? [22:19:32] I think api.php normalizes underscores to spaces. It seems a bit strange for the REST API to behave differently. [22:20:29] In general, I think we've been running into issues where page.page_title is overloaded, serving both as the URL fragment and the display title of that page in many cases. [22:20:58] Maybe we should have page_url_fragment or something instead and use the title as an actual title. [22:54:42] kaldari: https://github.com/Krinkle/intuition/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md [22:59:30] Leah: basically, anything that's cached uses underscores, including regular page views